<<@KATONKA... says : NOW they're boo hooing? Only 43 ballots, they did over 140,000 in the same county in a presidential election, by THEIR own record keeping>> <<@yaassssss-v9d says : You think these people came up with this themselves? Yet they can’t even speak proper English? You can thank the previous white folk in the FBI and county leadership positions who gave them the courage, showing them how it’s done, and that nothing will be done about it. Nobody wants to address this, so it’s “muh immigration”.>> <<@louisenurse1234 says : Call it out please!>> <<@johnhanley2431 says : Elected officials must be able to clearly and fluently communicate in English to read, draft, and enforce our laws. I have no issue with people speaking English as a second language, but not when their job clearly requires fluency. Also, an elected official stating he has "ways of finding you out". We don't live in a police state. That guy should be called out and censured.>> <<@Downtime-Remy says : This is what happens when your religion becomes Santa Claus and the Eastern bunny!>> <<@largemarge1603 says : How far is that from the biggest shopping center -- Mall Of Somalia.>> <<@largemarge1603 says : I have *ZERO* confidence in anything healthy and productive coming out of anything involving the government agents.>> <<@Landonsplace says : With the illegal garbage that came into this country by the millions it's mandatory voter ID>> <<@Landonsplace says : There's so much voter fraud it's beyond imagination and these people are going to say well these people that lost are going to say there's voter fraud in fact there is that's always what they say that's what the Biden said that's what Kamala Harris said we've lost America>> <<@susanboylefanable says : And people who use, "this is private property" as an excuse or statement of their grounds to disregard U.S. law are probably the forerunners here of exactly HOW the Muslim & other illegals will be allowed to take over.>> <<@emilykalafatis3107 says : America will end up like England be very scare once they get i to politics and that will be your downfalls.>> <<@jasonjohnson7150 says : They've already Invaded....>> <<@gengus9115 says : This is not about Republican or Democrat… The line has been drawn in the sand… you are either for America… Or you are for a communist takeover of our government!>> <<@mybunnyfuzz says : Islam is steadily proving itself to be an enemy of America. Because of there beliefs Muslims should no longer be allowed to hold political or beurocratic positions in American government.>> <<@sjam1159 says : Isn’t Hamtrack the only place where there is no diversity and in this case all the politicians from top down are Muslims?>> <<@jobu1285 says : Didn't see anything at the DNC but rich, white folks!!!>> <<@chrisellioitt5240 says : Every Islamic country that votes has mass voter fraud. Use it to take over land in other countries. They are to use 4 forums of jihad to take land from none Muslims. Then Muslims fight over who controls what and bans the rest as they have no minority rights. (According to Islamic scripture) There is to be 71 different versions of Islam when it covers the planet. (Thirty something versions in Arabic alone currently) Then 71 versions fight each other until only one version of Islam is left. Then Muhammad will come back from hell to create a world here for the jinn.>> <<@angistamm7186 says : You should have to be a citizen to serve at any level of government in America.>> <<@chambo5554 says : 1. Non Citizens are on Voter Registered sites and are not removed, allowing illegals to vote. 2. Voter Signatures are not properly verified against voter registration signatures. 3. Once ballots are removed from envelopes there is no way to prove who that voter was making it easy to replace that vote with another. 4. And then there is ballot harvesting and ballot box stuffing...>> <<@RANDOMNATION907 says : Why is that person even holding office?>> <<@SL-wb8jl says : Democrats being Democrats - they eventually eat their own.>> <<@vincentv1432 says : Obama planted the seeds of chaos and destruction in the US>> <<@Burnin-U says : Down with Muslims!>> <<@Thetruthseeker159 says : What you sow …>> <<@beckinfidelis3916 says : Of course they're corrupt! They come from the most corrupt countries on Earth. Pakistan, Bangladesh and Yemen are the primary nationalities.>> <<@beckinfidelis3916 says : That's what you get when you "welcome everyone" because not everyone gets along. Big mistake.>> <<@ThePursuitofHappiness says : How is it possible that people who are not born in a country are able to take places in political structures and systems? I cannot go to another country and just vote. OR become a councillor. How wrong.>> <<@jmw1982blue says : Democrats can lye in the bed they made.>> <<@CrisisApplicationGroup says : Muslims cheating the rules in a country they despise? Say it ain't so......>> <<@deplorablegal4078 says : They are the shadiest people in the world.>> <<@Demon2-6 says : These people don’t care. Cheating in elections is normal in 3rd world countries. You can’t shame them. They are not, and never will be, Americans.>> <<@ceo904 says : So, the Council Member lied?>> <<@albertciotti690 says : Gretchen Whitmer is cheating>> <<@barry155 says : Fresh new Idea? County by county, match up and count the number of registered voters with the number of ballots turned in.. Nobody needs voter ID, just voter roll match up. A county with 3000 voters can't turn in 5000 ballots, end of story.>> <<@13BGunBunny says : He got caught. He knows he got caught. In typical leftist fashion he tries to "flip the script" to try to play victim and demand consequences.>> <<@718EngrCo says : These people are surprised?>> <<@chuckmyhervold2540 says : Fifth column>> <<@bobbyb322 says : Very vile people in the middle east>> <<@joellandry2406 says : Soooooooo surprising>> <<@ericUSA1985 says : And nothing happens.>> <<@h.mandelene3279 says : The left invite a foreign culture then are surprised the people from a region that does not believe in democracy cheats in the election.>> <<@kevinoconnor2921 says : They can deny all they want, but evidence are FACTS, & cannot run away from the TRUTH. The muslims know this. Allah will punish them.😅😂🤣>> << says : Yet so called American people allow this to happen up there.....sad. no one cares>> <<@bilindamueller3154 says : They know EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE DOING..OBAMAS AGENDA..TO TRANSFORM AMERICA INTO A MUSLIM ISIS CALLIPHATE..FROM WITHIN...>> << says : ISLAM IS CANCER. STAGE 4 CANCER.>> <<@trueessence4317 says : I got a letter saying my primary vote could not be considered noted because there was a problem with my signature. I did sign, yet they decided to not count my vote for Trump as the Republican candidate>> <<@deniseclepper1436 says : Welcone to Taqqiya and the Shari'a law. Welcone to LEARNING HOW THEY TREAT WOMEN AND LGBTQ PLUS. *WOMÃN ARE NOTHING IN ISL-AM* listen to the truth by imam/ SHIEK  *DOGS and women are no different from another*    https://youtu.be/dC6KsHm2Jp0?si=uxVoeyXw43vfOS6s A NEW BILL IN *IRAQ ALLOWS FOR MARRIAGE TO A 9 YR OLD Girls*  https://youtu.be/GrS-HpnBYAc?si=7OHDMSjiSFvXBYpK *THIS IS IN A *FORMER POLISH MAJORITY CITY IN MICHIGAN*.   IS-LAM HAS TAKEN OVER WITH SHARI'A LAW,  ANIMAL SACRIFICE,  BAN ON LGBT- POLITICAL JIH-ADISTS^ .  *This is HOW THEY CREATE CAL-IPHATE IN WESTERN WORLD*   don't be fooled by the msm. FULL DOCUMENTARY https://youtu.be/ur1mdnVAnaQ?si=nE53tB1GJRo8Nveh https://youtu.be/e4gcPzSi7Fk?si=Zv4WMN6Qtg3ywcAG>> <<@chelfyn says : The left's support of Islam is mind boggling. And here I thought that women's' rights and gay rights were important to them. Obviously not.>> <<@GrrumpDaddo56 says : If i said what i think , id get a 7 yr stretch in a uk sinbin..>> <<@toolate9494 says : This is to be expected and is the norm. Lying, cheating and fraud. It is in the DNA.>>