<<@FactsMatterRoman says : šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø Election season special: Subscribe to The Epoch Times for $1 to support Roman's fact-finding mission https://ept.ms/RomanSale>> <<@michellesiegmund6657 says : My only issue with this is, as a cause of 911, I believe but may be wrong on why a law was passed that people who have no permanent mailing address, po boxes not accepted, cannot obtain employment. So what can we come up with to help in this area, so they may obtain gainful employment to help eliminate some? I do realize there are a lot that this reason would not apply to, the group that chooses to be on the streets. I am thankful for some of these 501-3 charities, but they make people dependent on them instead of an actual solution.>> <<@davidhandyman7571 says : The reasons for homelessness are complex but high on the list of reasons are poor economic decisions by governments that increases unemployment and promotes inflation, lack of mental health facilities, failure to truly address drug abuse, and the ever increase of dependence upon governments instead of individual responsibility.>> <<@davidhandyman7571 says : The 9th circuit being a liberal activist organisation and not actually following the Constitution is no surprise.>> <<@belight-ws4bb says : What is more impotant the law or people? So what do homless people do now?>> <<@jokkey05 says : Newsome will get reelected. Not good for the US but California will always be a hippy place.>> <<@sammyjimsmith6100 says : Even if these ruling don't effect the election outcome it will sure as hell make the cities safer and cleaner>> <<@og1689 says : THANK GOD FOR THIS SUPREME COURT!>> <<@helenguinooban says : The migrants given permit to work. They accepted jobs that the citizens do not like.>> <<@helenguinooban says : Theigrants wereā¤ given permit to work and psy taxes that helps to have more money in the government.šŸ˜Š>> <<@helenguinooban says : It is bettet we do not have a dupreme court. It do disgusting the make rules in favor of Trump.>> <<@ivannightly1919 says : still needs to be enforced and in blue cites its not to likely except for the election for a few months>> <<@marshabaker6153 says : I don't know how this will really affect the election. I mean, people may think Biden is doing something towards it but considering it was the CONSERVATIVE Judges who made it happen, ummm, I'm not so sure. I haven't heard a word about it so I don't think it's at the top of anyone's list as a factor in determining who would be president. Just glad the SCOTUS came to this decision. It was hugely getting out of hand. Now if a city has to put up with these nasty camps, they can blame their City Officials ONLY. Maybe in that case it might affect LOCAL ELECTIONS.>> <<@johnennis8089 says : 12:42>> <<@DavidE-vc8gy says : Great video.>> <<@decodr-ring says : The 8th amendment was just sent to the dust bin. If a city can fine a person for sleeping on the street just because there is a law against doing that, then the same logic would allow that city to have a law which imposes a fine for walking while on the street, or breathing. The 8th amendment prevents capricious laws -- now the Supreme Court has nullified that. This is yet another attack which undercuts the foundation of the Constitution of the United States. The argument of Justice Gorsuch can be summarized like this "any law made by any city council can override any provision of the Constitution of the United States, and that okay because (somehow) it was decided democratically". A society without the protections of a constitution is literally the definition of tyranny.>> <<@johnmartin3517 says : It seems that people visiting and even those who live in memphis can,t walk the streets there without some young healthy homeless person Demanding Money from you then threatening you if you don,t give them money even though you see them with a new backpack that was given out by the nearby charity!!>> <<@cianobrien2379 says : Great segment>> <<@danielhanawalt4998 says : While there are no easy answers to the problem of homelessness surely there are enough intelligent leaders in government or otherwise to solve the problem. I'm not smart enough myself probably. I have some ideas but they might not be any better than anyone else's. There are a lot of empty buildings that could provide shelter Maybe some could be converted to living quarters. How much do we send other countries to help them fight their wars? How much do we spend on illegal immigrants? How much spent on useless programs?>> <<@terrycoontz says : imma go sleep in a small town somewhere see 100k later y'all>> <<@picdubois4620 says : My thoughts are as confused as this issue has its complexities. I have no opinion as I am caught up in both sides of the constitutional argument and a practical solution to the social problem. God help the homeless.>> <<@shanemizell6468 says : I donā€™t think it will have any impact on the election because the media isnā€™t covering it. I appreciate the information thank you.>> <<@StevenCookFX says : Due to the endless wars and money being sent overseas we have no money that can help these homeless people. The questions are "What is causing the rise in homelessness? Why is there no shelters that these people can go to? Why do we have millions of illegal's coming in when we have a growing number of homeless?>> <<@christopherwilkens4460 says : I've been subscribed here for well over a year but haven't received anything in 6 months.... You guys are soo shadow banned.>> <<@dustinpotter8312 says : It is incumbent that humanity behave in a humanitarian way. Providing an area where "homeless" people can gather and rest is an effort in that direction while regarding private property rights and functions. However practicality forewarns there has to be an uncontrolled growth constraint allowing for safety and health reasons. We provide multiple millions of dollars for foreign country aid. It is ludicrous that we do not do that for our own people. There are various reasons such a program should not be endowed without responsibility to those taking advantage of such measures beyond a reasonable emergency period of time. We have migrant workers willingly doing jobs that able homeless people could do. That opens a can of worms per se. People who cannot work need assistance those who will not work need a dose of reality as everybody else has to work for their subsistence or advancement.>> <<@carolinejimenez7120 says : Oh so the homeless problem has been solved.>> <<@DEECIEAHLERS says : Great work Mr. Balmakov! This demonstrates the poverty of thinking in the LA city government.>> <<@marybrand1977 says : Then the governor should not provide the county state funds if they donā€™t clean up. Not sure how it affects the election in 3 of the states they are blur. Arizona is tried of the immigrants so they are turning red.>> <<@unhiptser says : This is the death row of the Democrats the Democrats are going extinct>> <<@nitac.9444 says : Theyneedhelp. Hell im about to lloose my home>> <<@quito787 says : It's the democrat run cities that allow these homeless encampments>> <<@WilliamSmith-zk4tj says : The thing is that these camps could have been removed a long time ago all they needed was to use Health laws>> <<@crxdelsolsir says : Genuine Americans are never guaranteed a home and spending money by the Government for free, however Illegals are given free homes and spending money for free. Homeless people are more likely to have been the Genuine non illegal migrants that once paid taxes. Many still do being working homeless. Persecution of the homeless is essentially persecuting the genuine non illegal Americans.>> <<@Poppy_love59 says : Stupidest ruling ever, just wait until the "Officials" get a chance to abuse this one. Sleeping in your van or boat can now get you thirty days of free room and board !>> <<@Poppy_love59 says : Yay, we can now allow cities to put poor people in prison for being too poor! Society is progressing ?>> <<@charlmaynehawthorne9372 says : I KNOW ITS BEEN GOING FOR LONG TIME SINCE 1970'S.>> <<@Snowb-u5i says : 13:19 Supply and demand, what will they do when.? Maybe these things can be resolved, but the reasons given are one size does not fit all. There must be constitutional protections beyond just go away.>> <<@stephenhargett4141 says : Yes, thanks to the Supreme Court in finally handing down a common sense ruling that might lead, someday, to more solutions, especially with a greater scarcity of funs heavily impacted by the illegal migrant crisis.>> <<@Royalchess1 says : Sir Roman, It looks like you need to petition the Ninth District Court for an appropriate desk for your presentations!!!>> <<@magenta4443 says : "Reasonable" for a Lefty is NEVER reasonable.>> <<@PhillipHartley-y6i says : All republicans on the supreme court saved peoples property. Democrats are only working for 21 days to win back voters. Then they will go back to making our lives miserable.>> <<@bobkelly2447 says : the problem is taking it to the extreme 2 or 3 tents in the city park isn't going to hurt anyone..... 50 to 100 tents becomes a city on it's own where crime abounds... when law enforcement gets ahold of it they also take it to extreme pulling over to sleep in your car at a rest stop and then being being woke up by a irate cop saying you can't sleep here, is really bad too when it's everyone's safety at risk because you shouldn't drive when your falling asleep ....but they actually do that ! rest stops should be destinated sleeping areas...yes that will make them tent cities if they are allowed to sleep more than one day there Homeless shelters are needed but sinking 4.5 billion to make them is corruption at it's fineness! the problem with this nation is too many people are trying to push their ideas on to other people.... yes their mostly politicians.... but not all. the "live and let live" idea of my generation has fallen out of favor.....and this is the results the term STOP interfering in people's lives ! should be tattooed on every politicians forehead !>> <<@patedwards7934 says : It should not be political. CONGRESS SPOKE. This is how the supreem court should work. Said and done.>> <<@DJ63phx says : Now they have to deal with the drug problems and clean up everythanks.From homelessness they need to make affordable Housing. They need to get the legal aliens out and put the homeless Americans in the free housing.They have for the legal aliens>> <<@mikedubovs1574 says : Well where is like the 20plus billion that California "spent" in the homeless... Let's remove welfare system and alimony and child support and personal income tax under 400k and remove homestead property tax under a certain amount per area.. and get rid of the insane amount of regulations.. and remove all unconstitutional laws and regulations and limitations now and have civics classes and testing yearly for school and politicians and remove lobbyists AKA bribes and kickbacks.. and hold politicians accountable and the media.. they must have a warning that states that is is opinion et al not facts>> <<@craigster1952 says : Though I do not approve of homelessness, I believe the right approach to the problem is the establishment of zones monitored and administered by localities where homeless encampments are allowed. It is similar to housing regulation and ordinances.>> <<@jamesmccorkle8448 says : in most cases, living as a homeless person is their own choice. Society should not have to suffer it or pay for it.>> <<@suzannehofer2541 says : And look what Newsom has done to California he has ran it into the ground. It is now the sewer of the United States.>> <<@suzannehofer2541 says : So canā€™t cities take vacant city lots and put I donā€™t know Porta pottyā€™s on them and allow these people to camp on those vacant city lots instead of on our streets, and in our residential areas were children are present canā€™t we make tent cities a thing again, because it seems like thereā€™s an awful lot of homeless people in the United States that Are now unable to afford housing thanks to inflation and the lack of affordable housing. With 20 million new illegal residence now in United States housing is going to become even less affordable unless available so where are we going to put all these people?>> <<@suzannehofer2541 says : Thatā€™s because Democrats want to make this seem normal. You know the decline of society dystopia this is their dream of the New World order weā€™re all supposed to just shut up and deal with it!>>