<<@SargonofAkkad says : My reading of the Popul Vuh can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o73BQiDBZNo>> <<@jaz093 says : Not your body, not your choice>> <<@danielleon3758 says : to a J broad this is the most h9ld sacrament there is.>> <<@jemgeach4066 says : It is not only Christian: the Greeks also thought 'pathei mathos' : from suffering learning. (Aeschulys Agamemnon 176 - 8)>> <<@luciusrex22 says : Time to come home to the One Holly Apostolic Orthodox Church.>> <<@simunator says : the funny thing is, I believe death is the logical end to all things and I'd rather rip off the bandaid to get to the end game sooner. so I guess despite my age and all my wealth and comfort, I'm still a nihilist>> <<@benotsilent6703 says : Replace "liberal" on almost all instances with "Jewish progressive" and you'd be more accurate.>> <<@emperorpelican8187 says : ahh we shouldnt help people>> <<@jancyraniak4739 says : Dictatorship of mbti feelers.>> <<@emperorpelican8187 says : fake aztec propaganda to make coloniser look better if killing a man is bad what about stealing a mans life from him by slavery>> <<@phil_helix1191 says : abortion is the modern day Moloch>> <<@boneheaded9751 says : We are in a fourth turning. This requires a Girardian sacrifice/scapegoat. During the last fourth turning it was the big baddie, Hitler. This is why they call Trump the big baddie's name.>> <<@dashinvaine says : The ubiqity of human sacrifice across history, and the unholy fervour of those who champion abortion 'rights' sometimes causes me to wonder whether there is not some hostile demonic influence working on our species, something that somehow feeds on this evil.>> <<@mechengineer4life says : this triumph of the "will" (no I'm not making a play on the Reifenstahl film) over and against reality, biology, truth, etc. is indeed a holy right for them just like getting transgender surgeries even if a prisoner or illegal immigrant. Why? because it represents ultimate "freedom" and if they even have to suffer eternal judgement for their decisions... then they are NOT free. this was first posited directly by post-modernist existential philosopher Jean Paul Sarte who argued that 'humans do not have free will unless they can do what they want free of consequence.' This was also his reason that God couldn't exist b/c he refused to accept a universe in which he or anyone would be called to account for what they did.>> <<@KingPhilipF says : Now apply this to that stuff like Rogan says about their new ai god, technohuman future. One day, they will say, "It will only work if we sacrifice the non believers to it.">> <<@F5J123 says : Again this "freedom of the will" in liberalism is limited or contained by another person's freedom. In egalitarianism (aka modern "liberalism" or socio-"liberalism") "freedom of the will" is unlimited. You confused liberalism again with socialism at the start (or egalitarianism) Liberal pholosophers like President Jefferson or John Locke have written that people are equal. However, after centuries, it is individual freedom that is the supreme value for liberalism. If we have individual free diversity is going to flourish even in a tight geographic area. As humans have different genes which can determine people's destiny. Liberals accept that people are different. Unlike, egalitarians and socialists who believe everyone is the same. Hopefully, individual freedom thanks to liberalism will stay as the supreme value of the west, and stupid ideas like nationalism or socialism will be rejected.>> <<@Grumb-ld4jz says : The reason why so many woman are forced to abortion is because of poverty...😢 the fear not to be able to care for the child because of not having enough money... the capitalist system wich forces all of us to puppets because of the unfair gap between poor and rich... the rich decide how politican is to run... we have only the choose of on or another coruppt choice...persons are only seeing as material.. human ressources...>> <<@GoryWory says : fcn leftists are hordes of final nihilism - and they don't even hide it..>> <<@MyBodyIsReggie1 says : It's worth mentioning that in over 60 years of excavations in Mexico we've found mere hundreds out of the supposed millions that were sacrificed by the Mexicas, so where is the rest? It's extremely likely that the notion of them committing mass sacrifices is propaganda by the Spanish to slander their number one enemy in the region, given that there is virtually zero physical evidence to support the absurd and, quite frankly, logistically impossible numbers they claimed. Just a little something about blindly believing extraordinary claims without applying some reasonable doubt when in lack of evidence.>> <<@BillyD4186 says : And they say Religions are cults...>> <<@agentjohnson3973 says : When you see the unborn in your mind as not being human you can easily extinguish it and not feel any guilt and make it easy. Truly shows the bad state of the human condition in the modern world.>> <<@MrKoobuh says : Imagine being so consumed by the urge to 'avoid harm' that you become comfortable with death being the alternative to slight discomfort or ordinary inconvenience.>> <<@Disappointed_Philosoraptor says : on one hand i am a little glad to see thag even you are falliable, in the other hand it is sad to hear you, who is usually so on point, completely fumble the bag. Thr framing of abortion as a death cult only worka if you assume that those who advocate for it view what is sacrificed as a human to be sacrificed. That is not the case, thus your entire argument crumbles. Its not like your trasoning is faulty, but you argue crom a false premise, thus rendering your conclusion faulty. All you have done is build and then tear down a strawman. I would urge you to reconsider. As it stands, you are leaving the path of reason. The reason you are off the mark here is that for your comparison to be sound there needs to be a human to sacrifice. However, something that would grow into a human is not a human. An object or subjects future potential is not part of its current existence. To terminate a fetus that is not yet able to exist by itself and thus is not an individual is not equal to the sacrifice of a human being that already exists in the same way that plucking a sprouting tree sapling from the ground is not equal to cutting down a tree.>> <<@Kokuraman says : Thanks for explaining this shit to us!>> <<@davidchase9424 says : Suicide hotline attached to this video... How juvenile>> <<@PeterShieldsukcatstripey says : The Liberal West is slowly committing suicide.>> <<@Pachuco6969 says : What a joke The left wing talking about Diversity and race relations, Inclusion. Liberals have forgotten to tell or Inform the public That there is no such thing as diversity in a melting pot.>> <<@Pachuco6969 says : With a bowed head and a heavy heart , it Truly saddened me when watching your video you had to make excuses and explained that you did not promote Certain ideals because you were afraid of the British government..>> <<@HDInstrumental1 says : There's literally a phone number to a psychiatric ward near me under this video. lol>> <<@JR-hh8js says : Thomas Sowell, mentions this in his book “conflict of visions”. He says there are two factions of people, each with their own vision. The constrained and the unconstrained. Those with the unconstarined vision tend to have a utopian view of the world and view the consequences of imposing it - such as the human sacrifices you mentioned - as mere bumps in the road until we get the formula right.>> <<@DaMaster012 says : Sargon's point of open borders being one of the liberal's rites of human sacrifice has been thoroughly vindicated. The -father- *sperm donor* of Aiden Clark, an 11 year old boy killed in August 2023 in Springfield, Ohio by one of the 20k Haitian illegal aliens the Bidementia administration has dumped there, said in a press conference: "I wish my son had been killed by a 60-year-old white man." Not "I wish my son was still alive;" "I wish my son had been killed by someone who doesn't make my political dogma look bad; by someone _I_ could weaponize my son's death over." After I heard Stephan Hicks' excellent talk, "The Origins of Post-Modernism," I came to the conclusion that it and all its evil derivatives, including liberalism, are better classified as "anti Enlightenment," because they are in antithetical opposition to the empirical and objective values of The Enlightenment, and that post-modernists are possessed by the madness of The Void, beckoning them back into a state of non-existence. The liberal's xenophilic "love" for every external piece of particulate matter in the universe outside of themselves is just a mask for the fact that they hate themselves. Altruism is the wolf of nihilism wearing the sheep's skin of benevolence. That post modernist, anti Enlightenment philosophies have resulted in over one BILLION deaths since the 20th century is not a fatal design flaw, _that's those ideologies working as intended._ Deep down, in the most shadowy, recessed foundations of their dark hearts and black souls, they just feel guilty and resentful for themselves and the human race existing, and they wish for nothing more than humanity to return to oblivion. _That's_ the real reason why they're so Hellbent on the concept of "eQuAl oUtComEs," because we were "equal" when we all existed as soulless intelligences in dimension zero. _That's_ why they seek to cause as much death and destruction of the spirit as possible, and why they are with such Luciferian arrogance convinced that they're the good guys for enabling it; death and non-divinity is the natural, default state of consciousness, and they seek to reduce and return all back to that state. "It's revenge against God for their crime of existing." - Jordan Peterson>> <<@danielallan8061 says : I can understand health concerns and bodily autonomy as an argument for abortion. I'm not entirely against it. It's just that the modern debate around abortion has shown women really are immature children. Unwilling to grow up. Never wanting to leave Neverland. Birthing a child for a woman is like going through puberty. It's completely normal and should be expected. Hell, it should be an expectation for men and women to marry and procreate in general.>> <<@mattygino says : I find it amusing when many people on the right such as Sargon associate far-left ideas which are shared only by a relatively small number of people to 'the left' in general. I'll give you just one example. Myself and many of my friends and colleagues consider ourselves to be on the political left, yet not one of us would consider the idea of releasing everyone from prison as a sane, rational step to take, either morally or in practice. We obviously might have different ideas on what might constitute a custodial sentence however. Sargon is intelligent enough to know this full well, but is being deliberately disingenuous in order to sow yet further division and give red meat to his increasingly narrow audience. It's a real shame as I used to enjoy Sargon's earlier videos when he was just starting out. These videos were balanced and sensible and seemed to have a real freedom of thought and expression. But now his views seem to be getting ever more partisan and doctrinal over time, resulting in poor quality one sided analysis of the subjects he talks about. Bring back the old Sargon!>> <<@mattygino says : I haven't listened to Sargon for while, but I've found that his move towards irrationality has progressed rapidly over time. To compare human sacrifices performed by ancient unenlightened civilizations who believed in unsubstantiated superstitious mumbo jumbo to the practices of modern abortion is simply preposterous.>> <<@waltermh111 says : This was a very good video on the philosophy of the left. It's really sick.>> <<@garethwigglesworth8187 says : Car Benjamin jung jr>> <<@matthewdavid6134 says : Just talk like a normal person instead of dressing up your random bullshit, you think abortions are immoral liberals don’t it’s not that deep fam no thinks like this but you>> <<@billyb6001 says : This is fun but it’s a strawman through and through>> <<@Aegis482 says : These people would be the fanatical supporters of the Na-zi party, or the Stalin government. It is baffling they do not see they are the oppressors.>> <<@randygault4564 says : Sorry but this is just fantasy claptrap. You can oppose an idea without making crap up, inventing thoughts for other people's heads.>> <<@kanukistani2984 says : Ever read about the mouse utopia? I have a feeling we are living in one right now.>> <<@nm9864 says : You all are typical abhrahamics who hate women, that is all.>> <<@brasileiroloko5375 says : this is crazy, i vagly remember watching your vids some years ago. how the world has fallen>> <<@CervixSmacker says : I remember when you narrated the epic of gilgamesh back in the day>> <<@JamesExcell-InterJex says : Christ is Lord>> <<@KulturKampf777 says : Great>> <<@Freefrost says : 9:12, This is just parody. Hear this "Even though the conservatives knows that gun ownership will cause deaths, they still support it, therefore, the right worships death".>> <<@sketchysketchbook1441 says : Babies are a blessing from God but they are aborted as if they are a burden. 😢 Having many children is likened to a warrioir with a quiver full of arrows, but now many treat pregnancy like a curse.>> <<@serijas737 says : Mom, I don't want to be a good boy anymore ...>> <<@walt_man says : Yikes, anyone else get a suey-cidar hotline link under this video? Like, people can't even be allowed to think introspectively anymore to work out why the eff they even do things!?>>