<<@rsmith2463 says : The last broad is mixing up USA issues with Canadian issues! What a dope>> <<@Kimberlee-d5l says : That woman who spoke about Poilievre (she doesn't even know his name), has NO CLUE. Educate yourself lady!>> <<@bushwacker5359 says : I can’t understand how some people are so gullible to believe the CBC and Liberals when they try and scare the public with some factious anti-abortion agenda that the Conservatives secretly have. Plus, I’m pretty her birthing years are well past her.>> <<@dougtapp4726 says : That woman is clearly Baron😂.>> <<@drawlins9 says : Complete bodily autonomy is a myth because societal laws and moral considerations always play a role in how we exercise our freedoms.>> <<@canadacitypreppers says : The one guy want to have a president that reminded him back home>> <<@charlierose7309 says : I am a women and pray Pierre is our next PM!!! 👍🇨🇦>> <<@googlesucks7021 says : Because both parties are communist.>> <<@johnq8696 says : I love how the 65 yr old woman is concerned about getting an abortion>> <<@dannygoguen1027 says : Wow either all those people are communists or totally blind probably both?>> <<@TonyMontana-xv4lc says : You have to be brain dead if you think someone else want to own your body. Lol>> <<@Mg34565 says : Two evil bastards>> <<@JasonBrohman-wv1dr says : I agree that a woman can have an abortion. Just don’t use my tax dollars for it. Be accountable and pay for it yourself.>> <<@nadaesamzaki9624 says : No he will get more Indian to Canada they are controlling everything in Canada>> <<@CannaClubINTL says : Because the NDP are traitors to Canada and Canadians. Only Traitors support Traitors.>> <<@dilldirk284 says : Girl your what 60 😂.. you’ve been in charge the whole time it’s called keeping your legs closed 🙄>> <<@Cardinaldraconus says : Why? One word: PENSION.>> <<@joedasilva5556 says : Three clowns 🤡🤡🤡>> <<@watersystems6045 says : Singh is trying to delay until he gets his golden pension. Traitors should not get their pension.>> <<@GPatch says : But he did his office is issued a statement and he said it that they will not issue any laws or use the not withstanding clause tonight regulated abortion. He has outright said in front of cameras that he disagrees with his constituents that demand more regulation on abortion or gay marriage. He doesn’t want to put a single regulation on either of those. Also, I’m pretty sure that Old has gone through menopause and I doubt she’s having an abortion for that matter>> <<@RunTwoWin says : Charter of Rights and Freedoms has a scary section that could provide the current government the means to indefinitely suspend Federal elections. Considering the use of the emergency act and the constant lack of transparency, I can see the ndp helping trudeau use section 4 subsection 2 against us>> <<@macdonaldwee9636 says : This two guys are the worse person on Canada is useless>> <<@TonyAmato-o3d says : 😢 the root cause of most all human generated misery and subsequent loss of God giving Universal rights is Monopoly..... Monopoly by the states for the state or for the private sector in collusion together has been the true source of most all human generated misery stemming as far back as Samaria who first introduced the very form of Monopoly that exists what is responsible for the parasitic human dynamics socio-economic relationships people are forced into all over the world.. everything else is a symptom... you may be able to recognize that your economic freedoms are diminishing while you are being forced to use a fraudulent monetary system that robs you through inflation but the problem is you cannot recognize that it is economic freedom that allows you the ability to demonstrate that you are free through the participation in the economy free of parasitic monopolies.... when you factor in the level of narcissism today we find that it is almost completely impossible for the majority of society to recognize how they have been tricked into playing a parasitic role within their communities.... and for that reason and other reasons Society is now extremely dangerous to those who love freedom>> <<@GordonKern says : Conservatives one word!>> <<@odintree5704 says : I do not think that woman has any worry of getting pregnant.>> <<@kenhoughton5476 says : Because Jagmit Sing wants some sort of power and the only way is to suck up to that dummy Trudeau. Canada has really bad politions all three parties>> <<@nathanlunn7495 says : I bet that woman got the covid jab and numerous booster shots because the govt told her she had to>> <<@FFfufftube says : TREASON TREASON TREASON TREASON TREASON TREASON TREASON>> <<@RealNOPAINSNOGAINS says : That woman at the end lmfao think you're a little too old to have kids lady and no when you have sex with someone and the man impregnates you you now have a life inside you that your not in charge of because that is a separate being and you're responsible for that so next time you or any woman/man wants to have sex make sure you use a condom or wait till marriage or just don't have sex at all>> <<@chriscommandeur5332 says : The 1 women say she wants to be in charge of her own body wtf. Why is that important when the libs forced the jab ?>> <<@tonyf1572 says : DUMB AND DUMBER .. The remake 😏>> <<@rossmacdonald3880 says : The woman who said about being in charge of her own body is definitely grandma age. So no worries.😅>> <<@karmapolice6597 says : French Canadians are truly clueless clowns>> <<@karmapolice6597 says : These people are sheep! 🐑>> <<@paulgaasenbeek4943 says : Anyone who thinks the ndp are different from the Liberals needs to go back to school. Who wants socialism? Read about this. It never ends well for the common person but this is where globalism is taking us. GB, Canada, The States...all are filled with citizens who can't seem to wake up to this sad reality.>> <<@foundry_wildlife says : Omg that old dried out poompoom lady and that French guy wanting socialist ndp is outrageous>> <<@josesimoes8218 says : After he gets his $M2 pension, let's go vote!>> <<@Buriedmybrokenbones says : WEF puppet government>> <<@Hgstyasni says : The old lady wants an abortion>> <<@mAx87iStar says : Bih u 55 u dont need to worry about getting pregnant>> <<@vancguy9204 says : Commies are so dumb>> <<@williamlough9515 says : Are they paid . Pierre will be our leader>> <<@DaveGava says : $$$>> <<@coconutchristoph says : Find smarter people lol. Who cares about economics as long as a woman in her 50’s is in control of her own body🤦🏼‍♂️>> <<@thedude9486 says : Must have taken all day to find those 3 idiots.>> <<@Fccc351 says : Easy answer. Singh wants to protect his pension so he wont call an election. Ndp is scum just as scum as liberals>> <<@Hubris423 says : Wow that woman jn link is self centered, putting herself first before tbe country>> <<@kielsolowoniuk9719 says : Time for common sense.>> <<@josephelias3295 says : That lady is too old to get pregnant. What does she care. And who would go near that Karen anyway>> <<@tworiverstr5994 says : There is a sickness in Canada!!! Repent!!!>>