<<@SolaScriptura4Me says : About dinosaurs, worldwide geological evidence isn't lying about the former existence of dinosaurs. It's just the evolutionary fairy tale about dinosaur origins that's lying. The ancient stories of dragons came about for good reason. The whole chapter 41 of the Bible’s book of Job is God telling Job about a creature called Leviathan, saying things like: “Job 41:15 His scales are his pride, shut up together as with a close seal. Job 41:16 One is so near to another, that no air can come between them. Job 41:17 They are joined one to another, they stick together, that they cannot be sundered. Job 41:18 By his neesings (sneezing) a light doth shine, and his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning. Job 41:19 Out of his mouth go burning lamps, and sparks of fire leap out. Job 41:20 Out of his nostrils goeth smoke, as out of a seething pot or caldron.” And in the book of Isaiah, God, speaking through the prophet says, “Isa 27:1 In that day the LORD with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea.” God used something the people were familiar with in an analogy about how He would deliver Israel from its enemies. In Job chapter 40 God describes Behemoth which sounds like a Brachiosaurus, Job 40:15 Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox. Job 40:16 Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly. Job 40:17 He moveth his tail like a cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together. Job 40:18 His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron. Just because they cannot be found today doesn’t mean they never existed. They’re just extinct, like thousands of other animals.>> <<@living_florida3251 says : Good morning, I like the clip with Morgan Freeman.💕>> <<@nativegirl559 says : How do you feel about Kat Williams saying the Adam and Eve story was wrong? It wasn’t because she ate the Apple it was because they were siblings. I legit feel like nothing in this world is true anymore>> <<@begrateful6153 says : What makes Candace a beautiful soul is the fact that she’s not a hypocrite. Those who are hypocrites scream out against abortion, killing unborn babies, and yet applaud Israel for killing innocent, children and babies!>> <<@Just-Pinups says : So how far should this "porn ban" go? Do you want people like me to go to jail just because we draw boobs?>> <<@tbsnwbrdng7 says : they lie for power. they already have too much money to fatham. cant land on the moon nasa says its plasma God says it a light. the earth is not moving it is a plane ie “airplane” planes couldnt land if it was spinning. my dad and brother are both pilots. abortion is terrible they say its not a “life” yet ? well then why do they have to kill it? all life is precious. there is always another way. thank you Candace you are speaking truth and opening eyes. keep on doing what your doing! its awesome!>> <<@DesignsByRareBeauty says : Moon landing definitely didn't happen. Will never happen. Can never happen. The earth is stationary. It is a disc up on a foundation. It has a firmament/dome above it. The stars, moon and sun are under the dome with us and a lot closer than "THEY" say. They know all this and have known for quite a while. The globe, spinning earth, moon landing and alien crap is fed to us in order to hide God. Aliens are nothing more than demons messing with us. The powers that be worship and communicate with the fallen ones. Technology is gotten from the fallen ones. Do you really think man has thought it all up on his own? Satan hates mankind and has set out to destroy us from day one. He's doing a pretty good job of it. And the idiots that worship him think he's the good guy. They are not too bright. There is no doubt in my mind that the Obama's, the Clinton's, the Biden's, the Bushes and many more worship and are collaborating with him. God put the lights in the heaven/sky for light during the day, the sun. And the stars and moon for night lights. There is no space station, there is no mars exploration. All made in movie studios. As was the moon landing. Could go on and on but I'm going to stop for now. No dinosaurs! The Earth is only a little bit more than 6,000 years old. Our history is in the Bible. Believe it! Man and the fallen ones lie. God does not. Most science is nothing more than science fiction. This gender crap is a new thing and has only been around a short while. I am a 65 year old woman. It could have been around in Noah's time though. Because in the book of Revelation it says the end times will be the same as in Noah's time. Atrocities, chaos and confusion. That's why the world was destroyed with the flood. And as I listen to your show I will add more to my comments. Morgan Freeman is so right. We need to stop saying black or white or yellow or red. It's totally ridiculous. We are not our skin color. We are human beings. It behooves our government for this narrative to continue though. It keeps a lot of people's eyes on that narrative instead of watching what they're doing. Which is always no good! Abortion is one of the most evil things. It feeds Satan. It makes him happy. Like I said before he hates human kind. The people that worship him are sick and twisted. Totally agree with you Candace about pornography. Meant to destroy the family.>> <<@senaska4328 says : Hitler had a HUGE support among germans, the idea that nazi were some space aliens that abduct their country is just a way to relinquish responsibility. Germans kidnapped 300k of children from Poland and other occupied countries, destroyed the country, stole artwork... guess what, they still have stolen artwork in their museums and private collections!! Only a couple of years ago it was discovered that universities in germany were teaching medicine on skeletons of their jewish and Polish victims. They still PROFIT from the war. No, I don't agree with blaming germans today for the war, I think it's stupid. But they should return what they stole and still hold in their possession, they need to stop profiting from the war if they want any understanding from me. First jews completely took over any debate over ww2, now germans are trying to do the same.>> <<@lifeveteran79 says : She walk that walk and talk that talk 💪🏾💯>> <<@RayRayNYC says : There were no dinosaurs....PERIOD>> <<@RyansRight says : Candace is the only person I trust when News Comes Out>> <<@1v1mebro_101 says : I don't trust bill maher at all. But i do trust elon musk. If elon says we had the capabilties to go to the moon then and that its real i believe him.>> <<@GODEMPERORDOOM616 says : Porn can be good and bad Men have to have some way to release sexual tension and you're not going to force women to do it there has to be something in place>> <<@ScreamingButterfly999 says : Fully agree, porn is a tool to destroy the fabric of society . Cardis B. ,can’t afford to look at her life or actions, she would crumble. Candace is a genius and really very special.>> <<@wesBlue says : Ban porn and woman that dress vulgar.>> <<@JDDees says : You are CORRECT... that other girl is WRONG!>> <<@_elliesings says : Ban pornography!!!! its is enslavement. It makes men weak and ruins marriages.>> <<@russellclement2058 says : I didnt learn about war from school ,, I learnt about it from my Grandfather , he was there , clearing the mines off the beach with a bulldozer ,,>> <<@russellclement2058 says : But porn is all fake ,,>> <<@gregl.thomas2286 says : We love you, Candace! I am very much aware of the wicked Zi@nist attempts to unfairly destroy you! Keep speaking the truth!>> <<@erey7001 says : That is bad science.>> <<@thebareknucklebaron2529 says : I can take you to fossils still in the ground… my town uncovered an entire triceratops skeleton and a T. rex skull… and a hadrosaur>> <<@taylorcenter7720 says : The fact that he smoked in front of candace while she was visibly pregnant is awful>> <<@LuzMaria95 says : I don’t 100% without a shadow of a doubt believe that the moon landing is real and actually happened.>> <<@lolatank8328 says : Or maybe Carbdi B just mentally okay (in this sense) and any depiction of people doing anything doesn’t affect her as much ? Actually men cheated more back in the days lol. And it makes sense. Human is lazy naturally with having faster option they will use it( even if quality is lower). Go be a mom then dude>> <<@jackvollo7541 says : Morgan freeman is Jimi Hendrix. Go further down the 60s rabbit hole>> <<@jhart3983 says : Candace: Why is faith and science being made out as enemies? The creator was the greatest scientist. Ecclesiastes told us thousands of years ago that the earth is a sphere and the wind circles around it. The Bible never taught the world was flat. Many scientists were men of faith like Albert Einstein who wrote that science cannot create the ends but at most, can supply the means to attain certain ends, but the ends are conceived by personalities who determine society. He warned not to overestimate science and scientific methods when it is a question of solving human problems, and we should not assume that experts are the only ones who have a right to express themselves on questions affecting the organization of society. In my opinion, as science is so often controlled by governments, how can we put our whole trust in it? The research and outcomes are predetermined and pressure is given to present outcomes that fit a narrative. Just like the media is controlled. Just look at the MKUltra. Perhaps the science could have had a good purpose but was turned into a monster. Also Candace, you may want to know that there is a Canadian connection with MKUltra. See the link regarding our Supreme Court's decision with regard to the MKUltra class action. It just ruled to keep their agreement with the US--their immunity. There are other articles that explain how the US requested to be kept out of the mess up here. https://www-cbc-ca.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7219478?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17258527217829&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbc.ca%2Fnews%2Fcanada%2Fmontreal%2Fmk-ultra-supreme-court-of-canada-class-action-1.7219478>> <<@safiyyah_ says : Candace, never stop speaking on topics like this!!! As a Muslim girl, you have no idea how much I needed to hear some of the things you've said.>> <<@jorgearroyo9138 says : Maybe when the country stop being afraid of taking about sex, and parents stop being afraid to teach their children, we may not need or desire porn.>> <<@jorgearroyo9138 says : No I don't believe it happened>> <<@talithaminnaar7777 says : ● The Bible says we live under a hard, domed, glass-like FIRMAMENT. There is no such thing as 'space'. ● The Bible says the sun and the moon are LIGHTS. You can not land on a light. ● The Bible says the earth is STATIONARY. Not a round spinning ball. ●The Bible says the earth is God's FOOTSTOOL. ● The Bible says the sun and the moon MOVES around a stationary earth. ● The Bible says the earth has ENDS. Yes, a twenty metre high ice wall surrounding all the lands and oceans. ● The Bible says the earth stand on PILLARS. ● The word NASA in Hebrew means : To DECEIVE.>> <<@EcthelionOTF says : I disagree with your distrust in all scientists or science. It’s important to look at the character of those making certain claims There is push back against Transitioning and Gender Theory. If you search for it, you will find people disproving all of these claims, and rather easily I might add. If people do research, you will find the truth eventually with enough research and critical thinking. As far as I’ve been able to discern, the Moon Landings absolutely happened and there is no truth to any of the conspiracy theory. It is true the government shouldn’t be trusted at face value, but you can’t disbelieve everything just based on a belief that government lies. Liars have to say the truth enough that you believe the lies. At least until their hold over you is complete, and we are only seeing that as of recently.>> <<@paulineburel says : Candace I wonder what your thoughts are on aliens ?>> <<@sistahleah2025 says : Sodom and Gahmora usa is finished I am not 🚫 seeing this in the five countries I have lived in smh>> <<@sistahleah2025 says : Real truth sistah smh 😒 I've spoken to people who escaped usa saying the government the political arena they left usa its so wicked demonic>> <<@sistahleah2025 says : Exactly why after my husband passed away I took my daughter and escaped usa three years five months ago I will never come back to usa so wicked evil my daughter is safer is away from USA>> <<@sistahleah2025 says : 💯💯💯💯💯💯>> <<@normangebauer5111 says : id be willing to bet that if porn got banned that Sex Crimes will sky rocket>> <<@abdirisaqjacda9305 says : I'm a Muslim with 3 daughters so i genuinely couldn't rise my daughters in this usa European education system which endicrinate the kids So now im in Russia still education is not hundred percent pure but much better than those>> <<@AndrewTate2Prison says : Clearly your good friend Andrew Tate has gay tendencies. He seems to not enjoy being with women so he just wants to make money off of them and impress man. He also admits to type chatting with men in a sexual way by pretending he was the only fans model that they thought they were talking to.>> <<@AndrewTate2Prison says : Ummm....a good friend of yours and a longtime friend of your british aristocratic husband support Andrew Tate who has profited in a HUGE way via pornography. SO, you're a huge hypocrite>> <<@TinusTegenlicht says : You say ban porn, but celebrate Andrew Tate......hmmmm>> <<@MichaelS1995 says : As if Cardi B couldn't get any worse.....>> <<@hunterxxvi says : 🐐>> <<@tonyvalle794 says : Can I half celebrate? I'm Mixed.>> <<@MatthewPurcell-yx4jg says : Love this show 😊>> <<@alicianowell9758 says : Moon landing 😮‍💨 I wanna believe lol cause how awesome would that be but yeah umm I got questions 👀😅>> <<@annawright8716 says : About the dinosaur thing from a teen I wasn’t really buying it at least not the way science explained it. I will say the Bible seems to reference dinosaurs in the book of job 40:15-24. There were also giants I’d guess those things died off not sure how tho pretty thankful they’re gone tho lol>> <<@SucelyVictoria says : Immortal technique has been raping about this through this music !!>> <<@GlobalMusic4Life says : The astronauts told us they did not land on the moon>>