<<@NoneedtoID says : This guy probably loves fascism lmao>> <<@Willem654 says : Children need their parents and should not be indoctrinated by racist anti white people cults.>> <<@cdawson198600 says : It can be stopped if people would stop being scared to stop playing by the rules, we have a 2nd for this exact reason... train and organize or you'll loose.>> <<@MakeAmericaMoralAgain says : I'm a WHITE CHRISTIAN NATIONALIST! I was born with pale skin, born again in the favor and grace of God through Jesus Christ, and I am educated enough to recognize that America was founded upon, built upon, infused with the unimpeachable, incontrovertible principles of the Holy Bible. It is those truths which have provided the greatest blessings, the most liberty, the most comprehensive political egalitarianism and economic opportunities in history. What's not to like?>> <<@michaelhatzikostantis4081 says : We are in trouble. Synagogue of Satan is taking control. Pray daily to GOD. Protect your family from satanic NWO.>> <<@mickallanson9357 says : This is what happens when a society kills God and destroys family and creates a world where people have no hope for a life of purpose and meaning>> <<@dominiquecharriere1285 says : Woke neo-marxists are pederast. Period.>> <<@jeffprice6421 says : totalitarians must own children or else they cannot indoctrinate them to the goals of the state. Nazis, CCP, Soviets, Putin. All the same thing. Free people won't sign up to invade Taiwan or Ukraine...>> <<@simonm7133 says : Neo Marxism is the new religion and has one fundamental difference from most religions. There is no mercy, no forgiveness. When he says it is brutal and merciless he is 100% correct.>> <<@aaronpanietz says : This why I left my teachings>> <<@baddas380 says : A lot of Jews have socialist ideas since that the nature of your religion, as well you are destroying the economy and capitalism because you only spend your money with other jews you do not share your richest with Christians, there is a reason why the U.S. is failing after ww2. Real conservatives are Christians and help the economy doesn't matter with whom. I'm christian and proud of it but Jews are not allies, they are brainwashing our society and christian for decades.>> <<@baddas380 says : Most jews are pushing all the other agendas not only that porn websites the bigger ones are jewish, Jews are not allies read the bible especially the new testament>> <<@michaelkarim57 says : citation needed>> <<@deputydillhole says : Atheism is toxic.>> <<@eilis23 says : Karl Marx was a Satanist. There ya go. Research his history. How anyone can follow Marx is confounding.>> <<@blackquiver says : Socialist garbage ๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ๐Ÿคข>> <<@timcoolican459 says : You won't get to raise your children, under neo-Marxist / communism....they belong to the state. The state will raise your children to ensure they are indoctrinated from birth. They will be easier to control, working in the state owned bug protein plants, responsible for providing the food they eat.>> <<@abntemplar82 says : we have seen this before, a socialist government basing everything on race. ironically this government would become the only Marxist government to ever turn a profit and to be legally and democraticly elected to power without first fighting and winning a civil war to prove the point. this government would also become the epitome of the early 20th centuyr progressive movement's marriage of Marxism and Eugenic. but how did they get elected? with issues like this. single payer healt care, mandatory min livable wages, mandatory membership in a labor union, breaking of rent slavery, low rent in/on government property for small businesses, high taxes on all businesses to control production and manufacturing, social security for the elderly, nationalization of all trusts and trust funds, total gun control, free government sponsored education, and of course Expansionism. sounds like a leftist paradise, to bad it was in operation from 1933 - 1945 in Germany. let's all just hope an pray we don't have to fight another world war to put a stop to it this time.>> <<@SammytheStampede says : Judeo-Marxism: NOT Judeo-Christian. The first is accurate, the second is propaganda for brainwashing.>> <<@corrysmith says : Marxism is immoral and unGodly.>> <<@OSUBucknado says : I only see 1 religion forcing people to convert. Marxism. Horrible religion.>> <<@vooteimer1234 says : Conservative here: Prager you're part of the problem. Smoke your cigar and pretend you tried>> <<@king57777 says : It is neo fascism>> <<@cappy2282 says : They're evil>> <<@andrelori-leeregimbald1900 says : I've read the works of many who made the same warning about the National Socialist is 1933. The fact that this warning is coming from a Jew might be prophetic.>> <<@bro_izzy says : The Holy Bible does say that children don't belong to their parents, they belong to God. Also, doesn't the "neo" in neo-Marxism mean it's not actually Marxism? Also, if PragerU ihad their way, they'd turn America into a fascist Christian, theocracy.>> <<@bludeuce3855 says : parents do have a right to raise their child homeschooling is on the rise more and more chidlrne are being puleld out of schools and we cna rverse indoctrination>> <<@antonionalesnik1991 says : First comment ๐ŸŽ‰First like ๐ŸŽ‰>>