<<@bennunyour4121 says : And they wonder why recruiting numbers are horrible šŸ„“>> <<@bobkaiser8782 says : With all the political push for natural, organic foods, why is our govt insisting on fake food?>> <<@ClayFalcon135 says : Lol! Probably better than what they are already eating!>> <<@Courage10.18 says : So infuriating! Our military is being destroyed on so many fronts.>> <<@shank77tl says : Lab grown meat is people!>> <<@d3viinthadud3 says : I can smell the lawsuits now šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚>> <<@abdizur8765 says : Oh my God we can't get Trump back any fuqing sooner... Late January is too far away...šŸ˜«>> <<@Ubclever69 says : This is like giving them the middle finger. We need to honor and support our troops, not giving them fake foods.>> <<@davidkubasiak9093 says : This is disgusting !! Recruitment will go down more now. DEI in the military. Democrats are sick people.>> <<@jasminjeopary says : The military has historically used the men in uniform as lab rats.>> <<@jpbult6124 says : Wait til DJT wins this race. That, and many other, outrageous new leftist inventions will go right out the window !>> <<@EJ-ke3fi says : This initiative will do wonders for enlistment? šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø. Weakening the strongest military in the world slowly and steadily making it easier to conquer.>> <<@JackJackJack123 says : Military recruitment moving forward will sink of swim entirely based on the party in power. Democrats simply hate America and anyone whoā€™d risk his/her life for it.>> <<@tonyrossi3151 says : This is just a money grab and nothing more>> <<@truthguide1742 says : Henry Kissinger said that the US military were dumb stupid animals. Okay if service members get sick or die while on duty or years later. Will veterans have a service related medical condition? Probably not.>> <<@LeviathantheMighty says : It's not about the environment. It's to destroy the west.>> <<@r.a.panimefan2109 says : Im not gonna fear monger lab grown. But this is just ridiculous Give people a damn choice. Im not gonna fear monger climate change and dei shit. Which is what they do for lab grown. Give a damn choice. If people wish to eat it they can if a soldier wants a damn ribeye give it to em. If i were a soldier id say screw them and hunt for a damn snake They eat just fine. This fear mongering is ridiculous And it goes both ways. We fear monger becuase its quote unnatural. Well its cells from the animal that are forced to grow. Its jank its wierd. But is it healthy? Ask the real question. Instead of going waaa god didnt make it... God didnt make sweet corn either we did. We took a plant he gave us and we bent it to our will thousands of years ago. Gmo fear mongering is just dumb. šŸ˜… Un the flip side bill gates sits in his high horse and says cattle destroys enviroment.... Ugh for every living creature that takes a dumpnand releases carbon more plants grow. We are at 400 parts per mill from 200 parts per mill 150 years ago 150 prts per mill of carbon plants die. We raised temp 1 degree. In 150 years. To raise another degree we need to go up to 800. Plants grow best at around 1200. Talk to a damn green house Repubs freaking out over bug flour.... So what so long as its labeled i dont care. Cultures all over the world consume bugs. On a daily basis. We all wonder why democrates can sit on there self riteous mountain and scream racist at every passing shadow its cuase of us saying stupid shit like this. Just pls for the love of god give us a choice Both sides need to stop moral fear mongering and throwing insults where none belong. Lab grown if perfected could be a godsend. Why imagine. In a drought area or a area that has food shortage such as africa Where they dont have meat... This could be a huge boon. " i give u dominion" said not 1 but 2 times in genises. This constant virtue signaling that both sides do. Repubs to the all natural. And dems with your racist your sexist. .... at least repubs dont do that... but they use fear all the same... Enouph pls dear lord enouph just let people alone and be free. If i want a side of jumbo ribs off a bull from my neighbor get the gove out of my way. If i want test tube meat get out of my way. If i want to have a fully automatic m16 archangel or a canon in my yard its my second amendment get out of my way>> <<@earleenthomas2572 says : Iā€™m furious! But not so surprised at the ignorance and disrespect of our heroes šŸ˜”šŸ˜”>> <<@Eddie80580 says : Itā€™s an experiment like everything else. Military are treated as lab rats for social experiments.>> <<@Lee-hj7fk says : So wrong NO ONE should be eating lab grown anything!!!>> <<@janer0ikdegard955 says : America is falling.......fast !>> <<@abcde12345edcba says : Sure this will make my son want to serve. šŸ¤”šŸ§ I feel sorry for our troops. They deserve so much more. They are treated badly every step of the way. And now they might start dropping on missions. Why does the govt always have to experiment on the military???>> <<@theresas2520 says : NO! WE-SHUT-IT-DOWN!>> <<@philipi7235 says : Who needs enemies when you have institutions like these.>> <<@laurendean3724 says : This is about $$. Period. Someone is in bed with the stockholder of a lab grown ā€œmeatā€ company.>> <<@Greymist73 says : The obvious purpose is to provide kickbacks to Gates and others with political influence who have suck money into creating this. If you compare the FDAs behavior and what it approves to the much stricter laws in the EU that restrict many of the artificial food dyes, oils and other ingredients proven to have long term negative health outcomes. It is obvious that the government and its bureaucracy are mostly captive to massive corporate interests. It could currently be almost classified as ā€œtotalitarian liteā€. Basically itā€™s as if they watched the broadway production Springtime for Hitler and saidā€¦ā€yeah letā€™s do thatā€.>> <<@bernardfurst9133 says : Defund the Pentagon>> <<@garyemerson9310 says : MADE FROM HUMAN CANCER CELLS AND HUMAN FLESH GLUED TOGETHER TO LOOK LIKE STEAK AND SAUSAGES SOYLENT GREEN>> <<@aisecoohiocraft7337 says : Abuse of our soldiers>> <<@roundedges2 says : Pretty fkd up>> <<@curtisanthonydewey7903 says : Can't help but wonder if the pentagon and the US govt are the biggest threat facing the military??? Hmmm>> <<@taniele84 says : They buy up all the farming land, which is completely against the constitution, federal government is not allowed to own the amount of land they own but who is gonna stop them? They made us powerless as the people. They have hammered farmers and ranchers. They are selling land to China for farming. And theyā€™re pushing a bs climate change agenda globally that interestingly calls for eradicating cattle and ranching, because the cattle fart, yes, thatā€™s literally the reasoning, while vegan culture is pushed and promoted to the point that every almost single major brand has converted to have vegan options. They are attempting to control global dietary access. Once they have that we are done. This climate change garbage directly leads to total control for a global government.>> <<@shaggy5777 says : Feed homeless veterans real steaks and and feed the illegals the lab grown meat!>> <<@yrulooknatme says : That is a bunch of bull>> <<@CDH-ui7om says : No, this is a continuing effort to weaken our national defense!>> <<@Khayboo says : Let's not act like this is worse than field rations. We eat Taco Bell, lab grown meat is the tipping point really?>> <<@perrylc8812 says : HELL NO!!!>> <<@tudwortyjmcguern5689 says : mushbrain, with his owner/buddy uncle billy, really has turned the military into a dump. no wonder why nobody wants to join. take heart, theres 15+m illegals waiting to be conscripted, SERVICE GUARANTEES CITIZENSHIP.>> <<@jillbert40 says : Once again using our armed force young folks as lab rats.>> <<@ShevaiAsan says : It's also been deduced that lab grown meat is exponentially more expensive than just buying steaks at a super market at full retail cost and shipping them in bulk; because the process for the lab grown meat is so meticulous and has to be so well maintained/contained that ANY bad bacteria can ruin an entire batch which takes a decent amount of time to 'grow'.>> <<@challa3677 says : Intiative to make the weaker? Like seriously, no. Thatā€™s disgusting>> <<@horizonsky9269 says : I rather eat a New York City street rat straight out of the subways>> <<@mosesmartinez4364 says : PRESIDENT TRUMP WILL STOP THAT>> <<@Sammysgrl22 says : Why donā€™t they spend some of our tax dollars on planting trees instead of continuing to destroy our military? Climate change is always an excuse for the so-called ā€˜eliteā€™ to play god, and to control or steal from the rest of us. Jesus please come back soon!>> <<@t23001 says : Yuck!>> <<@johnphillips1858 says : Time to bail out of this quagmire of veganism and wokeism. Once again our military is handed the experimental cancer causing best that the science can offer? If this us true which it may not be--Putin disinfirmation--but if it is the command should be the first to try it! Yuck!>> <<@sarahgibbs1483 says : The government plans on experimenting on our troops in the name of climate change.>> <<@richardyoung9024 says : These people blame everything on Climate Change. Meanwhile, I blame our own sun for climate change šŸ˜…>> <<@lightbearer6644 says : Worst part of me is realizing that people who believe in God are against animal abuse & animal suffering so hard.>> <<@01379 says : Sounds like experimentationā˜¹ļø>>