<<@Rayder2341 says : Idubbbz is so pathetic man. Its just sad. How do you let a girl walk all over you like that>> <<@GatorTheLegend says : Crazy world we live in>> <<@Ironhide16 says : I think it’s ironic that she says commentary creators have to keep making videos about people to stay relevant, and Ian stopped making content cops and is one of the most irrelevant people on the site>> <<@DROPKICKaZOMBIE says : 11:39 pigeon hole. 🤣>> <<@AltairEgo1 says : A week? Man I know wage slavery sucks and all. We all hate it, but you cry after a week of an honest day's work? Sad>> <<@kimikokiyumi3672 says : I'm sorry but why must Every female behind a cam have her tits out..? You lose all credibility and respect in my opinion, but it's whatever>> <<@mattyb1624 says : He needs to cut out all sugar, carbs and fibre. It will fix him. I had a much worse IBD case, it saved me.>> <<@bugtesties says : Love aussies shitting on idubbbz it’s perfect especially hearing a woman shitting on her>> <<@Lucy_chan says : From youtube king to common clown and completely cucked by of girl>> <<@tatsusama3192 says : I'm getting crazy Jada Pinkett Smith vibes from her and this whole relationship>> <<@purpleranger5987 says : You’re in the CreepCast “Greylock” video the show by wendigoon and Meat Canyon. I watched this video before but go to 14:29 and you’ll find them laughing t your thumbnail. It was my favorite part of their video 😂. Rest in piss Yoko Ono e already got a shooter for “John Lennon”>> <<@TurntBucket says : It's one thing to mature. That's not what happened. He just became woke. If anything he is more childish than ever.>> <<@TurntBucket says : The "say n-word" thing was liked because there were clips of her saying it in the past and he exposed her. The "say n-word" bit is just him bringing her past to haunt her. He took a hard line stance that you should be able to joke about anything and more generally there shouldn't be magic words that are off limits like they are Voldemort. Tana however had the more PC stance on the word so it makes her a huge hypocrite that there were videos of her saying it.>> <<@VincentAllen-s3z says : Bearing and Sugar Tits getting stronger by the day>> <<@mantisman3396 says : anisa is the intranet failing>> <<@BowenEros-gt8gn says : The word isn't about you, though, Bearing. It's easy to dissect why a word isn't or shouldn't be offensive when the word isn't about you. Pillocks were definitely celebrating the word, in and of itself, regardless of context. The context was just icing on the cake. The meat of the issue is how fun the word is, and the excuse to use the word is the bonus. You weren't there when people approached Idubbbz, so you can't really say: "the joke is about embarrassing a bimbo, it has nothing to do about the word!">> <<@Rich-can-do says : I think about these people and, wonder how they talk crap for content. Sounds like a thing that can turn self destructive pretty quickly for a few more views.>> <<@josephholloway6403 says : I would defo rather watch funny content, than watch a WHOweRE talk about people that make funny content.>> <<@P.I.Staker1982 says : She admitted to pegging him 😂>> <<@timtayloe8987 says : Anyone they turns into a "ally" is the person that would have been a nazi killing the jews in ww2. In other words they'll bend the knee no matter how extreme to survive, they have no spine nor morals.>> <<@davemac9087 says : The female bear really holds the male bear up in this podcast video. Like you can tell the female bear is a bit more of an intuitive thinker, more than the male bear. Just use your head a bit more and think more than downgrading to the lowest common denominator type of topics to discuss.>> <<@GrabEmByThePlushie says : I worked with a guy that took his wife's last name, and i think it's the only reason it would every be acceptable to take the woman's name. They grew up together, his dad was very abusive and just straight trash. Her dad was a big father figure for him growing up. I personally knew her dad before i met either one of them, and dude is really a good fella. So he took their name out of respect and love he had for her father. They're all good people.>> <<@RatWorldMedia says : She's abusing him>> <<@kaydee4296 says : This reminds me of the Onision marriages nightmare.>> <<@TheSands83 says : Never even heard of these people>> <<@ugthakthedestroyer4566 says : subbed mint takes only>> <<@Spice-_- says : Love the woman and man perspective as well it’s awesome man glad yall happy together>> <<@wobina says : Ahhhh I love getting the breath of fresh air that I always get when I listen to you both ❤>> <<@duderitoz6953 says : Its great when priviliged tools like anisa whine. Ive been working since i was 14, & until recently did around 60 hours a week on top of a part time gig in a woodshop, chucking wood or ripping lumber. By no means am i proud of having worked like that, but people like her should know it can be a hell of alot worse than whining to a Camera for probably thousands>> <<@jennifers8843 says : Progressives destroy everything including Idubzz>> <<@hetein says : The way she talks about working, I call BS. You ether know what you have done or you are tripping over your words lying.>> <<@ItsJustMeCody22 says : The beginning of a rape narrative. She said he “made” her do OF. Guarantee he gets allegations thrown his way. Used to love Ian, and now Ian is a background character in his own life.>> <<@Jorokusaki says : So yeah does that mean black women are pulling a double?...>> <<@eTown-hf2rk says : Hump day If you like 😂😂😂>> <<@alexdebruin7454 says : I dubbb gay now 😢>> <<@DanielDillard95 says : I fucking love you guys so much>> <<@A_Frog_from_mars12 says : Yeah i don't agree with calling him a soy boy for the not eating gluten part. Its different when someones doing it as a fad diet. But when its not by choice, it is something you gotta be genuinely strong to live with.>> <<@TeoGrehan says : Such a great point. They're married and both owe each other their allegiance, straight up. She threw him under so bad lol>> <<@Domeschannel57 says : This is the first time I've seen what Anisa looks like. I always just assumed she was super hot to have this effect on Ian. Boy was I wrong>> <<@qbasic16 says : Ian seems to be on some psych medication...>> <<@coolmcdude says : hahah aww 18:36 she didnt know what bukake was>> <<@danforbes4513 says : Why he shits him self is she is pegging him>> <<@jimbexley9761 says : The point of idubzz doing the tana mongoose (as she will now be known) n-word bit was because she'd previously been recorded saying it in a derogatory way, then when caught claimed she didn't know it was a racist term. Only idiots would have taken from that content cop that Idubzz was actually racist. Tana years later even admitted she deserved it.>> <<@DSFXRENDER says : that's me scared to death of going outside>> <<@DSFXRENDER says : times was different back then, imagine apologizing because people in todays world can't handle shit that happened YEARS ago. frail beings.>> <<@saddestcat says : Idubbbz fall from Grace should be documented. Bros probably in chastity too.>> <<@Absolute_Goblin says : She's got a Jezebel spirit or some generic demon inside of her. There's no way a person can be so sh*tty and deceive a man so thoroughly. Ian is totally blind and being driven straight to hell figuratively and literally.>> <<@pollythepolarbear5178 says : If she looked like she tried she might be sorta cute but the tats and stuff and just everything else shes very unattractive>> <<@jeremypayne5078 says : I know men who get into relationships like this. You're not her partner, you're her fucking slave. GET OUT NOW>> <<@reggintoggaf7140 says : 1:33 that’s all I need to hear 🎉>>