<<@devilwithin9514 says : Instead of starting a movie half way through and then thinking you know how it should end, why dont you do a deep dive on exactly how the tate brothers built their wealth from day 1? See if that brings up anything that changes your view on these 2 morons. But you wont do that. You will just continue to focus on the things that make the tate brothers appear innocent and focus on trying to convince everyone that they havent done anything wrong. Really disappointed by your stance on the tate brothers. Even when youre talking about them, theres like a fan girl tone to your voice. Its almost like you have a seperate agenda.>> <<@devilwithin9514 says : You are actually mentally ill if you can watch all the videos of the 2 tate twats and believe that they dont deserve punishment for the way they have chosen to make money and come up in the game. Please get your head out of the sand and stop being so biased towards these 2 low lifes..>> <<@AkbarZeb-p6f says : Why do you simp for these vile pieces of shit when they're as evil as Diddy or cry about about sexual imorality while supporting these evil bastards?! Why are you also simping for the most genocidal ideology in history - islam?! You need to back off of current politics for awhile & seriously study some world history, given islam's global, genocidal rampage, especially in Africa today!>> <<@robinspraggs1502 says : Good day to you first, so the other day I watched your pod/cast that said Harris’s father was an actor!!!! 🤔>> <<@jamoeclopton1939 says : Candace i love your show i think that you are very brave and smart but your not a god i looked into these guys i have the luxury of not being part of the left and also not being swindled by the Tate brothers I never watch videos by them I've seen shorts of them but I never watch them through I just kind of skip them I've seen videos of this guy training dudes how to manipulate cam girls I'm sorry but it's a young lady who's like 21 and he's like he's been with her for over 6 years and they're both confirming this the sick part is if he's not anywhere near these 15 year olds they're not going to make these life decisions he ruined this girl's life you should look into that>> <<@SaletePires-c9v says : You are completely out of ideas. Who is interested in what you are talking about? Please have some imagination. 😮😮😮>> <<@SaletePires-c9v says : So your good friend Andrew is the one speaking the truth? You, a woman that do not believe what other women say? Your friends deserve to be in jail, and for many, many years.No excuses!>> <<@DonaldSprouse says : I just tried to go to the Tate site and it appears down. Was his website for Hustler University removed?>> <<@MagicalArtist7 says : They are going after Tate because he has a lot of influence and power, and is not afraid to speak out. We all know what happened to people like Tate.>> <<@nohorasims656 says : I use to love to listen to you. But why you can't understand that these Tate brothers are demonic. So what if that girl was liying. They themselves admitted to being pimps. You have been played and it's so horrible how you use your platform to push these perverts agenda.>> <<@healthygrowth7760 says : Craziest thing is how many views this garbage gets 😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@JoeMarcello123 says : There to out spoken and out there. Governments don't like that..>> <<@jleahwren5160 says : Thank you.>> <<@ankybrai says : Candace, what or where is the file or the information you mentioned that you crawled through? I’m Romanian and I’m curious to go through it. Thanks>> <<@manxology says : Poor Anti-Christian Andrew.>> <<@musiciansfriend2 says : where is the Tristan interview, I didnt get to it yet, but after the raid I cant find it; probably like they intended>> <<@leightalarico7614 says : Owen’s needs a journalism award frfr>> <<@renceworld says : 😂 and just 10 days later all of his assets have been seized including his meat factory, oh Candice you saddled up to the wrong influencer here.>> <<@Soniworld says : So much respect to candace for always standing with the tate brothers and standing for the truth! ❤ may god always be with these men>> <<@DavidMiyamoto-p6o says : Candace , what do you, Meme? God bless this world's messes>> <<@Jaynan2 says : “As long as it’s not my daughter”.>> <<@Cyberdyneskynet says : Candace: "P his evil!" Also Candace: "Hey everybody! Please tune into my interview with my good friend Andrew Tate." This was a post from Tate himself after I did a little digging : Master Po - Andrew Tate @OfWudan ‘EVERYONE wants to be friends with the pimp. Doubt me? EPSTEIN HAD ACCESS TO P SY. Look at his fucking friends list. Its basic human psychology. I have the assets every man whos not a hating bitch WISHES they had. And the next best thing to BEING me, is KNOWING me. ‘ end quote For somebody that hates pornography, I find it contradicting of you to praise a man consistently that has made his fortune off of 'webcam' p n. This is not who young men want to aspire to be like We want sanctity and holiness. Andrew's life actions continue to not prove that.>> <<@cellmate1 says : https://youtu.be/ib6h35p-R-s?si=Yt11Bc6jJTfNcWSa Still defending Tate??>> <<@NB-ue9fu says : Allie Beth Stuckey just had a young lady named Jack Marino Chen on her Relatable podcast that was involved in this Hollywood sex religion!! Crazy to hear her life experience with that!>> <<@mobilegameplaywalkthroughs990 says : Where is the whole Tristan Tate interview vido? Can't seem to find it here.>> <<@dominic9028 says : It all boils down to certain entities want the T level in society low or non existent. This reduces chance of rebellion and allows more control.>> <<@brandoncodrington5111 says : 1) They were raided last week. A trial takes longer than a week to schedule. Stop combining two separate cases. This raid is separate from his prior criminal activity. 2) What do you mean "She got bored. There was nothing for her to do?" What did she go there to do? When people travel, they travel for a reason. Let's say she did what she wanted to do. Why couldn't she leave? You mean the Tate brothers paid for her trip to go there, but not to return? You mean they wouldn't let her leave? 3) Here's a brilliant idea. Why not quote the supposed text messages that you read? But you won't do that because the text messages in the file don't actually say what you're alluding to. 4) What do you mean when you say "...and I'm just being dramatic here..." Here's another opportunity to directly quote the text message instead of insinuating what she meant. You don't have to insinuate (or in your case, mislead). She said exactly what she meant in the text message. Just quote it. But again, you won't because her text is contrary to the story you're creating. 5) It's actually MORE common than not for women to recant statements of sexual abuse. Part of the reason is because they are always doubted and made to feel like it was their fault. There's also intimidation from a powerful public figure like Andrew Tate. 6) Your question is if I did something bad and was caught, would I launch a counterclaim of some sort. Yes. 100% of people would do that. No one goes to jail willingly without a fight. 7) No way?! You mean during a raid, they don't typically enter the place in question? Oh wait, that's what they do 100% of the time. Entering through the roof is nothing remarkable. Not happy I wasted 30 minutes fact checking you and telling you how poorly you do your job. This is truly nothing more than a podcast. Poor journalism and barely any relevant facts/background information given.>> <<@cnydnkongb says : We know that they are pdfiles.>> <<@Hallero123 says : Really Candace just cut ties already>> <<@NS-fj3jr says : Genesis 12:3 and Numbers 24:9 speaks about those who bless Isreal will be blessed and those who curse them will be cursed. I believe Father God will judge every nation by his own word's he has spoken about his first born 🙏>> <<@NS-fj3jr says : I pray for the souls that satan is using to destroy God's creation and that maybe they will turn from their wickedness and give their hurts to Jesus Christ and save the world from the evil lies of the devil. I pray the world will be filled with the LIGHT OF GOD AND THE LOVE OF AND FOR GOD.>> <<@NS-fj3jr says : My prayers are for Lord God to expose all the devil's plans and purpose involving Hollywood and movies and how they are destroying the minds of children and people in general. I stopped watching movies years ago and stopped watching all mainstream news media in 2020 because I see satan in it all. I'm a Christian and I'm not going to promote the devil's plan's but I pray God destroys it all and brings righteousness back to America and the world 🙏>> <<@Dias_De_Noe says : Kenneth Anger was himself a satanist That made very sloppy, schlocky, cheese satanic movies which in my opinion were purposely done so to purport satanism as something “campy, wacky, and silly” while the high magicians - Polanski, Spielberg, etc would be doing the real work of Satan by pushing the agenda covertly and subversively>> <<@teddychalgren says : Thanks for bringing the truth to us, Candace.>> <<@El_Choppers says : Candace I am a fairly new subscriber and am sad I didn’t explore YouTube sooner for educated Christian Conservatives. I have a lot of videos to catch up on but wanted to thank you for the inspiration to be truthful and honest with integrity. I wrecked my Harley in 2018 not wearing a helmet and somehow survived. I have rededicated my life to Christ and am thankful for intelligent, intellectual people like you. You’re amazing and awesome. Thank you✊🇺🇸✝️✝️✝️🙏>> <<@beatrixbrennan1545 says : Candace is a grifter who is literally defending pdf's while simultaneously condemning them. She isn't to be taken seriously anymore. There's no reason for her to defend these nasty brothers unless they had something on her or her husband. I'll never listen to anything she says again. She's just as bad as the ped o's>> <<@jen0718 says : They need to get this figured out and get the heck out of Romania.>> <<@spider-man6088 says : tate has been exposed for being a pedo. What is it with conservatives and defending pedos/ child marriage etc>> <<@wandaluyando5181 says : There is sufficient these guys are freaks.>> <<@BoldBlasian says : The fashion industry is the same>> <<@CaliKai10 says : Law enforcement will crawl on the roof of the Tate brother’s property but not the roof used during the attempted Trump assassination.>> <<@truthsimp says : Candice, we know you have a big heart and a sharp mind, and we truly hope you’re right about the Tate brothers. But when it comes to Trump, I have to say, the evidence is pretty damning. We’re talking a family history laced with casinos and brothels, connections to Eastern European sex trafficking, shady model agencies, and beauty contests. Let’s not forget the direct ties to Jeffrey Epstein, and Mar-a-Lago’s reputation as a high-end escort hub. Trump hotels have seen more than a few pedophiles waltzing through, and this isn’t hearsay—it’s all well-documented. I really wish we could believe Trump was just blissfully ignorant of all this, but let’s be real, that’s a tall order. And then there’s the dark cloud of the Bosnian conflict, where the actions of Trump, the Clintons, and NATO seem intertwined with sex trafficking allegations. Not to mention the disturbing claims involving Trump, Clinton, and an MK Ultra survivor. It’s a twisted web, and frankly, not one I’d want to get tangled in. So why risk your reputation for these people? You’re a powerful voice in our movement for truth—too valuable to get caught up defending folks with such questionable pasts. Sure, people can change, but let’s not kid ourselves—Andrew Tate? With his fixation on materialism, multiple wives, and a business built on sex profits? That’s a tough sell. His empire wasn’t exactly built on wholesome values. Instead of putting the spotlight on these characters, why not encourage us to dig deeper, do our own research, and make up our own minds? Dedicate your platform to real heroes—those everyday people fighting for truth and freedom, with stellar track records to boot. Andrew Tate is just the tip of a much deeper iceberg, and honestly, he’s more TMZ than substance. Let’s keep our focus on what really matters. There’s a bigger battle at play, and it’s not being fought on the surface.>> <<@margaretswoma4951 says : Absolutely shocking 😠🤢>> <<@jandyMDutchak says : Lol! The fact that that little video is a problem but transgenders and drag queens reading “gender affirming” books is normal. Lol! Our world is simply ending guys!! Don’t stress just return to faith>> <<@rulesoveru11 says : When I was a teenager I was watching my two younger cousins at my house. I tried to go to the Larry boy website. You know the veggie tale character. Well it took me to gay site. I was mortified to see that and also in front of my young cousins I immediately covered the screen and x'ed. That was some 20 years ago. Now I can just go in insta and naked people.>> <<@kathleankeesler1639 says : #occupythegetty Steven D Kelley August 22 2024 Satan's Influencer's @stevendkelley24>> <<@Dolsie-tv6mh says : I want to say I feel bad for the Tate brothers. It sounds like the police wants them to drop names of somebody/group. Something is missing in this story. Why would they be accused of this? What did the ladies ( victims )really are saying? Somebody dropped their names on this negativity.>> <<@thesolfas says : Hii, Candace. Hope you're well? I'm a 17 Yr old from the UK and have gotten a lot of inspiration from you. I am Roman Catholic. If you don't mind, I'd like to have a conversation with you. Kind regards!!!>> <<@Andrea_DelCarmen says : Gotta start questioning whether they’re “searching” for more evidence or straight up PLANTING it….>>