<<@CHRISCRAZZ-t7w says : I have a child with Becky Sasakamoose Keffner. She is a race relations,Dei for the city of Saskatoon look into her. She’s a crazy woman trust me. I have a kid with her and she’s nuts>> <<@corathurber7499 says : You know, it seems like teachers across the board have not addressed the real issue here. I think that due to all the abusive parents in this country, it caused teachers to view parents in general as bad. Remember, these people are not very bright. Instead of addressing the gross abuse in our court system and the fact that ANY attempt to bring focus on it is met with horrible attacks, defamation, and illegal cps, court, and law enforcement pressure. We are too scared to address the obvious recruitment of pedophiles and child traffickers INTO OUR COURTS! No one wants to talk about it because the only ones affected are divorcees. And that stigma was hammered down big time! "Well, you would say that. You are too emotionally charged to see things objectively." Tell me then, how do my emotions play into the fact that the Voices of the Children's report isn't ordered until the kids are older? After the damage is done?! Divorce brings all kinds of uncertainties and stress. Bringing in a child psychologist was meant to give them a voice AND to verify abuse allegations. They will leave out that second part and actually try to now claim that it was only put in to give the child the right to choose which parent they live with, which we ALL know is STUPID. Most kids in a non-abusive environment will always pick the EASY parent, not the rule-setter. Duh. They keep sabatoging every effort to address this horrifying reality, and so it continues to get worse. It bleeds out into all aspects of life, believe it or not. Abused men and women are being gas-lit while their abusers are being actively protected! Is it really a surprise that they pressure girls into being thankful to be assaulted by a man in the women's bathrooms?! And everyone wonders why every kid with divorced parents is so messed up! People say things like, "Haha, yeah, the system is brutal." How is it FUNNY or worth such a CAVELIER response?! The first time someone did that to me, I asked, "Why?" I grilled into him so hard I doubt he'll ever joke about it again, but you would be shocked at how many people pretend this problem doesn't exist. Or how IMPORTANT it is and how NO TALKS FROM PIERRE OR OTHERWISE OF RIGHTING THINGS IS RELEVANT WHEN IT ALL GOES TO THESE COURTS. Now, I'm off to, YET AGAIN, fall short on finding ANY agencies that can help me. Thanks for NOTHING Canada! My kids would've been JUST FINE if not for you and your sick pedoes changing all the rules to make it easier for you to, not only access broken kids, BUT TO CREATE THEM. You are just SO BLESSED that MY GOD IS BIGGER THAN ANYTHING YOU THROW AT ME! I sit on my evidence until SOMEONE finally addresses this absolutely obvious MAIN problem. I also have a kid who was targeted by the woke teachers and now they didn't graduate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I called the board, asked for help from all the grassroot groups, and even called the cops at one point. I was ignored because of the SEA of parents in trouble. Cops don't want to get involved at all. I can't remember what happened with the board, but I do record all my calls. I also got tortured by licentious nurses who took the word of a known narcissistic abuser over all the evidence, my family, friends, and church. They decided I was a "Karen" because my ex was freakin out thinking he would be blamed for my condition and told them I was crazy for leaving him. They didn't even hesitate and bought it up because they were so horny and smitten by him. It caused them to lose ALL reason as they proceeded to PROVE I was faking. I didn't know what was happening, though. It started with a seizure and then everything went black. I was acting CRAZY. Like, trying to climb the paddling pool in the middle of winter crazy. Like stripping all my clothes off and streaking through the center crazy. The seizures continued although they put me on something for that. Funny how they denied I had real seizures even though they couldn't take me off the meds. They refused to give me anything to sleep for 4 days saying I was faking it. They refused to send me to neurology. They refused even when my right stopped working. They gave me ELECTROSHOCK THERAPY INSTEAD. Then I went catatonic... but I was faking it. A cover off doctor rescued me before slipping into a coma and died which was the last two stages of THE DISEASE THAT WAS OBVIOUSLY RAVAGING MY BRAIN. I wondered why the doctors, giving me the RIGHT treatment finally, were so sad! I learned later it was because every one of them thought it was too late. 23% brain damage and dptsd for life is what I got out of this HORRIBLE REGIME AND WHAT THEY HAVE PRODUCED AS "PROFFESSIONALS"! Three BIG WAYS I have been DIRECTLY impacted by these HORRIBLE SOCIAL AGENDAS! I have recorded all my calls, recorded every hearing since 2020, and I fought and got the 20lbs of medical files they DID NOT WANT TO GIVE ME. One day, maybe someone can use it to warn this country of what a bunch of libtards does to a nation. A cautionary tale at the very least. Lord knows there's zero justice that has come from it. THANKS FOR NOTHING CANADA! You are just SO BLESSED that MY FATHER is SOVEREIGN. My dad is a KING, and He has seen. He is not worried. He is MAD. His wrath is up. And He's coming for all of us! Whew! I can't wait!>> <<@Homesweetsenko says : You go girl!>> <<@stevejh69 says : Our governments are out of control. We need to hold them accountable!>> <<@stevejh69 says : The person who sent the letter needs immediate arrest! The school division needs investigation, as there is obviously serious corruption! This lady is a HERO, she is showing us how corrupt our council and government employees have become! Parents you need to understand how serious this is.>> <<@sheldoncedwardthibault3599 says : A school division that like to gouge your bank account. What the hey?! Ridiculous!>> <<@electrodacus says : Not quite sure what her request was but 17447 pages seems fairly extreme.>> <<@genekrobel4707 says : Pure insanity.>> <<@timothyj1966 says : FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!! Gay here and LGTBqrs HAS ZERO PLACE in SCHOOLS!!!>> <<@dawnemile7499 says : I'm with her.>> <<@dawnemile7499 says : The government agencies have effectually circumvented the freedom of information act by claiming privacy. This would surely be overturned in a court of law. That is, if the courts aren't party members.>> <<@dawnemile7499 says : It's time to toss the governments we have now.>> <<@Aqui77aO says : Under fee #3: how can they possibly know how many pages would need to be photocopied of they havent submitted the 200 hours of searching it would take?? Maybe im missing something...>> <<@medic3075 says : Our education system is compromised, has been for years. Home schooling is the only option for our children.>> <<@James-l5s7k says : Public education has failed. Boomers won't admit that socialism is evil.>> <<@RunTwoWin says : I'm gonna ramble but bare with me, I'll tie my ramble into the video subject I promise. I just feel this is important for parents to know and hopefully encourage them to get engaged! Yesterday my granddaughter said she had a tiff with her teacher because my granddaughter brought a single use plastic recyclable water bottle to class. The teacher stated that she couldn't bring "that" into her class because it isn't environmentally friendly and it offended the teacher. The trouble is, there is no policy in the Ontario School Education and training Policy/Program Memorandum 150 that implicitly prohibits single use plastics of any kind within the school. For those who don't know, the Memorandum is in regards to the School food and beverage policy within Ontario public schools. This policy lists nutritional standard for items that are available for purchase or supplied by the school within the school itself. But, there are exemptions and also there are items that are not listed, two such items are single use plastics and oddly, contrary to popular opinion, peanut based products! Now to tie this all into the video - PARENTS MUST BE INVOLVED. My daughter had no clue there was such a policy and relied upon the teachers opinion rather than the facts. Parents must take the school board to task by demanding it provide official policies for the decisions they make, my kids are not yours to indoctrinate so take your hands and opinions off and away from them.>> <<@deangailwahl8270 says : When it came to leftists, I use to think it was Morons voting for Perverts now I believe it's Perverts voting for Bigger PERVERTS.>> <<@vastthegap3390 says : Parents get together and get parents rights back asap>> <<@vastthegap3390 says : Keep on them take them to task and demand change!>> <<@12douzee says : 23.7 weeks or roughly 6 months worth of labour to get this done. Hmmmm….>> <<@Gtrman86 says : Enough with the gay shit already, maybe if kids went back to learning the school curriculum we wouldn't have a world full of idiots.>> <<@Shawn_DC says : I’m glad they don’t want to waste money on misinformation, delusions and grooming children.>> <<@99suspects says : This tells you everything you ever need to know about government>> <<@creativetrash6872 says : I get the anger with teachers and school boards witholding info from parents, but ya'll are mad about preschool programs teaching your kids about the basic concepts of transgender and non-binary people, that there are more than two genders and separating biological sex from gender identity, as well as, maybe teaching the kids basics about gender roles and how potentially harmful perpetuating these roles can be? Genuinely questioning. I understand that you value your kid's education, but there are concept that you should let your kid learn. Teaching a very very simplified gender ideology is the same as the ABCs and 123s. Let kids learn that those types of people exist and to treat those people with kindness, as well as, people that they will inevitably interact with.>> <<@TheWolfgangfritz says : Every parent should be as concerned as you are. Parents please wake up and get involved. Over the years, being self employed doing mostly kitchen and bathroom installations allowed me to see how families dealt with their kids; for the most part they all figured that kids grow up on their own and the school system will raise the kids. Most parents both had jobs, kids came home at 3:30 - 4pm, made popcorn in the micro and then both parents came home at 7pm with a bucket of fried chicken. Each grabbed a handful and scampered into their rooms and computer screens. Are we going to lose the next generation?>> <<@voidwizard2067 says : The fact that they itemized it to the exact number of pages means that the information is found, available and ready. The cost is simply b.s. to put you off. Anyone of authority who authorized this document should be fired.>> <<@jeice13 says : No way they have 17000 pages about each kid. This is probably mostly gender policy documents>> <<@ThroughYeshuaislife says : So how can we help in this??>> <<@lilliansongs-w2d says : While you're waiting for the school board to respond, they are teaching our kids. Pull the kids out is the only way to protect them>> <<@randyoake3495 says : This is done on purpose to push you away, they are deceiving the parents don't let this go.>> <<@fall-neckthetallneck2977 says : Wouldn’t this be liable to a lawsuit? They’re clearly trying to stop her from accessing her child’s files and legally according to Saskatchewan’s laws, they can’t do that.>> <<@dibsondabs9372 says : Wtf?>> <<@fauxfire4796 says : They should be worth less than the paper they are printed on.>> <<@Hoonish says : In Canada, while the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms does not explicitly state that parents are the holders of their child's right to education, the general legal and societal understanding is that parents do hold significant responsibility and authority over their child's education. This is supported by several legal principles and provincial laws: 1. Parental Responsibility: In Canadian law, parents are generally recognized as the primary decision-makers for their children, which includes decisions about education. This responsibility is seen as part of the broader parental duty to ensure the well-being and development of their children. 2. Provincial Education Acts: Education is governed by provincial legislation in Canada, and these laws often recognize parents' roles in choosing the type of education their child receives, whether it be public, private, or homeschooling. 3. International Context: Canada is a signatory to international agreements, like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, which recognize parents' rights to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children. 4. Case Law: Canadian courts have upheld parental rights in education, particularly in cases where educational choices are tied to religious or moral beliefs, as long as these choices comply with basic educational standards set by the state. Overall, while the Charter doesn’t explicitly state that parents are the holders of their child's right to education, the legal framework in Canada generally supports and respects the significant role that parents play in making educational decisions for their children.>> <<@sanpotkins4705 says : Teachers associations need to he punished.>> <<@drcurby says : 😮😲🤯>> <<@suzannef3593 says : Good for you. Thank you for doing all that you do! This is getting out of hand! They need to leave these kids alone.>> <<@pbandjedi5006 says : Yes, absolutely I love that - Parents are the experts on their own children. Every predator starts with the phrase "this will be our secret, don't tell your parents" Stop the grooming.>> <<@derekdandrea3374 says : ON FIRE! And correctly so. Regina resident here and all this GENDER indoctrination must end. Embarrassing and outrageous.>> <<@gottfriedkribernegg1627 says : Nuts.>> <<@willynorris1739 says : Go get them!! Thanks for taking on this fight!>> <<@stressknot says : Absolute rubbish!! $30,000 give me a break, who do these "bleeeep" think they are!! Living down the road from Regina, I'll meet Lise in Regina stand beside her with this!!>> <<@BonezBenz says : Take this up with your MLA, then Moe, and also write to all cabinet ministers.>> <<@davewillfong8075 says : Hear my applause, Lise. Keep up the energy and drive to get the school board to provide your simple Freedom of Information request. They just lobbed a get out of our face turd at you. Use your great skills to continue until they provide the info. Or get FoI legislation changed.>> <<@KZ-qg7bw says : Here’s what they’re saying, we don’t think you will like what we send you and it may be damaging for some criminal bureaucrats but if you send us 200 grand we will send you a redacted copy.>> <<@stevejackson2694 says : Sounds more like they are stonewalling to prevent people gaining information>> <<@dustinherk8124 says : weird considering Saskatchewan is a staunch conservative province. this board needs to lose their position. Sincerely a Regina Citizen>> <<@slakjawnotsayin5451 says : She's done, and roughly 95% of parents are also done with this BS already! The problem is, we might be in a state of "insurrection" when we fight back hard, which in a year and a couple months from now, will keep our current PM seated until the fighting stops, according to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms! Maybe this is the plan???>> <<@drunkincooking8297 says : 😡 remember the catholic school board Forced it’s workers to get Vaxxed or loose their job…it knows if you sitting eating or standing walking in a restaurant 😂😂😂 you think brains are working ?>> <<@charlesfarley857 says : Well if that doesn’t tell you everything you need to know. There is no need to hide documents if everything is on the up and up. Groomers, pedophiles and Satanists the lot of them, if any of them want to claim they’re not, they’d better start talking.>>