<<@douglaswelp6869 says : Islam is evil>> <<@JOESRQFLUSA says : DONALD SHOULD MEET WITH MARK… 😮>> <<@randyman1868 says : Do not believe Zuckerburgs' theatrics. He will always be an operative of the demoncrat party.>> <<@chequereturned says : Re the Kennedy curse - in this case yes, she has the same condition and it is indeed genetic. Literally.>> <<@aprilwarren8700 says : Telegram is awful>> <<@simplehuman1798 says : Zuckerberg, you still have NO CLUE. “We regret that we were not more outspoken about it”?!?!?!?!?!?!?!. A media content person’s job is to pass along content, not to “be outspoken” about a damn thing.>> <<@alericc1889 says : 2016 all over again, Trump makes promises, appoints people who ARE NOT CONSERVATIVES then wonders why they stab him in the back and he NEVER follows thru on his Campaign promises............excuses.....excuses......excuses........>> <<@JJ-my9uw says : Ever notice all the proof and admissions come after the damage is done and no way back?>> <<@courgette3401 says : Steven crowder abused his wife. Fact check true. Sorry mate nobody is interested in your warped views.>> <<@aimsmallcq1218 says : Was it a "mostly peaceful" stabbing?>> <<@petehermans1842 says : Not funny with the opening. At all.>> <<@FoxWest603 says : Maines a liberal shit hole that voilates Constitutional rights every day, no voter id , chinese drug labs, look at the new Marijuana dispensary laws theyre trying to pass involving children. I have to gj to maine frequently, its not as bad as Taxachusetts , but its bad in its own way. It is the safest place on earth because they at least do guns properly, not as good as new hampshire but close>> <<@BlindOldSage says : I had to go watch Data and Picard again before I continued 😂>> <<@deathking4119 says : I used to be democratic. But I opened my eyes. They are fricken nuts. They've became so liberal it's scary. This show n just doing my own research has actually helped me realize Republicans are better. Now I will say I've always been centrist but leaned more liberal and now I'm more Republican. Still central but lean more right even to a degree I may not be so centrist lol. But tbf actually having trump as president and having him a really do a good job also helped a lot. N in 2020 I saw how just awful the left are. But I will say I am not pro ban abortion but I'm also not fully pro abortion. I think it should be up to the mother to decide and especially with rape, incest, n the mothers health. But late term abortion I think should be banned again except for rape, incest, and the mothers health. I think late term abortion is messed up. At that point u literally are killing a baby. It is no longer just a lump of cells. It is no longer cake batter. It is a full baby. At that point just have the thing and give it up for adoption if u don't want it. I think roe v wade being overturned is amazing. It should be a state issue. Now sure I hate that some states as my own has it banned completely. But it is good that it's a state issue and not federal. Heck a friend of mine was going to have an abortion but they banned it and she ended up having a beautiful baby girl and she couldn't be happier. She is so happy that it was overturned and she had her baby girl. She couldn't imagine a world without her. The liberals are messed way tf up in the head to think it's ok to rip a baby out the womb. I've heard stories of doctors who have nightmares and PTSD from doing late term abortions. It's messed up>> <<@SerSerington says : Gerald hosting is such an L tbh>> <<@aaroncanfield76 says : However Zuck maybe actually a shmuck there are reasons to believe...>> <<@nomad8757 says : Watching on Rumble>> <<@trumanhw says : I've said it before and I'll say it again. WE DIDN'T LOSE WISCONSIN BY 20K votes or ARIZONA by 11K or Georgia by 12K. If you understand that t hey cheated ... then surely you understand they were going to make up however many votes they had to, in order to give themselves a 10k - 20k vote victory. Which is EXACTLY why the margins were so repeatedly within just over 10K. Enough to pretend it was adequately decisive, but not so much as to make it more ridiculous than required. And in some states they did it at a more wholesale level, like in PA with the random batch of a USPS truck from NY of all places.>> <<@peo4989 says : Is Gerald gay?>> <<@AnyaMidkiff says : Avengers assemble! Vivek as Commerce secretary, Tucker as press secretary, Elon on govt waste and inefficiency, RFK on intelligence and/or HHS, Tulsi as European ambassador, Donalds for speaker, Carson back at HUD, and, just as a big middle finger, Guiliani as AG, going after the deep state as the OG of RICO prosecuting. 😁>> <<@MrOkie88 says : Also don’t forget that a week before the election every single Jo Jorgensen page on Facebook disappeared and then popped back up the day after and then several votes for her were changed to Joe Biden because “that many people were obviously not voting for the other Jo”>> <<@rustyshackelford9414 says : Gerald needs his own show! Stop letting him wreck this one. Go away Gerald.>> <<@lindseylaird1977 says : Gerald, i do not shop at walmart>> <<@FigsofHiggs says : its just not the same without Mr. Crowder…I come back later>> <<@madladnate says : You are a great Strange Animal. Good job filling in.>> <<@chrisfinan9142 says : Hardly coming clean. It's a smoke screen more than a confession. Wake up.>> <<@swarley39 says : 58:45 honestly i kinda hope Facebook either gets a huge fine or loses their section 230 protections. They didn't act the way they should and shouldn't keep the protections that my phone provider has. If my phone deleted my texts or dropped my calls anytime i mentioned something "right wing" that would be a huge scandal, and for Facebook to get those same privileges but still censored speech at the behest of not only a political party but also the government, that needs some kind of accountability and justice>> <<@isaacwestling1141 says : Remember when the argument was that the government wasn't censoring people, it was the companies. Since the companies were doing it, it wasn't a violation of free speech, since they could do what they want on their platform, and that complaining about censorship was "anti-free speech", Yada Yada Yada... well if the government is the one pushing for the censorship, isn't that still a violation of free speech?>> <<@dannywallace1210 says : Bashing your brother is unbelievable. Over a different option.>> <<@paulturner4684 says : All I'm going to say is that whatever Crowder is working on, it'd better be worth saddling us with Gerald for an entire show.>> <<@swarley39 says : It's strange that Zuck can basically admit to election interference and interference at the behest of the government/political party and it's still "an attack on democracy" to say Trump legitimately won 2016 but there was sketchy shit happening in 2020>> <<@angelramos4788 says : Zuckerberg shouldn’t be sad about his election interference, he should be in jail>> <<@lookupverazhou8599 says : Trump took a bullet for me. I can check a box for him.>> <<@parzavaal5335 says : A beautiful ending, thank you Gerald.>> <<@franzhans8249 says : you guys are blind af>> <<@THEMONVALLEYFISHERMAN says : That intro was out of pocket 😂>> <<@IPlayVideoGamesAndNothingElse says : anyone notice that steven is using the music from pogo's channel. he hasn't uploaded in years but just giving him credit for making that masterpiece that is Data and Picard.>> <<@Square-Watermelon says : You know how the dems turned on Biden? Well, I doubt Biden is going down quietly. You remember how Biden stated on that YouTube video that he had put together the most sophisticated voter fraud network in history? There's a couple prophecies about politician's heads metaphorically exploding in October and a likely interpretation is that Trump will be reinstalled in the Oval Office on October 31st. I'm betting Biden is going to officially admit to his 2020 voter fraud and just give over the proof of it and all those who helped him with it are going to be "trialed." Some surely know this is coming (looks like the lizardman knows it's coming) and will quickly and suddenly try to side with Trump...But it's too late for them. ---- The Gospel of Lord Jesus John 3:16-18 (Jesus speaking) 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Repent of your sins or suffer the consequences. Lord Jesus died in our places personally to take the death punishment that sin deserves and then resurrected by the power of God. Believe this and sincerely repent of your sins each time you sin and you will have eternal life and nothing to fear. Fail to repent and you will end up in the Lake of Fire.>> <<@ashentmariner says : I missed out on investing in Colman and iam'ma offended: ~ )_@m ~ ~ Shut Up and report to human resource's 😊 Sleepers of Erin. Giving me the silence treatment. Hey! Who the hell is'sa Jack Dory?>> <<@fukugoogle8639 says : Tulsi and Vance both shady as f$ck>> <<@adrielgutierrez5832 says : I love you guys but STOP pretending that telegram is not a safe haven for child porn traders and pedophiles. Stop turning a blind eye to that! Just watch any of these other youtubers who catch these guys! Telegram is being used for very sick things and it needs to stop! Please do not discredit yourselves !>> <<@derekhoekstra746 says : Bongino for fbi Kennedy health department Tucker cia Tulsu Secretary of State Mark levin attorney general>> <<@acheronexile says : People question if Gerald is gay or not, so I decided to test. I brought him a BLT with guacamole and asked his opinion, he loved it. So it's been settled once and for all, Gerald is a huge fan of the LGBT.>> <<@melaniemarino7219 says : He didn’t come fully clean and something is up>> <<@germanstudent06 says : That mustache ain't gonna sit on itself!>> <<@tommyg2966 says : Actually the Articles of Confederation did outlaw the expansion of slavery ... The original founding document is free of their slavery sin .... And the Constitution limited slavery .., and the whole 3/5ths thing is misunderstood. It's the first time in all of history that the value of a slaves opinion exceeded zero. ... So much more I could say>> <<@seanm7553 says : Elon needs to buy youtube.>> <<@skinnie2838 says : Geralds "incremental" argument about abortion is wrong. The act of abortion must be criminalized. Incrimentalization from republicans has failed for 50 years now. They will never ban abortion and its the "pro lifers" like Gerald who help it not to end. Stop being a pretend Christian and finally come out against baby murder. Please.>> <<@PuppyMonsters says : 55:35 The fact that this site put BBC as right in the center and at the top as far as far as accuracy, and how high they put CNN and Vox shows that the site itself is skewed to the left of rational.>> <<@axkirby says : That opening though!>>