<<@RebelNewsOnline says : If you want to support Tamara Lich in her legal battle, you can do so by chipping in at http://HelpTamara.com.>> <<@wizb4707 says : Hahahaah you guys are so tough. Didn’t know you guys are that weak>> <<@melikgibsson5539 says : Where is Free Convoy's MONEY?>> <<@melikgibsson5539 says : Trudeau is covid criminal, soon he has another bio terror weapona against Canadians THE SPARS PANDEMIC 2025-2028>> <<@allanthibodeau8114 says : God bless all honest and good will humans.>> <<@jamienibler9952 says : Praise God, thank you Jesus!>> <<@vinmangob8555 says : So now why is Truduh and the liberal government put behind bars???????????????? Freezing bank account??????????? Criminal.>> <<@UNCHART3DGAMING says : Trudeau needs to go straight to jail - class action against him and Freedland>> <<@jimclarke-q5i says : now is the time for Trudeau to stand trial.>> <<@randyprall6114 says : Trudeau should be charged for violations of freedom of rights>> <<@LCculater says : No money for jag ?>> <<@drywallrocker says : I'd sooner vote for a pile of dogshit rather then Trudeau!>> <<@glenshauf9990 says : Did they find Chris Barber not Guilty>> <<@dancharland3945 says : Trudeau and his party are the enemies of Canada>> <<@shauntpearson6368 says : Trudeau and his brown shirt enforcers should all be charged with human rights violations under the Canadian criminal code of justice. The government had no right to arrest anyone that was involved in the peaceful protest of the government’s illegal activities. The entire world stood with their mouths agape in disbelief as this happened. Several of other nations leaders verbally chastised Trudeau and other Canadian so called liberal politicians for their human rights abuses in this matter. There where even calls to have Trudeau censured from speaking during the NATO summit. Failing to get the censure of Trudeau. The vast majority of nations walked off the floor before and during Trudeau’s address, as the exiting leaders decried the words hypocrite and tyrant. Never before in our nation’s history have we ever been so badly embarrassed by the actions of our own Prime Minister and government. In my 61 years I have never seen nor can I ever remember, a Canadian government or it’s Prime Minister involved in so many scandals and thefts of taxpayers money. The greatest scandal of all time, is the act of treason by the liberal government and China in fixing our last election. In the vast majority of other countries that warrants the death penalty, when convicted.>> <<@joemeathook-rb2nx says : Why isn’t Trudeau paying out of his personal pocket for these people’s defence lawyers! Not the government but Trudeau himself out of his trust fund! He made the illegal decisions and he should pay for them out of his pocket not ours!>> <<@KimGoebel says : What about Pat King? Seems like he is the scapegoat.>> <<@crticalthinking says : Communist Canada showing it's true colours. Criminals running the show under the guise of politicians, police and lawyers. Rule of law my rear end. Rule of what they want you to believe to fit their globalist agenda.>> <<@joeblowbuilder4809 says : Hopefully she’ll recover all expenses, time and 100% for all she went through. Sue Trudeau, Bill Blair and Ottawa police chief personal and than the Federal and the Ottawa City.>> <<@robbyrocksoo says : Sickening how our tax money is used against innocent Canadians, and no politicians are held accountable for wasting our money on unjustified court cases, instead of helping Canadians with the money. I am sure, for example many veterans could use the money instead, or pay down the debt, so we are not drowning in interest payments.>> <<@HamedRez-vg7vc says : Hallelujah 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏>> <<@catcat5045 says : Thank you rebel news! Thanks Ezra>> <<@joemoloney3713 says : The whole Goddamn thing is a farce using our tax payers dollars!>> <<@twstvan93 says : Justin wrongfully enacted the Emergency Act on an emotional basis to protect his pride and power to control, but now with this loss and that of affirmation by the legal system that the EA was not legal Justin should face impeachment and criminal charges.>> <<@richardr3511 says : Shouldn't have taken this long, it's the way white people are treated here now. Charge Trudeau>> <<@Firewater138 says : The prosecutor should be disciplined for this, if not terminated. The police officer involved his supervisor should also be disciplined, if not terminated.>> <<@davidkolisnek6601 says : 👍👍>> <<@garyday3191 says : Why is this not in the CBC News to day😂.?>> <<@Roofers-Nail-Hardest says : It’s nice to see that our courts haven’t been wholly corrupted yet. This is an important precedent. Once the universities become corrupted, the courts are next.>> <<@paulbianco8309 says : Politicians should be held accountable at any level. As the saying goes, No one is above the law.>> <<@carollehince8472 says : I wish Trudeau Freeland etc…. Will be sued>> <<@Bn-fd9kp says : The Emergencies act is the single worst thing that any supposedly democratic nation has ever done. The fact that the people who voted for this are still not only in power but have never had to answer for this shows what a joke Canada is.>> <<@GorFX420 says : We should be demanding a dna test for Trudeau to prove who his father is>> <<@roberttoews2775 says : The two thumbs down are from Justin and Chrystia. 🤣>> <<@James-l5s7k says : She just had her life ruined by evil leftists. Unless you vote PPC, you hate freedom.>> <<@deangailwahl8270 says : God's word says if you falsely accuse someone of a crime then the punishment the accused what have received now applies to the accuser.>> <<@BillPetrovas says : Tampon Trudeau needs to be held accountable. Little tyrant and WEF puppet should resign.>> <<@starkbattams5106 says : The police were laughable little puppets, protecting their pay checks. My respect for police is only given to those who earn it. If you were one of the pieces of crap, hiding your face and badge in order to be a good little Trudeau soldier, you shouldn't have a badge. Take it off and give it to someone deserving of wearing it.>> <<@rocksteady8313 says : 20 million she spent 49 in jail no trial a pathetic terrorist Omar Was rewarded 10.5>> <<@darsharhef says : Sue turdo and the lieberal party, personally..........>> <<@barry1122 says : Hold the Line! ❤>> <<@DanBarksey says : Thank god for these people ,when police services work for governments against its citizens , you may as well be in a brown shirt in 1939 Germany working for a dictator which they are … Trudeau….. but it’s the part that the police services look like they enjoy it which is troubling.>> <<@niclejeune2023 says : Justin's Ego trial on taxpayers dime, disgusted at waste of time and hardship on convoy participants.FREEDOM>> << says : This was known right from the beginning. The crown attorney's are using the time frame to trial, as a procedural way to punish Canadians that dared to stand up against Trudeau. The police were embarrassing during all this. The departments hire people that believe that if they are given an order, it is automatically lawful. The one's that know that this is a violation of the law, have either retired, just plain quit, or just hate their departments for being complicate in the violation of our Charter of rights. Trudeau should be held legally and civilly liable for his part in illegally invoking the Emergencies Act.>> <<@reynaldo-zo8iz says : Tamara Lich for PM!!❤❤❤❤❤❤>> <<@roseadesjarlais5496 says : Just thinking, we need a statutory holiday called Freedom Day..>> <<@roseadesjarlais5496 says : Reimburse for lost wages.>> <<@joet81 says : Every single Canadian should be going after the government for the blatant violation of human and Charter rights and abuse of power>> <<@dipeachio6832 says : I'd sue both the Canadian government and Trudeau separately>> <<@danboden9873 says : Back on the line until he resigns.>>