<<@joeoconnor7725 says : They don't seem to understand who they work for>> <<@joeoconnor7725 says : Health care auto insurance and gov are working against Canadians>> <<@joeoconnor7725 says : Sounds like Doug is trying to hide his globalist agenda>> <<@ianleslie6971 says : I find the use of behavioral science as the most pernicious and problematic part. I always figured it is happening but not at the governmental department level. No wonder TruDoh can sit down in an inquiry with a smirk on his face. It is a theater of the absurd. They are the puppeteers. And there's no honour.>> <<@district5198 says : Publicly funded surveillance should be available to the public. Canada’s enforcement agencies need more independent public audits made transparent.>> <<@cherylotterbein2093 says : This is an issue for all of Canada. All provinces and territories are involved. Remember they are all in this together.>> <<@davidgray3294 says : I would be interested to see if they meet during the Ont government summer break (June 10- Oct 24).>> <<@kforest2745 says : As for “behavioural science” that’s a fkn joke because it’s their own House that leads with manipulation.>> <<@kforest2745 says : Repulsive that they can even attempt nevermind do/meet and discuss behind the public’s back what’s called backstabbing they’re fkn cowards that they don’t speak to the public who is the taxpayer they have no right to be paid by the tax dollar no right to even work for the people as they’re not. So that law has to change no attempt for secrecy whatsoever nip it in the bud>> <<@kforest2745 says : Ok see that’s already corrupt—that you need the public to sign a document for access. That’s CLEARLY CORRUPT. So you have to change that law it can’t be allowed it’s manipulative it’s an intentional roadblock it’s dishonest. Don’t even take it to court since courts are made to waste time and money go head to head with the losers.>> <<@alancadieux2984 says : Regardless of being in Ontario, it sounds like a liberal objective.>> <<@kforest2745 says : It’ll never happen they’re fkn losers if they think people will bend over for them and still losers if people do because it says so much more about them>> <<@haileysmom2358 says : Why do taxpayers know nothing about this surveillance?>> <<@DC-ns6vo says : I am always very impressed with the quality of your reporting and the way you present your information.>> <<@candacelee969 says : Well, they have failed...on every objective. Nice to see a consistent track record 😂😂😂 I will never trust an "official anything" ever again. They can pat themselves on the back for that.😂😂😂>> <<@WesWoychyshyn says : Another hidden agenda Are we still supposedly in a democracy? The governments sure seem to be hiding a lot of things and yet always talk about transparency! Our governing system has got to change!👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻>> <<@glennabarry1261 says : Great job Tamera>> <<@polishprince47 says : Sounds like a: Ministry Of Truth.>> <<@nicholasleblanc7467 says : Keep it up. Exposure is the only way to trust and understanding.>> <<@patriciabowman31 says : R.C.O = R.I.C.O. This bunch missed a letter. Arrests Please.>> <<@christinarosed.p.1967 says : It's called MK Ultra. It came out of Quibec. Along with eugenics. 😢>> <<@andrewwilgress4100 says : Thank You for all the work you do>> <<@kaileymcintyre9261 says : The government will never get Canadian trust ever to much corruption n over stepping Canadian rights>> <<@boogyjuggy says : They lie about everything......We never asked for any of this in Canada. The public never had a say in any of this. All forced. Mass immigration, massive government growth = debt = control....equalization, bilingualism (french) only outside kebec while Kebec bans our language – history - culture... – bills 22, 178, 101...96..., multiculturalism only outside Kebec, , - the charter.... all forced upon the country over the last 50, 60 years by lying, crooked and corrupt politicians, mostly metis (they are not french) from Kebec. The Reform party knew this. The only party in the last 50 years to talk about it. The other parties, all the same. Rotten to the core, all on the take. $$$>>