<<@drricemice2046 says : At 18 I was 400lbs now I'm 24 and I'm 198 and it's the best thing I did beside marry my wife. If you wanna lose weight just eat less and move some you don't really got to get a crazy diet eat the burger just make it at home and make your portions smaller>> <<@jamesncraigrocjames2092 says : That’s like saying how does a dr know what a heart attack feels like if they’ve never had one? The comment of the girl saying how does the man dr know what an abortion feels like is hogwash. She’s very simple.>> <<@x91Princessx says : Personally I learned a lot of those shows like supersize vs super skinny and my 600lb life and they actually made me reassess my life and my choices while teaching me about some basic nutrition. Since seeing that content I’ve lost about 40kgs and still going. Praying to god I don’t die of a heart attack too. I don’t think they glorify it. But we definitely should cancel all of the people who do glorify it. And people who lie about it. Like amberlynn Reid and hungry fat chick. And all the mukbangs channels that eat excessively and eat bad foods.>> <<@WithaHardar-mn9mp says : Excellent point....>> <<@carmelopappalardo8477 says : I have been very obese and still obese but I am working on it everyday.>> <<@hutchrt0596 says : It is literally called the American Diet.....now as an insult!>> <<@arfriedman4577 says : Not stuffing yourself helps you stay a decent weight. Some processed food is ok.>> <<@Nope-uj6yh says : I went from 320 to 130 in around 6 months. The easiest way to lose weight is to quit eating. You cannot starve if you’re fat.>> <<@niki9638 says : The sad truth is people look at them and say “ at least I’m not THAT”>> <<@JeremyBelpoisX says : My father's side of my family has a history of dying from a heart attack, fueled by poor diets and smoking. My father quit smoking and barely survived a heart attack and is now a 130lb diabetic with a plastic disk on his bony left arm. I may be 200 lbs, but I'm not going any more beyond that. I'm working out more and eating less as a whole. My depression is no excuse for poor eating habits. My family curse ends with me.>> <<@OscarMPG1 says : See, this is why the movie The Whale starring Brendan Fraser worked because that film DIDN'T glorify obesity. It showed that it was unhealthy and he died.>> <<@iceman_2360 says : The same ones praising you for being overweight will NOT be at your bedside during your dialysis treatments or even at your funeral. Don't let this body positivity nonsense give you false hope.>> <<@MrAngryGnome says : I get not eating fast food, and a massive amount of carbs, but Raw meat in a store is processed. Any cooked food is processed.>> <<@myaccount5204 says : I used to watch the 600 lb life TV show but I had to stop because these people are awful. They always lie and play the victim. They always pretend that they are fat because they are so selfless and they just don’t focus on themselves enough. It’s obviously the exact opposite. They are extremely selfish.>> <<@bjolly8924 says : Self-destruction is glorified in America in a lot of ways.>> <<@jimbond670 says : Extremely sad.>> <<@GenDominion says : Have you watched the movie Wall-E?>> <<@sunsetz72 says : Facts!!!!>> <<@WoFDarkNewton says : Eat less calories than you burn. And to make that easier, eat food that makes you feel full, and avoid food that makes you feel hungry. And don’t forget that drinking water, while already a good idea, can help you feel fuller after a meal. Just make sure you’re getting the necessary nutrients. I’m not sure you need to avoid processed foods, but you definitely want to minimize ultra-processed foods.>> <<@richardalfaro4529 says : What is an influencer? When did entertainers become influencers ?? I don't get it.. quite literally bored watching someone be stupid and people buy their things? I don't get it>> <<@gabriellanunoffyourbeeswax8367 says : Change the rules on processing food. Ppl have no boundaries and are self-destructive.>> <<@ajlive6419 says : But I’m already fat!>> <<@Sez___ says : Not saying processed foods are good, but focusing on avoiding all processed foods can lead to a situation that feels insurmountable. The number 1 thing to do is focu on calories. There is no such thing as spot reducing fat. Look up how many calories your body burns during a normal day for you age, height, sex, etc. plus ypur normal activity that burns a lottle but of calories a day. Stay under that amount. Don't do a cheat meal for at least 14 days. Don't fall into the trap of i'll cheat this one meal and then next meal i'll cut back a bit. No you won't. And don't get too happy or too discourgard when ypur wight fluctuates a lot at the beginning, that is from lower food in your stomache at any given time and less water in your body. You drink a lot of liquids, you weigh more. That's not fat. Don't drink your calories. Do that and it will change your life>> <<@mattfrain6526 says : He's trying to say don't eat anything>> <<@matthewrogowski8526 says : Almost all morbidly obese people have severe insulin resistance. If they don't eat almost constantly, they will get shaky and irritable and possibly a massive headache and possibly body aches instead just going into fat burning. Tbis fits the definition of dependency. They often have sweet cravings because sugar causes major dopamine releases in the brain and produces less and less which each use. Fructose impairs the liver as much as alcohol, gram for gram. And high fructose corn syrup is in Sodas and just about any pre-made microwave meals.>> <<@cowboyrose2212 says : So many Doctors have retired. If the Fed. Gov. would pay for free liposuction, it could be paid for by reduced cost from overweight people. A win, win, win proposal. So it will not happen.😑>> <<@shannonlancaster says : Okay, Blair White.>> <<@raeannaruby8306 says : There's nothing positive about this>> <<@nude_cat_ellie7417 says : That third one was propaganda, just fyi>> <<@amelajay says : it's pretty difficult to avoid all processed foods... I mean even a normal turkey or peanut butter and jelly sandwich for my kids would fail the standard. and our produce is increasingly questionable.>> <<@josephbeers2256 says : I prefer to take a walk instead of a pill. When I was prescribed blood pressure medication my doctor said it will be for the rest of my life. Wrong. I started a walking routine of 6000 steps a day. I am now over 10k a day. I am down 90lbs and off my BP meds and it only took 8 months. Dr. Ken Berry on YouTube changed my life for the better.>> <<@josephbeers2256 says : Perhaps it is an effort to save on SSI payouts.>> <<@Xedokai says : "OMG YOU'RE SO FATPHOBIC" ...We seriously need to start locking these people up.>> <<@Jason-ke2nj says : But..coffee...>> <<@Jason-ke2nj says : 🫡>> <<@KomradeCPU says : shart in the mart>> <<@blackquiver says : Good video 👍>> <<@mtrichie111 says : Whose kitchen can I get abs from again ?>> <<@rantional8180 says : I feel bad for these people, even if it's a self created a problem, who i don't feel bad for are the horrible people in thier lives who didn't care enough about them to try and stop them from doing this to themselves. Kindness isn't love, love sometimes means being harsh and just outright mean, if the person you love is doing something that is detrimental to thier lives or health. All of these people were literally killed by kindness...cheeseburgers and kindness, but kidness none the less. Anyone with children knows that you have to be mean to your children in occasion in order to make sure they'll do the things they need to do in order to group up and have good, decent lives with friends and families if thier own, it sucks to have to be the bad guy sometimes but you have to do it otherwise you end up with your kid weighing 400lbs and dying before they're 35 years old....so I'll say again, i feel bad for these people for not having anyone in thier lives that actually loved them enough to be mean to them and tell them what would happen to them if they started down this path.>> <<@franceshaypenny8481 says : SEED OILS. VERY VERY BAD.>> <<@Green-Drake says : Thank you. People don’t need to be fat>> <<@Ginerfrid70 says : Wait wait wait, "bread is processed". Mmmm no. Bread is fine, its in the Bible. All the ingredients are natural. What he wants to say is that American bread that comes in a bag is processed. Because in the US, there are basically no laws to control companies to put in chemicals that make it bad for you to make it cheep to make and extend shelf life. The EU for example does this and their bread is fine. Because it's fresh and not mutated into an abomination like American bread. The lack of regulation is so bad that the EU doesn't buy food from the US because it's so... not food. The same products and brands from the US are sold there, because the companies have to use natural & safe ingredients. So the same (insert brand of choice)in the EU & has 1/3 the ingredients (all pronouncable)as the the American version. Government intervention isn't always bad when used correctly. It's only because the US is so radical with "free markets" that they freely let the rich and powerful poison you for a profit. GET MONEY OUT OF POLITICS. Don't believe me? Look it up.>> <<@anthonycontarino4713 says : it's all about you, take your lives back, I love and pray for all of you>> <<@JazzJackrabbit says : "Body Positivity" kills>> <<@clancy1015 says : As much as it's not healthy to have too much fat, the concept that you shouldn't eat anything from a package is crazy, not to mention untrue. I have met many people in my life who don't give a crap what they eat, and they are still perfectly healthy and rather skinny to boot. It's not just about processed food. Especially when it comes to bread. People have been eating bread in all forms for a long, long time. Many styles that used to be most common are STILL relatively common without any changes to the recipes. Heck, we had mass-produced "processed" bread in the mid 1900s, and the people living at that time didn't have a problem with obesity. You can't just blame everything on food, especially staple foods that have been eaten for THOUSANDS of years when the obesity problem is so recent. There are a lot of factors to consider on a case by case basis as to why someone is too fat.>> <<@warrentrout says : Fat is the new healthy.>> <<@ishtarlew598 says : The FDA is corrupt.>> <<@partydave1067 says : Honwstly you want to fix the Amwrican Healthcare system, this is the best first step you can do. Less fat people = less unhealthy people Less unhealthy people = less people visitng the Hospital Less people going to the hospital = less Demand/Supplu ration Less D/S ration = less costs to b3 in a hospital>> <<@d.johnson3164 says : The fattys were the first to go.....😂>> <<@kamalakrsna says : Dr. BERG YouTube channel. Learn: "Keytosis" what it is - harmonize w/nature>>