<<@R3dm3talHdZ says : Exactly, look at the MAN who punched the WOMAN in the olympic boxing. Two different strengths and they called it a fair fight. 🙃>> <<@christopherdomingo7049 says : Bro they took down my entire comment😂>> <<@steventhiel7226 says : No they want the good stuff but none of the demanding crap>> <<@oddish4352 says : Note that they're all percents, which mean that while there is nothing wrong with doing something traditional, many people of both sexes enjoy non-traditional roles, and do well in them. So let us NOT go back to the days when women could be teachers or nurses or secretaries, but little else.>> <<@your_belief_vs_everything says : That was a man>> <<@Debt-tective says : My wife has a different and equal role to me. She me to do certain things and i ask her to do certain things, the work is divided and were both grateful for each other. The woman in this video is just bitter and gross. Be appreciative not hostile, were all in this together, we all struggle together, and we all die the same way at the end.>> <<@PragueMom says : ... was that "woman" actually a man?>> <<@randywise5241 says : We were made to be complementary not in competition.>> <<@MrsRanchoFiesta says : They like the IDEA of being equal to men, just not the responsibility of being equal to men. While there are physical differences in men and women, there are no longer "legal" differences.>> <<@briteeyes2133 says : They want to be the head honcho but never the lawn mower. How many feminist garbage refuse workers do you see? Septic system installers? They want the cream of the crop jobs. Its more about them getting STATUS than equality. The REAL feminist are not worried about status. They are versatile . They are a helpmate to their husband, raising children, keeping up a home, repairing things as needed, etc. They may even work outside the home if needed. They do WHATEVER it takes They count themselfs BLESSED if their husband can support the family financially so they can be home. If possible its much better to downsize and have mom home with the children than to have 2 incomes in order to have a bigger house etc. Your children will thank you later!>> <<@rachael8078 says : Women just feel inadequate because they’ve been told their super power isn’t a power but a hindrance so they look to men to be better than or as good as to feel better about themselves but end up miserable cause they aren’t men.>> <<@carries6044 says : Never forget Leaving americans & military equipment in Afghanistan. Keeping children out of schools. Keeping people out of parks, community pools, beaches and more. Making business give covid shots to workers, or they were fired. Paying kids college debt after congress shot it down twice...yet he still says the people must pay it. Year after year inflation. Dem governors making people stay home and giving curfews if they didnt. Opening a border that had a stay in mexico policy put in play when he got into office. And then remember...everything is blamed on republicans. The border is closed he originally said. There is no inflation he originally said. And then it was he is sharp. He is bright. Preparing for a meeting with biden is the hardest part of my job. Its just a little bit of inflation and the american people have to complain about it. And then remember now: theres not THAT many people coming over border. Inflation is caused by businesses. Lets push covid under the rug. High gas prices are caused by the middle east. Children were not affected by school closings. And lets get biden out of office. We have too many lies and need to start fresh>> <<@twosocks1976 says : Women have been so inculcated with man hate, that when they hear a man say that men and women need each other, they view that as men admitting they are weak, by confessing to our need for women that's how toxic the interaction between men and women has become you might as well say that plants or trees are weak for needing to breathe, or the houses and buildings can't stand if not for gravity.>> <<@01nmuskier says : Women are grossly underrepresented in jobs with high work related fatalities. Equal work place death rates for all!>> <<@ClayFalcon135 says : I think it's funny how feminist are like, "We need more women CEOs and Presidents!" Its like... why do you care? It's still not going to be you thats up there. "It's about representation" I promise you this, they won't be representing you. Just like the men in those spots don't represent normal men. The only similarity will be that they also have a vagina. Although I guess even that's not a guarantee these days.>> <<@lars9925 says : Equality of opportunity is just and fair! Equality of outcome is evil!>> <<@filster1934 says : Only a pathetic simp would ever say that's attractive.>> <<@dkchen says : You should look at this he draft>> <<@homeaway5418 says : I can save her. Never mind its a liberal feminist.>> <<@TheLokomente says : 💯💯>> <<@stephanc6138 says : that woman gives the vibes of the unhinged>> <<@PatriotsMustRise says : I was told from a very young age and I believe it to this day that a good man would never look for an American woman to marry and I I stand by that. As far as this feminist movement, the hypocrisy has been clear ever since the Titanic because the salvation movement was going on and was roaring strong in England. Yet at the same time it was equal rights for everyone until the ship's going down and then it was women and children. First the hypocrisy's always been there.>> <<@tiffles699 says : Yes! But also I hate that they complain about wanting more women in STEM when they, themselves, are not in STEM. I’m like a feminist wet dream, I was an EOD tech, my degree is in mathematics, I work with training AI, I built electric dirt bikes… but they hate me because I acknowledge men and women are different and it’s beautiful. I am an outlier, and that’s okay, I’m not someone who breaks the rules of female roles, I am a very small exception, and that’s fine.>> <<@cellospot says : I would never want a woman CEO; I know what women are like.>> <<@joshuafrank1246 says : People want equity (different than equality). The fact that you’re using statistics that literally prove the feminist point is hilarious. More men in an industry demonstrates the fact that women have historically been kept out of that particular industry. Anecdotal evidence is not reliable and your argument is therefore fallacious. Yes men and women are different but that doesn’t mean they have to be shoehorned into particular positions or jobs.>> <<@timcoolican459 says : Where are the feminists for Masonry?>> <<@nicholsprogress says : Preach it brother>> <<@kovy689 says : The fact that this still needs to be explained in 2024 is proof that the American education system is failing miserably.>> <<@ishtarlew598 says : I thought there were already laws that said it was illegal to pay a woman less than a man for the same job. Or is this about shaming women that chose to prioritize marriage and having a family over a career.>> <<@bobzee5153 says : Facts!>> <<@j.lingle4713 says : OLD-SCHOOL feminists DO believe in - and advocate for in other countries (it’s already law here) - equal opportunities and equal rights under the law. They also don’t believe that men and women are the same.>> <<@SPOCK_TALK says : NO. Men are STRONGER without women. Even the Apostle Paul said it's better NOT to have a woman. MGT0W = Success, Happiness, and Peace.>> <<@honoriswithin says : Feminism is a fraud>> <<@NPC-iy5ih says : They don’t want equality they was beneficial and preferential treatment.. it’s why when feminists are treated equal they scream oppression.>> <<@Thoroughly_Wet says : I never understood what was so wrong with being good a different things.>> <<@anthonyraines5951 says : Feminists want superiority. Whatever works better for them... which is why all their ideas fly in the face of each other. They want more women CEO's but not more Carpenters, they want equality except when they have to split the check. In my opinion it has nothing to do with "Sameness" (for the most part). It's comparable to the Race baiters. Both women and blacks have seen themselves historically as beneath the white man whether or not that is true is debatable however it is undeniably true that we all have equal rights now but instead of letting the pendulum stop swinging in the middle with equality they want it to swing full tilt the other direction. Women want more CEO's and to be wh#res without being held accountable and blacks want reparations and a for white people to feel guilty. (Note: obviously I'm not talking about all women or blacks. I'm just noting a corelation)>> <<@honeybadgerisme says : ❤Well...idk if it's entirely equal value...no man is alive today without a woman-not even Jesus!😂 Jk🎉>> <<@r.guerreiro140 says : Feminism is just another supremacism movement, just like the naxis or the 3K They are the femina z is>> <<@jkc3422 says : God created both, and differently for a reason. If you're too stupid to see it that way, well.. someday you'll be forced to. Don't question, and especially defy God's creations.>> <<@deeclassdude4745 says : Bruh the only other comment here is a bot. Good short anyways ❤>>