<<@foundry_wildlife says : Soooo deforest dead wood?! Got it. Get to work>> <<@janobrien1936 says : And the beetle problem could have been addressed in B.C. early in the 90s with an early clear cut. But the NDP government at the time didn’t have the guts to stand up to tree huggers and do what had to be done. Criminal.>> <<@BIGDAMNSpitfire says : Aint big oil have been old dudes for a while. How are they still kicken others into submission.>> <<@PhartBawks says : Oh sure its climate change not the fact we dont manage our forests like we should so they dont become giant tinder boxes>> <<@racializedkanadian says : Back in the day teens used to go into the bush and tree plant in the summer ..... Why is there not an incentive program to clean up all the dead wood etc in these areas ?>> <<@hollywood5274 says : This smells like agenda agenda agenda!>> <<@ManHobbyChannel says : And hot summers and too many fully grown trees caused an overpopulation of mountain pine beetle. So climate change and low harvesting of mature trees caused this.>> <<@MichelleRicard-bx8er says : This is another woke liberal funded move to tax us to the grave>> <<@lampseven4894 says : To solve a problem it must be diagnosed correctly. The more we fight these fires the worse they are going to get. First Nations understand this. Maybe we should start listening.>> <<@barneycruicks4444 says : Government negligence was the cause.>> <<@PennyDickson-bn6mk says : of liberal lips are moving you know it’s a lie>> <<@DeborahHamilton-q1w says : If these eco warriors want to stop wildfires, maybe they should stop setting them!>> <<@alvinstreicker4579 says : Who/what do you blame the ice age on.....>> <<@shanescott8717 says : The radical environmentalists funded by the likes of george soros and blackrock.>> <<@elmerfudd1086 says : Once it is proven that it isnt "climate change" at fault im just wondering how long it will be before they blame it on Donald Trump.>> <<@maily2245 says : Of course their said that to shove more tax on everyone !!>> <<@fluffyanne1177 says : Climate change is just another manufactured crisis just like the lockdowns>> <<@janiebatt7919 says : It's called LIGHTENING AND MOTHER NATURE!! Why did the FEDS NOT invest in the many water bombers ready and available to help? C'mon people, we all know the answer to that!! It's LUDICROUS to place the blame on 'HUMAN INDUCED BIG OIL AND CLIMATE CHANGE!!' 😮 (This is my undying opinion only)>> <<@lesblatnyak5947 says : So, no insane asylums so they all join environmental groups?>> <<@jamesparker1071 says : With the "Feds" it is never about science. It is always about compliance, comrades. Or else.>> <<@jamesparker1071 says : DEWs. Fires and floods and earthquakes on demand.>> <<@karenhughes7185 says : The government can buzz off with their climate change nonsense.>> <<@vstrom9586 says : some of those holier than thou crusaders would have been peeing their panties as JASPER burnt>> <<@lalani888ARTblue says : Perhaps Liberals can find a moment to sound the alarm on child trafficking in this country...💔>> <<@bloodsports94 says : If we actually used our oil resources we could buy a 1 thousand water planes, and as many fire fighters as we need.>> <<@pattwidale4045 says : Climate alarmists are doing everything that they can to bring in communism. Aren't the polar caps supposed to be melted away by now, and all the polar bears are extinct? And North America is flooded with sea water by now. Only the stupid can believe this Climate change crap.>> <<@unit9754 says : They've been sounding their "alarms" for decades. Nothing changes except for the general public being increasingly forced and guilted into spending more money on environmentally friendly stuff that isn't actually environmentally friendly at all.>> <<@wesleywesolowski3236 says : TRUDEAU RESIGN AND THIS WASNT CLIMATE CHANGE JASPER NATIONAL PARK FIRE AND I M EVACUEE STUCK CALGARY BECAUSE TRUDEAU GOVERNMENT OF FOOLS INCLUDING THAT USELESS NO GOOD FOR NOTHING GREEN PEACE LOBBYIST STEVEN GUILBAULT IS LIAR AND THIS FOREST MISMNAGEMENT BY OTTAWA PARKS CANADA AND LETS NOT FORGET THE IDIOTS THAT CLAI,M THIS CLIMATE CHANGE BULLSHIT. I LIVED AND WORK IN JASPER NATIONAL PARK FOR 6 YRS ALL YEAR ROUND AND PINE BEETLE TREES WHERE STILL STANDING SINCE I HAVE BEEN THERE AND MORE AND NO FOREST FIRE PREVENTION AT ALL IN JASPER NATIONAL PARK>> <<@watchfuleye275 says : Our Jet Setting PM would not accept help from offered water bombers! A truly evil man!!>> <<@adrienpoirier2463 says : Hahaha.>> <<@watchfuleye275 says : Lime placed at the bottom of the tree prevents insects from climbing up the bark. Why is this not implemented??>> <<@lisaclark6134 says : Absolute hooey! "Climate Change" is the most lucrative industry in the world today.>> <<@kimfleury says : Standing deadwood is a major problem in many Eco-Radical managed forests. Eco-Radicals tend to think that you manage the environment by sitting on your bum.>> <<@MFWebPea2935 says : Did they arrive in suitcase>> <<@MrMD-xd1tc says : As a tree farm owner, I can say that we definitely mismanage are natural forest. We've over planted in some areas and let others over grow which causes more/bigger fires and allows for disease and infestations to run rampid. We've also canceled forest fire fighting programs like our water bombers, which is why fires last longer and get bigger. If the Trudeau government hadn't cut budget and funding for forest fire protection and action plans, the fires probably wouldn't be half as bad as they have been. Forest fires have happened for as long as there's been forests, the problem is we've never had such a least efficient, less productive but most expensive government than we have today.>> <<@thehouseofronin9209 says : Is anyone surprised that climate change is being blamed for gross mismanagement of the parks, best practices being ignored for years and pure negligence by the govt. What happened to all the water bombers that were promised after many of the old ones were sold off? Oh yeah, right... govt cut funding and the contract wasn't completed. That's just one example. Or maybe, just maybe, if Canada had invested more money into firefighting systems a team instead of sending literally billions to everywhere in the world but Canada, maybe this would have been prevented.>> <<@jaytuck681 says : Pathetic>> <<@MM-ld6fj says : Turdo and the corrupt lying evil governments pushing there bullshit climate change and carbon tax crap strait crap.>> <<@Jaeger-t4o says : Tree huggers do have some responsibility for these fires. They wanted the forest undisturbed. Government as well didn't do their due diligence in forest management and maintenance. When you do that, Mother Nature steps in and does her thing.>> <<@Heroesbleed says : No, they weren’t. There is no data to support that claim.>>