<<@jonimartin5961 says : When it was used on me on my Facebook page, my response was “now that’s a two for one, I’ll be worm free and covid free”😂😂😂>> <<@kmtnp1 says : Thank you PV for your continued efforts towards truth, public health, and justice.>> <<@rubbinman says : The ONLY reason all of this attack occurred is because if Ivermectin was proven to be effective, AND IT WAS, then there would not have been a reason for emergency usage of the vaccine. They knew that and lied!>> <<@potatobang7713 says : the right only propagates MISINFORMATION!? kamala/democrats/big corporates don't!? Ask ChatGPT about TRUMP'S ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION. see what the left wing is COOKING for trump/republicans/conservatives. yall gonna enjoy it. Go on, try it.>> <<@openyoureyes3969 says : We aaw 1st hand how the media was used as a tool to force compliance upon the American people. A weaponized media for the purpose of DEPOPULATION...>> <<@nfcapps says : I just came to see the rubble that is Project Veritas. Too bad you didn't stick to your foundational name. You could have made an actual impact instead of getting buried by the globalists. But, that was the point of those lies, wasn't it? To destroy Veritas, in name and idea. Too bad you were all so weak to let it succeed. Enjoy your muck and mire. When you decide to leave it, like the prodigal son, we will welcome you back to our large home and productive estate. See you then.>> <<@jimguittard says : I took Ivermectin prescribed by a doctor in 2022. I'm still here!>> <<@kathyhunt3681 says : Sick People 🤬>> <<@cripplingclaustrophobia says : There is no veritas anymore.>> <<@sandramae1772 says : Ivermectin saved my life>> <<@Landonsplace says : Judges and lawyers are the biggest criminals never can be trusted they're complicit and work with a Democratic party>> <<@Landonsplace says : The FDA needs to be abolished>> <<@kathyhunt3681 says : This was disgraceful, many died because the Hospitals Protocol was wrong and they knew it. Ivermecton would have worked if Doctors were aliwed to Prescribe it.😢🙏😥>> <<@EpicOfChillgamesh says : I think its unethical for the FDA to characterize a human-approved drug as a "horse drug" to sway public opinion. I also really wish the emergency doctor didn't characterize the vaccines as a "poison jab" because anyone who believes in the science of vaccines will immediately assume this entire thing is BS and unscientific conspiracy theories.>> <<@2hotscottpro says : Took 5 days for this vid to pop up !>> <<@BernadetteCasey-m8f says : The individual decision makers, investors, and those who had a conflict of interest, including the media propaganda machine have to be held accountable for not allowing people to get Ivermectin, as a truely safe and effective treatment, that has withstood the test of time. Justice must be done now!>> <<@2ndtonone197 says : Big Pharma aka Nazi Regimes! The WW2 War ended, But not the Nazi camps of The Jewish but now The Gentiles of current people's!>> <<@douglassmith3016 says : *_"Discovered in the late-1970s, the pioneering drug ivermectin, a dihydro derivative of avermectin—originating solely from a single microorganism isolated at the Kitasato Intitute, Tokyo, Japan from Japanese soil—has had an immeasurably beneficial impact in improving the lives and welfare of billions of people throughout the world."_* --National Library of Medicine>> <<@milissapoisson6369 says : Well, actually there are ,"common citizens", that are wise enough and informed enough about the drug to be able to see right away that this was a scham from the beginning. The question is now, what was in the virus, what are we it's looking ng term effects and why did they want to infect the world with it? Consequently we all should be questioning the contents of the vaccine, how does it effect your genes( they probably don't even know), and why are they still pissed that they didn't get it into every living person????>> <<@williampounds9180 says : Military personnel that goes oversees take it to help prevent malaria.>> <<@mufasta8322 says : I like how they pretended it was Rogan who brought up the whole "horse paste" aspect of it. Ivermectin was ALWAYS a human drug, and the only reason people _may_ have been confusing the veterinary aspect, was SOLELY because _THEY_ INSERTED the animal narrative into the conversation. Of course now we know *they fabricated* stories about people "ending up in hospitals" over horse paste, (as one journalist exposed,) only to conjure up hysteria and different ways to try to embarrass people out of taking a perfectly normal medicine. Of which even Cuomo is on an ivermectin regimen now. Lol>> <<@greggmckenzie7132 says : Keeping in mind that 'Covid' was actually 'flu rebranded', and no virus has ever been isolated (polio, HIV, papilloma etc. etc.), taking 'Ivermectin against Covid' is a moron!>> <<@kanenomoja says : Take the FDA a little less seriously? I didn’t believe them about the jab and Ivermectin then, and I don’t believe a f*g word they say about ANYTHING now.>> <<@everlynprado7136 says : REMEMBER vast majority of democrats voters and supporters were on the side of GOVT and FDA.>> <<@christymcdonnell593 says : I question the FDA for years, with this covid stuff definitely do not trust them>> <<@thefrozenone417 says : Still can’t get it in Alaska because the state limited prescription numbers available>> <<@PatriotMike-sb9oj says : I took Ivermectin and Fenbendazole for stage 4 cancer after the radiation and chemo did not stop most of the cancer. It worked. I'm cancer free. Our government and the FDA are Satanic Evil.>> <<@ic2725 says : “Look, I know that vaccination requirements are a tough medicine — unpopular to some, politics for others — but they’re lifesaving, they’re game-changing for our country,” ~Joe Biden 🧐 Contrast to a much better president 👇🏾 "The most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.' " ~Ronald Reagan>> <<@baguettelauncher8839 says : why some people like me knew it was a BS only 2 weeks after the announcement of covid ? a simple research and an IQ above 90 is all you need really>> <<@aikensrus says : I have lost all confidence in FDA's capacity to regulate drugs, retroactive for at least 20 years. This is one of the most costly lies in US history, right up there with the "fine people" hoax.>> <<@g.s.5868 says : woke and corrupt>> <<@westernapache1700 says : When the government goes to that much effort to get a jab in your arm - that's when you should avoid it.>> <<@nicoracien1924 says : It was made so you are forced to get your QR code, to be used in the new digital currency & ID>> <<@RideWithYaH says : All these hidden video segments look so real... LOOKS are NOT what they seem.>> <<@reneebirds says : My sister was on her death bed, I begged the hospital to give her Ivermectin Jan. 2022, they absolutely told me they weren't allowed to use it. My sister passed Jan. 6 2022.>> <<@pamkellys7596 says : Hydroxychloroquine saved my life.thanks to FLCCC>> <<@iSkillM0re says : Shadow banned to hell>> <<@JimCar71 says : My father died during this time from COVID. He was sent home with nothing prescribed. We asked for ivermectin and were told they were not allowed to. 5 days later he was in the hospital on a ventilator. He died 3 weeks later. The government is not you savior.>> <<@nne297 says : BRAVO !>> <<@manofthetombs says : This administration hates you & wants you dead>> <<@fleetacollins5569 says : Ivermectin works against helping recover from Long Covid too>> <<@henryDzieciontko says : Really God bless you marvelously wonderful people!!! ❤>> <<@logmeindog says : corruption>> <<@deniseclepper1436 says : There's a MAJOR CONFLICT OF INTEREST when The FDA has more Big Pharma CEOs on its panel. No company should be allowed to be on the decision-making levels. Thats why the Iver-mectn bs started. BIG PHARMA WANTED TO PUSH THEIR OWN SHÒTS AND RX. BILLIONS OF DOLLARS. WE ALL KNOW PEOPLE IN CONGRESS HELPED THIS .. DEEP POCKETS..>> <<@momzilla9491 says : No Jabs. Alpha in January 2020. Omicron at Easter 2022. Small flu in December 2023. I haven't had a Cold since 2021. I wonder why? Hee Ha!>> <<@edlauren9434 says : If Pfizer was reporting $21 billion profit in these safe and effective shots for 2020….Do you think they would try to defend that incredible income from being threatened by a cheap and very well know medication?>> <<@emilyhansen9417 says : SO maddening!>> <<@onlyme4683 says : I won’t see a doctor now. They’re corrupt drug pushers. Mine wouldn’t see anyone who wasn’t vaccinated. Terrible.>> <<@j.r.rierson5012 says : I drank a pint of tonic water which contains quinine, the natural form of hydroxychloroquine. I literally sweated the plague out overnight>> <<@cathyjohnson6733 says : I'm glad you are doing this and exposing the lies. However, they won't stop because of a fine. The amount of money they made is well worth it. If people aren't punished for all these deaths, they will continue to hurt people because they don't care about your health. The agency has been corrupted.>>