<<@danielhauer2259 says : Now the women are just plain crazy 🤪 and have unrealistic expectations. That's why men don't care anymore.>> <<@eromero8190 says : Oh yes, corruption is very easy to place in a blank mind>> <<@mountainmama2101 says : My dad and his mother used to accuse me of being boy crazy. My mom left my dad and had weekend custody. My dad quickly handed me over to his parents for day to day raising. I felt to some degree abandoned by my parents and my goal in life was to do things as differently from my parents as possible. I eventually married a beautiful young man that I met in Junior High, and next month we will be married 29 years. We have two highly successful and talented college age sons, who both have athletic scholarships and one also had an academic scholarship. The oldest plays ukulele, guitar, bass, banjo and drums (not all at once, but I bet he could if it were possible) in a praise and worship team I lead . And despite graduating law school and passing my states bar exam on the 1st try, my family (next to my relationship with Jesus) means more to me than anything. I hit my mark of doing things as opposite from my parents ad possible.>> <<@alanharris3575 says : Ownership>> <<@alanharris3575 says : Ownership>> <<@Awereness_of_hate says : It is good to start familes but woman also have a right to be something else to ❤ (no hate, PragerU is amazing and taught me sm)>> <<@curtisanthonydewey7903 says : The societal amoral Left, can't help themselves. Upon their ears being trodden by any and all truths; even simple comments or opinions that are based upon 1000's of years societal norms, they go absolutely apoplectic.>> <<@Nope-uj6yh says : Me and my woman aren’t married in the eyes of the government, we are married in the eyes of the only one that matters. The lord.>> <<@Ohlookitsme31 says : I got married during my “girl boss era” and it genuinely took me 4 years to realize I was way happier being an independent contributor at work, working from home, and leaning into my marriage. We have never been happier than the moment I realized what had been fed to me - the idea of strong independent woman - was nowhere near as satisfying as being happy in my marriage. Happier than ever, and now working on having a family ❤>> <<@freedomisntfree131 says : There's nothing you'll do in this life or leave behind that is more important than raising kids.>> <<@3monsters014 says : I wanted to be a mother. I never wanted to be a wife. I understand that statistically married people are happier. However marriage for me makes me sick.>> <<@T.R.R.Jolkien says : Those same 250 educators will teach that men can get pregnant now>> <<@PersonWithFace says : It's amazing how normal folks have to argue against suiciding yourselves and your own society!>> <<@j96569 says : It's sad how entertainment has skewed our perception of a good life.>> <<@debp2295 says : I was married young, 16, and had 3 children by the age of 23. Everyone said we were crazy and it wouldn’t last. We were married for 56yrs until he passed. I’d do it again in a heartbeat. Miss him everyday. 😢>> <<@superchuck3259 says : The evil ones do not want you happy!>> <<@Ace-hole68 says : That professor should have been arrested for saying something so evil.>> <<@dmj090020 says : To be honest, I grow really weary of this channel harping on women about this issue. It’s quite discouraging. Especially when I otherwise agree with the values presented here. Do you realize how many lovely, sweet, God fearing women I know who desire marriage and yet hardly ever get asked out or pursued? I have personally come across hundreds in the last 6-7 years in my city/church. Several of these women have grown into their late 30s and 40s single and childless, and not bc they don’t desire families or bc they have not been open to the option. But because men are not ready and/ or do not care for marriage anymore. Clips like this one make us out to be feminists, but we are not.>> <<@duhdoy08 says : Sorry. I disagree. Marriage is a raw deal for us men...caused by the governments of these United States. Women are incentivized to break up marriages. Getting married is a stupid proposition. My life is more full by not having a wife and kids.>> <<@cynthiamarquez3370 says : I'm a happy mother and housewife..>> <<@SPOCK_TALK says : 50% of all marriages end in divorce. What Man risks his Children, Fortune, and Future on a coin flip? MGT0W = Success, Happiness, and Peace 🖖 😎>> <<@dionwall5519 says : What can we do so our hard-working kids can have their white picket fence?>> <<@lindamusser7370 says : Loads of girls would love to have that. It's not easy to find a good mate. It just takes one, though.>> <<@franceshaypenny8481 says : Me & Hubby: 25 Years.>> <<@franceshaypenny8481 says : Leftists are miserable, bitter, self-centered, spiteful and underhanded people. This is why the despise joyful people and why they hate God even more.>> <<@webshepherd1852 says : Being a mother, is one of the most important jobs on the planet!>> <<@twosocks1976 says : M there is no doubt about it, that when two people are committed to marriage and family, and taught the importance of it from a very young age, when it is appropriately modeled by their parents, meaning the parents love each other and stay together, and when people pursue that same goal as they move into their young adult years, they're simply is no better way to live. Grow up, get married, commit to each other no matter what, stay faithful, have kids, and pour All your Love into those kids, and recognize that your job as a parent is to teach that child, with the passage of time, how to be an emotionally stable, reasonably thinking insensible, contributing adult in the world in which they will soon inhabit. That is the whole meaning of life karma and the one way to live that guarantees the most happiness, joy, and fulfillment. The institutions of marriage and family never failed us. We failed them.>> <<@patrickleonard2881 says : Insanity is winning 😮😔>> <<@roharatube says : The happiest men have this in common: they are not married.>> <<@sincerely-b says : My father has been very ill and in the hospital for the past few months. Hes told me a million times over that hes so lucky to have me and that he feels bad for all of the people at the hospital who dont have children to look over them and care for them and visit with them. I'm happily married with kids. Life is just better when you share it.>> <<@docsavage8640 says : There's more benefit to men now to get married.>> <<@cdevidal says : Homeschool Homeschool Homeschool>> <<@Judithica says : I would like a citation for his statistic. Studies have shown that the happiest people are married men and that the unhappiest people are unmarried men. Conversely the happiest women are unmarried women and the unhappiest women are married women.>> <<@danielrichardson6054 says : Dennis is gay>> <<@chantelmccullough5264 says : We are living The Twilight Zone>> <<@tauanikojr3872 says : As closer as we get to the second coming of Christ? The worst things are, because Satan knows the Time is short>> <<@barbarahumphreys4887 says : I got married at 22. All my friends said we were too young and must be crazy. We're nearing 15 years of marriage with 2 wonderful boys. All the nay-sayers are either multiple divorced, are single parents or could never make a relationship work so cope by saying "I never want a husband or kids cus I'm happier and better off single".>> <<@billaveda6408 says : Being a feminist means complaining for the rest of your life.>> <<@TrapShooter68 says : The saddest of my cohort are the women in their 70s who never had children.>> <<@ppppp524 says : My childless aunt who got to go on vacation whenever she wanted and saw the world was wealthier and happier than all of the adults I knew.>> <<@FrJohnBrownSJ says : I had one of my students approach me and say, "Father, I don't know if it's a sin or not, but I have an imaginary girlfriend." I said, "You can do better." He said, "Thanks, Father." I said, "I wasn't talking to you.">> <<@ryanauker1144 says : Aceman!>> <<@angelabuckley29 says : I’ve been both and I can say I’m happiest at home in the kitchen with my family around me.>> <<@DogBeast221 says : I find that hard to believe. Most young women consider men to be “toxic”. It behooves young men to say nothing to women, save for requisite job related communication.>> <<@ITSONLYMEWATCHING says : I didn't marry or have kids, but it wasn't from lack of trying and I'm not happy.>> <<@e7193 says : are either of these dudes married ? lol>> <<@brianmoore1164 says : Boys go girl crazy and girls go boy crazy because that is how it is supposed to be.>> <<@Gracie12753 says : Satan is at work to destroy the good in this world But he won't win. That poor woman professor! Good for her! The 250 who were upset with her are wrong, uninformed and should boot be around any impressionable kids!>> <<@PatMcAnn says : Marriage and children (and loving the Lord) is the road to actual happinesss. I was a successful lawyer for 30 years and loved it, but there is no comparison.>> <<@ryanmccafferty8196 says : There are so many women in unhappy marriages, and they feel pressured to stay in those unhappy marriages.>>