<<@jllj9231 says : Who voted in the man who said he preferred WEF over Britain, who agreed to lockdowns, poison and the rest of it? U all had the ideal opportunity to put into Gov a completely different party that said noooooo to totalitarianism. But u js had to go back to ur vomit like lazy ppl do>> <<@jllj9231 says : Priest Robinson PULEEEZZZZZZZ…. The leader is a WED agent. Stop. He’s doing what he agreed to do. And we r reaping what we sowed when we forgot the Lord God>> <<@ojlbrickwork8092 says : George Soros>> <<@jimb7813 says : England is rioting not all the UK is>> <<@elainestark9125 says : This video came with a warning 🤔>> <<@borneandayak6725 says : All bacause of atheism, leftism and islamism.>> <<@carlgreene538 says : It is known as divide and conquer it is how Britain ran it's empire.>> <<@robaby1984 says : We should call Christian = Cross worshippers now, if you call Muslim mohammedens>> <<@jokes77 says : Why do I get a warning message when I click on watch button for this video. What is YouTube doing?? Is it compromised by jihaadis?>> <<@111street says : Luciferians war against white european and any conservatives, Christians or what once was. State sponsored radicals bringing in migrants, undercover provoacteurs, creating chaos on purpose to attack freedom of speech,>> <<@adamcampbell6546 says : Have to check in occasionally to see just how nonsensical the messaging is here - more than ever it seems 🥴 Christ>> <<@111street says : Luciferian disorder.Destroy everything.Protecting nothing.Chaos more chaos.War, death deception.So Loving and caring.A better way!>> <<@lizanderson1669 says : Time to boot the WEF CROWN UN ,EU , USA NATO out of every country>> <<@johnc4814 says : Hold the line uk heroes... resist.. post.. tweet.. never comply or submit. Save Glorious England>> <<@paulinegauthier1867 says : We saw this coming years ago. Maggie Thatcher saw this in the 80s ffs!! I knew Starmer would be worst than Sunak and here we go. 😢>> <<@knowmenomo says : Redacted reported Trudeau colluded with Biden and Harris to squash the social media reports on the trucker convoy David Crayton reported on Redacted>> <<@robertopettyo says : This Starmer guy. What is his motive? He is destroying his own country and his own people. Why?>> <<@sylp2059 says : Divide and conquer.>> <<@jamesparker1071 says : Give Ireland back to the Irish. Give England back to the English. Give Africans back to Africa......🗽🗽🗽>> <<@jamesparker1071 says : Divide. And conquer. More like divide and destroy. The Godless Left hates everything God made Right. And Starmer, like JoBama and Trudeau, was installed to do exactly what he's doing, which is fanning the flames of hate and chaos and destruction.>> <<@jacobgeorge3727 says : I am Indian Immigrant came to this country first in 2015 legally and i love this country and it embraced for who i am , i cherished the ethics and values of this country "THE CHRISTIAN Values" i respect the country for what it is, however it just took a U-turn on many things in its moral ethics and Values it is built upon. I felt very disappointed how the "Labour" government approached this issue, The Gov should look at the root of the issue, but it seems they dont want to do that instead they are taking a stand for a Sect of people who seem to have no Values and Ethics this country is built upon whatsoever. I am disappointed with this Government as Citizen i feel the pain also and i also feel the hatred when people look at me because i am an outsider as well. I hope the people realizes that not all brown people are from the same sect. There are people from different countries and every part of the world in the UK who embraces the values and ethics of this country which it was built upon. VIOLENCE is a "NO, NO , Never" VIOLENCE is a disgrace. If every one things violence is the answer how are we any different from others who instill violence in this country and we were affected by it and people have lost their loved ones due to this violence. We cannot stop Violence by Starting a Violence. Make a Peaceful Protest and you have the right and the Country as to unite, beware of Provocateurs who instill violence within the Protest. Be careful of knowing who is around you , The country is in tatters now everyone should recognize the issue and act together as a peaceful nation and come together unites with whole heart. People should call your MPs and sign a petitions because you elected them. If millions of petitions come together then Government has to listen the whole indigenous population stands together and reaches out to their MPs and raise their voice together then the Government has to listen to the people because the Government is for the people, By the People and off the people. We have Laws to support all this. Everyone in the country is subject to the LAW all those who CREATE, ENFORCE and JUDGE. Nobody is Above the LAW.>> <<@mak7587 says : PM is inciting intentionally. Follow the money.>> <<@rickandy1215 says : another sickening thing that happened. two cops did pathetic what looked like hostage videos surrounded by muslims,saying welcome ( i think) im their language, and talking with meekness in front of them without realising they see that as a weakness and they will exploit it.>> <<@timobrien72 says : As soon as we realise we are In a spiritual war the better. Yes its political but the injustice Is so deep and us against them. Start praying brothers and sisters. The Catholic faith is what built the Western culture and its under severe attack. Get with CHRIST.>> <<@cambert6799 says : Where's all the prison spaces going to come from?>> <<@annacambridge3692 says : UK is governed for decades by Freemasons who want to establish communism. Muslims are imported to UK to uproot people from Christian civilisation. There is no other reasons these people are allowed to come here when they come from sharia countries. It just does not add up.>> <<@MargaretCampbell583 says : Muslims will never integrate due to their religion. It is incompatible with the west>> <<@sharonhutchinson1574 says : We are in china now>> <<@michaelhughes7458 says : Starmer is a traitor to all of England people he is dividing the people into tribes.>> <<@brianknox7306 says : The whole countries being played lock step into agenda 2030 …. This was planned by them many years ago it’s in their books . The Luciferian agenda . Albert Pike Albert Pike (December 29, 1809 – April 2, 1891) was an American author, poet, orator, editor, lawyer, jurist and Confederate States Army general who served as an associate justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court in exile from 1864 to 1865. He had previously served as a senior officer of the Confederate States Army, commanding the District of Indian Territory in the Trans-Mississippi Theater. A prominent member of the Freemasons, Pike served as the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction from 1859 to 1891. Quote from Morals and dogma ( his writing ) The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion... We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved !!! We are entering the great tribulation !!!>> <<@WESDEANEMARTIN says : Lol- the uk police blocked international access to their website. ..>> <<@BuddyGuy-t7z says : just incompetence? nah, Ezra is more right on this one considering the cloth this WEF creep is cut from>> <<@garyfarrer4253 says : First riots then martial law then no more voting one party rule commies>> <<@gregmyers2831 says : China’s having a good laugh>> <<@Changesforpositive says : Cannot get a police officer to help if you got raped or sexually assaulted or harassed.>> <<@NAN-us7wv says : I ask, doesn't it seem like the UK has gone downhill since the Queen has passed ? JW ?>> <<@sue_downing555 says : whoha, absolutely we, they, are Not all British>> <<@ThmiiGii says : Starmer doing this because the elites told him too . And he probably getting millions to do it . Divide and conquor . They need these riots to justify new laws of full control>> <<@jillmalo1698 says : It's all part of the master plan. Starma is controlled by the deep state and is doing exactly as he is told to do.>> <<@topher6399 says : Divide and conquer. They put us into groups and then pit those groups against each other. Easier to control that way. All governments lately are doing this. There supporting immigration over its own citizens. It's disgusting and shameful.>> <<@slanderslow says : Himanity is just finally accepting this fate of violence and push back!!!..and we also knkw God will not be to happy. Better us than him for nkw...see if we get it...or soon Jesus will return I'm.sure.>> <<@hittingthewall says : It's really quite simple, Ezra. The politicians and the police do nothing because they are terrified of the radical Islamists. Why are they terrified of the radical Islamists? Three words: Sir David Amess.>> <<@jamesboom9470 says : Dubai, Qatar...... finance.>> <<@titan-atlus says : Yeah.. and we didn't see that coming... going to read 1984 so at least I can see what happens next.>> <<@crushingalldeceivers says : Our children don't matter to the politicians and their puppet masters.>> <<@Woden8 says : Except the Mohammed Mohammed's don't want unity, don't want to be "British", they want to spread their cult across Europe and take it over. We need to stop with the naive stance here. If it was to just stop the indoctrination of their children with "Pride", I would be on their side, but it's a lot a lot more sinister, and they really hate everything that Europe and North America stand for.>> <<@Treyboy82 says : showtime>> <<@KirkOrion666 says : Set people up against one another? Ayyy! Worked perty well in 2020-21-22-23... didnt it? Y'all remember, with ""The things""?! 😉>> <<@mikeg7180 says : Simon Harris is the Irish prime minister>> <<@mikeg7180 says : See Simon Harris’ description of Dublin demonstrator. No difference!>>