<<@priscillacure6661 says : Self will run riot>> <<@CurtisClark-zy8dt says : Candace is complete moron with a mic overrated needs to take a better process to interviewing people.....this concept ids African before there were even rings and idea existed everywhere before any race or religion crossed each other.....She just has been given high rankings of conservatives with juice and a fancy studio period.....I only respect real reporters who really seek to do stories not just be😢😂 Controversial and Be Seen.....Wendy Williams ending will be her KARMA.......>> <<@bgrod3205 says : Why do places of worship pay no taxes?.....whats her point?.>> <<@judithrichard2272 says : Oh wee! I’m staying away from this one. But you might want to talk about whoremongers too tho. Cause without whoremongers there would not be any whores….🤗🫢 Love your facts tho….>> <<@MomBossMayo says : God doesn’t like symbols so CROSSES ✝️ are not good to wear. Imagine wearing your loved one dead body around your neck. WHO DOES THAT? NO ONE SO WHY REMEMBER JESUS, JEHOVAH SON THAT WAY. I DONT WEAR CROSSES ANYMORE. WHY WOULD GOD WANT US TO SPEND MONEY TO SHOW WE LOVE HIM? HE DOESN’T SO I DON'T NEED A CROSS OR ANY SYMBOLS. MARRIAGE IS A CONTRACT BETWEEN GOD WOMAN AND MAN. ANYTHING ELSE IS NOT OF GOD>> <<@tiffmitch702 says : I think she should have said i want to be a wife not a girlfriend that might have made more sense>> <<@tiffmitch702 says : Completely agree>> <<@BIBICRANE says : Dating is what couples ought to do in marriage. The lovers of playing around n fornication brought everything couples should do in marriage into courtship (knowing each other phase)😂. Thats why people just go into relationship without commitment and expects everything that should come from commitment relationship like marriage.>> <<@kurapika8037 says : Cross is not a joke. I hate this society making it "slay" and "fashion" with the Jesus cross>> <<@flolo8036 says : Candace has many solid points about a lot of things, but this one is not it.>> <<@DanaFullylove says : lol the fact they think a piece of paper identifies things. That paper can be destroyed at anytime. You can’t just be together nooooo we must get this paper to validate our union 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@spruce914 says : The devil is at work and it’s clear here the mindset that this girl has about marriage just being a piece of paper might as well use a pen and pad get it notarized so it becomes a legal document and call it a day…. This shit is becoming sadder and sadder by the minute smh 🤦🏾‍♂️>> <<@encryptlakegames5328 says : Marriage is a union under the eyes of God not under the eyes of a judge.>> <<@ElizabethMartial says : All marriages!! Should be Celebrated Through your own!! RELIGION! Under GOD!! Beach!! Parks! Home! Hotel! Weddings!! Are NOT!! True!! Weddings!! Just a CONTRACT!! Between The couple & the STATE!! NOT! GOD!! That is why!! Diden and KAMALA HARRIS & Planned PARENTHOOD!! PUSH!! ABORTION!! AMERICA!! Then THESE BABIES STEMS CELLS & Body parts!! Are SOLD!! STEM CELLS are USED as FLAVORING in your COCA COLA!! PEPSI these companies spent over $38 Million dollars!! To have Scientists!! Make their drinks FLAVORINGS! ABORTED BABIES STEMS CELLS are also USED in the PERFUMES!! COLOGNES!! POTATOES CHIPS!! KRAFT and NESTLE PACKAGE FOODS!! MAKE UPD!! COV19 VACCINES!! & Many other Human PRODUCTS!! Eliminate ABORTION! IS MURDER!!👹👹👹🔥👹🔥👹>> <<@paulajones114 says : Oh Candice you just make me happy!¡! You ask ALL the questions I've had in life that I've always wanted to ask SOME people!¡! I LOVE you're Sarcasm. They say I am too. LMBO>> <<@JayPoetic says : A lot of people only get married because they see marriage more so as a business deal instead of actually a God protected union that is meant to produce abundance it’s sad tbh>> <<@BabaKonté-z9l says : Athiest have no reason to get marriage>> <<@BabaKonté-z9l says : Its uncesarry>> <<@MattSmith-rm3fk says : Marriage pre dates religion....Marriage started as arranged Marriage so 2 families aligned to form one . Matrimony is 2 people coming together to form an aligned bond between 2 families nothing more !!!>> <<@shona6873 says : I'm an atheist and I married my high-school sweetheart at 23. You know why? Because I don't personally believe in having kids without being married. Like, if you're prepared to have kids with me, we're gonna get married first, because I need to know that you're that level of committed. And because I think kids benefit from their parents being committed and from everyone sharing the same family name - stability is important for kids. I also don't believe in divorce (for myself), barring extreme wrongdoing on his part.>> <<@miegravgaardxoxo says : Tbh I agree 😅>> <<@MegaJay411 says : Marriage is a religious joining. What's the point if you're an aetheist?>> <<@mysticpharaoh2982 says : Wait, nobody is gonna say anything about Kaiser Wilhelm sitting in the back?>> <<@Wallflowerxc says : Spirituality doesn't always have to be about God. But regardless, I disagree with Candace on this one, y'all are clearly trying to twist her words and make it seem like she's senile. In her heart, her mind and consciousness dating and marriage are different. What she's trying to say is marriage isn't something that can be broken off easily unlike dating, they made vows and commitments, now incomes the piece of paper which let's the government know that they infact made such a commitment which comes with it's benefits, it's not just a tax break, but when your spouse needs something done in the hospital, you can give the ok. If you're dating and you make these vows, you're no longer dating, you're married. Even if you didn't register it or have a big wedding, you're married, because that's what marriage is.>> <<@GeminiKnight76 says : Sorry, Candace, but this is something I disagree with you about. The spiritual concept of marriage existed long before Christianity appropriated it. Christianity didn't invent marriage, it just put its own definition on what it is.>> <<@eli243lg4 says : It's true what she said though. You're basically telling the world "This is my partner and no matter what happens, no one runs away.">> <<@kekeluvmyself says : Little do people know in the beginning of the creation of marriage. It was not included in the Bible until later on .. Long ago Marriage and Religion didn’t go hand and hand ..🤷🏽‍♀️💯📖>> <<@michelleAL894 says : I am a Christian but a marriage between two people that weren’t also represents that they are vowing and willing to work on their marriage and face the problems head on before just giving up on each other because its not as easy to just walk away from a marriage. Its weird to me how people are so stern about the constitution but for some reason they forget that everyone has the right to their own religion and beliefs.>> <<@lio-o97 says : I don't pray but i believe in traditions and marriage especially if you want a family, i want my children to have married parents so i can easily raise them traditional no modernized influence>> <<@joshuaporter8606 says : Candace is horribly wrong>> <<@mariec3733 says : Lmfao, what?! Candace just keeps embarassing herself more and more.>> <<@adamtovey8721 says : No matter what the subject, Candace is usually wrong.>> <<@Militarize says : If you are not putting God in your marriage then you are only getting married to have divorce favor you as a woman. Atheist shouldn't be allowed to be married if they don't believe in God. They only want a piece of paper, not a life long relationship>> <<@patodwyer721 says : A Marrige "Made in Hell">> <<@patodwyer721 says : Nice one Candace>> <<@I_Wonder_. says : I'm surprised this clip got posted here considering she quite possibly lost the argument.>> <<@Usernamesarestupid77 says : Candice is tripping. Marriage isn’t religious anymore. She’s so offended that someone is not a Christian lol>> <<@mikesterrett7561 says : A Commitment between the couple and GOD.......GOD ❤🙏..>> <<@mikesterrett7561 says : Candace❤🙏>> <<@jamieehrhard1442 says : People tend to get married for the wrong reasons too. They think that it will fix them or take away the lust. But that is a deception from the devil and we need Jesus. Marriage is not a game. It is a gift from God for a man and a woman to become one physically and spiritually so on. What is his is the wife vice versa plus the roles in marriage.>> <<@joachimescura6891 says : Atheists don't have forever because eternity is a concept of God. How can an atheist live forever?>> <<@andrewbunch6599 says : The answer to that is a yes and no you would still be married under the government but not under the lord>> <<@humairadurrani132 says : So do they get married in a Court….and Not saying the vows BECAUSE it’s a religious tradition…??>> <<@Brad2325 says : Little Miss "Made in Hell" wants her relationship to have legal status so she can take everything in a divorce. It's pretty obvious.>> <<@alyshiakroll15 says : If it's a spiritual bond, what does the paper have to do with it? Government and spirituality couldn't be more opposite. You could have a wedding with the priest, take your vows, and not get the paper. Just put both of your names on everything. If it's a spiritual thing wouldn't that be sufficient? A marriage license is you paying the government for a piece of paper that says the government recognizes your marriage. Nothing spiritual about that. I agree marriage is a sacred partnership that should be for life. I would also agree it's spiritual. I don't agree that the piece of paper has anything to do with that part of it. All it means is the government recognizes the marriage.>> <<@Athenaxoxoxo says : Marriage is agreeing to commit to loving someone until the day you die and Candice responding in such a defensive way doesn’t educate people about the religion behind marriage but not everyone understands it or interprets marriage as god being apart of their relationship>> <<@AllysonJones-x2y says : Candace isn’t wrong. It’s important to know the originality of things for real because if you don’t your just doing it based on your own feelings or from seeing someone else do it and copy just for show it’s like monkey see monkey do and don’t even know the exact reason they are doing it it’s just the blind leading the blind and think they are going somewhere. 💯 people need to do their research and stop basing things off their feelings and opinions instead base it off truth and facts that can be backed up ….. HELLO!>> <<@terifranks4381 says : Candice is absolutely wrong on this>> <<@harmonyjohnson2401 says : They just want a excuse not to be loyal partners until their married The only way your getting a ring is if you were a loyal gf to begin with, no man will marry an untrustworthy woman.>> <<@seankenny941 says : It protects people legally in the event of death. Candace needs an IQ test to humble her. It's 125 maximum.>>