<<@foopy7677 says : Will you be my heavenly daddy mistew Denis 🥺 👉👈>> <<@fredkeeler4620 says : This is rarely addressed in our society because of fear of offending race baiters & what in part is a deep seeded resentment towards nen in it's suggestion that a man should be in a boy's life when a girl boss, after all, don't need no man.>> <<@2BIntelligent says : Men and boys are under attack in the U.S.! It starts in Elementary and through Middle School. Boys are punished because if they have difficulty sitting for hours quietly, like girls with their hands in their laps, they are labled ADD, or ADHD, and possibly put on medication. My son used to complain about this in Middle School because he would get into trouble at lunch because he and his friends were disruptive. He would say : This is unfair because the girls would act the same way and not get into trouble. It wasn't until H.S. that he was treated more equitably from his teachers. One of the best Elementary Teachers my son had was a women who raised 7 boys. She knew when the boys started to get antsy and just made everyone get up and just jump around for a few minutes. If you look at Universities, there are Clubs and Professional Societies for every Female, Black and other Ethnic students. However, if you had a White Male Group on campus it would be considered racist! I am not advocating that there be a White Male Group, but to have so many groups segregated does not bring people together! It gives me the impression that White Males have to watch their behavior on University Campuses, or you could be labled as a White Supremacist or Suppressing Women. When I was in college their weren't all these segregated groups! If you did meet someone from a different culture you were interested in talking to them to find out what their country was like. It looks like Universities are trying to protect themselves from Evil White Men! If you look at Modern Reporting and Films, where are the Men with strong with deep resonating voices. They have been Feminized! Where are the deep sounding voices like James Earl Jones, Walter Cronkeit, Morgan Freeman, Sean Connery, Samuel L. Jackson. Even women's voices sound high pitched and annoying. Compare today's Women Reporters to people like Cokie Roberts, Susan Stamberg, Nina Totenberg, et. al. Why are people with deep, resonaing voices gone?>> <<@LadyMaven says : Even if there is a man in the household, he may not be a good role model. Children do as we do, rarely as we say, especially if we are not leading by example. The odds are very definitely stacked against the kids, boys in particular, these days.The Feminazis are doing their very best to emasculate them, using "toxic masculinity" as an excuse. You know, nature.>> <<@aaronfreeman5264 says : You aren't a man, until you're ready to teach your children the law.>> <<@crowmob-yo6ry says : In other words, you're just scared of cultural change. You want to go back to the 1950s, the dark ages of segregation and women not being allowed in the workplace.>> <<@kimjongunvevo says : I wan mommy i wan milk>> <<@Mikethemerciless11 says : Another thing I see is how schools are so heavily regulated for the students, that the kids have virtually little autonomy to play. Especially in Middle and High School, of course, but play is how kids grow, learning how to do things. Without the autonomy to fail, or succeed for that matter, a kid never develops the confidence he needs in the first place to be able to do things for themselves. It's no wonder why so many kids turn to video games, not just because they're fun and exciting, but it's the only place where they get to make decisions.>> <<@WVmountainsurf-rg6fe says : ok, but there are deep rooted problems that are major contributors such as racism, inequality, lack of opportunity, the genetic lottery, etc. As long as republicans overlook these issues, nothing will ever improve and it eventually will affect all of society.>> <<@thomasharrold5556 says : As a former teacher, I saw this on a daily basis. I taught Highschool in a affluent city. The divorce rate is about 50 percent and TOO many of the Dad's were out chasing the Almighty dollar. That only left a small percentage with Dad's being involved in little Johnny's life. 75 percent of ALL Black kids grow up WITHOUT a Dad. Thanks LBJ and the Demonrats.>> <<@johnnymorris1515 says : Too much pampering. ..leniency ...and food companies are putting as much soy in food that they can..start reading labels....vitamins too..everything has soy to take away masculinity>> <<@TheJacali says : Ah man. I’m a new Christian. Thank God for my Heavenly Father. I was speaking with my older neighbour/friend. He said his young 23 year old sons been killing it. He worked his ass off for 4-5 years and now he only has to work weekends and he spends his whole week training in the gym. It’s hard not to envy. I know envy is a sin. Thank God I know that now, because I used to live in it willingly. I just turned 30 and my life is a mess frankly. Goes to show how important it is to stay together for your kids.>> <<@starlen3345 says : P*rn and Video Games addiction is also a problem>> <<@tbc9096 says : We’re much weaker than our ancestors due to modernity and convenience. It’s true. That’s why our great-grandfathers were so mature at 17-18 and men nowadays have prolonged adolescence well into their twenties and even thirties.>> <<@redblaze8700 says : Depends on when you expect boys to be regarded as men, as different countries/cultures have their own view on the matter, like what age you have to be in order to be considered an adult. Not to mention that people mature differently.>> <<@Bob9999 says : The know it all feminists have really screwed up our world!>> <<@genericwatcher2439 says : Women are destroying men, they are telling us how toxic we are at every turn, even if we aren't. I have yelled at these women, you don't know ME, what did I do to you? They just tell me the patriarchy and I am evil by default. I try to be compassionate and love these stupid women, I try arguing with them, I have tried everything, they are just brainwashed to hate and destroy men and there are more of them at this point then good men that are left. All I can do is be a good man, tell the truth and educate my boys with the truth, but I see my boys getting beat down everyday by society and it just seems like a losing battle.>> <<@Bateluer says : Working, building, and creating make men men. Marriage can enable those things, but doesn't guarantee them or even start them.>> <<@martypoynter9806 says : Ghetto rap culture>> <<@alteloscopeuranus7678 says : So true Dennis>> <<@steve3131 says : What's stopping them? Mothers like Jazz Jennings' mother, for one. Imagine being overtly discrimated against in employment and education and constantly hearing "The Future Is Female" and "Girls Rule, Boys Drool". All the time being lectured ad nauseam about your "privilege". Males under 50 have known such an environment all their lives.>> <<@Scott-m1m says : At a big game preserve in Africa orphan elephants were brought there. With no bull elephant father figures to show the teenage male elephants how to act they formed gangs and started killing rhinos among other aggressive behavior. Humans are no different for their need to have adult role models.>> <<@ehrenwiener6728 says : Grew up Jewish never heard this. I'm 31 and can't find someone I want to be with.>> <<@danielhanawalt4998 says : My and my siblings father left when I was 8 years old. We had a grandfather so we were fortunate. Still we had difficulties but without our grandfather they would have been much worse I think.>> <<@Bran08Eman says : DEMs Lyndon b incentivized single motherhood. His fight against poverty "inadvertently" gave women the economic choice to out the husband or not even take a husband to raise the children. Welfare produces entitled people with no road map of religion and tradition.>> <<@deckardcanine says : I hear a lot about boys without father figures, but what happens to girls without mother figures?>> <<@nickdumlao314 says : Bro do not compare yourself to Jordan Peterson. You are nothing more than a propagandist paid by Jews to manipulate people. You want non-Jews to be "useful" to society by being "good" humans. Yeah good useful humans to be used by the overlords.>> <<@bigplaystanly says : Gen Z will be fathers, most lack fathers which will drive them to be fathers.>> <<@m9j263 says : It's clearly the parents' fault. I have never dealt with someone as low level, cheating, sickeningly jealous as someone aged between 25-30 today. This generation for me is unfortunately deplorable. They can accuse whoever and whatever they want, but they are weak, cowardly and stupid. Deeply narcissistic. I had this situation that I reached out, his Mother thanked me for taking care of him – for being understanding and tolerant – and he stabbed me in the back out of sickening envy and insecurity. Of course, 1 isolated case cannot define everyone, BUT for what I have seen and what I have dealt, I see them as very dangerous and very stupid. The key fact to understand this generation, for me is, is a simple sentence: they simply have no respect. Of course, and also tremendous narcissism and tremendous pampering. I see them as a completely destroyed generation. And I see no reason why they wouldn't want to destroy everything around them. They are incredible weak. And I don't have a solution, beside hold their parents responsible.>> <<@jamesyoung187 says : Getting married is easy, having a wife who understands and is committed to the ends and values of marriage....that's a bit more difficult.>> <<@khamankhoma8232 says : "By all means marry. If you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher." - Socrates>> <<@wildcard7701 says : Always some religious garbage with this guy and trying to get people to go along with his ideology.>> <<@user-z4t3h says : Nothing, necessity speaks for itself, men are not created, they are born>> <<@ChosenOne6666 says : American Anti-Intellectualism>> <<@Project-Masculinity says : After one failed marriage, NEVER again>> <<@CSUnger says : This may seem unrelated but it’s one of my major problems with the Evangelical Church these days, from which the model of what a real man should be like should be coming from. It’s emphasis on “praise and worship” and a surface level theology infantilizes men rather than an emphasis on “overcoming” the Self which should be its true character.>> <<@xitheris1758 says : Feminists.>> <<@Groovy-z3x says : Once women started to "wear the pants" in the family, boys stopped becoming men and husbands became the "wife" in the relationship.>> <<@jameslee-dp6cb says : When women decided to demasculate males in our school system, many boys have turned away from society.>> <<@JessWLStuart says : My Dad, bless his heart, wasn't around when I was growing up. My Mom, bless her heart, wanted to keep me from being independent. They both had issues. I'm 58 and still asking my Lord Jesus to give me wisdom to make up for what I didn't get in life. I can't imagine going through life without my Spiritual Big Brother!>> <<@brianmeen2158 says : Yep, I’ve always said women cannot raise boys to be men just as men cannot raise girls to be women.>> <<@vinonavortex5582 says : Dennis has never served in the military or fathered or adopted a child what kind of man does that make him by conservative standards. Very much doubt his religiosity as he is a very resentful narcissistic person>> <<@johnqpublic9074 says : Single motherhood. Imposed by the state. Nothing will change till the family law system is changed. Create true equality, make 50/50 custody default.>> <<@Khayboo says : Historically elders died sooner and didn't hold power once weak and frail. Their prolonged social status has had an effect on the growing population's young. Should they become men now, a shift in status quo and authority would come with it.>> <<@houselightkell says : We're overthinking this. All human behavior is simple: it comes down to reward. People do what they're rewarded for. Simple as>> <<@werewolvesandfriendsuk says : All one needs to do is walk the corridors of Western prisons too work out they are big buildings filled with sons looking for fathers. You don't need to be a Sociologist to work that shit out. Only took me 10 minuets.>> <<@E.K.2003 says : @Dowdy Now you can afford a tutor to teach you English language skills!>> <<@Dowdy56-t1n says : l was homeless, did drugs, went into prison, where I got to know God. He changed my life. Now I have a home, a wife and a lovely year old daughter (zoe), and a stream of income that gats me $47,000 weekly. Plus a new identity - a child of God, Hallelujah!!!🇺🇸❣️❤️❤️>> <<@OneWeirdDude says : You should also do one about landlords.>> <<@jaywagner2321 says : Dennis often says better men marry, and marriage makes men better. But he never addresses why women divorce these improved men at alarming rates and the female role in fatherlessness.>>