<<@Nope-uj6yh says : My niece thinks I’m her dad. Her little two year old hugs make me happier than anything. I’d die for that kid. My dad left when I was little but I always had papaw. Blood doesn’t mean much, it’s who stuck around that counts.>> <<@Emppu_T. says : It's interesting because now that i think of it my young fatherless cousins where probably looking for that in me when we hung out.>> <<@tairschol6910 says : "boys needing me role models". Careful, you don't want to reinforce the pAtRiArKeEeEe now, don't you?>> <<@franklinyoung says : I'm distant but hard working father my step son carries his family on his back just like I carry them I guess all the talks and watching me provide is where he got it from..my youngest son 9 OMG about to be ten it's gonna take a miracle and me staying on his ass 😂..I pray he takes all my good traits and do right in life today's kids are nothing like us ...but I'm trying you guy's.>> <<@katefree9539 says : I think you are a wonderful role model!!!>> <<@earllsimmins9373 says : Manson was the father figure of the "Family">> <<@blackwinter6663 says : Plenty of men do just fine without them 😂>> <<@GodBlessedAmerica says : Fathers Matter>> <<@1SGDolorBelli says : Amen.>> <<@eddeddesc3717 says : 😮>> <<@twosocks1976 says : It's absolutely true. And I don't think we have even begun to understand the horrible impacts of the crisis of fatherlessness in the family, over the past 50 years. Only a man can teach a boy how to be a man. Women can pull through, and get a boy to adulthood. But she can never teach him how to be a good man, and the lack of a strong male influence, in the life of a boy, even when he doesn't realize it, leaves him scarred for life.>> <<@laurenwood9084 says : This is why black on black crime is so bad. It's why young black men pick up guns and knives. All that they needed was a father. Children born out of wedlock don't stand a chance.>> <<@justthinkingaboutallofit says : Learning to control your emotions, stay calm under stress ( like not film yourself crying and screaming online about your issues) and how to NOT use your strength or keep silent etc are not really triats most women display....if we are completly honest and ARE things men are expected to be able to do....most by women in fact...>> <<@MLJ7956 says : I guess I am pretty lucky I guess because I had a lot of good male role models & support in my life that helped teach me how to be a man and that helped shape me to become the good strong man that I am today (I had a father, two grandfathers, several uncles, male boy scout masters - when boy scouts used to mean something wholesome, male pastors at my local church, male teachers in school, male doctors & even growing up in the late 70s into the 80s and 90s, good wholesome family values TV series, movies, games and books - none of this modern PC/woke/anti-male garbage being shoved down the throat of kids that they are being bombarded with today sadly. I grew up in the good ole days in my opinion. And I wouldn't have had it any other way 😁✌️)....>> <<@sanjosemike3137 says : When my daughter was 11 years old, I took her with me to install a cement shower base (and run plumbing) to it in one of our rental units. I dragged the cement mixer behind our truck, with pipes sticking out of it. Neither of us knew what we were doing and we brought a booklet with us to teach us basic plumbing and cement work. We laughed hysterically together and approached it like a puzzle. We go it in and it even drained. She still remembers the "incident" with love and humor. Now that she is 52, she still remembers this as a fun "spot" in her childhood. We are still close. She and her husband now own 17 rental units. Sanjosemike (no longer in CA)>> <<@abigailboyd2534 says : My son told me that around 13 years old. I understood but it felt painful because I’ve always been a single mom and I loved him and I did know what to say and show and teach to him but it still hasn’t been enough because I’m female. The operative word is enough. He said mama, you’re not a man I need to see and hear it from a man. It’s true.>> <<@madmanmapper says : tfw the thumbnail is a crying kid with the word 'nuts' in the middle. >_>>> <<@GypsyInTheHood says : Totally agree 💯>> <<@C-486 says : Did fine without my old man. Even outlasted him too.>> <<@barrypeterson9692 says : How do I thumbs up this twice?>> <<@billaveda6408 says : My father wasn't perfect. But he was the best dad a boy could ever get.>> <<@phdcinnabar5754 says : WOMEN CANNOT RAISE MEN, it is impossible, they can raise polite boys, smart boys, and on and on, but you cannot raise men, and if you do not find them the right father figure, they will find there own, and that is disastrous, they will find a father figure on tv, the movies, gangs, the list is endless, but women have never in the history of the planet raised a man, you cannot teach boys how to be men, you are not men.>> <<@blueeyes3 says : Yes! When a father is absent, mothers need to have their sons around at least ONE good man. ❤>> <<@maryjaneothello78 says : I am the youngest of 8 children, 4 boys and 4 girls. My mother and father were married 53 years. I benefited from both male and female relatives. I learned a lot from the men in my family. As I grow older I really appreciate what my Dad and my brothers did for me. I let my two surviving brothers know what great role models they were to me. That's why I never could go along with man hating behavior.>> <<@ishtarlew598 says : Not only do boys need a male role model, but they also need a female role model in order to understand the proper treatment of women. This is the benefit of the traditional 2 parent family.>> <<@robedmund9948 says : Laugh at this if you want, but LBJ and his ilk KNEW this fact and knew it well. Hence, they set out to destroy the Black family unit. And they mostly succeeded.>> <<@SadSackGaming says : Boys and girls benefit greatly from male and female role models for two simple reasons. One, it gives them parameters for how the same sex should behave as good men or women. It teaches them how to be good men and good women. Two, it gives them parameters for how the other sex should behave as good men and women.>> <<@bugajk25 says : I agree We’re Lesbian couple with a son! My son has very important men in his life to teach him and toughen him up! He has 5 uncles 2 very close male cousins 1 grandpa and 3 neighbors who he can rely on at all times! They knew their role before we even had him! Hes in good hands and everyone in his life is blue collar- so he has fun learning all of their trades and they all love him like a son!! My kid is spoiled rotten by all of our family and friends! It takes a village and we love our tribe!>> <<@frvallima7024 says : Totally agree!! Greetings from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.>> <<@carcucov says : Excellent video with excellent content. Thanks!!>> <<@kongmengyang1098 says : Male model? Zoolander???>> <<@hephep7426 says : But Dennis, will you model for a boy that he should look at pornographic images? Given that you seem to think that lusting over images is okay and that lusting isn't exactly the same thing as coveting, I wonder if you engage in looking at images of pornography too? I had the deepest respect for most everything you say including the importamce of fathers, but your opinion on viewing pornography is really showing that you are the same as most people with out Christ Without repenting and turning towards Jesus Christ Jesus who truly understood the law of Moses and clarified it for everyone, that it's not just your actions but your actual thoughts and that will cause you to sin. I've lost a lot of respect for you>> <<@craxd1 says : You need a father to teach you stoicism, and how to be a man. That's something a mother can't do.>> <<@maguszeal5818 says : Thanks dad 😊>> <<@AMX86 says : Yes, boys NEED role model men to help guide and outline tbeir lives.>> <<@Aliensurfer says : My father left my mom when I was born. But when I was 11 I got a stepfather. He was emotionally distant also. But he was one of the hardest workers I ever met. Provided mom and I our first tv, our first car, our first home and there was always food on our table. That was how he showed love. Died on the job at age 56 of a heart attack. I went on to serve in the AirForce, start my own successful business, and have my own family.>> <<@AmericanBlackLeague says : If only women would stop getting pregnant with the children of criminals and chads, then expect other men to raise them society would be much better off>> <<@ndb232 says : ❤🎯>> <<@B.Whittaker says : He’s a moral, ethical man but was a ‘distant’ father? Doesn’t sound very moral or ethical to me…>>