<<@RebelNewsOnline says : Help support our independent journalism and revisit all of our coverage of this important trial! Visit http://www.TruckerTrial.ca>> <<@berealhealthy says : So a left wing lunitics opinion is not allowed that's a good thing>> <<@berealhealthy says : Great reporting rebels>> <<@BlairWamboldt says : So what you are saying is the experts can be acquired over the internet posts asking for specific opposition to any subject and interview for the job. Payed actors.>> <<@kforest2745 says : No independent judiciary wanted in a democracy by digital tech giants trying to boost their products power you mean 🙄 Makes for zero stability there’s no rationale in that but whatever these guys seem to love mad life>> <<@dongeiger8393 says : If you disagree with the left in any form, you are labeled “RIGHT WING EXTREMIST”>> <<@johnlessmeister-wc2ze says : I'm so glad that they were found not guilty as far as I'm concerned they shouldn't even be in court for anything that they dod>> <<@gamingbigfats3934 says : Covid “killed” all the “experts “ for most people😂>> <<@111dcormack says : Good vid!>> <<@111dcormack says : She is Woke control freak. She hates free speech.>> <<@fernandosamf1185 says : Self appointment of warents by police ? That is criminal, communistic , and outrageous. This happens in a communist or 3rd. World country . This is crazy AND MUST NOT BE ALLOWABLE . Eminent harm on r c m p ? So they got a warnt by themselves without a judge ? ARE THE COPS LIVING IN NORTH KOREA? Why not bring in an expert on crazy , hair brained , experts .>> <<@SCVM__ says : A Self Declared Expert Has a Much Shorter Title ..... Narcissist>> <<@lizgizmo1385 says : Lame conviction that has destroyed Canadian democracy, trust in our institutions and media.>> <<@tarafox6618 says : So, she's a teacher of the frankfurt school of thought - communism. Intent on destroying christendom.>> <<@Truth.Is.Intolerant says : Great reporting! There is no justice in Canada 😢>> <<@reneepoulin says : Peterson wouldn’t take the training>> <<@mikethornton7263 says : Totally not guilty just another liberal snow job trudeau must go waste of tax payers money>> <<@cestmoi7368 says : And fabrication of “evidence” and judging the law instead of enforcing it…>> <<@BinkyTheElf1 says : 🐮 💩. Justin deserves time in the pokey, not the Freedom people.>> <<@kevinsherwood7025 says : So what will those SIKHS brandishing rifles at that wedding in Surrey be charged with?>> <<@randymclean9121 says : Expert: A person 50 miles away from home and not amongst peers.>> <<@michellefreegirl6927 says : Thank god they had a good judge>> <<@colinheadrick98 says : They listen to all of us all the time being allowed then arrest for imminent harm, how can you figure that out with no repercussions?>> <<@MikeCeritto says : Possession of a fire arm? Unlawful? Are they going to let them out on bail so they can go commit another "crime"? Just like the REAL criminals? They were kept in jail longer than a repeat pedophile. Our country is gone.>> <<@aprilmillard-nd4xt says : Nasty these cops seem to all be corrupt and hate Canada period>> <<@stevedeschamps8758 says : Go in Brampton Ontarion and tell me how much white pride do you see?>> <<@somacinteriors says : It was the cops conspiring against rights,they caused thousands of dollars to those tractors and got away with multiple crimes,ftp>> <<@steveschartner7962 says : There is always a caveat in Canada law that lets the government do whatever it wants.>> <<@rickgratton1477 says : She look so woke>> <<@danryan4001 says : It is wrong in every way to allow an expert in promoting prejudice, hatred and racism to speak in any courtroom anywhere.>> <<@AndreC-f9o says : lucky they had a jury.....the hate expert..... actual hates people who vote right.. wow😂😅🤣>> <<@PeterMilster says : Trudeaus private police are out of control they do not follow the law and make up there own . The people charged during the the protest were all setup by crocket police and prosecuters out of control with mandate powers that broke all the laws of our nation. Sad but true.>> <<@cdncitizen4700 says : The process is the punishment... a so called "democratic" government felt threatened by citizens exercising their DEMOCRACY ! Justice takes TOO LONG in Canada! So a self appointed "hate crime expert" is using systemic Liberal ideology and embedded pseudo-legal machinations, to selectively apply her "hate driven ideology" to silence anyone she doesn't agree with. GOT IT ! (Thank goodness the judge saw through her ideological biases)>> <<@andreal891 says : Omg, hhow about Left wing extremism more appropriate. Amazing how many people are so wacked in their thought patterns and reasoning. No common sense or morales.>> <<@webgodtube says : Guess we don't need judges anymore. Let's get rid of them quickly>> <<@KellyDuggan-q6q says : So called expert my eye>> <<@dianesylvain3309 says : Good judge decision on that expert.>> <<@jimeverden2244 says : Right wing definition: Anything right of this far left government.>> <<@johnathonhuson8734 says : If those officers who wrongfully arrested the coutts 4 still have jobs, justice has yet to be served. There needs to be recourse for the public to deal with tyrannical police and mp's. Write your local MP about it.>> <<@lizanderson1669 says : They need to sue Trudeau and Freeland personally, not the taxpayers>> <<@이이-n4z8y says : Jesus!>> <<@mikethompson6326 says : Good report . Informative. In a nutshell the RCMP bypassed judge authorization and self awarded themselves the right to for up to 72 hrs monitored text and phone calls of numerous coutts patrons under the guise of imminent threat or danger. All ficticious bullshit threat or danger. In a nutshell the RCMP has gotten way too out of control and needs a firing intervention or disbanding it completely. Period.>> <<@gwstubbs7046 says : Good job Rebel News.>> <<@jeffreyguillermo1315 says : Great reporting.>> <<@merlbartley7243 says : The RCMP are corrupt to their core. Justin Trudeau lacks who can rote in hell.>> <<@justbreathe2421 says : Barbara is an expert of nothing just feelings and woke faculty of woke schools! These experts are a dime a dozen by the Trudeau liberals/NDP! There are hundreds of counter professors, Doctors, and science that prove these woke Trudeau government liars wrong!>> <<@yveslepine9263 says : Myself I told St Peter. I was granted access to paradise by myself. No need for judgment or stuff like that>> <<@bsc4344 says : that incompetent woman doesn’t care she’s destroying actual law freedom and rights. the rcmpigs didn’t care they were illegally spying on everyone, threatening the peaceful demonstrators, illegally destroyed private property, illegally planted false “evidence” and lied slandered ppl with zero proof as they were exposed having done on the stand. Their CI didn’t even have a camera or tape recorder when SETTING UP the one accused?. Went from MEMORY ONLY? DICTATORSHIPS make up garbage and lies like they all did. What part of crime syndicate hackers and spies do ppl not understand the rcmpigs have turned into? They and govt gather other criminals around them and collude to guard power ego and enterprise all to themselves... sycophant liars help them from behind the bench too.>> <<@Farmguy1 says : An expert in nothing at all.>> <<@whiskeytango9769 says : Cops should NEVER be able to issue their own warrants.>>