<<@florenbaron7111 says : Massive money laun`dering.>> <<@florenbaron7111 says : Sending money to other countries without the consent of we the people is theft and illegal. No taxation without representation.>> <<@jackd.ripper3139 says : Why are all there ALWAYS young gay men with obnoxious lisps ALWAYS IN CHARGE of OF………. Something??‼️ It’s becoming obvious that the bye-den Admin. has an agenda- & btw, i’m NOT anti-gay at all… i don’t like nepotism of ANY kind, got it???>> <<@johnholliday5874 says : I now understand how and why the peasants of Paris turned the Place de la Concorde into a carnival in the 1790s, Madame DeFarge counting her stitches.>> <<@joseker2186 says : Send it>> <<@axiom.ai.obviousbattletank7139 says : We're at untold billions in Ukraine. My favorite disaster relief fund.>> <<@jamescoale2833 says : Sounds to me like foreign aid for the most part is a giant money laundering scheme for politicians in Washington DC, as well as bureaucrats and managers of bureaucracies.>> <<@brunoantony9257 says : are there any non-gay men in the biden administration?>> <<@johnx4181 says : What about the Clinton foundation...1.2 billion....Sean Penn?>> <<@danardalin says : Oh look... it's the fake OMG. Hi liars.>> <<@halfasshuntingclub5330 says : WHY DID WE PAY TAXES TO FUND THIS?>> <<@MinaDiesse says : Kenya? Oh ... who else comes from that country? Funny coincidence 😅>> <<@kingdomofhope3371 says : Aid disguised as war. Wow! We are being robbed!>> <<@thefitzs says : Are they all gay??>> <<@isaywhatisay...7185 says : Slave and Boss game to what extent, freedom? Government is slavery, you the people? Humanity over Politics.. #DeCentralizing #Universality #PublicSafty #Universal_Revolution #UnfinishedAssignment #UniversalConsciousness #NaturalLaw #Anarchists #Freedom #MaximumWages #LoveAlways Can you say #Pre_Planned? It is animal consciousness that human using, not the universal consciousness. All is mind so it all starts within: Government is slavery, "Humanity over Politics." Religions are to be private just how it was invented, all little people will be learning good from bad in due time, so keep your beliefs private, when outside in public we are all Human, not animal. #SelfReparenting "Know Danger No Fear" Rules or the Law? Rules they say that it was made and it is to be broken, but no one and nothing can escape the Law. #Unlawful? You the people? "We are That i AM." All is mind, universe is mental & your heart is the center of the whole universe. #Self_Reparenting>> <<@namenameson9065 says : You can't help people who won't help themselves, and trying to save the world is bringing us all down to the same level of barbarism. It has to stop.>> <<@jburns3888 says : Jimmy Dore interviewed an expert who explained what's going on in Haiti & this farce force. Kids spending millions on an idiot's junkets.>> <<@GooGooBarabajagal says : Imagine a country sending cops from another country to police your country. What citizen would agree to that?>> <<@kimbuie7535 says : SOUNDS LIKE OBAMA IS PLANTING HIS ESCAPE MONEY IN HIS HOME COUNTRY.>> <<@jamessammaro6887 says : These liberal busy bodies should mind their own business they have no right to interfere in other countries Affairs.>> <<@isrbillmeyer says : Good to see Project Veritas going to what they are supposed to do.>> <<@isrbillmeyer says : Can hear in that voice Is it mandatory to be LGBTQ to be in Biden Administration?>> <<@1530786 says : FJB! Coward!>> <<@wolftracker says : This guy goes by Ryan Hale and he has a youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/@RyanHaleYT>> <<@Losantiville says : In the old days “specials” couldn’t get security clearances cause of honey trap fears. Honey really works!>> <<@Craiglife777 says : Are there any 'hetro'sexuals working in the Jobama administration? It's a valid question.>> <<@billybadass3056 says : hey... what happened to all the subs that were suppose to leave this channel??LMAO??>> <<@stevenmiller3285 says : Is the entire administration gay? Because that would explain a lot about where we're at right now.>> <<@whitleypedia says : So that's how bad things are in Haiti that they need peacekeepers from Sub-Saharan Africa ...>> <<@intorsusvolo7834 says : “Sssssstho I’m like doing shady govment stuuuuuuuff, and liiiiiike….” 💅🏳️‍🌈>> <<@jrose-xp6tf says : Maybe start by STOPPING the violence right here, at home...those other nations will always be the way they are, until they are no more.>> <<@DylAlitY says : So a foreign mercenary police force? How/why is it legal for us to buy that?>> <<@DylAlitY says : Dude every single story they break just gets crazier and crazier>> <<@DylAlitY says : "For the first year" dude what>> <<@shadowscott9910 says : People don't care about spending other people's money. Even if those people can't afford groceries.>> <<@cavemanbum says : Another gay Biden administration crony caught in the Project Veritas honeypot. 🙄>> <<@DrEnginerd1 says : At a certain point you almost have to start filtering out gay men for these positions. They love to spill the beans apparently.>> <<@stephaniewilliams9469 says : They are throwing PROMISES of money at it, but as people realize they will never get paid cuz the program is BANKRUPT, this, too, will wind down……at least that’s the back-chatter…..>> <<@2legit2Kwit says : Precisely why I claim exempt and paid off everything. Tired of being fleeced in this domestic bankers war.>> <<@snakerstran9101 says : Translation: The corrupt non-Blacks in the government are giving a pot-o-gold to the corrupt Blacks in the government for equity.>> <<@BlackAbe007 says : 34 Trillion and Counting…>> <<@chuckles470s9 says : The truth hurts and is important. I feel bad for this person. Sometimes we all vent. It seems a little sleazy getting information this way.>> <<@sandradodd3558 says : Punchline: They ate them!!!>> <<@jaygibson5057 says : Why are they always gay?>> <<@HairyPixels says : Great so American blacks are motivated to help Haiti because they're the same race. That's who they really serve.>> <<@bonniedillon says : Shared>> <<@Seaileanu says : Dump Haiti.>> <<@lunger11 says : AND....................................................Nothing will happen>> <<@julietewing4847 says : Glad to hear it's stuck in Congress.>> <<@TimJBucci says : LoL why are these people so open with complete strangers asking so many specific questions!? Holy shit, people are so desperate to fuck randoms.>>