<<@johnnyharris says : Check out https://groundnews.com/johnnyharris to see how any news story is being framed by news outlets around the world and across the political spectrum. Use my link to get 40% off unlimited access with the Vantage Subscription.>> <<@alexandrews2108 says : Let's go Trump!>> <<@IngaSauce says : He'll yea Trump do what u gotta do to win>> <<@timholmes7925 says : this premise is flawed and biased, your are guilting people and your sources are shakey and nobody trust the cia or doj the state run media or the current administration, and i don't trust you.>> <<@pocoloco2409 says : So what if he had a deal with him, what the f do that do? Do not make any sense at all. Things like biden, Ukraine, pipelines, gas, war, things like that is more interesting to hear about>> <<@malcolmkmorris says : How much money went missing on 911?>> <<@johnshury5855 says : 😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@reggiek125 says : @TabithaSpeaksPolitics>> <<@sepangs3565 says : All politicians do this trump isn’t anything new and definitely won’t be the last>> <<@KyleSmith-d8i says : And what did Chuck Schumer say about Trump? Said trump messing with the Intelligence agencys that they have 5 ways to Sunday to get back at you. i dont trust C.I.A.>> <<@KyleSmith-d8i says : Oh yeah reliable like the all the 51 agents that said the laptop was Russian information>> <<@KyleSmith-d8i says : Oh yeah reliable like the all the 51 agents that said the laptop was Russian information>> <<@sulaimanabushagurphd56 says : Why genocide Joe did not investigate that ? How many millions his son got from China and Ukraine???!!>> <<@vgshwk says : I consider everything tRump says is a lie until proven otherwise.>> <<@Marmite695 says : Dear America. You didn't deserve Trump. For weird reasons, you were stuck with him anyway. Please, please, please don't make the same mistake again! This upcoming election is critical - and it's about much, much more than donkeys versus elephants, or red versus blue. It is, quite literally, about YOUR lives. YOUR hard-won freedoms. YOUR integrity. YOUR country's image on the world stage. PLEASE VOTE !!!! Your vote really, really matters this time !>> <<@sugarbabylove1000 says : If you think that most politicians are not all doing the same, one way or another, you are burying your head in the sand>> <<@sugarbabylove1000 says : You trust the CIA? 😂>> <<@freedomfighter5054 says : You should be put in jail for fake news and bullshit like this is an absolute lie you know it’s a lie you’re a fake fraud>> <<@andrusha77 says : Merrick Garland is also corrupt>> <<@87ewien says : Just wasted my time listening this is BS>> <<@JonnyWilson-rg3uv says : Sounds like more trump hate with no facts. Whens your piece on the bidens coming out?>> <<@deloriscardine says : Trump received 10,000,000 from Egypt for what>> <<@Fijen-x2h says : Why Trump? When Obama , Biden , and the rest has soooooo much dirt than him?????? And why NOW?????>> <<@andykimin649 says : Make a video about kamala harris before the election>> <<@tomallman4143 says : Who is the "they" that asked Trump for money for his campaign? Doesn't sound like a fact to me. I thought you were going to indicate when it was opinion.>> <<@clay6440 says : lol its great how act like you don't have a strong left bias.>> <<@BurntByMcDonaldsCoffee says : It’s funny how now we got Elon Musk pouring in 75 mil to Trumps campaign in an investment itself. He’s looking to get his *Billions* in a bonus that was denied. The cycle repeats…>> <<@FuriousAbyss says : Ok I wanna prefix this with the fact I am a skeptic of ALL parties as I don't believe either are ever entirely honest. But I will list everything I heard that concerns me about this video - the TLDR is this ALL hinged on a .. Hand written note - from a .. reliable.. source the CIA said so. Because around here we all trust the CIA. Ok below are all my thoughts on your commentary on this mostly in either exact or slightly paraphrased points: US intelligence suspected. CIA suspected. CIA said this *informant* was reliable. So we know this person was reliable. CIA trusted this person. *Other operations* My thoughts: 10M dollars may be a lot to any normal person but in the context of a Presidential campaign it's pocket change when Kamala has raised a billion dollars. Foreign interference. - we heard that a lot - from both sides from multiple angles. One side with regards to Hunter and China/Ukraine were actually proved. "We know they gave money to him" - we do? calls for conclusion. These are rock solid facts "In my mind". - nice cover. It was done it cash - (says who?) oh yeah the shadowy reliable note guy. Connect the dots. Mmhmm Case closed - convict somebody. ??? Robust facts? huh. Russia Russia Russia. Helped buy the election with 10M dollars??? certaibly if true - contributed sure but buy it? hmm. We don't know if this benefitted Egypt guy - theres no evidence.... BUT IF HE DID - Conclusion. Another country doesn't want US intelligence and investigators to have all their banking records. Why WOULD they? They DID get records from the Egyptian bank. Not turned over emails. What country WOULD hand over all their emails to another country??? Hand written note as a fact for the 6-7th time. FBI/CIA have to... ask permission from their boss - Since when? sure on paper - but really? Career investigators - who are there regardless of who's sitting. Who couldn't possibly be the same people trying to denounce that candidate from every other angle. Literally everything hinges on a hand written note from the CIA's *reliable source*. Thats *My read* *Rock solid FACTS* I wanna make this crystal clear. (I am covering myself from legal liability) BUT... Read the Washington post if you have any doubts. This videos timing. Again I have little faith or trust in either of the parties although RFK/Tulsi/Vance I do actually like as speakers on the assumption they aren't also liars. You lost me on this one. You said all the right things to cover yourself but it seemed extremely disingenuos and intellilectually dishonest.>> <<@ritasplace1 says : Obama also received foreign money for his campaign through dem's pact that is now under investigation. So throwing stones at one politician is useless when I'm sure plenty of others do the same thing. Also, I wouldn't trust anything written in the Washington Post, the NY Times, or a lot of these newspapers that have been bought by Soros. (He has, in fact just bought about 200 radio stations that the regulatory body for the airways just rushed through and let him bypass the standard procedures for procuring them.)>> <<@eddiecarrillo4120 says : All bullshit>> <<@Soriya651 says : Trump a billionaire. 10 milli is basically insurance>> <<@alanadams8784 says : Do a deep dive on every politician and you will find corruption!!!>> <<@davidtindell950 says : Thank you. We are sure that you know that absolutely nothing will be done about this bribe !>> <<@thorns17 says : I think the smart thing to do is to continue the process, besides who is guilty or not, put this aside. Find out the hard facts, lay them out for everyone to see and let people decide. Right now things are to blurry. I dislike trump, but even I have to yield, its to unclear. the idea that at the moment it's to circumstantial. I Can't in good faith say he is guilty.>> <<@BigSteve_Gaming187 says : This is why cash is king. Even the government knows how to work it. 3 trillion as of a few or more years ago was unaccounted for. Id look into that as well when you don't have your hands full. There was one Senators that was trying to get to the bottom od it but I can remember his name as I'm guessing he was frustrated by the ill transparency of the system when it comes to matters as far up to congress abd suprime court. Pretty sure they just recently started livestreaming these sessions on YouTube at the time and he was from the south growing up. Seemed like the type of guy that should be there. Right or wrong with no bios towards one sids or the other. Judging from just a personal assessment of him he was genuine.>> <<@claudiuspetrini8233 says : How about H. Clinton? Where did her money came from?>> <<@barnobarriebatsbak1471 says : You have no idea what relinent information is>> <<@onedayatagirl says : YOU ARE LOOKING IN THE WRONG PLACE>> <<@jeffreywitczak9840 says : The/bribes/aren't/the/issue./Look/at/who/is/blackmailing/who?/And/for/how/long?/bribes/these/days/are/just/new/accounts/for/someone/to/use/for/blackmailing./And/all/these/smart/leaders/walk/right/into/this.>> <<@leemaz-qe9dn says : Please realize that every President that has been, has had some part in an illegal deal in some way or fashion. All the Presidents should have been jailed, because they all committed some crime. Yes, starting with Washington, everyone has skeletons in their closet, some are bigger than others>> <<@tompsonsantini2890 says : Yea I have to say the motive doesn’t make sense for a person worth 5.5 billion dollars to much risk for to little, but very good video I will sub.>> <<@The-three-eyed-Prophet says : All politicians accept bribes ... No Matter from wich Party they are ...>> <<@estradacts213 says : lol😂>> <<@The-three-eyed-Prophet says : Screw the 2 Party system , Just Vote for Bobby Kennedy ...>> <<@morganmiller5966 says : Great take on an important "ball dropped" in our system of government. Unfortunately, this managed to make me furious and completely ruined my morning and probably my day in full. Thanks?>> <<@Michel6629 says : Yeaaaaa you're getting paid by the left and you're a left based YouTube channel>> <<@Michel6629 says : The CIA also lies and Influence elections. The CIA isn't reliable.>> <<@wilharnecker2575 says : Still surprising how this info just gets glossed over and fades away with time.>> <<@katehu7194 says : I remain impressed how Johnny covers interesting stories on all sides. Always incredibly engaging and informative😊 Facts based, I think, and fair. I wish all journalists were like you, Johnny❤>> <<@judybarrett5035 says : Trump is all about Crime. He was at Epsteins and Diddys yet still walks free. How is this fair?>>