<<@StarLight-sl9ok says : The answer is much more complex because corruption exists everywhere. Africa is far more diverse than any other continent. 3000 languages as opposed to only about 200 in Europe. This is why internal conflict is high and unification is challenging. Question is why are Europeans still obsessed with Africa? Only one answer…resources.>> <<@jaykay6387 says : "Corruption" is always the excuse that's trotted out, because the real answer is taboo and can't be uttered. Every country has "corruption", so why is it that it exists at such an overwhelming level in one particular continent that it prevents it from "developing". Hmmmm, such a brain teaser. It will at least take me two seconds to figure it out, but I'll let you all solve the puzzle on your own.>> <<@rexelagapay7579 says : Applies to the Philippines too.>> <<@Camcentral4532 says : As an African, thank you for speaking on the matter, I really respect your opinion.>> <<@TejuH-eo4yo says : Colonialism and western intereference isnt an excuse anymore. Countries like Vietnam and India are in far better position than their previous position now.>> <<@iibttritl says : The problem is largely geography. Africa is mostly on a high continental shelf. This makes trade difficult if not impossible. Imagine a river coming to the edge of a water fall. The products would have to be carried around and down just to get to a sea. If you look up Waterfalls in Africa, in Wikipedia you can get a glimpse of how impossible trade routes are in many places. Not to mention that many rivers are seasonal and difficult to navigate. The lack of trade, can isolate any group. Consider the people Appalachia and their poverty. They are isolated also. On the other hand, Europe has many rivers that easily flow into the Mediterranean Sea. Trade opened their eyes to new possibilities. Another problem of the continent of Africa is that the sun light from land near the equator makes much of the land too arid to farm. Before the European renaissance there was an Arab renaissance. The failure of that renaissance was due, in part, to Arab lands becoming more of a desert. Many farms were replaced by nomads and sheep herders living a very basic lifestyle because of the growing desert.>> <<@neilwilson7830 says : Corruption fraud theft>> <<@001dieselman says : I know loads of Africans mostly whites. They all do well. Corruption is in every country, given its worse in some African countries. The people don't do well, because they are not motivated to do well they want the government to provide every need. That is why many go to Europe to bleed of the system. They do not need to care because some American will fly in and feed them and provide clothes for them and rescue them every time. That is all they need to do is look destitute and poor and our tax money is spend there. Please don't say Africa it's not a country it's a continent and there were several countries that did very well.>> <<@pt020 says : Average IQ>> <<@SamLukie says : Corruption and tribalism.>> <<@mathandcuriosity3988 says : I would have called you a fool but you're not. You're probably not aware of the geopolitics that the west plays. Why didn't you mention western economic manipulation?>> <<@michelgingras7430 says : Very good question , I have been asking myself for a long time after going to school with a Congo student who was buying stuff with american dollars,and a very nice person to socialised with indeed>> <<@Mark-wb8dv says : It's no coincidence its genetic>> <<@DarrenElmore-ez9qk says : They are the same world over absolutely useless>> <<@shaneashby5890 says : Africa is an embarrassment to humanity it really is.>> <<@willreilly5606 says : The answer is Europeans. Honourable metion to the CIA>> <<@Victor_kolade says : It's Nigeria for sure...>> <<@arkteosss says : The same as Latin America. Corruption is the main reason why they haven’t been able to develop.>> <<@jakeburns6566 says : Africans?>> <<@Jakelink-7364 says : Put massive wealth and resources in the hands of an undeveloped nation(continent) What you think will happen? Constant power struggles with no order in place.>> <<@Archimedes616 says : There's a black YouTuber and his wife who moved to Ghana from the US because he said he was stopped by a racist cop in the US. Yet on his channel he mentioned how he has to give money to the police in Ghana in exactly the same way as mentioned in this video.>> <<@autumnmerch says : Nigeria 🇳🇬>> <<@RackwitzG says : Nigerians in Germany are very successful in the drug business. They are so well taken care of that they dont have to worry about making a living to be fed and have a bed.>> <<@martinwalker7202 says : Hear hear, at last the truth will out. Imagine how much “foreign aid” has gone into the continent and yet still the majority of the people live in abject poverty, no major infrastructure, no tangible education system for all children, lack of clean water and sanitation, poor health care facilities, subsistence agriculture and no major manufacturing facilities. The list goes on. CORRUPTION from the top to the bottom is the norm!>> <<@Phobos77777 says : Blacks are not nation builders like we are, period. I live in South Africa and their biggest problem are their cultures.>> <<@daffidkane8350 says : Corrupt leaders, greedy elites, incompetent bureaucracies, weak or absent institutions.>> <<@haroldpetersen5584 says : Our country in the future, we are regressing to Africa's level!!!>> <<@olga1_____30 says : Lack of human capital, now and before, always.>> <<@efstratiosfilis2290 says : Yes it is corruption; but also it is the former colonial masters that make sure this corruption continues because what they want is to buy Africa's minerals at rock bottom prices. The former colonizers continue to dominate these countries through their proxy African rulers e.g. Mobutu, Jomo Kenyatta etc.>> <<@andyjoubert9410 says : As a born and bred African I am impressed by your observations. However, development will stop corruption!>> <<@joze8722 says : Yes, corruption and tribalism.😢😢😢😢>> <<@williampalchak7574 says : Corruption born from Socialist Marxism. The three successful countries on the African Continent have Capitalist economies.>> <<@chrismia2402 says : I am surprised you said it but 100% agree with you. I do business in Africa and corruption causes the biggest headache and stops business. Would love to speak to you about what I am doing to assist business in Africa and combat poverty.>> <<@DavidGivinsnhe says : Since I'm smarter then that white man who spoke on the video about Africa corruption which he is wrong and right as corruption is everywhere and Africa is developed as Africa have people with long traditions and should not wear European clothes nor build tall buildings! Everybody can't be a fool or follower of stupidity! My country America and other countries are more developed yet undeveloped like Africa as well! He is an undeveloped white man talking about African being undeveloped! I Mr Givins Nhe am over all skin color therefore I Mr Givins Nhe can talk about anybody and anyone! Oh white man, where is your and London's children telescope to see the planets as British children are under developmentally since British children don't have a telescope to see United Kingdom planets in the sky! Poor underdeveloped United Kingdom children and the world's children! 🤔🤭🥳🎯🔭>> <<@Ludwig1954 says : Africa's POPULATION!>> <<@rockspyder3970 says : Any attempt to answer this question would be criticized as racism>> <<@panashejmombeshora4021 says : Summing up our problems to just 'corruption' is an over generalisation, unless if you are going to include Australian, European and American corruption in Africa because that has been a lot more toxic than the corruption of African leadership, though, I must admit, Nigerian leaders have taken this corruption business to another level 🤣🤣>> <<@karabasbarabas1596 says : Anglo-saxonic west is the main reason>> <<@salt1956 says : Corruption. I guessed it.>> <<@gradywilson9213 says : Corruption would have been my first guess...Every great civilization has perished because of corruption, perversion, and greed. Ours will be no exception.>> <<@rf9871 says : Duh everyone knows that but why is it so corrupted?>> <<@andreahoehmann1939 says : If there is so much corruption there, and in, say, Switzerland there is none, then I would like to know what is different in West Africa.>> <<@leonardobertolucci6670 says : Centuries of burning looting and raiding perpetrated by lovely western democratic countries>> <<@curtisgeiger9134 says : I listened to an African woman who had graduated from Harvard. She said that western welfare keeps Africa poor and dependent and unmotivated. Why grow food or create the necessity of life when the west sends it to the masses for free. The government officials take most of it. She begged us to stop. Her people will find success of left to their own resourses.>> <<@explosive_sports says : Socialism, poor management and corruption>> <<@jtg2737 says : Mexico is a great example at all levels as everyone is complicit. However in The United States of America it seems to be at the very highest form to the local city council and judges as the more you pay the more you get ahead. However just try to bribe an officer here(U.S.A.) and oh man the officer plays the role of a saint when we all know that they are stealing the confiscated drugs to resell in drug confiscations. One can't prove it but how so if that never gets out onto the news?>> <<@terryvlunsford1610 says : Oddly enough, Africa had a head start on the rest of the world. That's where the first man on earth was created and first civilizations took place.>> <<@terryvlunsford1610 says : African media is far more honest and transparent about it's history, culture, corruption and it' s economic struggles than the USA owned media outlets that try to hide the truth about Africa.>> <<@justincraig8663 says : His example of corruption describes the U.S. Supreme Court>> <<@markhonwana391 says : Another thing to consider is that wealth is difficult to create as a country. When we talk about the USA, I think it appears rich but is in debt. The government holds $40 trillion, students $1.7 trillion, car loans total $1.2 trillion., mortgages are $11 trillion. This means people have degrees they don't own, drive cars they don't own, live in houses they don't own and the US government is insolvent. All they can do is print money at will. If people in a random African country had access to these lines of credit and their governments had the ability to just print money things would probably look different.>>