<<@bobsmith-ui8uw says : Eisenhower also warned of the techno-academic complex, but everyone seems to forget that part>> <<@SeanBrannan-yc5tk says : President Ike , another of one of my favorite Presidents. 🇺🇸🇺🇸>> <<@davidjohansson1459 says : Dwight David Eisenhower. David har namnsdag i Sverige den 25:e Juni. David has namneday in Sweden on the 25th of June.>> <<@JarodFarrant says : He also overthrew Iran 1st democratically elected government in 1953.>> <<@Dennis-nc3vw says : 0:40 Goddamn! 😳>> <<@jeancaron9325 says : He is Better then any DEMS,s members.>> <<@DonFrankel says : It wasn't just any old Federal troops sent to Little Rock. It was the 101st Airborne Division. The same guys he said goodbye to on June 5, 1944. Same guys he sent into Bastogne in December 44. It showed he meant business.>> <<@genoinjian7729 says : Politicians should be made to learn the world’s history before becoming politicians. I hated history & science growing up but now love it. History just repeats itself over & over again. The weapons are the only thing that changes>> <<@genoinjian7729 says : Dwight new the military inside & out>> <<@genoinjian7729 says : No Dwight D. Eisenhower was on the straight & narrow path party. He got attack by the left & right. I read IKE that showed me just how important a president he was & if he didn’t become president Billy Graham & the rest of leaders believed if he didn’t become president are nation would fall. I believe this was true and he was the most important president in history. The other nations were afraid of IKE and he kept peace for 8 years. We have roads because of Ike too>> <<@redblaze8700 says : Eisenhower also supported the 1953 coup in Iran which overthrew its' democratic system and imposed the Shah as absolute monarch of the country, and thus planting the seeds for the 1979 Islamic revolution. And that was all because the democratic Iranian government had nationalised the oil fields which used to belong to the British. And this is also one example of how the U.S. has a tendency to get rid of another countrys' government because they either went against American interests, or because they experimented with an economic system that was slightly to the left of Capitalism, and American elites don't want to see any othe system but Capitalism as being successful.>> <<@meinking22 says : Ike was a true patriot and legend. If only we had heeded his advice more closely.>> <<@Dane2177 says : My favourite President of the modern era. A great man.>> <<@TickedOffPriest says : One of the best presidents ever.>> <<@samcotten2416 says : Putting Earl Warren and William Brennan on the Supreme Court knocks Ike’s presidential grade down to a C. When asked whether he had any regrets about his presidency, Ike said two and both were sitting on the Supreme Court. Nothing did more to destroy the US Constitution in the 20th Century than the Warren Court.>> <<@sgtpepperz25 says : IDK, at this point Mcarthy might have been right, we are in a socialist sh*t hole 70 years later...>> <<@mcutrim72 says : I like Ike, but McCarthy was right.>> <<@tashacooper1753 says : My grandfather protected him during the war>> <<@jeremywheeler2122 says : One of my favorite presidents. Still hated what the CIA did in Iran under him.>> <<@timmothy58 says : i always feel safe and fortunate with your videos...often get a tear in my eye...thank you so much...love...>> <<@KCKingdomCreateGreatTrekAgain says : This is part of why Republicans love the 50’s and Democrats hate the 50’s.>> <<@johnbrown4568 says : I really Like Ike 👍💪👏>> <<@seangriffin2053 says : Sounds like 'Ike' wasn't swayed by the war profiteers. Good for him. He already saw the worst war and didn't want us in another one. Being a general, he also knew how to read people and their capabilities.>> <<@RYTHMICRIOT says : The older I get the more I question the history we were taught. Seems like it was taught from the perspective that the "good guys" won every war. Then I remember the saying, "history is written by the victor".>> <<@ItsGroundhogDay says : Then after the 60s, the government said you don't need a daddy because we are your daddy.>> <<@dandreer3150 says : And yet, despite all of his accomplishments, during the 1956 Suez Canal crisis, Eisenhower made the same fatal mistake Joe Biden is making now: throwing his allies under the bus to appease a dictator. I'm not talking about Adolf Hitler but Gamal Abdel Nasser, Egypt's president. Instead of fully supporting the UK, France, and Israel, he abandoned them in the hope of encouraging Egypt to join the Western anti-communist bloc when in fact Nasser had all along intended to side with the USSR and was simply playing Eisenhower.>> <<@bartonstano9327 says : Eisenhower kept the peace BECAUSE he had seen war [he was horrified by the destruction of the Germans at the Falaise pocket in 1944]. This was a "early highway of death".>> <<@bandiras2 says : McCarthy was right. Just look around. He was right with nearly everything.>> <<@WolfGuardian495 says : I understand his want for peace, but some of those decisions have had future consequences. Putting off something can lead to worse problems later.>> <<@jwilburn4712 says : As a Kansas native I am proud that it was Abilene, KS that Eisenhower considered his boyhood home. To the non-veterans who want to bash IKE for being too passive try to attempt to put yourselves in his shoes or veterans who saw friends they had just spoken to just minutes-hours before thier death in combat. Or rows or piles of dead bodies. Just a small glimpse of Sherman's words, "War is HELL">> <<@Col_K says : Ike kept the peace, but he sold out Hungary in the process. He led them to believe America would come to their aid if the Soviets invaded them.>> <<@Rickblaine1942 says : So now we are praising this lying murderer? He knowingly covered the attrocities committed by the Bolsheviks and blamed them to the Germans. An adulterer who in the comfort of his home in London during the war was banging his female driver, while young men were being slaughtered at his orders. He intentionally refused to send supplies to General George Patton so he could go and get Berlin before the Bolsheviks did. General George Patton paid with his life in a supposed car accident because he was exposing the truth about the atrocities the Bolsheviks were committing and the Americans were covering. How come no one talks about the 9 million Germans who perished at the hands of the Bolsheviks in the subsequent years following the end of World War II?>> <<@PapaScarbs says : McCarthy was right on a lot of what he was saying IMO look where we are now 🤔>> <<@AnthonyEvelyn says : I like Ike, but McCarthy was right.>> <<@lowenstaat says : Ike's presidency was pivotal in the twentieth century history of the United States.>> <<@earllsimmins9373 says : Wage peace? He started our involvement in Vietnam by sending in 5000 troops into South Vietnam to prop up a corrupt regime the people were tired of. But right wing propaganda sounds much nicer. In the end 2,000,000 Americans died for "Ike's Folly">> <<@jaredite8388 says : You can read the General Wedemaiers report from China and how Marshall betrayed China to the communists and how Wedemaier was gagged by this evil man!>> <<@jaredite8388 says : Holy hell, George Marshall was the greatest betrayal of America and all freedom loving people in the world. George Marshall we know for a fact that he betrayed Chiang Kai Sekh and allowed Mao to take power in China. George Marshall should be reviled by every single generation. That piece of shit was nothing short of a communist puppet or globalist piece of crap. Whether or not he was a communist he might as well have been, it was because of him that China became a communist country. There are many of the studies that exist now about how far west was lost to the Communists and George c Marshall and his irrational bizarre behavior is in the center of it all.>> <<@dickiejoe01 says : Desegregation and building roads were probably the only good things Ike did. Now I understand why my mom did not like Ike. To me you make him sound like a commy simp. Joe McCarthy was a great American. He was trying to root out communists that were in the government and entertainment. Mr. Prager, how can you allow such trash on your site?>> <<@bosse641 says : At 60, I only remember the Reagan years, the 80s was the best. It's been downhill since. Sadly. So ruined and lost now. When I compare America with what I saw in the 80s it's nearly as if those are two different planets. God help America.>> <<@vernonkuhns3561 says : Yes, he kept the peace by bending over for our enemies. North Korea is now a nuclear power. He suppressed our best general to do that. Vietnam was proceeding under him and grew to a major conflict. He did not support Israel, another festering sore still around. Hungary became Communist and is currently the weakest against Pooties. Eisenhower also failed on keeping our gubmint free of communists. He suppressed McCarthy. No real investigation of the communist infiltration of our gubmint. You claim McCarthy could not prove his claims. He proved some until Eisenhower took all the records needed for the investigation into the Whitehouse under a NEW executive privilege. We now know McCarthy was right based on extensive intelligence records from the period. Actually our gubmint knew then. Eisenhower was active in allowing the continued subversion of this country by Communists. I am not arguing intent. I am simply stating facts. Yes, Eisenhower warned about both the Military Industrial Complex AND the University Research Complex. Interestingly enough, like a lot of other leaders warning us on their way out, he did NOTHING to stem their growth while he was in office. Why is Prager U pushing such a distorted, whitewashed version of this man??>> <<@freedomwriter1995 says : We could use a man like Ike today.>> <<@freedomwriter1995 says : Life was getting better for blacks but it didn't stop all the lynchings.>> <<@freedomwriter1995 says : Wish there was someone today as willing to stand up to the military industrial complex as Ike was back then.>> <<@toddsmith293 says : Ike, imo, is perhaps the most UNDERRATED president in American history. I firmly believe that we would have had WWIII back in the 50's if not for IKE. I LIKE IKE>> <<@francispitts9440 says : President Eisenhower had a great strategic understanding of not only war but the way countries work. He was a wise battlefield leader and just as wise as a civilian leader. I will always feel he was among the best Presidents we’ve had. He understood that strength is essential for peace.>> <<@SHARKVADERS says : PRAGERU!!!!!>> <<@davidthelander1299 says : I like Ike …. :)>> <<@not-fishing4730 says : Ike was a Good Man. What difference does the party affiliation make? (of course Dems were much more conservative back then)>> <<@somewinner8229 says : Eisenhower was a coward for not pushing for complete victory in Korea. The north under Kim would have never happened if he had listened to his generals 😢>>