<<@-fs4sp says : Puppies are not safe around these women>> <<@-fs4sp says : Laziness should never be an excuse for abortion. I'm healthy doctor I'm to lazy to raise a child and to selfish to let someone else do it and way to ignorant to let the dad do it>> <<@travishicks8635 says : If you're a man voting for Kamala, you're probably already neutered anyway.>> <<@ericp0012 says : I think Kamala Harris should run for President of India or Prime Minister of Jamaica.>> <<@jackburton1455 says : I'm pro-choice all the way to the age of.... How old is Kamala?>> <<@Corrado-Junior-Soprano says : Let them ween themselves out of the gene pool>> <<@Thedrickx says : Anyone else find it ironic that it's called "Planned Parenthood" when their only plan is not entering parenthood?>> <<@thekingiscoming2731 says : the hero of the Democrats was this (Ulrich Klopfer) Inside the man’s Chicago-area garage were 71 boxes filled with 2,246 fetuses that had not been properly disposed. Another 165 fetuses were later found in the trunk of one of Klopfer’s vehicles.>> <<@bigcountry5523 says : They sacrifice their children to moloch>> <<@RichardHead420 says : "We're gonna give you the definition that doesn't sound as bad as what we're actually doing. Just ending it like a simulation instead of offing a baby.">> <<@lordmalice5711 says : In terms of incest/rape or serious risk of complications/death I totally support abortions. I absolutely hate the idea of abortion in any other circumstance as you should be taking precautions before it even got that far.>> <<@Millwork1075 says : This is misleading. Planned Parenthood did announce mobile health clinics, but they would neither be at the convention site nor would they be associated with the DNC/annual convention. It appears they capitalised on the convention to promote their services rather than merge with the convention itself. Not to mention the thought of a politician doing an abortion is ridiculous.>> <<@Alucard_XR says : At least the right people are getting the vasectomies. No need for their offspring to ever exist.>> <<@draugnaustaunikunhymnphoo6978 says : This is sick.>> <<@michaellee8815 says : Honestly if insane liberals wanna make it so they don’t reproduce then have at it>> <<@brokenbiker220 says : Just remember guys, 95 plus percent of all abortions, vasectomies, and chemically sterilized trans people, are left-wing moonbats ending their own bloodline>> <<@martinokeefe2435 says : Vote 1 cartoon bear.>> <<@horizontal120 says : so you are not religious .. and u think bays start whit conception ? .. and you rely want ppl to have UNWANTED babys ... ??? abortion is good for a functioning society ... unwanted children only create chaos !!>> <<@Vanadisir says : They should probably have a little more consultation and support than a visit to a bus. And if a man wants a vasectomy he should wait till he is at least 25 to be sure, and then get his wife's approval first, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.>> <<@jennifers8843 says : Not pay what you can physicals but free can’t produce another American! They just care sooooo much! BTW- can someone please tell progressive voters when they’re paying even more for gas + getting more illegals to fund - Karen still won’t be able to murder her baby in Arkansas- so much for Roevember!>> <<@jennifers8843 says : Nothing like your leaders wanting to secure plebs ability to murder their own bloodline while flooding the country with illegals on voters dimes! No, nobody is being replaced though! Even though that’s what the math result will be! Who votes for this crap?>> <<@ViddyOJames says : I don't know why we're stopping them from reducing their population.>> <<@jasonmohning1708 says : "....met up with the girls again for a scrumptious buffet breckie, shotababyoutofmyvagina and now we're off to see kamala!" 😂 😂😂>> <<@theryanatomy says : Why no free ovum removal?>> <<@rman88 says : I always think about this when i hear the term Abortion. What is the Value of human life? Like i get it, no one likes being told what you have to do. No one like having rules dictating what you can do with your own body. But in the end, this isn't your body we are talking about hear. This is your child's body, should you have the right to Kill your child? And this is regardless of the circumstance of the pregnancy. As you shouldn't blame the child for the sins of the farther. As to be honest, The only logical way to approach this is if the pregnancy is threatening the life of the mother. As sometimes sacrifices must be made to ensure one will live. But should you be able to kill someone because you got Drunk and got knocked up? So i ask this, What is the value of human life?>> <<@ufReitter says : NOT ON MY WATCH CAMALLA NOT ON MY WATCH >> HEPHAESTUS>> <<@igeshigikwe128 says : Pure evil>> <<@BradHulstein says : Weather you are pro abortion or not. I think we can all agree with dems on this one. People attending the DNC this year definitely shouldnt reproduce!>> <<@jhardin1685 says : They would probably be better off having a van there but testing for HIV and monkey pox.>> <<@minifalda6611 says : They hand out the actual swags out the back>> <<@WeeFormula134 says : Oh wow man I watched you a long time ago. Sad to see you still on the right.>> <<@S0me4ssh0le says : I fully support the left giving themselves a Darwin award 😂>> <<@Mr83rt says : I think there's a more serious question here that needs to be asked and that is... What the fuck is wrong with politics these days? The Americans have a popularity contest that a blind man could see is always in the interests of the corporations and not the people. The English have been promised for years that the boarders would close and now because their people have had enough their government push for stupid laws to shut their people up... And Australia... dear lord.. between ol mate albo and the lord of darkness himself its just a whole lot safer to just turn off any and all news and go watch some car content. Love ya shit though big bear 👏👏>> <<@CaptZenPetabyte says : You should do some research into Rowe v Wade, look into the life of the women who they *used* to get the ruling through court and her book she published saying it was all based on lies and how she was forced to go to court by the govt ... another one of those conspiracy theories that came true a few decades after it was stated>> <<@jamesstamper9342 says : its obvious they are part of the de-population plan for the whole world.>> <<@stype8468 says : Vasectomies are great. Keeps a crazy b out of your pocket>> <<@elizabethklisiewecz9345 says : lol love the Harris campaign ad asking for money before this video 🤣>> <<@tonyrobinson3342 says : You breed them you feed them>> <<@bjornskivids says : Notice how everything they do is the opposite of what it's named? "Reproductive services" means ensuring you don't reproduce.>> <<@plexxarbiitch says : I’m pro choice, but these people are OBSESSED with killing unborn children. I mean, how evil can you try to seem?>> <<@LightningBoltz says : Democrats doing mass abortions at DNC. Sounds like a problem solving itself to me.>> <<@TheFatalcrest says : Im not religious. But god do policies like these make me feel like i am. Abortion buses? Disturbs me on a deep, underlying visceral way. Maybe because its so....casual? So open? Just "Don't Breed or have kids! Its so good! To be a DINK, look at all the money youll have and absolutely no one to pass it to when you drop dead.">> <<@kenriven5237 says : Nothing says, "vote for me because I care about Americans," like systematically advocating for and actively assisting in "deleting" the next generation of them. ... can you believe some Americans are dumb enough or self-hating enough to believe this tripe?>> <<@erinnmccrankypants5192 says : The Jokes on that dude, you can't get your boyfriend's butthole pregnant...>> <<@Grovonator says : Ironically an abortion could have saved us all from this>> <<@johnthomas-km2bf says : Calling abortion a "fundamental freedom" makes me want to hurl. Disgusting.>> <<@TheAtticusFinch says : Having kids is ghay>> <<@TheAtticusFinch says : Electric buses are cool tho.>> <<@elizabethmcnamara6548 says : Disgusting>> <<@Bass93able says : Yeah but, do you want the type of people who would vote for libs to reproduce ?>>