<<@stangovation6459 says : Tim needs hospice soon>> <<@ThatRedhedd says : Project 2025 abolishes the Constitution & its authors are on Trump's staff! How's Trump the right person to be Commander-In-Chief (w/ the power to start a nuclear war @ his fingertips) in light of his unhinged ego & self-reported need to "get revenge" on anyone he clashes with?>> <<@ThatRedhedd says : The best way to have a safe, fair, and free society is to...wait, what did you say it was again? Let convicted felons become president, pardon themselves and pardon their felon friends? Yes, that was it! I totally agree! Those democrats who think our president should have no criminal record are absolutely nuts!>> <<@ThatRedhedd says : I mean, what does Christianity actually stand for when Christians are backing a presidential candidate who a jury determined was civily liable for seggsually assaulting a woman, AND who has 34 FELONY convictions after tampering with the 2016 election by using campaign funds to pay hush money to the corn star he had an affair with to keep her from speaking or negatively impacting his political race - _rather than_ supporting a former prosecutor with NO criminal record OR history of seggsually assaulting people whatsoever? I'm convinced we're actually in the Twilight Zone!>> <<@GerolamoUrsidYulin says : This is idealism versus being cynical. This ellections are for proving once again, that the naive candidate ❤ is going to lose.>> <<@scrambl3dmegs says : All I can say is thank God for the fast forward tap on YouTube>> <<@scrambl3dmegs says : The dem party thinks their base is dumb enough to be so distracted by shiny objects that they won't realize they're being spoonfed lies a la mode.>> <<@shimoneliezer2384 says : My goodness… I can’t listen to those liars too much. Every sentence Clinton utters is full of projecting, narratives, lies, false reports, hollow promises, gaslighting, and on and on and on. I can understand in that stadium people get high, but boy oh boy how cold will be the shower next week, although I am sure many are in a state of denial.>> <<@pizzatime8404 says : It’s funny that they brought out Bill Clinton for this. Not only is his voice mirroring that of Joe Biden’s elderliness, but he is the representation of misogyny and the patriarchy; two of the major (supposed) hurdles that Kamala seeks to remedy. Disgusting hypocrisy.>> <<@HonestlyNow4Real says : Some guys don't look so good when they try to smile big. Hakim Jeffries is one of those guys.>> <<@crisp3 says : Never once mentioned the constitution. Weird.>> <<@laurenkwarren says : I’m a woman, and honestly, I don’t want to vote for a woman for president. The message of feminism is quite frankly dishonest. Women and men are designed differently. I’m all for women senators, things like that, but ultimate leadership has a different affect. In sociology and psychology it can’t be ignored that the effect of male leadership is profoundly important. I don’t really care if it’s unpopular if it’s true. The family is the most fundamental example of society, and the strong leadership of the father is paramount. The role of the mother is CRUCIAL, and shapes society, but the role is different. I’m a firm believer of living into our designed roles. This makes all of us individually and societally thrive. When women are finding their value in essentially “being men” and living into men’s roles, the system falls apart.>> <<@AdriaanCoetzee-k8q says : All these Macdonald employees create obesity and then they curate cheaper insulin as some artful policy...>> <<@DMilbury says : Democrats are so damn insufferable. Their projection and gas lighting are unbelievable.>> <<@AdriaanCoetzee-k8q says : Running on hope with feet of clay reminds me of Lyles in the 200m at the olympics>> <<@isaakdanielstrandgoodmanson says : Ryan seems to have many corny, neo-con, defeatist takes. We wonder why we've been so good at losing.>> <<@wildcatblue13 says : They hate women , that’s evident .. your only a good women if you question your gender , you don’t choose kids and you choose just yourself .. I’m a women & a mother who left the workforce for my kids because the school system fell apart during covid . I chose my kids and I would be considered less than for that . However my kids are the future , they need to be first . The school systems literally set kids up to fail anymore ! Boys are told they aren’t boys , girls are told to be selfish and immoral . I think it’s ok to teach women to strive for things but to learn balance . It’s ok to teach men to be roudy and be leaders 😮>> <<@RayWilliams-x2g says : Yeah that's tampon tim>> <<@Beeezkneeez says : NO Idiot he said HIS HS class was only 24 kids and none of them went to Yale!! FFS you were even corrected and still double downed!!>> <<@erictan1522 says : Shut up Clinton. You have no business telling everyone your opinion.>> <<@JakubKahoun says : Any reason to add 15 minute waiting in this video? this is awfull practice.>> <<@Robert_Sparkman_07 says : Matt needs to swallow some helium to sound like a leftist..his voice is too deep.>> <<@Jazz1959 says : And you had a serious drinking problem Mr. DUI. Yes let’s talk about that stolen valor? You absolutely destroyed Minnesota and let it burn down. Let’s talk about The 19 billion in surplus you promised to give back to the people. It was suppose to be $2000 we got $200 and then $450 million disappeared. You are the worst governor we have ever had in Minnesota. You protect IVF and then kill babies up to full term. Your wife never had IVF. No you let the criminals kill people on the unsafe streets in the twin cities. All lies Walz all lies.>> <<@Upadastra says : How the Democrats use the theme of "Joy" for the Harris campaign, just like once used for Stalin, Mau Tze Tung and Hitler.>> <<@משהחכים-צ3ק says : Couple of Jews in Pensilvenia... There are 400K jews there. If only10% of them will vote for Trump the election is over.>> <<@AZ1306AZ says : So Walz is proud that none of his students went to Yale (obviously a dig at JDV), but he thinks it's great that he himself went to college on the GI Bill?>> <<@CharlesBronson-w8n says : I would vote for a competent, intelligent woman in a heartbeat.>> <<@CharlesBronson-w8n says : Trump has never been called racist until Hillary called him that.>> <<@Don-k2i says : Trump & Vance may be weird but it's a qwerty kind of weird. But Walz is a hide your woman & children weird/ weirdo Poetry In motion: by Don Stiles FREEDOM TO EXSPRESS / the twisted liberal With tongue, or in script, For expression to be. Is to strive for one's absolute liberty. It's a liberals twisted mind that says we are free, As long as you think like me. The liberal may say you are free to express you're hearts desire, But beware they are as wolf's in sheep's attire. The liberal may say to truly be free, You must subscribe to our philosophy.>> <<@CharlesBronson-w8n says : Dude he doesn't chase this stuff down from the internet. He is a Marxist and this stuff is part of a Marxist takeover of America. OBAMA IS A MARXIST AND KAMALAS PARENTS ARE MARXIST.>> <<@CharlesBronson-w8n says : The Fall of Minneapolis shows you what a creep Walz is hiding evidence of Derek Chauvins innocence with Keith Ellison.>> <<@CharlesBronson-w8n says : Its Antifia in Hammas garb just like January 6 they wore Trump garb.>> <<@CharlesBronson-w8n says : Hammas has always been a terrorist group.>> <<@sbrave says : Jobs report today. Waaaaaaaaaay off, which goes to show more of their bs>> <<@definitelynotthecia4998 says : As an independent, I think tim walz is the only person in this presidential campaign who I don't find creepy.>> <<@noctemknight8359 says : What's wrong with Tim's son or is he as much of a faker and liar as Tim is? While apparently crying uncontrollably for some unknown reason, he literally leaned down to his sister and (who was not crying BTW) appeared to say "that's our dad"? Must have been overwhelmed by the "joy" lol 🙄🙄🙄>> <<@mfin-dave says : What does anyone think about RFK Jr. being given a position in the Trump administration ? What would he be best suited for ?>> <<@justanobserver5079 says : Didn't Oprah try to buy the land of Hawaii residents whose houses were burning?>> <<@justanobserver5079 says : He was a "weekend warrior" for 24 years--for those that do not know, that is one weekend a month and two week a year. That is 864 days or slightly more of service plus any days for MOS schooling (learning at taxpayer expense). That is effectively less than those that were active military for four years.>> <<@mfin-dave says : I'm sorry, this guest on your panel saying 'Americans don't want to vote for a Female President' was SOOO out of line. I'd vote for Tulsi Gabbard in a split second if she ran for President. A smart, competent woman would get my vote pretty quickly... Kamala is neither smart or competent, that's the difference. This guy should apologize for that statement....>> <<@mfin-dave says : I'm tired of the Democrats lies... lies about: the economy, the border, lies about the 2025 project, lies about things Trump has said.... it just goes on and on. How can we trust Any of these people ?>> <<@mfin-dave says : Michelle Obama telling that story about her mother or whomever telling her to not trust people who take more than they need is outrageous... Michelles net worth is somewhere between 50-70 MILLION dollars !!>> <<@hggfhh4449 says : Abort tim walz>> <<@lambertsaldi1550 says : Liberal leftist Dem Swamp 👎🤯👹🥸👺👽💩🤯💩👎>> <<@marilaglubag says : Tim Walz, how did he lie? Let me count the ways...>> <<@azthekid5175 says : Creepy Looking and Talking. Where and Why does Tim Walz want Men to Insert Women’s Products? 🫣😵‍💫😵>> <<@dantedarko8696 says : They are insane there living in a delusion of reality celebrating non existent achievements and glory's. I have never seen such a display of madness before in my life>> <<@juancarrillo4547 says : I think Election Day is the only day or thing democrats hate because it’s the only thing they can’t control 😂😅>> <<@blove142 says : I think he just endorsed armed guards for schools!! I’m glad he’s on board with” good guys with guns”>> <<@blove142 says : “ freedom”! From the governor who locks you down, tried to force you to get a vaccine, once boys on your girls sports team and then your girls locker room, and once to ensure that kids Too young for sex, can get a “sex change”in Minnesota>>