<<@milo8425 says : The half a person till married bit is Catholic dogma as well. And can confirm, as a coward who never married, I feel like half a person.>> <<@3ipl says : Conservatives are happier because they tend to be richer>> <<@MrGabys91 says : I want to live a conservative lifestyle and do what's right, which includes living in the same city as my parents so that I can carry out my duty as a son. My problem is that my parents live in Miami, FL, which is outrageously unaffordable, and my wife and I literally can not afford to buy a townhouse, let alone a small house there. I am a high school history teacher, and my wife is a registered nurse, and with our combined saleries (which isn't actually bad) it is still impossible to buy a house here. We both grew up in Miami and are currently renting a very small apartment. I found an affordable city about two hours north of Miami that we really fell in love with. I want to fulfill my duty as a son to be there for my parents (which requires living next to them) and continue to learn from them - not to mention I want to live close by simply because I love them and I want my future future kids to have them in their lives as much as possible. My wife and I, however, are tired of throwing our money away at rent and want to set our roots in an actual home which, unfortunately, is impossible for us to do in Miami. My family is Cuban, and our family (brothers, sisters, parents, uncles, aunts, etc.) is extremely close, which I absolutely LOVE (our family gatherings are a blast!). I know that I will also be giving that up if my wife and I move two hours north. I would LOVE and appreciate any advice from any conservative - preferably with a religious perspective - on what to do or what to consider in my predicament. *Also, I make fishing videos on my YouTube Channel, so if you're interested in fishing, please subscribe! Maybe I'll start making money from my videos and be able to afford to stay in Miami! Lol>> <<@phyllislucia says : No vocal fry, please.>> <<@airbourne2 says : This is what makes youtube great.>> <<@madeleinelowe2057 says : I’m thinking about how one would go about living a traditional life without converting to a religion. I think it can be done, perhaps just not to the extent that Dr. Yoram Hazony advocates for. Looking up your family history, committing to a traditional marriage, teaching your children the values you inherited…>> <<@ATR-ur5ov says : I lost him after “9 children”>> <<@DANTRIMBLE1 says : I did not read the book but listening to this sounds a lot like the way the Amish live in that they protect their way of life with thoughtful consideration.>> <<@recoveringnewyorker2243 says : I thoroughly enjoyed this segment. I was raised in a Jewish but faithless household (my mother was an atheist) I embraced messianic Judaism and accepted God and Yeshua as my personal savior in my 40s. I agree with what was said about the family unit. However, with what I have personally gone through (I can say this because I know it will never happen) if I could be back in my teenage body in 1978 (with all of my current knowledge) I would probably choose to live my life alone.>> <<@BradsPitts. says : If I lacked any critical thinking skills I’d be happy too!>> <<@BradsPitts. says : Because they’re permanently 12 year olds who never grew out of their “edgy” phase and have consequently lost all brain function>> <<@0_3_6_9_0 says : 47:42 Accurate!>> <<@anonymous-anonymous-anonymous says : 🇮🇱 dual citizen 🖕>> <<@dabidibup says : Because the conservative answer to homelessness, inequality, war, slavery, trafficking, etc is: “It’s not my problem, they should have read scripture”>> <<@dustyk103 says : I’m on my third marriage. Each my first two marriages I thought would last my whole life.>> <<@LRibeiro97 says : No, business who go to China don't owe anything to their American brothers. America owes the business an environment of low taxes and no bureacracy. Give them that, and they will stay.>> <<@alandinsmore1186 says : I will not cease from Mental Fight, Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand: Till we have built Jerusalem, In Englands green & pleasant Land>> <<@priestofavalon says : I'll just say this. One of the only religious people I actually respect is Dennis Prager. And this is because he talks about ideas, and doesn't make an effort to try and force people to follow his views. I'm not Christian and will never be Christian. My parents raised me in the church, but I knew at the age of 10 that it made no sense to me. So, my only hope is that the religious right doesn't push their religion into law, because that will cause a fracturing among those currently supporting the right. Many, like myself, support Trump because we fear and hate the left, but we originally supported the liberals because we hated the religious right. If the religious right continues to push hard for a theocracy, then I'll just stay home and not vote... And I know I wouldn't be alone in that.>> <<@rudyho3790 says : yeh...all things considered...(psssst... become Fiercely tough... you'll need that to rub godless kommunistas...They care Not of your/our LIVES..Plain Truth!!)😎👊💪>> <<@christophercoupe5006 says : Not knowing God is a mental illness! This is why God tells parents to teach their children God's wisdom!!!! See Proverbs 22:6 and Ephesians 6:4!>> <<@whousa642 says : This dude is not a conservative>> <<@thoruen says : It's interesting that you blame women's for people feeling miserable, while also telling people that if they don't live the way you want them to they will burn in hell. Do you really think that all the shame that religion tells people that they should have for not "living right" doesn't make people miserable? I take comfort that the God in your Bible will judge you all for the hate you try to camouflage with fake concern for our souls.>> <<@aaronsomerville2124 says : Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end Amen.>> <<@gamingtideX says : The Woke will destroy society and culture as we know it>> <<@frankgradus9474 says : Thanks awfully. That's a huge help.>> <<@susanternyey5883 says : There's the old folk proverb that asks, Why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free? A major problem in our society is putting the cart before the horse. Choose a person you admire, respect, and would like your kids to become before letting sex into the relationship, so you can think with your head instead of your crotch. Intimacy can develop satisfactorily, especially when it's not influenced by ridiculous and unreasonable expectations like our media, society, and porn corrupt it with.>> <<@susanternyey5883 says : Excellent thoughtful, wise guest.>> <<@susanternyey5883 says : No person in a single lifetime/adulthood can reason out or try out every idea, let alone children, who will likely make drastic mistakes before they even have developed reasoning skills sufficiently.>> <<@fierybones says : Thank you both for the light this conversation brought and for the hope it gives.>> <<@susanternyey5883 says : Yes, kids need to learn the practice and values of religion, especially Judeo Christian religion. People would say, We want to let our kids choose. But if they know nothing about religion, how can they make an informed choice? Too many people are hearsay Christians. In fact atheists and nonbelievers for the most part only know hearsay info about Christianity. I've even read and heard supposed Bible scholars who haven't studied the text carefully without preconceptions.>> <<@susanternyey5883 says : My folks raised us with conservative ideas, so liberal professors didn't fool us. For instance, I had a professor who was enamored with Gramsci, and thought I ought to spend more time learning about his idea...not of interest to me at all.>> <<@susanternyey5883 says : When Bush announced the "New World Order", that was really scary to me, even as a young adult.>> <<@bikeracerdude says : Leftism is itself a dys ordr.>> <<@maksimsmelchak7433 says : עם ישראל חי>> <<@randywise5241 says : The Devil come has a friend that offers your hearts desires. These desires will destroy you and the Devil knows it. The world tells you to follow your heart and misleads people into thinking it will make their lives better. But it will destroy you one little piece at a time. Think with your brain and use logic and it may be hard, but it will be a rewarding life. The hearts of man/women are dark has coal and is selfish and will lead to narcosis behaviors. The conservative is misrepresented. It is what they want to conserve that holds the truth. They want to conserve the family, the God given rights and the culture that breads common sense and loyalty to others. It requires the knowledge of God. Without it, it becomes self-serving hedonism and lack of purpose. Behave has thought there is a God even if you do not believe in one. It will lead to a more fulfilling life with meaning. All the hate and violence come from the left. You won't find conservatives burning down cities because a criminal dies when being arrested. You won't have a cult having more power than others in things like justice and burning flags with no consequences while arresting people for leaving tracks on their cult flags in the streets. Rapists getting less time while shooting a robber gets you put in jail. Calling conservatives Nazis is deflection. Which party wants to take your guns, arrest political opponents, and destroy your rights? that is what Nazis do. Hitler was a socialist.>> <<@robinsonelec says : Too much of a word salad. Marxism is control just like Communism, Fascism its just another way to go about it but it's all controlling "We the People">> <<@omarolive says : Why progressive ones have mental health issues: we found out all the lies behind blind nationalism. Making business with dictators, spy over our own citizens after Patriot Act, financing genocide all around the world (cough, Yemen, Palestine and Syria), be lenient with Saudi Arabia after a hit on reporter Jamal Kashoggi, or using S.O.P.A to help bad military members who committed crimes in South Korea to avoid prosecution. "Ignorance is bliss", and knowing reality shows how messed up things are in/out the US have a negative impact over our health.>> <<@stillsmokinr1164 says : They are LIARS>> <<@THE_Dodge_Morningstar says : #1)The truth should hurt sometimes. #2) A salesmen should try to talk you into buying something you don't need. If someone sells you "TRUTH" that you always want, and aligns with what you want to believe? Run away.>> <<@neru5839 says : It's easy to be happy when your view of the world is so flawed and skewed to fit your own worldview where you're always on top and never have to struggle through any oppression whatsoever>> <<@reven-docta79 says : Wokism is a term given to the belief and practice of the postmodern precepts of that anti-west ‘social theory of that came from that school with the same name of the town in Germany’; whose cri*%ickle theories are we nothing more than an intellectual-sounding name for that sadist born in Prussia and died in 1883. The reason why these kids are bonkers is because the Prussian’s theory is bonkers and has literally Never Succeeded Anywhere. It’s a totalitarian deathkult.>> <<@Unintendedcompetence says : wokeism IS a mental illness.>> <<@nerysghemor5781 says : I do want to point out that a conservative absolutely CAN have a mental health issue. I do have one that I have good treatment for. But I can tell you that my faith, my family, and my values were a MASSIVE support for me in facing my situation and finally getting help. I had over twenty years of long-standing issues that very much turned out to be a brain chemistry problem and in my case the correct medication has, rather than making me less myself, I have become an even stronger version of myself than I already was.>> <<@SHARKVADERS says : PRAGERU!!!!!>> <<@inatwho says : Since many conservatives are church/synagogue members, invest in their most important relationships (marriage and parenthood) and are pursuing financial independence and meaningful goals, it is understandable why they are simply happy!>> <<@Jolis_Parsec says : 😂😂😂 Buddy, that is some fantasy land nonsense right there. The anti-woke griftoids alone are a prime example of how full of manure you are, just saying. 😂😂😂>> <<@merlinwizard1000 says : 4th, 5 July 2024>> <<@steveguti6452 says : Urgent emergency please join me in prayer for all those affected families children animals massive life threatening Situations hurricane beryl they desperately needs your prayers please pray for them God bless you all>> <<@steveguti6452 says : Wishing everyone a blessed happy July 4 honoring all military personnel military veterans coast guard Navy all people serving the USA praise God praying for Everyone everyday God bless you all>> <<@steveguti6452 says : Jesus Christ died for our Sins according to the scriptures and that he Was Buried and he rose Again the third day praise God praying for everyone Everyday God bless you All>>