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Here's an idea....why don't men leave this horrible nation? America treats it's men like sh*t, while they do way to much to protect and uplift women. I'm taking my NUTS and leaving this cesspool eventually.
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So explain to me the reasoning exactly why that this is not applied to all rape?
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Thank you Roman
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Castration only stops them from ejaculating, it doesn't change the thought process in the brain. Only labotomy can stop that urge. Fact!! Same for women, cutting out clitoris doesn't stop urge, only lobotomy...
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Lead injection
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Hmmm, isn't there something in the law about equal punishment? So how does this punishment apply to women who sexually assault children?
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Good for the State of Louisiana adhering to the traditional methods and ways of physical castration. In places like California, the offender would likey sue the taxpayers for undesired chemical side effects of the administered drug over time.
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So, how is this more effective than capital punishment?
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Roman, that's called an orchiectomy, removal of the testes.
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“The state is only forcing terrible things on bad people. They would never do terrible things to the innocent. There’s no such thing as a slippery slope “
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Unconstitutional. Louisiana is spending all its time on right wing virtue signaling.
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YouTube is censoring this thread heavily. The censors don't seem to want to support a discussion about how this would pretty much guarantee no recidivism.
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It's understandable that in bigot states... why California's such a rule
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Perhaps it is in the mind...
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Does it work???
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Full Transition Surgery 🤠
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✂️ ✂️ ✂️ ✂️
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Question: How will that work if they pass laws that say children have the right to have sexual encounters with adults? And now that they are castrating children choosing to change their sex???
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Is 😮bama a candidate?
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If it’s an mis-wiring of the brain, can stem cell research solve this and other disorders?
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I don't think it's having gonads that cause one to do these crimes... it's a moral problem... the person first thinks, then acts on these thoughts (just, deviance). They need Jesus.
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Huh, too late...🙄 lots of people already had 😷 chemical destruction ....
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Like the perpetrator is going to opt FOR surgical castration? Please, tell me a funny joke next time.
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This bill is unconstitutional! Where's the proof it actually is effective permanently, without continued treatments? Howis this going to prevent future assults? We know there are horrible side effects with the current fad of gender changing in young people. Thus, it is unconstional as cruel and unusual punishment. I personally think as a victim, that sexual assult on a child is a crime that should be a death penalty crime.
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That said, is there any evidence that it keeps the child predator from commission of further crimes?
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Diaper donnie, should get the non chem chop.
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Imagine being wrongly accused and convicted and having this happen to u as a punishment only to be found later that I were falsely accused and convicted with irreversible consequences
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How about that a judge mandated Darwin award.🤔😁
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Death penalty is better, but I’ll take the next best option
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They Will Still A Mouth !!! 🤮
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What do you call coercion into the altering of a child's physical make up without parental consent? Wouldn't this apply?
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There are big consequences to this I agree with both being done but as far as a surgical one what is to keep the person being surgically castrated coming back and Sueing.the state. Will they have to sign a waiver
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I have no idea if this is good or bad? Does it work? Should other states follow?
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How does chemical castration work? Your 🍆 falls off? 😅
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Love your explanations.
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they can still diddle kids
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And what about the thousands of doctors chemically castrating children?…
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Bahahha he said cali. Yea ok. Bet that’s never been used.
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Castration generally does not work, as their appetites against children are predatory and not based on sex.
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Does that mean just the franks, or beans? Or both?
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Cool ..
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we circulated that petition way back in the 1960s
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You know sometimes the person ends up being innocent just saying