<<@RebelNewsOnline says : Please sign our petition to demand that Canada’s Minister of Health, Mark Holland, take the mRNA COVID-19 shots off of the market immediately: http://NoMoreShots.ca>> <<@marlenemacdonald says : Nope. But I no its Canadian government for a fact.>> <<@experiencemystique4982 says : Diabetes? Well if you push the population to survive by breadcrumbs ( stamps) and you buy the plus cheap on big quantities to survive...what do you think gives as result? Unhealthy individuals...>> <<@loveKG26 says : GMO are not normal. Advanced glycation end products don’t help….. it increases each time something is heated. Left overs the next day are bad very high AGE . Pre made products high in AGE. High heat cooking caused high AGE products. Dry high temperatures like baked goods so high in AGE products that age you and any human quicker.>> <<@billybob-dz6tu says : Good Job Rebel!>> <<@billybob-dz6tu says : This is what everyone needs to be informed about! Good job folks!>> <<@billybob-dz6tu says : This was known before, and it needs to be addressed here in Canada as well!>> <<@emilyw842 says : Obama the liar in Chief DESTROYED health insurance forever.>> <<@emilyw842 says : BAYER....MONSANTO.....ROUNDUP......GLYPHOSATE........ NON-HODKINS LYMPHOMA.>> <<@somethingkindawonderful3034 says : Love your hair cut looks great>> <<@galfromphilly says : Interesting timing that Tucker does this interview eclipsing RFK Jr's support of Trump & his future role to deal with chronic disease in USA ❤>> <<@tonystyles21 says : They want us sick>> <<@newlife956 says : ONE thing that MUST STOP.....is the protectionist cover that doctors get from COLLEGES OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS here in Canada. How can physicians police themselves....and how can we expect fair outcomes and justice when they are allowed to hide their mistakes and crimes??>> <<@sabine3769 says : Share with everyone .wake up>> <<@TheGreatestHandle says : I guess they figure they can replace the poor with more poor through immigration.. sad>> <<@Doctor-Stoppage says : Rockefeller advisor Frederick Taylor Gates was instrumental in the founding and operation of the of the GEB and described its philosophy this way in his 1916 book "The Country School of Tomorrow": We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning, or men of science. We have not to raise up from among them authors, editors, poets or men of letters. We shall not search for […] great artists, painters, musicians nor lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen, of whom we have an ample supply… The task we set before ourselves is very simple as well as a very beautiful one, to train these people as we find them to a perfectly ideal life just where they are… So we will organize our children into a little community and teach them to do in a perfect way the things their fathers and mothers are doing in an imperfect way, in the homes, in the shops and on the farm.>> <<@fptshop2614 says : The media is controlled by BLACKROCK!! Hello!!!>> <<@fptshop2614 says : All large volume products are a monopoly in Canada and USA . THIS IS WHY ..BLACKROCK ..MUST BE BROKEN ..BLACKROCK IS THE DEVILS TOOL AGAINST HUMANITY IN ALL LIFE ASPECTS!! BREAKEM and the WORLD WILL RECOVER!!>> <<@Wit_Shunter says : Some countries have the death penalty for drug dealers. Seems like a good idea after the CoViD scam.>> <<@richierich440007 says : As of Rockefeller and on, he turned the entire health industry into a dual system, namely; IF YOU CAN’T put a meter in the industry and or make them LONG TERM PATIENTS —while destroying and making ANY natural medicine survive they’re pharmaceutical industry MONOPOLY, it was to be DESTROYED against all remedies or natural medicines— The same practices were imposed on EVERY ASPECT of medicine and producing the medical field providers. It’s RACKET worse that the MOBSTER mentality 😑😵‍💫🤦🏻 A cured client is the exact opposite of their PROFITS or continuous growth industries 🧐 WHAT A CENTENNIAL RACET THEFT at our expense🚨🚨🚨>> <<@cobone04 says : The political left is the most evil entity on planet earth.>> <<@alichebry says : Canada's system is a COMPLETE FAILURE>> <<@G.I.N.N says : Duh ...Its been going on for decades. Canada is the same. Big Pharma are lieing monsters>> <<@juliebrady8583 says : The Higgwire had been telling you this for years now. Taking the CDC and FDA to court. Go to the website.>> <<@specialtymachining says : & said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, & wilt do that which is right in his sight, & wilt give ear to his commandments, & keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee.>> <<@arthuroates2002 says : create the problem then pretend to fix the problem and they get richer doing this . the civilized world are now hypochondriacs while experimenting on those that are not>> <<@turnaroundguy says : what people are capable of is disgusting. only a fool pretends its all sunshine and rainbowsw. but they compare themselves by themselves and feel pretty darn special>> <<@ron-ko5wz says : I'm glad i saw thru the experiment>> <<@sacred406 says : And Canada follows like wise these big corporate dictators. Look at the names that own outright or invest in these companies that "poison" the food supply and medical interventions.>> <<@timmymiron2727 says : We have such a doctors pandemic and so many patients that doctors are so overwhelmed that they just prescribe drugs. It's way quicker, and the doctors don't have to look further at the issues>> <<@diji5071 says : I've been trying to make people aware for over 20 years. It's nice to see people finally allowing each other to believe the truth>> <<@alexfetterhoff2147 says : 🎉🎉>> <<@alexfetterhoff2147 says : Why is all this happening??>> <<@eyeswideopenn says : This was a great interview highly recommend people watch the full 2 hour one. Thanks rebel news for reporting on this ❤>> <<@Keep_calm_and_slave_on says : I’m mad as hell!!! They lied to me>> <<@wadeyoung3680 says : That's all right to say when we're taxed to death here in canada, You can't afford to eat it.A bag of organic apples is fifteen dollars>> <<@wadeyoung3680 says : So these doctors are no better if they were so worried about people, You could go and see them for free, but they're charging money to get in and see them, so they're no better than the rest Tickets on sale now>> <<@HypocriticYT says : Politicians are there for $$, government system allows them to mine you as a resource. No one cares about you 😮 You are a number, gov issues you one.>> <<@FarbotBurunetNia says : Thank you for the report.>> <<@dougiep2769 says : So sad for these kids.... these ppl are very courageous..>> <<@dougiep2769 says : So sad for the kids.. Not surprised to hear some origins either.. I hope it wakes more.. the people rising up is what it is gonna take to stop it..>> <<@leevan2332 says : We all know that countries are run by corporations not Politicians for the people by the people...That died a long time ago....Reminds me of the scripture Revelation 18:23 Where it states that the "Great Merchants" (Corporations) of the world are deceiving it!>> <<@MotorCruiser-w3x says : Same in the UK.....healthy people = NOT good for business>> <<@EarmuffHugger says : Dear $atan, Hello. Sincerely, AI>> <<@1goldinga says : ...was this brough to you by Pfizer. Id lay off these people a bit. They do put up some good stories. But the amount of limited hangouts they do is astounding. The pharma industry is ownwd by the same people we all know and hear about. Dark stone, Province road, and car protect. (BR,ST,VG). They own almost everything. Yhey would have you looking at obama...not the 75 organizations that get diplomatic immunity and get to carry out experiments on a black budget without fear of the law. We had a sitting oresident going to islands. We had a previous primeministers organization use a question fbi flagged logo. Dont let rebel play games with you. Omission is still a type of lying.>> <<@lalani888ARTblue says : Big pharma never wanted cure's...just repeat customers $$$$$🐍 The vile side effects from pharmaceutical meds keep you coming back for more👍>> <<@patriciabeyer8029 says : The greed grows.>> <<@jorgenandersson968 says : https://youtu.be/Iom8WRaejMc?si=qVXz1SsgAJE2zETk>> <<@lifecoachanngerrard says : 2 of Canada’s 5 food conglomerates are now run by former tobacco companies. They took their scientists, who had created the addictions to cigarettes, and replanted them into the food industry! In the past 5 years I’ve seen the ingredients of most popular foods in Canada change. They have added processed oils, sugars, dyes and additives (in disguise). I Highly recommend to *READ THE INGREDIENTS! If you don’t know what it is, look it up and see the health effects! BUY AT FARMERS MARKETS (LOCALLY GROWN)& support our farmers who are being financially challenged by our government. The U.S. is even worse! COSTCO have got into a contract with a company that grows GMO fruit & vegetables! Nowhere does it say this at COSTCO superstores🤔There are no signs other than where the produce comes from! Personally, I’m removing ALL U.S. produce from my grocery list and taking time to buy seasonal, local and freeze what I need. We are in challenging times in many areas of life.This life heaviness is being felt globally😞. We can only do What we can, With what we have, From where we are… to the very best of our ability! And Pray🙏>> <<@breagharose1857 says : Great recap. Thank u for getting this info out there!>>