<<@Anwaar_Abu-Baker says : I was more comfortable hearing about satanic rituals than listening to Kamala Harris.>> <<@capriana22 says : I’m new to C. O. ❤❤❤❤>> <<@federicat920 says : They can NEVER make me hate you. I'm not American, not conservative, not liberal and I might not agree with all your stances, but your voice is so important. Thank you for what you do. Love from Italy>> <<@dawnlopez4052 says : Could Biden be a Haitian zombie?>> <<@jaimedee2002 says : In order for the government to gain more control over us they have to get rid of god and our belief in god.>> <<@agrimdaniel28 says : Yas! CO the science gal! 💚🤙💪>> <<@missparshin says : It’s ironic how Candace begins the show with conveying that the media is lying about her and that they can’t be trusted, then continues to quote said media articles about Crowley. I’m not a fan of Crowley but if you’re going to follow one narrative, how about sticking it to it? Love Candace normally but this was a bit too ironic for me.>> <<@lawrencebrazier4888 says : The World Or The Jinn>> <<@3rdeyewoke609 says : What's the rfk jr website for the information about vaccines?>> <<@BradleyWinter-ih7ns says : Lets hear more on the red head moon child mama plz😊>> <<@BradleyWinter-ih7ns says : Lets hear more on the red head moon child mama plz>> <<@BradleyWinter-ih7ns says : Lets hear more on the red head moon child mama plz>> <<@BradleyWinter-ih7ns says : Lets hear more on the red head moon child mama plz>> <<@The-Spotlight-Kid says : The high priests of science have long made it impossible for any thesis or theory that conflicts with the "Standard Model of Cosmology" (for e.g.) to be published for the worldwide scientific community to become aware of, Stephen Hawkins had to toe the line at Cambridge with his "black hole" accepted theory taught as fact now, as every university's dept' head professors will only allow 'approved' i.e. "Pier Reviewed" evidence from promising students to ever become an accepted theory, thesis or accepted fact, it's a flakey model of mostly facts built on pure conjecture, & i dove deeper than Mr. Average to the very 1'st singularity. (& hmmm) Same with evolution & our so-called taught 'history' I also believe "The War on Having a Pair" & school d rag shows, the promotion of "The Alphabet People" & much d na related unconsidered stuff seems to align with the asexual "Bathomet" aspect of elected but mostly unelected eealthiest elite's allegiance, faith & ideology of a structure for a borderless global society where all notions of patriotism & national identity will gone in 1 or 2 generations with 1 world rulership & be our's will just be old stories from remaining folk like us when we get very old & talk of an old world which by then, will make us seem barking mad. Orwell tried & Huxley tried to warn us when The Suffragettes got women the right to vote & more from relentless demonstrations alone when changes could be made but we, as a few country's peoples back then, didn't listen, but they barely touched on an occult aspect to global tyranny they told the essence of, imo. But don't take my word for it, study cosmology & roots of symbology from ancient Sumeria, Babylon & esp' that of ancient Egypt. See it plastered over institutions, foundations & big-corp's logo's & their products, even the wef have made three '6's out of 3 of the 4 letter' 'O' in their acronym's written out worded official logo seen behind Klaus or whoever's speaking or debating with that subtle blue circling large arc of a circle that goes through the WEF logo of written words. Also, every country with a space agency also have a central bank on Nathan Roth's original now Bilderburg linked 'themes' & by chance also have the same selection of certain ancient occult logos displayed on their named logos & individual mission badges with many of the same ancient symbology as NASA's had used on all their's 1, 2 or 3 at a time on each. ("Signs & symbols rule the world, not words nor laws" he was onto something, Confucius 300:ish B.C.) It's dark & runs deep & I won't start on Weishsupt'ian 'asonic lodge infiltration from 1776 to 1796 in Euro' & the new independent U.S. & with George W. witn his previous 32'nd deg' membership of "The. scottish rite. Of F....." with his 'adjusted notions of' that caused his fall-out with. Now you see him deified & floating in the sky amongst clesrly pagan gods up on the inside of the big white dome, long been there but nobody thinks that whole painting is extremely odd? I have gone on, the thumbnail drew me in & the subject caused me to unleash a long held opinion. set.>> <<@hokahey7236 says : Damn, Candace is going scorched earth theses days. I love it!>> <<@Brian-uu5no says : How can triple digit IQ people override their logic and believe the bible?>> <<@T威 says : The media is satanic>> <<@JaysonCasselman-r6k says : Aleister Crowley was British Intwlligence. This dude us repeating the original investigators inquery to the MID where the British Consolit responded to US Military Intelligence stating they were aware of his presence and he was acting on their behalf. But Crowley's biography gives more detail what hw was doing. Writting for a German Left paper je claimed rhe Lusitania was carrying war materilas to their enemies inciting the Germans to blow up the Lusitania. When what really happened was British Intelligence righed it woth explosives blaming a German U-Boat so to give the US excuse to enter the war. The same scenario played out in WW2 where the US remained nutral until the end. Today the US is reflecting Germany's role and China is resembling the US in 1933. If we go to war the Chinese will bot fight on their soil becaue thats where all the manufacturing is taking place. Just like we weren't attacked on continemtal US soil durinf WW2. If we wanted to end any conflict the manufacturing plants in China would meed destroyed especially their plant that builds production robots and chips, and the financiaers killed in Britain and Israel, and all their assets seized from Swiss banks. https://youtu.be/rFsAEzjEsA8?si=rMYQBl6TCJQvEIQc>> <<@BonnieBumgartner says : The Bible tells us this, most don’t recognize it, nor do pastors & preachers teach it from the pulpit.>> <<@eTriumph0719 says : God bless you>> <<@sparxy1968 says : I think the funniest thing I have ever heard is "If I don't see it with my own eyes or read it in the bible, I won't believe it". Ooooh the irony. Come on, I know you are not actually that stupid. Your followers (viewers) might be but you are not. When did you decide to take this stance for clicks?>> <<@이은혁-o3v says : christ is king>> <<@elizaveta_kataya says : So do you deny the existence of an atom? You can’t “see it with your own eyes” and yet it exists>> <<@delraygato7599 says : I absolutely love Candace and love how much she loves God. It would be nice if she did a deep dive on Christianity and the distortions and inversions that are purposely in the Bible and throughout the entire religion. It's quite sad that so many trust their souls with something they just take the surface level lies they have been told all their life. With all of the amazing investigating reporting she does, I would love to see her do a deep dive into the distortions and actually see the truth. She is actually someone I hold in such high regard, it doesn't infuriate me that she is unaware of many things within that religion and book because I basically just give her a pass because she is so amazing however I feel that as much as she loves God, she deserves to know the truth. An example would be 666, it's not the number of the beast, it has to do with creation and actually just really equals 9 with basic numerology and that means completion. She should also do a deep dive on what defacto Satanism is because most humans fall into that whether they know it or not.>> <<@brettbret8836 says : NASA stands for not a space agency>> <<@TheSteveSteele says : Why are you calling it “The satanic origins of NASA”? The origins of JPL has nothing to do with NASA, at all. The origins of JPL go back to the 1930s. NASA wasn’t formed until 1958 and it was formed by President Eisenhower. Don’t lie to your viewers.>> <<@mariwillalwaysgivethanks says : What about the one (funny how all of the videos on this subject just disappeared; I guess the NASA cookie monster ate it) ... NASA aimed nuclear strikes at the firmament in an attempt to break it!!!! OMGOSH what a bunch of thunderheads! Like they could EVER destroy the firmament. Genesis 1:6-7, Job 37:18 ... Poor man refuses to believe that he is NO match for the Creator!!! 👑Halal u YAH👑>> <<@melaniewilliamsloves says : It’s funny that Jay-z wears clothing that has states ‘do what though wilt’ on it.>> <<@MichaelBoyers says : if you know and believe in the Bible it is not selective you can't say I don't like the sound of a molten glass dome over thee earth as in Job and the whole fake universe is also under the dome of the Prison, Yes you are all prisoners especially the vatican devil and demon worshipers that paul the deceiver brought to rome to add to their abomination>> <<@Fecker_Carlson says : That intro 😂😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@kcollins1996 says : I’m tired of black people not thinking for themselves and researching. Easily influenced.>> <<@hannal7901 says : So when do you think A Shot in the Dark will be back? DailyWire took it down. Glad I saved all the materials you included when I first started watching, because I had only made it about 30% through when it was all taken down.>> <<@Stargazer3131 says : This stuff is what many of us Youtubers have been talking about for years!💯🙂>> <<@juliovega4086 says : It is the only way for them.>> <<@evelynvillegas8 says : Thank you for being brave! God is KING!!>> <<@thbuk says : Sounds like Combs.>> <<@HeatherChase-w5t says : #beltoftruthministries #ScottRitsema https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Us2Yv3QrJYQ>> <<@BetterEachDay941 says : Thats why in school: What do u want to be when u grow up? "An astronaut" is the most popular answer... ... I have more more satanist than astronauts😊>> <<@AndrewMoore-i9k says : I am now looking at this video and can’t help but see similarities to Puff daddy’s situation>> <<@FrequentlyCreatives says : Candace is the smart quiet wun>> <<@FrequentlyCreatives says : Imagine being the second head in this dimension>> <<@pablovonduckbill7802 says : lol Jack Parsons lots of people dont know he was L Ron Hubbards buddy and that they owned northrop for a while got into a fight over a woman split L Ron Hubbard started scientology and parsons started jpl. they were both members of the oto Crowleys secert society and on the spot where jpl is did rituals together to invoke the goddess babaylon here to earth. parson wote a book called "sex and rockets".>> <<@tajbalahyahyazayan3576 says : NASA in the old Hebrew language means deceiver or liar hum ?? Go figure they tell you what they are and they have to tell you what they are doing . You have to know who they are ?>> <<@Savagemode09 says : the science guy theme made me chuckled 😂😂😂❤>> <<@CatsHeartbeat says : Please stop blaspheming the name of God, it violates His 2nd Commandment. Blessed be God, blessed be His Holy name!>> <<@kimstull says : GITMO PRISON ADDED ONTO THE PRISON IT'S HUGE NOW... ALSO HERE IS SOME THAT'S LISTED ON GITMO.. BIDEN, HARRIS, PIGLOSI, OBAMA'S,CLINTON'S, BUSH'S, SCHUMER, SCHIFF, DERSHOWITZ, SOROS, GATES, FAUCI, PENCE, PAUL RYAN, HUNTER, JAMES BIDEN, MANY MANY OTHER'S ARE LISTEN.. TRUMP 2024🎈🇺🇸🎈🇺🇸🎈🇺🇸🎈🇺🇸🎈🇺🇸🎈🇺🇸🎈>> <<@kimstull says : HARRIS IS EVIL VILE, CORRUPT, LYING, TRAITOR, POS. .. TRUMP 2024🎈🇺🇸🎈🇺🇸🎈🇺🇸🎈🇺🇸🎈🇺🇸>> <<@kimstull says : CANDICE YOU SHOULD RUN FOR PRESIDENT NEXT ROUND YOU WOULD BE AN AMAZING PRESIDENT ❤😊😊>> <<@kimstull says : https://www.youtube.com/live/DqVrnTP7vSM?si=SjWAsdm-Mz7Eu8lJ>> <<@kimstull says : https://www.youtube.com/live/DqVrnTP7vSM?si=SjWAsdm-Mz7Eu8lJ>>