<<@johnnyharris says : Check out https://ground.news/johnnyharris to see how any news story is being framed around the world and across the political spectrum. Use my link to get 40% off unlimited access.>> <<@dawnchase5775 says : Love ya Elon… just wish you’d balance that Spock brain of yours with a bit of meditation. Left right brain balance. We’re all in this together.>> <<@gerardocastillo2631 says : Es que nadie y de verdad nadie puede ser??? Cómo lo explico?! Neutral! En el universo de ideas todos poseen una identidad de ideología ( buena ó mala) é Elon para nada está fuera de está posición ( ojo! No es que esté en acuerdo con todo lo que él publica peroooo... Es una normalidad de cualquier persona)>> <<@mgbechetapaschal609 says : This was a very powerful biography and as a musk supporter you made me realize how very human he is and the dangers of the path he is cute on>> <<@timojarun7830 says : I completely dislike Elon Musk and I don’t use any of his products/services.>> <<@glendachoicemccrae-jj4me says : I like his way of thinking>> <<@glendachoicemccrae-jj4me says : But he is far more advanced than I can only dream of being>> <<@glendachoicemccrae-jj4me says : I'm ELON MUSK MOTHER'S AGE>> <<@glendachoicemccrae-jj4me says : 20 years younger>> <<@glendachoicemccrae-jj4me says : Well 19 years younger than I am>> <<@glendachoicemccrae-jj4me says : Quite a MAN EVEN THOUGH HE IS HALF MY AGE HE SEEMS VERY MATURE>> <<@glendachoicemccrae-jj4me says : How I see 👀 ELON MUSK IS CARING GODLY AND VERY OPEN MINDED AND WHEN YOU TRUST IN GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE GLENDA GLENNA GJMJT>> <<@BlackSunHexagram says : Chess not checkers>> <<@deebaker9199 says : It's inherently bizarre that one man , or a handful of men, any men should hold all power over humanity's resources and wealth....that's the big problem don't ya think? That we handover all power, all wealth, all societal governance for man's ideologies 😮 bloody ell what a trip the illusion of free will is for the rest of humanity ....these blokes are crazy, greedy, power hungry, insatiably consuming megalomaniacs and we treat them like kings of the universe. Be funny if it didn't create worldwide immense suffering and poverty for most of earth's life forms. Good on you for trying to point out the harm we are all experiencing more than ever in the history of society...totally bizarre, so so sad. 😢😢😢>> <<@MaryDenk-t4l says : Your final statement was accurate and profound.>> <<@carlos19989 says : El argumento del bias liberal, tomando un estudio como argumento es hipócrita. Porque alguien haga un estudio no significa que ese estudio sea ciencia y tengamos que creernos los datos. La izquierda y lo woke es quien estaba amplificado en la Red social antes de llegar Elon. Esa era la realidad.>> <<@JACOB.M.RAMSEY says : Yeah, I disagree with your conclusion man, I’m sorry.>> <<@JACOB.M.RAMSEY says : Sir, I love your videos, but this seems biased. I would like to see you ask him about these issues>> <<@travissweat9098 says : When you speak of his amplifying his view . He did what he did....because he was constantly being attacked by governments and their proxies because he's the only entity powerful enough to battle thes free speech opponents Give em all hell.ELON>> <<@thisplaceiswack2417 says : Non social people making social decisions just because we prioritize power and wealth.>> <<@pyramidhead8646 says : unfollowed>> <<@pyramidhead8646 says : Disliked>> <<@kathrynwhitbread2063 says : “Free Speech” can include lying your ass off to fool people as to your true intentions. Maybe Musk learned his tricks from Russia. They want to bring about a kleptocratic world order.>> <<@TeresaNunez-j2i says : El sentido de la vida lo hayamos en el Autor de nuestra existencia. Nos hizo, nos formó para su gloria...>> <<@jonmunnik5486 says : Jealous dem, you wish your nuts were bigger than Elons. X is now booming.>> <<@Jack-wr5wg says : Elon got asperges??>> <<@poorsillyboy says : Awww 🥰>> <<@BuerkAnthony says : You are spewing false spin about Elon and who he is.>> <<@lindafogarasi3156 says : on one point Elon made a deal with the "devil" I believe rhat are some dark sinister deals there>> <<@Tom_Zhang says : According to a study, we Chinese have more freedom of speech than Americans. I believe it now that I have seen your propaganda video.>> <<@ImmanuelDutoit says : Hi please live and let live. !!!>> <<@monicacolliweb says : Hi Jonny! Dear, THIS IS VERY LONG. You can remove it, but if you can pass it along to others like you and me, that would be better. Algorithms seem to have identified Elon Musk as a tech reference, filling us with information about him and making us curious. What I’m going to say doesn’t mean I’m defending Musk. It’s more of a biological point of view. I know this entrepreneur through what he writes on X (Twitter), which basically means: I only know that I know nothing, so I can’t judge him. And even if I knew him personally, it’s not my place to judge. Another person’s life is not my life. I’ve known other genius personalities like this man, though only within academic circles. I had the exhausting, sometimes frustrating challenge of working as a “marketing consultant.” (Imagine: developing the image, positioning, and promotion of an impossible personality). I succeeded, beyond expectations. Positioned him among the top 5 in the world, and from a third-world country. How did I do it? By focusing on the only thing that mattered: his talent. Unfortunately, he passed away in 2023, deeply hated by the masses. But his community of graduate students, his secretary, and I still miss his ability to teach and his visionary insights into medicine. A true master... by far the best. Can I speak about chaos? You know, once an expert in occult sciences, who came to me through recommendation, said something impactful: “Chaos is God's way of creating things.” So, how can you create without chaos? And how do you expect to organize creative chaos? With an Excel sheet? A to-do list? A notebook? If you want to commit to innovation and invention, take a deep breath and dive into the ocean of chaos. If it overwhelms you and you can’t handle living outside your comfort zone 24/7/365, maybe it’s better to be a YouTuber, director of a company, or a journalist at a major media outlet. Ah! But look who comes to mind right now—one of the founders of The New York Times, Henry Jarvis Raymond. He was quite similar to Elon Musk. Or am I just saying nonsense? Wasn’t he a politician, ambitious, deeply committed to freedom of expression and journalistic integrity? What I’ve said isn’t meant to be offensive or dismissive… because in this world, predators are just as necessary as gardeners. You’re a gardener. Gardeners plant flowers on the paths that predators clear. And here’s another topic: THE PREDATOR. A madman is also a predator, but the difference between a madman and a genius lies in the type of destruction they engage in. The madman destroys without purpose; the genius destroys to create. In short: The madman destroys. The genius creates. Today, only a predator with the jaws of a megalodon can break the paradigms in this wild, polluted ocean of our current Western civilization. Can you be the number one creative without being a predator? Think about it. I ask: Wasn’t predation (the selfish gene) the reason and origin of our evolution? (Darwin and Dawkins / evolution of species). Then this man chose, of his own free will, to take on a colossal destiny: expanding life to other planets (Mars). For our species, this is ESSENTIAL AND INEVITABLE because what lies ahead (without exaggeration) means we either expand and relieve pressure on Earth, or we go extinct. Someone in the West has to do it. Who? I don’t know, but it needs to happen. How can you take on such a destiny if not with the personality of a terrifying megalodon? Because let’s agree: only a megalodon can fight its own kind and still be willing to face the infinite and unknown, like the cosmos. A CREATIVE PREDATOR is a dreadful, antisocial, fearsome personality, we agree… but is it necessary? Am I validating Machiavellianism? Not exactly. Allow me to continue. A predator is indispensable in ecosystems; their function is to maintain balance between prey and other predators. They prevent soil degradation, help water absorption, and contribute to biodiversity and species expansion—sometimes even feeding other species. The absence of predators can be devastating to the ecosystem as a whole and could lead to species extinction. The human species is not exempt from the universal laws of biology. If you are a super-intelligent person but don’t want to be a predator and prefer to be a gardener, then HIDE. Because to a predator, you’re their favorite dish, and they’re out there looking for you. Think about it: Who maintains the balance between herbivores in the jungle? Who keeps the oceans clean and healthy? The “gardeners” or the predators? It seems that nature even favors predators... because sharks are rewarded with 600 years of life, and lions sleep wherever they please in the jungle, facing minimal opposition. To conclude… look, this man recently said something revealing on X, something like: “The progress of civilization equals the percentage of Kardashev’s scale completion” (the Russian). This Russian talks about Types I, II, and III regarding energy usage (power, as I understand). So, he says Type I involves 10 to the power of 16 watts from a planet. Type II involves using power from another planet, and Type III from the galaxy. We are nearing the peak of Type I, 10 to the power of 15 watts, right? We’re using up all the energy of this planet (this includes resources, production capacity, etc., not just tech). Excuse me, but to me, that sounds like a strong, clear, and rapidly growing trend. What is everything happening in our Western civilization today telling us? From pollution to the lack of reproduction, the installation of hatred as a relationship, and the woke virus (among other things). So, let’s let this megalodon swim through the ocean of the West and do his work, and let’s focus on what the rest of us have chosen: to be gardeners, and let’s enjoy the beauty. Are you afraid of this megalodon? He’s overwhelming, intense, overflowing, and scary? Then don’t get close; watch from afar. But let him work. Because for all of us to enjoy your beautiful flowers, we need the ground to be cleared first by a predator. PEACE and HAPPINESS to you. I’m not flattering Elon Musk. Please, let’s be realistic... Final Note: The abuses he’s lived through today demonstrate that unfortunately, he had to go through them to toughen up and be able to make the monumental decisions he does now. That’s how this jungle works, my friend, and how dealing with super-intelligent people works. Sensitive minds with high IQs suffer emotional blows twice as hard, and they have two paths: either they build solid mental structures for epic missions, or they’re discarded, condemned to mediocrity or madness. Do you have any idea how many super-intelligent people pass by unnoticed or end up in asylums? 80% of mental institutions are filled with "super-intelligent" individuals mortally wounded. He was resilient; others weren’t. And that’s the result of the resilience that turns a genius into a predator. We chose to live in the comfort zone… we had the enormous luck (or not) of having parents who protected us too much… This is our choice, and it deserves as much respect as his.>> <<@paddlefar9175 says : Elon Musk is dangerous because he thinks he knows better than everyone else, even the World’s experts, about what is best for humanity, but it turns out that he mostly just cares what is right for himself. He has snuck under the radar and now amassed too much power and too much wealth. He wants to control almost everything, but he has twelve children that he doesn’t even know and they are growing up without a father because he’d rather work than be there for them. He’s an egomaniac and he’s not a balanced person.>> <<@letsparadise says : I think he is inside a good man. But now he is the clown who can blow up Earth. I hope the fact he is connected with Trump he is doing better. I hope he stops his drinking cause he connected with a lot of demons. And be rich and have demons results in a demon crazy. The real connection is the connection with love and light.>> <<@bulletnutz6382 says : Elon is right🙏>> <<@andIloveH says : pointless video.>> <<@RobbyHouseIV says : It's amazing how you can be so spot on with a great many things and so utterly wrong and blind to what is happening with respect to Elon Musk, censorship in the media, and the inexorable advance of the woke agenda.>> <<@alistairmcmillan7984 says : So you turn Musk’s acquisition of Twitter into something weird and questionable, and you can’t understand why he decides to fight the malicious corruption of a huge media platform that’s being abused (along with others) You say he’s ‘amplifying’ ‘malicious’ ideas??? You omit the malice and corruption of others all around the world and of the damned leftists do every day. Sorry, you’re biased. I just lost a LOT of respect for you Johnny.>> <<@alistairmcmillan7984 says : So you turn Musk’s acquisition of Twitter into something weird and questionable, and you can’t understand why he decides to fight the malicious corruption of a huge media platform that’s being abused (along with others) You say he’s ‘amplifying’ ‘malicious’ ideas??? Sorry, I just lost a LOT of respect for you Johnny. He is a free speech absolutist. And you say he>> <<@salomebadashvili3263 says : Sounds like Antichrist>> <<@briancatone5507 says : The excuse he gives is he follows the laws of the country at question . If you dont know the US has the best free speach laws . The US gets a 100 on a curve. Im pretty sure you have good intentions but your bias is glowing if you were wondering .>> <<@paul19397 says : Tired of your BS>> <<@undeadarkhantheblack says : Tools of power was always military, police and media. No wonder Twitter became a platform for Elon to manipulate the world opinions for his own (and other) benefits. He didnt need to do anything to get people on his social platform, Twitter was already had plenty of users.... smart move>> <<@Kallmyr says : I think it is pretty evident that Elon does not have the proper mindset and is very similar to Trump, who says, "Let's make America great again," but that only means that "let's make me more powerful and rich." It has nothing to do with the people and whether they live or die. It is only about "me, me, and me." I said this as I hoped Elon would be more disruptive without being egocentric. Sad!>> <<@franklandavazo1736 says : Getting tired of you>> <<@harveycotton5185 says : Rubbish video>> <<@wwxyz7570 says : X is another Fox, free speech for Republicans, fully support Elon Musk from Texas. MAGA>> <<@TinTox says : Es simplemente indignante cómo Musk ha engañado a la base ideológica que lo apoyó durante tantos años, aquellos que reconocen la realidad en lugar de aferrarse a visiones ficticias y engañosas del mundo. Gente que comprende la importancia de la sustentabilidad y la responsabilidad que conlleva. Personas que confían en los hechos y la ciencia para evaluar el mundo. Progresistas y liberales que creyeron en él y lo ayudaron a crear Tesla y SpaceX. Ahora, los ha traicionado al apoyar a una de las figuras más ignorantes, deshonestas, corruptas e ineptas en la historia de los Estados Unidos. Es un escenario incomprensible para cualquier persona con sentido común. Ha perdido su brújula moral y se ha convertido en una burla de lo que alguna vez representó. Tal vez sea la mayor decepción que hayamos visto. Esto habla de su falta de ética, integridad y, sobre todo, respeto por lo que alguna vez fue.. He dejado de apoyar cualquier cosa relacionada con él, desde vender mi automóvil Tesla hasta salir de todas las plataformas sociales asociadas con este ser despreciable y ruin.>> <<@travo_6719 says : Starting to think Mr. "Harris" is gov fund-ed?>> <<@bapzzy9495 says : The problem with you>>