<<@jamespostlewate2776 says : Multicuturalism and Diversity was social sabotage from the very beginning... To deny race is a factor of intelligence, that it plays a role in individual potential, is to be willfully blind to truth, to deny the obvious, in the name of some moral obligation to adhere to ridiculous narrative of "equality"...>> <<@larrydugan1441 says : Aircraft have crashed and people have died because of DEI. DEI cannot be implemented without lowering standards!>> <<@christopher8116 says : The incompetent are working, the ones who are good are being oppressed. Then you essentially destroy the person life.>> <<@intoreality1189 says : I appreciate technology, but microplastics in the environment is a problem.>> <<@MrRollie51 says : Go home and pray Then sing AMERICA THE BEAUTIFULLY THAT SHOULD BRING A TEAR TO YOUR EYES FOR SURE. AMERICAN… where have you gone.>> <<@George-hl2xm says : Nonsense right wing BS>> <<@jkonior1 says : Heather MacDonald always has something important to say.>> <<@psychmr2365 says : So….the insolent, ungrateful progressives distance themselves from “dead white guys?” Well….dead white guys created the modern world. Are these progressives going to give up electricity. The electron was harnessed by a white guy. Are they going to no longer wear clothes? The sewing machine was invented by a white guy. How about cars, planes, television, computers, telephones? Anyone recognize the names Abner Doubleday, Walter Camp, James Naisbeth? These are the people who invented baseball, football and basketball. Now brace yourself….all three of them are white.>> <<@mikesalyer4628 says : The new generation does not understand how much we have lost in America over the last 50 years.>> <<@josiahgibbs5697 says : My daughter's boyfriend is finishing up his residency. They do let blacks in with lower scores, but the general public knows that. Patients are a lot less inclined to see a black doctor. He said many of the black med students opt for ER residencies because the patient doesn't really choose then. Patients like going to doctors named Shapiro for example. I imagine that Ben Shapiro's wife is a very in demand doctor.>> <<@josiahgibbs5697 says : If I were a young man I would game the system by starting to wear dresses in about the junior year of college. Then you could be admitted as a woman even though you were white.>> <<@josiahgibbs5697 says : Even about 4 years ago Minneapolis Public schools received about $24k per student. It is not resources that are an issue.>> <<@Hadassah-q4z says : As a hospital employee….. my 2-cent advice is that one should not get sick in the indefinite future.>> <<@heathercontois4501 says : Comparing my mom and her siblings education to my education then my kids educations-the education system has been slowly getting stripped of purpose and funding for decades. The dumber the people are the more easily they are manipulated and controlled. I know this because how I see everything has changed and keeps changing as I educate myself.>> <<@js5860 says : There is only one race _ the human race! We are all from Adam, there are only different ethnicities.>> <<@js5860 says : All you need is a biblical worldview to see what’s right and wrong.>> <<@Greetingsitsme-b7o says : Remember, DEI stands for "Didn't Earn It".>> <<@djinhelo says : Heather Mac Donald Is only seeking fame. When did she speak out against Stanford and Yales DEI programs? Those are her alma maters, I'm assuming she has spoken out against their practices but I can't find a single instance online or in social media where she has. Show me people who have criticized/condemned DEI from the first day. Don't show me someone who got their hair done so they could do a video on PragerU four years late. If they weren't speaking out against DEI 4 years ago you should not give them platforms now.>> <<@djinhelo says : I can't believe how the media, universities, public schools, Fox and even PragerU Could be so far behind the general public in seeing the wrong in DEI. Thousands of us have been pointing out the wrongs of DEI on Youtube and got banned by youtube, school board meetings and got arrested or kicked out for our opinions and City Council meetings and got arrested for peaceful opposition since the dictator wannabes Joe Biden and Kamala Harris took office. It's nice to see PragerU speak out. Thank you...finally. 4 years late.>> <<@jill7759 says : We are now advised that expecting promptness of any young person is an unreasonable expectation, a result of Rasiism and that inability is now labelled “time blindness”. Whenever the topic is raised there will be any number of young people avowing that they are so afflicted and bemoaning the cruelty of ever expecting that they should be on time. The level of lunatic entitlement is just frankly detestable.>> <<@stanleymcomber4844 says : Just like the military changed the requirements to recruits to allow anyone to “become” what they want, our medical testing and requirements have been changed to allow the weaker applicants to enter the group “Doctor”. Good y’all. I know this as a fact. Check your doctor’s credentials, not just that they came from a particular school. School means NOTHING now.>> <<@marianthi7034 says : The Marxists dont want the minorities to have these skill sets. They want them to be ignorant and the new Brown Shirts>> <<@donnagaxiola9675 says : I am a white woman. I am a nurse. I have had MANY instances where black patients asked to have a different nurse. No reason, no explanation. Given that I loved my job, I loved working with the elderly, I was heartbroken. I just retired from hospital work because the nastiness, the attitude of being owed something, ingratitude.....I just pray for all the young nurses and doctors coming up.>> <<@garybrown8574 says : Imagine an aviation Academy in a third world country where the top percentage of pilot graduates got to be selected by the national carrier and then on down through the rankings to the lesser ranked airlines. The failed students then went on to become the instructors for next years pilot intake and the cascading implosion of students failing to meet even the most basic ICAO standards. This as related by a government official when complaints were made about the drop in quality of graduates and the failure of that countries in-country only hiring policy. I shudder when I think of all future STEM subject falling into this black hole.>> <<@john99776 says : Very disappointing discussion about Israel and Hamas. Tragically ignorant.>> <<@edwards409 says : Imagine a diversity-first doctor botching a sex change operation.>> <<@commodore64955 says : What if you were a white medical school applicant and declared yourself black solely on the day of your application? Even better declare yourself Harvard Med School Graduate any objections are deemed as bigotry. Use radical lefts tools against them :)>> <<@freebanking says : Black doctors are needed in black countries for black patients. The same should go for Whites.>> <<@freebanking says : Diversity will result in the Death of the West>> <<@freebanking says : Diversity is a code word for anti-White hatred.>> <<@tarikbajric1449 says : What a coincidence that Blackrock, wef and adl are all pushing for it on purpose.>> <<@stephengamber7000 says : Thank you for speaking Truth to Woke nonsense.>> <<@murat8194 says : 🤮.>> <<@Abyss-Will says : Things are so bad now that common sense is a super power now and people have to be courageous to tell simple truths that are on plain sight for everyone to see. The censorship culture is growing so rapidly on the west it's truly frightening.>> <<@buffymcmuffin5361 says : Thanks for speaking Truth to Woke nonsense!>> <<@med2904 says : Contradiction is already in the DEI name. They want to maximize "diversity" and "equity" at the same time. Everyone being different, but somehow achieving exactly the same results. That's not how reality works. Even if you don't believe in genetic predispositions, people from different cultural and economic backgrounds will have different interests, priorities, and ethics. The only way to correct that if you want to achieve equity at the same time as diversity is to heavily discriminate people until the lowest common denominator achieves the same outcome. Like giving basketball players penalties and handicaps based on height until the shortest "diverse" player has the same performance in numbers as the tallest one.>> <<@perhaps565 says : Thank you!>> <<@butchyboy69 says : Heather Mac needs to run for Pres. She looks much better than Camel-faced Harris too.>> <<@LadyBug1967 says : Most of the world dear heather snd host, do not consider Hamas a terrorist group. U need to do your homework ladies. Why the students are protesting is they have something that's called a heart which quite frankly I see in Heather is extremely hard and I actually don't even see a ❤️ in the host. I won't go further because you can never talk or reason with heartless people.>> <<@LadyBug1967 says : Having lived in what is considered the South for awhile now and having actually noticed things prior to moving here I would say that from cradle to grave black people within their family are taught to hate their skin color and to hate the fact they're black but it's always on the unconscious level. On the conscious level they are taught from the minute they are born to hate the white skinned people. I have noticed with children by the time they reach the age of two, it is complete. THEY look at a white person askance, with distrust, and they say nothing and they do not even smile. To grow up like that when the majority is non black, you will have a rough time growing up & fully functioning in society. A psychologist could easily analyze this but let us know, there will definitely be acting out and the acting out will be detrimental to the black person. The same thing is happening in the zionists colony and the host is a Jew so she can actually address that if she wished to because that would be a parallel example on the other side of the coin. The zionist Jew is taught that they are superior to everyone else and that everyone is prejudiced against them and that they must fight everyone they encounter in order to survive. This results in a multitude of problems and in a day-by-day war hungry nation that makes America look like a peaceful nation which as we know it is not. The same thing is occurring as in America but in this case they are taught they are superior & everyone else's inferior and out to get them. Think about that. I'm sure no one else has ever posed that relationship or that parallel and I will maybe be canceled now by many people because it's a new idea and it goes against what the host & guest r saying due to its counter intuitive nature. But do reflect upon this .>> <<@sheilah4525 says : For those supporting DEI, I want you all to so declare yourselves and ONLY SEEK LIFE GIVING AID from those who became “qualified” via DEI. BET YOU WON’T!>> <<@kardiojunkee says : Racism still exists in the medical field. Look up the indigenous pt. who died whilst the nurses were laughing at her, bc they though she was opioid seeking>> <<@kardiojunkee says : Would like to add NOT all inner city kids are black!!!!>> <<@kardiojunkee says : There should be a cap on how many times you can take a licensing exam. Max 2x. We are having the same issue here in Canada with respects to DEI.>> <<@LadyBug1967 says : Very interesting but i would never say that if a black parent acted the same as an Asian parent we wouldn't have this problem. We would have another problem. Asian students are the predominant group that commits suicide Asian students are the least creative and not able to think out of the box because they are so trained by their parents and their culture to simply always add 1 + 1 and get to and never think anything creative. I could go on and on so I definitely would not say what she said I think it's also racist although she does not realize it. Maybe if she said that if the parent of a black student acted like Michelle Obama's parents the child would do better I think she would be correct and not the racist.>> <<@LadyBug1967 says : This makes me remember an incident when I applied for a job teaching English to foreigners at a school where I'd taught before I went abroad to teach. I was also studying a paralegal course at the city college & there was an African-American co-student whom I'd gotten to know well. Well, sure enough, she was applying for the same job at the same school I was applying and she got the job and I did not and she apologized. P I brushed it off and at that time I don't even think DEI was being used as an acronym but I know of course that's why she got the job. I had a Masters in teaching TESOL and I had experience abroad in South America & Europe & the Middle East while she had no Masters and no experience but of course she spoke English because she was an American and she got the job based on the color of her skin. That was about 30 years ago. And yes, in professions like medicine, it's a very dangerous precedent to allow to continue. I really don't think people are saying that people of color are inferior but the fact of the matter is they often lack the education and the experience and they should not be elevated above the person who has the education and the experience. Upon reflection, I realize also it was her fault because she knew she had no Masters and she knew she had no experience so she was just hoping that because her skin was black, she would be hired and she was right. BUT that was wrong of her to apply and it was even more wrong of them to hire her over people who were much more experienced and educated.>> <<@linmal2242 says : Yuri warned about this back in the 1980's but ya'll didn't listen !>> <<@edwardsmith1060 says : DEI = Communism>> <<@southsun1149 says : DEI is poisonous, undermines the fundamental values of the USA.>> <<@t-dgonzalez2012 says : I am 56 years old. When I was a child, if you had a Black doctor, you KNEW he/she was the BEST OF THE BEST. Not only did they have to perform and achieve, but they had the character and self-discipline to overcome the real racism that existed at that time.>>