<<@1man2dogs1life says : Your life is awesome>> <<@zentriqPi says : Is this why I can keep scrolling through your short videos and ignore the fact that I'm incredibly hungry?>> <<@mrsoshadabaadman says : To think getting an MRI in my little South Africa is about 0.75 USD. But in the welthiest country in the world. It costs an arm and a leg.>> <<@Sunluvr1 says : Now I know why learning new things gives me such great pleasure .>> <<@recieve.believe3344 says : Why does this short video remind me of the movie Total Recall?😅>> <<@johannesr8709 says : Funny, I basically have a module in my studies about this. I held a talk about how we process speech just yesterday haha>> <<@gsz-v1v says : I hate the sounds, I hate the enclosed space, I hate every bit of it and I pray to God I never ever have to have one again 😩>> <<@TheLoganstreet says : Fmri>> <<@sentatsantilis2591 says : So cool! Thanks for sharing!!>> <<@khwrsmasultan5821 says : Homie didn't knew you were that thin>> <<@gabrielsilvas692 says : Niceee. *South park nice*>> <<@FishareFriendsNotFood972 says : This is so cool, I can't wait for the full episode>> <<@IndyRommelCo says : Uuuugh … the noise & if you have go … 🥹🥹🥹>> <<@FreedomFinanceFun says : Maps. Johnny is mapping his brain now>> <<@zonatedspore97acamas says : Scientists found out that pee isn't stored in the balls but in the brain.>> <<@Tupolev.114 says : Nothing's gonna happen when I'm in it then>> <<@FacterinoCommenterino says : Today's Fact: In 2020, researchers discovered a new type of dinosaur in Argentina that had a long, swan-like neck and flippers instead of arms.>>