<<@LauraVolpintesta says : Also true when COMMUNITIES of families are strong>> <<@rickyewart9232 says : Just look at the shirt she is wearing tells you everything about her and how real she is !!!!❤>> <<@diannapurvis8646 says : As told to the children of Fatima by Our Lady>> <<@Adana-j2d says : Strong cristian women 💪>> <<@clevesland8753 says : I want a Candice owens>> <<@josie100 says : TRUTH BE TOLD 💯 🙌🏾>> <<@pattiellis1613 says : Dumbed down in 2 generations 😢 NO maturity or meaningful information being taught 😢 NO Self-responsibility or Self-control! ONLY SELF-INDULGENCE!>> <<@DoloresMoscarella says : Started by pulling men away from family in roaring 20’s. Hedonism. Followed by depression in the 30’s Men lost their jobs and roles as providers. Many men left the family. The joke that “he” went for the newspaper and never came back. Happened to many families Then WWII. The USA lost many men to the war. thru death, physical & mental trauma. Those 20+ years destroyed the men in the family>> <<@melindaatha2665 says : There's no sound. I cant hear>> <<@anthonysensi4667 says : Hollywood>> <<@defatifyme says : He gives children as a gift (Psalm 127:3). And through Jesus Christ, God makes a way for all of us to be part of his eternal family (1 John 3:1a)💜>> <<@defatifyme says : 1 Timothy 3:4-5 - "He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full respect.💜>> <<@defatifyme says : Numbers 6:24-26- "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.💜>> <<@defatifyme says : A family is a place of discipline and instruction. Proverbs 22:6 tells us to "train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.💜>> <<@kathycolaianni5746 says : Just like communism>> <<@Fugazi667-u3c says : Offering daycare has nothing to do with full power. Women like yourself have been in the workforce for decades. It is a belief that it should be included as a benefit, like health insurance and 401 k. They do this in Europe. It's not a bad idea. We are just the #1 most blood sucking capitalists known to mankind>> <<@claeslundin8399 says : They remove your compass. By removing the things that should led you.>> <<@carrolltillman2468 says : I’ve been saying this forever!! Yes Candice, every gift they give is a trap, period. Who is raising the babies?? And now we want to call the children horrible 😒. An untended garden will be choked by weeds🤷🏽‍♀️>> <<@deborahward1351 says : Facts>> <<@koz449 says : Yes weakening the family weakens society. People need love and structure>> <<@ramildevilla6428 says : how can there be a family if you don't agree with marriage? the hypocrisy?>> <<@AliceSnedeker says : Candace so much insight and I love that she speaks truth. Truly chosen by God>> <<@ashtrippyhill says : I heard an adult child of two gay men say one time that “I’ve yet to meet someone with two gay parents be unsuccessful in life, but every single effed up person I know has heterosexual parents”.>> <<@vladanpetronijevic3165 says : Candance next President>> <<@Wotan-if4fe says : Very true!>> <<@pinkyvilana8481 says : So true when the Government weaken the family it becomes a mess in society>> <<@MaryOtt-i6j says : Wow Candace, I never heard this put so perfectly! I’ve been so blessed to have been raised in a strong 2 parent home & stayed at home to raise my 9 kids! It’s truly a blessing ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤>> <<@sunguarmagan9535 says : This is very, very good.>> <<@Timmy9384 says : It's already destroyed Candace. It's gone; nuclear family, marriages, it's dead now. It's not something I'll ever see as common again. I've reached a point where I don't believe in relationships anymore, let alone marriage... nuclear family, what in all chambers of hell is that? I believe in God, and I have love for people, but I'm just sitting here waiting on the meteor. I'm tired, Candace. Keep doing the work you're doing. Your message and bravery are inspiring. God bless you 🙌>> <<@paulgermaine1777 says : All of this was covered in Europa: the Last Battle film that youtube has banned. Thank you Candace for bringing these points back to the forefront!>> <<@Adam-adyo says : The idea that the government is trying to make people atheists to destroy families is not accurate. Atheism is not an ideology or a belief system; it’s simply a position of not accepting claims without solid evidence. We are born without religious beliefs, and atheism naturally arises when one is not exposed to religious ideologies. It’s a matter of personal perspective, not something that inherently harms family structures.Being an atheist does not make someone a bad person or incapable of having a successful family. For example, I am an atheist, but I am happily married to a Muslim woman, and we have a strong, successful family with two children. Atheism and religious beliefs are personal choices and do not determine one's ability to build and maintain a family. Therefore, I disagree with the notion that atheism is part of any agenda to undermine families.>> <<@Octojesus69 says : This has to be a joke there is actually no way bro💀💀💀>> <<@monlonglong9700 says : Thank you Candace!!!❤❤❤>> <<@belak1551 says : They’re also raising our children through their phones, cartoons and the like too.>> <<@LL-ew2hz says : Yes those are some of the sins.The.real problem is SIN, leaving the laws of God.... Lawlessness and ungodliness Proverbs 14:34 Righteousness exalteth, a nation , but sin is a reproach to any people.>> <<@jewishgirl says : Porn is one of the sneakiest tools being used to ruin the nuclear family. Over 30% of men under thirty are not having sex and ED is at a record high among the same group. Porn is a “super stimuli”, it is highly addictive and rewires the brain similarly to heroin. When having sex with your spouse feels like taking a baby aspirin and masturbating to porn feels like taking heroin, marriages are going to suffer immensely. In addition to that, free porn is ALWAYS available, no matter what type of person or sexual act you desire, it’s out there to see, and it provides instant gratification (you don’t have to consider another person or their needs/wants/feelings for even a second). The scientific community knows this and yet almost every study done or article written about porn says “porn is healthy and it’s great for relationships”. An unbelievable lie that they just keep repeating. I wonder why that is?!>> <<@reginacampbell4318 says : She right not over here>> <<@michelleruffin6903 says : This actually is all a part of the alphabet community’s agenda.Redefining the nuclear family and destroying them, indoctrinating our children’s minds to believe good is evil and evil is good! Read “The Agenda” by Pastor by Pastor Louis P. Sheldon.>> <<@michelleruffin6903 says : Truth>> <<@pmanning7604 says : I LOVE THIS WOMAN!! Candice, Owings...I WOULD VOTE FOR HER HANDS DOWN.>> <<@stephaniesantana3211 says : My mother was a successful educator and grew us up in the church but being divorced, there wasnt a man in our home. She admitted that divorce was abnormal and that what happened to us made us have to work harder because we were without that 'leader' in the home so she became mom and dad.>> <<@BeiBe42780 says : https://youtube.com/shorts/WRFl9_qk9RQ?si=QXM_3q0Mw1BfBaQa The devil has the public school systems>> <<@elizabethmccall2736 says : It’s so cut and dry and has no room for parents/mothers who MUST work. She says it as if it’s a choice “don’t raise your kids” 😂 😂… it’s so simple.. how do you propose that>> <<@KateMesq says : Well said Candace!!! I’m a single mom! I got fired while on maternity leave, now all jobs are come into the office! Is very challenging getting a remote job in my field, and My hearts breaks when I think about going to an office and leaving my baby in daycare! Now I have decided to take a different job/career to stay at home with my son by doing a lower paying job and abandoning my career of 12 years! My son is more important than corporate America! I rather be less fortunate economically than missing my son growing up.>> <<@2008cash says : that's how they started with the black family and now that they see it worked they got greedy and now want to do that with all families so they can control everything and everyone>> <<@PatrickDenehy-f4k says : Spot On !>> <<@CountessKE says : Family is the cornerstone all is built upon. My apologies to any that didn't have that. Refuse to be a victim and rise above.>> <<@donaldoyler2092 says : Candace Owen's for President>> <<@agold2664 says : So true their tearing apart the fundamental morality to the core so to , Divide and Conquer!>> <<@jeremyjpegan says : And the left-tards just play right into it.>>