<<@ctfireinsky9554 says : Sex roles are predicated on 1 simple fact. Women are the ones that get pregnant, Men Don't! From that 1 fact everything flows forth. As a man if I have sex and impregnate 100 Women then it's official. I win the genetic vanity contest we call reproduction. If a woman has sex with 100 men and gets pregnant then she's a loser in that game. No sane man with any options will invest in a child that might not be his.>> <<@MrHellforged says : Feminist in this day and age are man haters. What are they fighting for ? Tell me a right a man has and a woman has not in the western country's. Nobody is stopping you to do anything. You make the choise not to do it. We welcome all woman to work the jobs we work. Come to the oilrig come be a fisherman come be a roadworker come be a builder come work in the steel industrie. You dont want to ? riiiiiight. But its the man holding you back ? Go start that bussines by all means. Go become a CEO be an engineer. You dont want to ? O sorry i tought it was our fault. You want kids well you can but you will sacrifice your career for it man cant have children so he works and you have a baby there is no other way. After you got the baby by all means go back to full time working dont let me or the baby hold you back.>> <<@seds94 says : important conversation. thanks for doing this>> <<@4144758 says : Good stuff>>