<<@MichaelFerrell-pq1kn says : The guy asking the questions is a comedian... A really funny one. He's famous as hell.>> <<@nicknitro86 says : She do people proactively vote against their own interests?>> <<@danc.1908 says : Trump was the first president in my lifetime who did what he said he would.. he took a bullet for America ... He gave up a billionaires lifestyle and retirement for America.. he gave up being loved by Democrats for America .... remember when Dems loved trump lol he gave up a lot for America...all other politicians use america to better themselves>> <<@davidgonzales2636 says : I don't think that's Joe Biden I think Joe died>> <<@Mars-sp2gx says : All leftist are traitors.>> <<@LaForge97 says : Trump should do a commercial saying “If you dont for me, you aint HUMAN” (or you’re a lizard person). LMAO>> <<@viscountrainbows2857 says : Josh Johnson's comeup has been amazing, just gotta mention. Not only funny, but thought-encouraging. Yes, I avoided "provoking" intentionally>> <<@rpmrangerorange3112 says : African Americans are waking up. and saying that the Democratic Party is not for them anymore Three out of six of those African Americans are saying they're going to vote for Trump What does that tell you? Politics has always been split Not all white people will vote for a conservative normal African Americans will vote for the Democrat. It's always been split down the middle. in the Democrats are somehow shocked about this, really People are exiting the Democratic Party and mass numbers. African American especially in Hispanics as well. Are leaving the Democratic Party to a shift change slowly but surely. We're seeing it. People are starting to wake up. which is a good thing to see It's another great thing that. people are starting to see the truth, no matter. what race they are, they're people just like us. But the Democrats are acting like African Americans cannot think for themselves That's disgusting. That's a plantation mentality. It's disgusting. Abrogate Americans are leaving the Democratic Party in mass numbers, and so are Hispanic. So are young voters. They're losing in all the key voting blocks. that they need. but people are having more guts to say I'm voting for Trump now. that takes guts to say that. even celebrities are leaving the Democrat Party. People had had enough of the identity politics. in a constant. slander in the constant lies the identity politics thing is not working. It's time to accept the reality. that the Democratic Party is done for. It's time for Donald Trump. to make his big entrance. his big comeback Trump is the man of the hour. not Joe Biden. Joe Biden's got to go. And so does Kamala Harris. Trump. 2024>> <<@jaythamodeler says : Lefties: These 🥷🏿's got a mind of their own. That's illegal.>> <<@theycallmethedude. says : Remember how triggered people were by Candace Owens comments pleading with the Black Community to get off the Democrat Plantation? I wonder how many people see it now? That is EXACTLY what it has been like with Democrat politicians. They represent the modern-day “slave masters”. It’s disgusting really. It pisses me off how my Black brothers and sisters have been poorly treated like this since LBJ’s “Great Society”. They have been completely reprogrammed and I hope this starts a movement of clarity and realization for them. We WANT them to be successful. It makes AMERICA successful and strong! 👍🇺🇸💪>> <<@richardlaurent7229 says : With friends like this! Political people are gruesome and unfeeling!>> <<@SabotAndHeat75 says : I’m just going to say this, the black Americans that were shocked at the others voting for Trump…are guaranteed the ones who are the most racist.>> <<@The.Mr.JBiggs says : Why were they all in the 30 to 60 range, where were all the young black voters???>> <<@sirmitch1 says : 🫒 People don't need the media to tell them what they can plainly see with their own eyes and hear what their own ears. Joe biden's mind is fried and he should not be president. 😒>> <<@Smokeybuhda says : 3 “normal” looking Trump 3 weird… Biden.. duh.>> <<@brettwells6661 says : Biden & Kamala are in Sync Lying ?!@&%# I think that's "Their pronouns ??>> <<@tonyrichmond9428 says : "You think there's going to be a shift?" Buddy, 6 black Americans just say in front of you and went 50/50 for trump/biden. The shift already happened.>> <<@inukithesavage828 says : Remind me why they assume black people will vote foe the party of the kk k>> <<@actuallyitisrocketscience says : The fact that they called it a “big boy” press conference is absolutely disgraceful. It shows how immature and low class his diversity hire administration is. I didn’t support him before and I don’t support him now, but we would not be in this bad of a situation if his cabinet was made up of quality people. Who is actually hiring these nincompoops? Is it really him misreading everything, or is it the diversity hire with the third grade education that wrote it like that?>> <<@fractalflowers2143 says : I remember in 2020 when Covid happen and my initial thoughts were it seems like this is to control the presidency and you know what my initial thoughts were right and I stand by it and eventually it’s all gonna come out in the wash>> <<@Joe-ri3nf says : My wallet will vote the same for a third time.>> <<@captnunyu1861 says : Trump is no more a savior than Biden’s handlers.>> <<@truesoulghost2777 says : Big boy….ugh. They are embarrassing>> <<@bobdobalina7058 says : It still amazes me most blacks vote democrat when they were the party of slavery, kkk, jim crow 🤦🏽 but the democrats have been promising them free stuff for years>> <<@kdw75 says : How can the party of the KKK get so many black voters?>> <<@philliphrobles325 says : I wouldn't be surprised that all six of these people, if they voted in 2008 and 2012, voted for Obama. How did that work out for any of them? Not so good I think.>> <<@davidhefner5668 says : The assumption is Welfare > Black > Democrat.>> <<@ThePhlegming says : The interviewers stand up comedy is not funny in the slightest. He just talks about current events and doesn’t ever tell any actual jokes. He has funny input but if he were to actually make real jokes about what he talks about might make him watchable.>> <<@cathypetru3446 says : They should rename it THE BID DOPE press conference!>> <<@lanesworld4000 says : If you don't vote for China Joe, you ain't Black! Let's do push-ups, Jack!>> <<@lanesworld4000 says : The three people that said Trump seem pretty normal, average people. The Three for Biden seem deranged and close-minded 🤔>> <<@aproudamerican2692 says : "THEY KEEP MAKING A BUNCH OF PROMISES THAT THEY NEVER DELIVER" AND YOU KEEP GIVING THEM A CHANCE TO LIE TO YOU. THANKFULLY SOME OF THEM ARE WAKING UP. THIS IS CALLED INDOCTRINATION AND BRAINWASHING.>> <<@Arthur.in.the.Fridge says : Odd. I find myself unsubscribed from your channel for the third time in a month.>> <<@davidhandyman7571 says : LH if you get a 51.5% to 49.5% result in an election (@ 3:12), you have a rigged election. Sounds like the 2020 election.>> <<@SurenderGA says : Looks like dems might actually off him ...my god>> <<@3RAN7ON says : 2:49 or like when one candidate gets the most ever votes in history (81M votes) then immediately releases a book that doesn't sell 😂>> <<@3RAN7ON says : One cares about destroying the country while enriching himself, the other cares about this country above all else>> <<@carly8165 says : I’m offended the guy said do i have to say his name like trump is beetle juice. Bottom line is most people don’t even vote.>> <<@maj.kamper9314 says : The moment they attack you for who you vote without backing it up with facts should be a red flag 🚩>> <<@arcticbadger1 says : 😂😂 *Huggies pull ups* 😂😂 I'ma big boy look what i can do,I can wear big boy pants too 😊 👆This is what first sprung to my mind when I heard the words *"Big Boy Conference"* 😮 😅>> <<@robertjenkins8940 says : This is a parody skit with actors...surely? These aren't irl people, are they?>> <<@jameshoney2506 says : Blacks might be saying they'll vote red but old habits die hard and blue voters are so incredibly brainwashed. They'll have a hard time actually voting red with their intellect when their heart is telling them to vote blue.>> <<@movespammerguyteam7colors says : Wow, it’s almost like people learned that there was a pattern that developed over the past 3 decades. Trump literally did what he set out to do despite everything that others have thrown in his way. He over came most of the obstacles in his first term and things were looking good until Biden came into the picture. Biden “No Plan” Economics aka BIDENOMICS fu¢ked everything up royally. And now Trump was almost assassinated, thankfully the shooter is dead but Trump is missing a bit of his right ear and someone behind him died.>> <<@thebitterbeginning says : It's interesting how often black people express concern about which candidate is best for "the black community". They separate themselves from the category of "Americans". A candidate ought to be best for America, not just black people. Seems quite racist, yet nobody cares.>> <<@sabi6684 says : Democracy hypocrisy…rhymes>> <<@robdog7516 says : Not only the black people, but the Hispanics are voting for Trump in huge numbers. I work with a whole bunch of Hispanics, and every one of them is upset about all the people that came across the border illegally. Most of them are hard-working people and they are upset that these people come here and suddenly get on the government door and are making more money than they are. The Democrats are buying votes.>> <<@tsipher says : I’m surprised black people are choosing an old white guy instead of a old white guy. The Democrat strategy is failing, it’s how Trump got elected the first time>> <<@stylinskinnies says : lol i watch that guys stand up comedy, when did he start doing things like this?>> <<@jamesarcher8738 says : Trump all the way 2024!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>> <<@ShaWar102 says : Why did they make a point to call it a "big boy press conference"?>>