<<@cruztherapeuticcandles says : As graphic designer/marketer, they're hiring ppl in other countries. I'm competing with ppl in parts of Asia that charge pennies for design. And I'm in my 30s we've been dealing with this for AWHILE!>> <<@l03j27 says : Completely agree with them. I’ve got a bachelors and have been working for over 5 years full time & nowhere is hiring. It’s either ghosting or going with another candidate out of 200 applicants>> <<@plantsdogdogtortoise says : I don’t know how people live off 20$ an hour when I just bought a package of toilet paper for 25$. Everything sucks.>> <<@AllSven says : Don’t pay your loans - plain and simple - we were lied to and taken advantage of by boomer - don’t pay.>> <<@AllSven says : Yeah - the government is broke paying PENSIONS - you know those people called “teachers” that didn’t do shit and you were told to worship and they did nothing besides tell you to open a book and give you a pre-written test to take - the government is paying their pensions.>> <<@vonkunstler884 says : Degrees were and still are the biggest scam to young Americans. It sets up the youth to be indebted so badly they can’t get their lives started. It’s sickening>> <<@kidmac1514 says : Steven good job bro , u finding the hottest chicks to interview lol>> <<@kidmac1514 says : That brown hair is gorgeous>> <<@danielbyrd4783 says : Wanna make good money... don't be afraid to sweat and get sore...learn a trade...learn to build and machine....these young kids are afraid of working...44years old watching 20year olds huff n puff while I'm running circles around em>> <<@MrSMD-rr9xw says : But remember guys construction workers are the dumb ones the guys who went right into the trades straight out of high school or even during high school with no college debt making well over $100,000 a year for multiple years while these people were putting themselves in tremendous heap of debt while making zero>> <<@nathanaelharwood7512 says : Well for me, I’ve been trying to save money to start college but with how expensive my bills are it just seems impossible. And I’ve been trying for almost two years now. Yeah, times are tough but you do what you gotta do>> <<@speedstackingmaniac says : They look pretty enough; they can reject work culture and get husbands and have children.>> <<@dosidicusgigas1376 says : How can you not live making 20$ an hour? I understand its not a high salary, but come the fuck on thats more than what most of the people on Earth make in a month..>> <<@dustin802 says : Marketing degree is a useless degree.>> <<@timc1341 says : Employers: you need to have a degree to work here! Also employers: forget everything you learned in college, you won't use it on the job>> <<@AlexJones-ex8ox says : Im 35 i never went to college bcuz i didnt see the point so i dont buy into the whole predatory loans thing you were just stupid and not thinking for yourself trying to check off imaginary boxes like “go to college” bcuz yiu thought life was a movie smh i have a 715 credit score and less then $1500 in debt>> <<@jamesonshields4393 says : 20 a hour is 800 a week you can for sure live off that in dallas>> <<@jamesonshields4393 says : You can definitely live off of $20 a hour in Dallas>> <<@frankiecheech5262 says : Marketing degree = basket weaving degree. Unless you're going into the medical, law, or trade every degree is pretty much useless unless a family member or relative gets u a position in the company. 20/hr w a degree is a slap in the face w 150k in debt😢 in that case one can work anywhere for that pay minus the huge debt. Degree doesn't guarantee a great paying job w a cushy office in a high rise welcome to reality.>> <<@AlexusLeeannn says : I work in up to 130 degree weather 12 hour shifts for literally the same amount that McDonald’s workers get. You cannot live off it. I struggle the way it is>> <<@dianescotto511 says : College - deception for most>> <<@clanc433 says : You can easily live on 40k a year. You just can't live like you did in college where you wasted 20k of loan money on night life. Get a roommate, quit partying, and start real life.>> <<@smdsnowflakes5107 says : I thought onlythots paid well🤡>> <<@matthewgattone9893 says : Also struggling finding a full time decent paying job. I'm not getting jobs I'm overqualified for. It's a wild economy.>> <<@breezydagreat12 says : Baby boomers destroyed the country>> <<@angryhermit4291 says : I work at a sheet metal factory and I make 20 an hr. Took me ten years and this is the most I've ever made in my life. Struggling in a small city under the economy.>> <<@kjax139 says : Probably shouldn’t have gone to college for a position that doesn’t need a degree. Wasted your money there>> <<@_angl_ says : Enjoy your new jobs at Buc-ee's, ladies>> <<@JamesDobrozsi says : Thats why you dont do medicine for the money. People with a real passion for medicine are denied acceptance every day>> <<@asgeirkvitvik6685 says : good to see that not all Gen-Z'ers are idiots :)>> <<@10PercentForTheBigGuy says : You can definitely live off 20 an hour. You just can't live the life you want to live.>> <<@norwoodervin6976 says : Go vote for BIDEN it'll get even worse if you can imagine that.>> <<@sethgoldberg3300 says : Most worthless and oversaturated degree in existence.>> <<@mattplowman8800 says : I have 2 degrees and 4 certs, and make 100+k and it's not that hard. You just have to drive and don't stop. These people saying this don't try hard enough.>> <<@yourmomslvr5622 says : Horrible future mothers>> <<@nadineb2726 says : Well $20 an hour you don't need a bachelor's degree just moved to California and try to find a McDonald's that's still open.>> <<@KirkWilson86 says : Go to a trade school. Welding, electrical, HVAC, carpentry, automotive, etc>> <<@janahcoaching says : What? I do know 20 year olds who do online marketing and make good money.>> <<@jackdorseysdisappointedfather says : I WOULD JUST LIKE TO POINT OUT😇: I'm 36 years old, have been to prison, and have held over 22 different jobs since 18. I currently make $22 at a job THAT RESPECTS ME, which for my area is decently comfortable (bills is paid, i eat out often, and still save at least a 50 a week.) based solely on the fact that I'm articulate, presentable, can do math, and show up EVERY DAY to work after being told my whole life to eat the crap from knownothing disrespectful bosses and to make careers out of crap jobs. I chose no. Yes. Yall were lied to. We all were. Just with different lies.😑🤷‍♂️👍>> <<@groundshakersociety6637 says : College isn't always the way, i went military for 4 years and got out, i just got a job offer starting off at 30 an hour.>> <<@danieljonhson6367 says : She should try living on social security it's about half of minimum wage.>> <<@Darkbird946 says : Its always been hard. Our parents generation had to have multiple jobs sometimes. Suck it up.>> <<@Tyler_Flynn28 says : I feel bad for a lot of you I went right to work after highscool I became financially stable immediately I make more money then all my friends who have college degrees and tbh I feel bad. Like just bought my self a nice new car for my 23rd bday, I will never forget the first time my friends saw my Audi in my drive way right before I moved out of my parents house with my girlfriend and they were like wow man your dad got a new car that’s sick😅for some reason it seemed so impossible to them that I saved $20k to put down on a $35k car that they immediately thought it was my parents lol>> <<@Kinesiology411 says : Oh ffs, get a roommate or two, take a starter job and work your way up. This is not different from what Gen X did, at all. We also couldn't afford our own apartments, had roommates into our 30s and even 40s, worked multiple jobs and couldn't but a house. Get over it.>> <<@j.p.5716 says : These women need entry level positions as wives. They shouldn't even be out in the work place. They don't need any college for the role of wife, just some practical training from their mothers at home and some in high school and a willingness to learn from their husbands.>> <<@TheProdigalMeowMeowMeowReturns says : You can’t live in a nice apartment on 20 hour in DC Area either, unless you live w your partner. But the solution is NOT mandatory increase in minimum wage across the board (without factoring in the company’s revenue, number of employees, and expenses) as doing so will result in TERMINATION of people who need jobs. We need lower inflation to start, among other things. Less income tax. Etc. TRUMP 2024>> <<@DrCharlesPAdams says : But you voted for democrats.>> <<@kevinanderson967 says : Should’ve been around in 79 we couldn’t get gas to get to work>> <<@TabooX1984 says : Gen X has it tougher. We ain't gonna tolerate the shizz from the soylineals and will scrape bye on the crumbs from the Bidenomic Diet Plan. XD XD XD>> <<@davidgarza8937 says : Some people can learn.>>