<<@cfbodman2 says : When women brag about something like that to me it just means that they do not value themselves nor respect themselves.>> <<@norwegianblue2017 says : For women to be bragging about their high body counts is absurd. If they are relatively young and attractive, the only thing limiting them in their "conquests" is themselves. Random men will have sex with them all day long.>> <<@James-t9h4d says : The thought police>> <<@peterpoka1217 says : You've done it to yourself ladies. You deserve whatever you get.>> <<@joboo651 says : As Grammy used to say “why buy the cow, when you get the milk for free”?>> <<@troycassidy6177 says : Gay men and authoritarians>> <<@contentdeleted5405 says : That’s great, but where is Prager Dennis hot slimy warmth to fill me.>> <<@DonesdeMotivacion says : They end up CHILDLESS! Not Childfree, you become; Debtfree, absent punishmebt Cancerfree, absent of punishment Jobless, absent of reward Childless, absent of reward Don’t pander to them by accepting their made up term>> <<@josersleal says : MALE PREDATORS? They had t blame men.Typical! Take responsability, You wanted it now own it. Never happy...this is why they should not vote.>> <<@markgraham2312 says : 300 in a year? Feminism.>> <<@markgraham2312 says : All these companies pay for women to have abortions, so they don't have to pay for maternity leave.>> <<@BradsPitts. says : Literally everyone>> <<@lindamusser7370 says : Now men can get what they want and not even buy the woman dinner. Such a deal.>> <<@davidchung2203 says : Not celebrate for being a woman but try to be men😮>> <<@krolldavid says : In the end everyone looses>> <<@pierreduranleau2514 says : The desire to be like God dates back to the Garden of Eden. As far as I know, since the 50s, the feminist in its extreme sees God as a woman. Men, for feminism, become a tolerated enemy, a necessary evil. The great misfortune is that many churches are inspired by feminism. For example, the film 'The Shack', which was all the rage, a film which claims to be “Christian” and features two women, one in the role of God the Father, the other that of the Holy Spirit, is a clear example of giving God the finger. Following this film, we are forced to admit that we are currently in the phase of extreme feminism. Unfortunately, the Church follows, having woman as pastors against God’s clear word 1Tim 2:11… is a replay of the seduction in Eden. It is rebellion against God in the strongest form. Churches that understand that feminism is not of God, distance themselves from these things, but the others, who are seduced by 'soft' feminism, are defenseless against the rest of this rebellious movement that manifests itself under the acronym LGBT... which morphews itself according to the new manifestations of indirect rebellion against God by attacking His creation. Is it any wonder that - the seduction of Eve (feminism) - the murder of Abel (abortion) and - Lamech, the first polygamist, mentioned in the Bible: Gen 4.19 (sexuality outside God's original plan) are the mainstays of contemporary rebellion? My brothers and sisters, let's take to heart Paul's words to Timothy: “I write these things to you with the hope of going to you soon, but so that you may know, if I delay, how we should conduct ourselves in the house of God, which is the Church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth.” 1Ti 3.14-15>> <<@Morrisfactor says : "Break up the family and you destroy the county" - VLADIMIR LENIN. Feminism exists to break up the family and it has succeeded, which is why the country is now run by Socialists. "Socialism is the vanguard of Communism" - LENIN>> <<@Alan-lv9rw says : Our political left has destroyed traditional masculinity and femininity. Now we’re living with the consequences.>> <<@eds5977 says : Always back to Men.>> <<@davedawe2420 says : It is ALL entirely due to the left wing movement of society in general. Plain and simple.>> <<@joelemkee6473 says : lol I won’t even date an American woman anymore.>> <<@wishIwuzskiing says : The body count goal is an emotional disaster in the making. Each time we make the deepest most personal connection between people and then toss it away breaks down the ability or even desire to have a lasting sincere deep committed relationship. Imagine taking duct tape and using it to connect two pieces of fabric. Then rip it apart. Then use the same tape to attach them again and rip it off. And keep doing that over and over. After a while it wont have any ability to stick to anything. That is what happens emotionally when the physical connection has less and less purpose for joining people together in a unique way and is used intentionally to not have any connecting purpose. Look at the divorce rates for the "sex, drugs and rock and roll" generation. And its getting worse.>> <<@andrewalters9272 says : Women pay for everything with the wallet between their legs. That's why men avoid relationships.>> <<@Silver77cyn says : Women.>> <<@stephenlouwbiokineticist4127 says : It's a hoot for us guys>> <<@IPSStacks says : population collapse, population control, so on????🤰 Was it possible they saw this that far ahead?>> <<@IPSStacks says : Madness you do something naturally turn guys off and you celebrate your victimhood...>> <<@KCKingdomCreateGreatTrekAgain says : 60’s radical feminism Liberated women by making them s**u@l beings and 90’s feminism doubled down. So many are S * * tty in middle and high school, even in the 90’s there were active girls in middle schools, and the sad thing is their dads, and sometimes moms, are totally oblivious to it. Daddy thinks his high school senior daughter is still a v*rg*n. Probably even thinks she is on her wedding night. Because she’s a good girl. And the apple of daddy’s eye. They learn to screw and move on with no feelings attached from an early age and is it any wonder then by adulthood they have high body counts?? And given the ways family courts are and how feminism teaches you to hate men and punish fathers and treat them as simply sperm donors so no need for them to be involved with the product of their sperm and your egg is it ANY wonder many men don’t want to settle down and get married???>> <<@Reanimator999 says : Feminism made easier for certain men not to be responsible with sex and its aftermath.>> <<@LockHaven says : At the beginning, she said men were benefiting from feminism. Not the case. She never pursued that belief in the remainder of the clip.>> <<@hud86 says : Government and corporations>> <<@garrettlowell7637 says : Decades of messaging about fishes & bicycles, toxic masculinity & male obsolescence. Message received. Enjoy, ladies-you’re welcome.>> <<@StigFerrari says : Maybe Feminism was pushed to help reduce birth rates, in conjunction with abortion, contraception and making financial risk of marriage unpalatable for men. Now we are well below replacement value for populations in the West, including Japan and Korea, so they have an excuse for mass uncontrolled immigration ? #TheGreatReplacement>> <<@robertfrye3301 says : The Ashkenazi Jews for the win.>> <<@BlckJack123 says : You will notice that the so-called feminists do nothing to defend women's sports.>> <<@darbyheavey406 says : Corporate America loves these women who take these drone jobs. No corporation will ever care about you.>> <<@adamcrookedsmile says : feminists never criticise islamists and how women are treated like second class humans in radical mosques.>> <<@BobJones-r6o says : Ladies if you want men to marry then stop sleeping with men prior to marriage.>> <<@mtamech535 says : Want a good wife or a good husband? GO TO CHURCH.>> <<@AndyJonson-m1q says : WHY do women feel they have to sell themselves cheap? Never give him sex until he commit to you 100 %. How hard can it be to understand? And to all men: commit to her as boyfriend, make her your girlfriend - BUT do not marry her (in the USA anyway, because of the laws.)>> <<@Knightedddd says : Feminism was started by atheist , lesbian Marxists who hate the basic concept of family.>> <<@user-bi1qi6ef4c says : Men who are still emotionally and hormonally boys benefit the most. They manipulated and actually helped created the one night stand. These boys hate on men who are real men and try to make them look old fashion or marginalize any number of men alpha male traits. Then the emotionally immature girls grow up into grown woman that doesn’t know what it means to be an alpha female. They desire to be an alpha male… thinking the alpha males only uses people for money, sex and power.>> <<@kma3647 says : Wealthy business owners are the beneficiaries. They doubled the labor pool, lowered their labor costs and made a fortune for two generations now. Everyone else in society lost, with the possible exception of activists and pundits who now profiteer off of hawking books and commentary about it for money. There are always scavengers there to profiteer off of the controversy.>> <<@martasatgo says : The people benefitting are... academic feminists...>> <<@iamkesha. says : Great conversation. It is a shame too many liberal women are being duped by this woman hating agenda.>> <<@thewritingsolution5155 says : Commercialism is the benefactor. Consumerism and big corporations.>> <<@joemama5181 says : Short answer: nobody. It hurts both men and women.>> <<@klarastepankova5738 says : i don't think these women know what feminism is>> <<@TheTomasio1975 says : I really wish people would understand that they are not "anti-feminism". They are very much pro-feminism but are upset that it hasn't "worked for women" (that feminism was never going to work for women is another discussion).>> <<@PincheBuzo says : Dirty politicians.>>