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Jesus said; and I will desire of the father, and he will give you another Advocate like me, to be with you into the age. I am The Advocate
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God is the only King and law giver, the constitution has to go, along with Paul.
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The constitution is only dangerous to tyrants. You know the bad people the 2A was written to protect us against!🇺🇸
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How Lincoln broke the constitution is fighting words. They want you back enslaved.
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This is not a democracy. Stop the BS stupid
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Lincoln did break the Constitution and destroyed the Union. That is without dispute.
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Dangerous for the government. This is why they they are so scared of it. We the people know our rights however alot of this generation doesn't. Teach ur kids . Mine do a d are enabling everyone they know.
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That Communist rag needs to be out of business!
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Yes, it is dangerous...to all Bolshevicks and tyrannical jackals
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The Constitution was written for the Government not the people. that’s why government zombies think its dangerous
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Disadvantage to those who want to own some slaves
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Finish their accusation: is the Constitution dangerous TO POLITICS. Yes, it was written FOR We The People, NOT for the politicians
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Of course, it is dangerous, it is the ultimate guide for freedom and fair, just laws. Any tyrant, foreign or domestic, would work to dismantle it.
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The Constitution is more relevant to our nation today than it was even at it's ratification. One of the main reasons why the U.S. is in its current condition is because we've strayed too far from the Constitution. The NY Times is a Communist instrument.
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Very dangerous. Thank God. Revolutionary, even. A danger to tyranny worldwide. It changed history, provoking much imitation. But now tyranny rrasserts itself worldwide.
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And then they said "Maga turns against the constitution" as if they haven't lmao
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No doubt as to where the NY Times is attempting to take us...following Mao, Stalin, Castro, , Chavez, Maduro.
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The Dangers of Democracy Franklin’s description of democracy sums up the danger: “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.” Thomas Jefferson thought democracies were dangerous because: “A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.” John Adams knew democracies had short lives: “Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.”
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Thank God America is a Constitutional Republic. 🙏🏼🦅🇺🇸
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Communists need fascists and fascists need communists.
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The Constitution is dangerous....to those who hate freedom.
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The only thing the constitution is dangerous to is the government.
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Because they are atheistic 'BOLSHEVIKS'.
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This is old news. Remember, Barack Hussain Obama is the one that started this rhetoric. Second video I'm stating this in 2 minutes, Obama was the worst POTUS in history. He was and is a POSPOTUS...
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Liberals love propaganda and power
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Dangerous to communism
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The CCP is probably the biggest share holder.
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Notice how conservative women always seem to be far more attractive and not cold like the lefty ones…
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ummm they sell papers that way.
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The Constitution is a Heavenly Banner.
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If the left hates a document, it is most likely wholesome.
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This is proof the constitution is working and stopping one political party having too much power.
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I am tired of hearing the constant babbling about "democracy", we are a constitutional representative republic.The John Birch Society educated me more than any other org. as far as our constitution is concerned.
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There's an old saying. 'Turn the screw slowly'.. seems to be what nyt's is doing....
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Lincoln did break our constitution. It is just a fact.
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Yes, freedom is dangerous. Responsibility is dangerous. You don’t want to be coddled like a child your entire life. It’s asinine. And people that treat you like a child hold contempt for you.
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People who read The New York Times actually get dumber with time. 🤣
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NYTimes is astroturf evil. God BLESS the US Constitution
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Thank you
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NYT has been dangerous and obsolete since the end of the last millennium.
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The left: The constitution is an outdated document. Also the left: Trump is a threat to the constitution.
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Don't believe the media!!!!!
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If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
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Read the COTUS every few months, it only takes an hour or so. Then read the Gettysburg Address.
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The New York Times is nothing but a bird cage liner ! A rusty relic of itself for bonehead democrats ! What a joke.
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Vote RED everywhere and Trump will save our country
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A nation of laws allows "Ordered Liberty" for all. The founding fathers believed people to be spiritual beings having human experiences and had faith that our true spiritual nature would prevail for us to have benevolence with our dialogue and interactions for the benefits for people in our nation, under God.🇺🇸
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Dangerous to communism and we are NOT a "democracy ", we are a constitutional representative republic!! Don't let them control the language!
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The news media is dangerous 😮