<<@KelticKabukiGirl says : So, Bugs Bunny, always naked, unless he is in Drag, was perfectly fine for Boomers as kids..... but........??? BTW, Bugs Bunny was my first view of a Drag/Trans Icon,>> <<@renardleblanc5556 says : All that "Freedom" branding was a typo... it was supposed to be "Free Doom." 🤪 Don't mind me, just whistling past the graveyard.>> <<@FDR_progressive_liberal says : Has someone printed the "BANNED IN FLORIDA!" stickers yet? That would be a great way to promote these books.>> <<@chriskwakernaat2328 says : they banned their handbook , the handsmaids tale? wow...>> <<@elizabethperkins5555 says : Captain underpants is literally potty humor for elementary school kids. It's kinda dumb, but I'm gonna buy them all now.>> <<@FRADAVE02 says : What's really despicable about this is that right-wingers are constantly going on about "the tyranny of the minority", while 60 percent of banned books are basically banned by 11 people!>> <<@Dancerlayla-z6g says : Husbands of moms for liberty whacking away to captain underpants.>> <<@Dancerlayla-z6g says : Here is something i agree somewhat with conservatives. Not that these books should be banned, but hardly recommended as it was for my granddaughter. Most 2nd graders dont care about girls becoming boys or vice versa. However, the adventures of Captain Underpants?>> <<@hinatasigosson8812 says : BRILLIANT, BEAUTIFUL VIEWPOINT. I never could have formulated and comprised this great Viewpoint. Thank you, Florida parents.>> <<@lyrapsi says : We need to elect a best friend for the Supreme Pastors to represent our needs on the court and pay our Best Friend to be charitable to the Supreme Pastors on our behest when we need laws like protection to contraception. Lets find the Supreme Court a new best friend.>> <<@lyrapsi says : They have a case that could be taken to a real supreme court, but we don't have one we have a board of Mega Church Pastors instead. It is only through donations to the Pastors of the highest court of the land that you can free books, or anything else. In this new land, you have to buy your rights from the government. You have to pay millions to politicians to get the laws you write in front of congress (they don't do that writing shit themselves), and you have to donate to the Supreme Pastors to get them to rule the law on your side. If you don't pay justices for those books, well they can just stay illegal until you are willing to pay the tithes of Justice. They want expensive cruses and vacations, cars, diamonds, and other stuff as the price to keep those books free. Freedom isn't free in this country, you have to pay a hell of a lot of money for it.>> <<@tarajoyce3598 says : Captain Underpants is designed to encourage boys to feel reading is cool. Can't have that, can we?>> <<@abigailbp9294 says : Sad that 6 days later this episode has less than 7k views. Lack of quality education is part of the downfall of the American Dream.>> <<@sirloin869 says : florida-ian cant reed,evry1has alwyz known that...>> <<@Barbaste says : They want to hide black history and their kids are not going to look for it, that's how you pass on your white trash supremacy.>> <<@Sunny-tc3ul says : To Kill a Mockingbird was a great book and movie.>> <<@danielcarter6944 says : Jerry been naked for years.>> <<@AD-id9cp says : We gotta do something. This small minority of ppl r trying to control the rest of us. They won't be happy until they have crushed creativity, hope, and real love under their boot. It sounds extreme, but look around. It's happening bc we r letting it happen.>> <<@JayliFlynn says : Freedom of information has been destroyed in fl>> <<@meebzilla says : Winnie the Pooh doesn’t wear pants…should we ban him?>> <<@joannbates6189 says : Keep them away from any books about Donald Duck. He never wears pants!>> <<@joelbeaver1093 says : Don’t worry about Florida, we are just fine. California is a dumb.>> <<@glenjohnson5323 says : Funny how fond the 'constitution loving' conservatives are of attacking the 1st amendment>> <<@LazyStory says : Ban Donald Duck ! Not wearing pants>> <<@itsmelorims says : Very much limiting freedom of speech.>> <<@sandralester9706 says : Good, somebody needs to check Florida! I've never seen anything like this in 54 years! They think it will stop history. No, it won't stop history because the internet is gonna show all the children what was done in the past by racist white ppl! They will know that their ancestors were pure evil!>> <<@Og-Smoove says : These people have problems with sex and race. If you get offended cause a mouse has no clothes on then they have a perverted mind no children would've ever gone that far. America is the youngest country and it's the most snobbish and prudent of all the countries>> <<@janicefarmer2387 says : It's alway the load mouths that think they have the right to select what everyone elses children read. As a parent, I'd be angry that someone tell me what to read. Sickening. My children had the opportunity to read and they are educated and both are successful professionals.. they are productive members of society. If you look>> <<@missleo2003 says : what's next banned the internet??>> <<@christopherjones9780 says : It's not book bans if adults can get them: nice try non-warriors with preferred pronouns 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@riverjoy5658 says : No one who is on the side of book banning is a good person.>> <<@davidshareefChTPhD says : Captain underpants😮😮😮😮😮😮😢😢😢😢😢😢>> <<@MayDa-ll7oe says : Book bans should not exist stall but the only people who should be allowed to make a complaint should have a child in that school. Only 1 book per person per year and it needs to voted on people with kids in that school.>> <<@MayDa-ll7oe says : There is nothing in To Kill a Mockingbird except an white attorney defended a black man. Unfortunately, even if it went to the SC they would support the ban. There should be a limit to how many books a person can get banned. Thousands of books banned by approximately 100 people.>> <<@madjackpatciderhouserules8436 says : No book should be banned, that is quite a fascist and or Communist thing to do.>> <<@chrisminshall938 says : Ann Frank why would that be banned ? I can think of only one christian nationalist reason. These ppl cannot even live up to the lousy 10 rules at the begining of their Bible THOU SHALL LOVE THY NEIGHBOR.>> <<@maryadams-vs1zk says : Lets ban the republican politicians that are making our kids stupid and racist>> <<@allanwilliams6163 says : Why are these people so busy trying to hurt our children by destroying our schools?and why are we letting it happen?😡😡😡>> <<@BobbyMoore2-mp8wb says : Not captain 👩‍✈️ Underpants 😅>> <<@richard6502 says : These people weren't gonna stop with public schools. Next it was gonna be colleges and universities, public libraries, book stores such as Borders and Barnes and Nobles. Before we know it, Amazon and Ebay as well.>> <<@LRCW1 says : I don't know why To Kill A Mocking Bird was banned. What I do remember is that it was required reading when I was in high school for an English literature class. I went to a Catholic high school so if there was something bad in it I'm sure the nuns wouldn't have allowed it.>> <<@iand654456 says : The hill we climb "Scripture tells us to envision that everyone shall sit under their own vine" separation of church and state. Beloved "The book depicts topics such as racism, bestiality, sex, pedophilia, incest, and rape" not hard to see why. The Hate U Give has been widely banned in schools in the United States due to its depictions of racism and anti-police views The handmaid's tale profane language,” anti-Christian overtones, “violence” and “sexual degradation. I can keep going but you get the point. I really don't see the objections to this. It's not like the book isn't available at the public library or bookstore. If they as parents want their kids to read them,... Go purchase or check them out what's the problem?>> <<@anthonyclark7912 says : You guys are laughing but those books are pornographic and sexually explicit!!! The lgbtq has an agenda and it's disgusting. Learning about slavery has nothing to do with explicit sexuality !!!!>> <<@Jose-Gonzalez-cfl says : Maybe I should move to Holland. I don't get this hysteria. When you think about it, it's so stupid, roughly half of the population has the same thing you do, plus that's our natural state. Taboos make things morbid. Go Holland!>> <<@peggyjackson993 says : My bi racial kids went to a mostly white school in South Dakota. My daughter said when they were learning about slavery all the kids would look at her and laugh. Them white kids aren't feeling lesser then or bad give me a break. As bad as it us the truth on history needs to be told.>> <<@robertlouisburns says : I’m mad I didn’t have Playboy i my school and public library…….>> <<@williamholder2020 says : If it sexual explicit then it is already illegal. To kill a mockingbird was removed because of democrats. Next, it is not a book ban, it is a remove of books from a school library. You can still check them out in a public library, a school library isn't a public library.>> <<@JamesBach-hz1pc says : Of course they Are! Florida is courting the kind of brain drain That will leave them as a useless backwater In the coming world>> <<@conniemcmillian7010 says : Censorship: All African-American Books.>> <<@DominickDrayke says : Projection is why they protest too much.>>