<<@RebelNewsOnline says : ▶Sign up for Rebel News+ and be first to see new episodes of our premium shows! | https://rebelne.ws/plus ◀>> <<@allanthibodeau8114 says : Climate change not caused by humans - cow farts- auto-co2, etc, look up>> <<@rodkeh says : The only thing Elon Musk is a genius at, is conning and swindling everyone! Elon is, scientifically speaking, an idiot who has no concept of The Laws of Physics and is a complete fraud. His Hyper Loop was childish and ridiculous so naturally it failed and his EVs are based on the lie of GHGs as are all alternate energy sources, which are all swindles! The GHE was a theory. A theory that was proved wrong 3 years before it was ever presented back in 1859. If there is no GHE, then there are no GHGs and all the Carbon nonsense is totally irrelevant and is just a whole lot of conmen making themselves rich by lying to you! Elon Musk is a conman and swindler and even his fight for free speech is only a half-assed pretext, designed to give his other swindles legitimacy by association with a fanciful ambition presented as fact! The only thing Elon Musk is doing is trying to build monuments to himself and prove to the world that he has the biggest one... He is such a joke!>> <<@synth1002 says : Don't forget. He was officially WEF's Young Global Leader! There is proof for that. Check it out.>> <<@BlowmeRoger says : God damn humans exhaling CO2..😂😂>> <<@publicdomain3378 says : Co2 tuns into carbonic acid when it rains and filters into the soil. Co2 is needed in higher concentrations for more vigorous plant growth, also it dosent cause the heat. Your cities packet together blacktop with buildings literally pumping heat into the streets producing even more heat. Then to top it all off you sit in your cool box totally protected from nature. Unaclimated. Then wonder why the sun is hot.>> <<@Wit_Shunter says : I could tell you what that fool is talking through but Youtube would ban me for it.>> <<@peterazlac1739 says : Most people do not get headaches when the CO2 level reaches 1000 ppm. The normal carbon dioxide level in a domestic dwelling is around 600 ppm, in a public cinema or hall, 5,000 ppm and in a submarine is it exceeds 10,000 ppm will cause respiratory distress. The optimum for plant growth is 1200 ppm and the glass house industry raised the level within the houses to this and staff work there. Carbon dioxide is not the driver of atmospheric temperature it is water vapour. Musk is an engineer not a biologist so one does not expect him to know much in this area other than what he reads in the MSM.>> <<@travispolson6156 says : Those Elon rockets 🚀 must be electric. Just like rebals reporting is unbiased 😂 .>> <<@con_boy says : I'm not coming to anyone's defence here, but I used to grow up in a tomato greenhouse farm. We had about 12 acres under glass. I was only about 6 and I promise you I couldn't go into those greenhouses for long without getting insane headaches. I used to not complain but it hurt like crazy. Even now when i see one of those greenhouses i shudder. Even as a kid the adults told me it was the CO² cos they were ripening ans they used to pump CO² in there I think>> <<@steveholloway1963 says : Context box tells me all i need to know god bless co2 the gas of life>> <<@hkrause6565 says : There are multiple sources that I found relatively easy talking about the magic 1000 ppm number. Now I'm not claiming that this is correct just pointing out that the information is out there and from some sources that we expect to be reputable. I won't fault Elon for referencing this information. clearly we need more in-depth research into this to get to the truth, in particular at what levels might we actually start having negative health effects and what percentage of people will have those effects etc.>> <<@aftonline says : To be fair, Elon did state that there's no urgency to get rid of fossil fuels because of CO2 concentrations, and that was his main point in the conversation with Donald Trump, who likes EV's but is also in favour of more drilling for oil to boost the US economy. Elon is basically a pragmatist, as he knows that if the economy tanks, people can't afford to buy his cars.>> <<@WWYG316 says : Don’t trust Elon. He’s not a genius>> <<@jeffclarkofclarklesparkle3103 says : I just want to say that global warming is a MUCH better option than another ice age. The whole earth and life on it THRIVES with warmer conditions. Ice? Yeahnaw not so much>> <<@kellssheehan8578 says : Elon’s not necessarily always the sharpest knife in the drawer.>> <<@user-wb8cw4lw9r says : He’s not to be trusted in the big picture but who is these days>> <<@sifuhusky3556 says : His 100 mi x 100 mi solar farm in the desert fulfilling ALL US electrical needs is total who-hah too.>> <<@johnsutherland7561 says : I know I like to be facing away from my partner when they exhale while we are sleeping because I begin feeling uncomfortable breathing.So I would guess that Elon is right as he is with most things. A brilliant man>> <<@Trickynickymarts says : If the CO2 level rises due to a lot of people in a small room it follows that the oxygen level decreases and it is surely this that gives rise to any headaches. Ask a mountaineer. Elon has only climbed metaphorical mountains I guess!>> <<@mygamecomputer1691 says : I think global warming is over hyped as well but your argument is fallacious. Having 26,000 ppm in your facemask is not the same thing as having the atmosphere pumped up with so much carbon dioxide it raises the temperature of the oceans and causes weather disasters.>> <<@williambird8481 says : Not quite genius!!>> <<@TheLibertarianCapitalistUSA says : I can't believe that these leftists are calling for a carbon tax when we know that there is no reason to demonize carbon. Studies have shown that we exhale carbon and then it is inhaled by plants in order to produce oxygen and then we inhale the oxygen, then the cycle goes on and on. In fact, there are scientists that point out that without carbon; the planet would be too cold to support life on this planet. Thats why the left needs to stop spreading the propaganda and understand that there is a need for carbon.>> <<@grantbuttenshaw says : These are workplace exposure limits....Elon is wrong...>> <<@cluelessgod97 says : 0.042% of our atmosphere is co2. At 0.02, Photosynthesis starts to no longer take place in majority of Flora. When looking at earths history, at times of higher co2 ppm (800 or higher) the Fauna had thrived and on average larger as Prey Animals had more Flora to feed. It's actually quite scary what they're doing. No one disagrees with pollution, but co2 isn't the issue. But having the ppm so low? Do they want to control the growing of food to be knly hydroponic? As that's what it's going to lead too. Not to mention the loss of ecosystems.>> <<@kurtwomack6473 says : Facts are not important in this "special" branch of corrupted science. Doomers can't even tell you what the percentage of only human CO2 in the atmosphere is.>> <<@CharveL88 says : Elon happens to be our best hope to steer society back from the brink of lunacy, on many fronts. He's genuinely egalitarian, but not in the tax write-off, virtue-signaling way that most billionaires are, as evidenced by how he lives his life modestly despite the money behind him. Elon is also a human being, wading through the muck and mire of authoritatively administered disinformation that we all have to trudge through. He gets things wrong sometimes, then course corrects because, unlike most people's ego, he doesn't need constant affirmation to assuage it. In other words, he'll get there. Every other time I've seen him challenged on a belief he is willing to change his mind if the evidence supports it. THAT is his superpower.>> <<@joshualoveless20 says : Since when did Elon become a genius? He's not a rocket scientist, and he didn't design the Tesla. He took Mommy Rothschilds money and used it to get where he is.>> <<@joellandry2406 says : LOOK INTO THE POLLUTION OF WW2 AND THE LACK OF EFFECTS>> <<@yveslepine9263 says : Hope Musk doesn’t transform into Bill Gates. And plays doctor>> <<@mysticnomad3577 says : We give Elon way too much credit.>> <<@jsniagara8202 says : Almost all my comments get immediately deleted>> <<@jsniagara8202 says : Youtube is pathetic for censoring>> <<@emanuelroth7960 says : Considering his open fondness and support for communist china and his enormous business dealings there, and his brain chip technology, I'd say he's not Team Sanity at all.>> <<@nerdhub3460 says : "he still has a foot... in this climate fear promotion, because that is his historic business model">> <<@AT-os6nb says : agreed re 1000ppm not serious threat for breathing, (maybe different if on a global scale100% of the time) but at the same time Elon understanding the enemy by keeping a foot in the door is a very good idea.>> <<@brianwakeford4500 says : The amount or percent of CO2 in the atmosphere, that we can breath safely, is way different than what they are proposing as a climate threat. Stop talking PPM! Many people have no idea that CO2 is only 0.04% of the atmosphere. That's tiny tiny tiny. It only increased from 0.038%.. See how insignificant that is? It's an agenda, a ploy, a scam. There is no way humans can control the climate, CO2 or O2.... In all reality, the countries that are the worst with pollution.. are 3rd world countries just trying to live from day to day. That's IF it was a real issue.>> <<@ValidatingUsername says : Someone who has easy access to a mouse and keyboard should calculate the amount of energy released by nuclear facilities in “white” Europe as waste heat lost directly into the environment, about 300% of produced energy, per capita.>> <<@mariemacisaac7529 says : Short kids playing indoor hockey are exposed to higher CO2>> <<@RemnantDiscipleLazzaro-Rev1217 says : *"What historians will definitely wonder about in future centuries is how deeply flawed logic, obscured by shrewd and unrelenting propaganda, actually enabled a coalition, of powerful special interests to convince nearly everyone in the world that CO2 from human industry was a dangerous, planet-destroying toxin. It will be remembered as the greatest mass delusion in the history of the world - that CO2 the life of plants, was considered for a time to be a deadly poison."* ~ Richard Lindzen, Ph.D. is an _[Alfred P. Sloan]_ Emeritus Professor of Meteorology, Department of Earth Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Musk seems to have missed _[on purpose]_ how CO2... well.. it's required for photosynthesis, it's a certain miracle molecule that only takes up 0.04% of the atmosphere, that miracle molecule is required for life on this earth = it's plant food, we as mankind have a reciprocal relationship with plants, we exhale CO2, plants absorb it and convert it to oxygen which they give us - we are carbon based life.. Please consider the following experiential knowledge from a decades well learned honourable forthright truthful quality scientist so that you may see it is overt science misinformation to feed an audience who that obviously failed basic science class that supposedly CO2 is supposedly the enemy.>> <<@frankcastle2045 says : Elon just wants to sell more Ev junk his cars are junk like all Ev's>> <<@johnbannister501 says : This "Carbon Capture" is pure lunacy. We absolutely need carbon dioxide in our atmosphere to feed the plants...which in turn produce what WE need... OXYGEN....to live. If we reduce the CO2....we starve the plants....which in turn....starve us!!>> <<@Raymond-wj4ol says : I'm having my comments deleted when ever I try to post on this channel.>> <<@londonviking3801 says : Musk is describing the effects of Carbon MONOXIDE.>> <<@jacobslapinski3710 says : He's not smarter, he's a government hired pawn who's more evil. He has no principles, he's just using the right. We aren't much better than the left with this idol worship.>> <<@koerttijdens1234 says : Higher CO2 is a blessing, it greens the planet. CO2 level was too low for optimal plant growth. Its still low, but its getting better.>> <<@mike-ef7yq says : If we all have a lil hobbit house/veggie patch/animals, Then why would we have a need for money?>> <<@peterwilliams1119 says : You 2 bozos should Google before you ejaculate. I work in this area and we design office ventilation for 800ppm max in offices. You know why? Above this number people start complaining it is stuffy.>> <<@johnkennett617 says : Elon is Just trying to sell EV’s>> <<@Sprucey says : Submarines: ~5000-7000 ppm. Space station: ~5000 ppm. .. and these are high-functioning crews at all times.>>