<<@BenjaminPMorrill says : The dragonathon… they gifted like Israel responded. Goal was 500, end gifting was 3500 practically. So much giving of oneself compared to that other thing was amazingly to be part of John. So many folks giving just cause. Trust me your “insensitive “ had nothing to do with it… just gave us an excuse. Much love brother John.>> <<@jeffreysmith2069 says : 7 reign.>> <<@jeffreysmith2069 says : Nasty? But, dRumpf , if this is our-' only such-case, ¿what- ugly are we drawing up- our-' comparison; obvi- not- your-' face.>> <<@BenjaminPMorrill says : Mondale. May I ask that you keep on bringing what you do?? My brother. Tyt always needs the voice of those who remember what America really is. Much love brother, mayor.>> <<@heathbradshaw284 says : Absolute love this power (power,power) panel😊>> << says : Claiming a lifetime criminal is worse than allowing a person that is not a natural citizen here is absurd. We need to get the criminal trump out, but that doesn't mean we have to open the floodgates and end up ahving another 100 Cenks faking like they are presidential material again next election. You don't dilute the laws when there is a large enough problem with trump already. And Cenk, honestly, you are just completely off-the-wall and would be as much of an embarrassment to America as trump is now. We hear your infantile fake voices, temper tantrums, yelling, spitting, etc. on a daily basis. You are barely recognizeable as the person you were when I was on here regularly 4-5 years ago. Now it's just like listening to trump exaggerate, lie and whine all day long. One trump is enough. Please retire.>> << says : To Cenk the Red: Kindly leave a list of your sources where you found that Democrats are acting like the election is over. I hang out all over Dem sites, and that is a total 100% lie. So it must only be coming from your own comment section. My main place is now the Meidas Network, and believe me, there is not a word spoken about the election being over. It would be absurd to believe that let alone to brag about it. Honestly, I think you manufactured your fake Dems, and what they are supposedly "saying". Or they are the ones here that you are slowly brainwashing to the right. So sad and desperate you are, Cenk. You threw away your business and now want to blame it on Biden and the left. Just go all out red, why don't ya? Then we don't have to put up with your bald, two-faced obvious lies day after day. Truthful and Honest, Right? You must have stole that from trump, because you sound exactly like him. So do you have a shutdown date here yet? Or is it still tentative? There you go again, We are honest commercial! No, you are dishonest and your imitations of a slain dog, and trump, and a baby are sickening. Grow up.>> <<@thecomet6276 says : “This is why cnn ratings are so low “ 😂 That’s so funny- all tv stations rating are down thanks to Netflix and Crunchyroll and prime 😅>> <<@dollypuertorico says : Because you can't keep your big mouth long enough. It's his own doing. Cheap bastard should have paid what he owed instead of grifting! 🔥🔥>> <<@dollypuertorico says : AH🕳️ backwards...if they do it to everybody they can do it to you! 💥>> <<@enlightenme4875 says : Remember when your mom said “you better STOP or your face will get stuck like that”?….are Tim Scott’s lips stuck in a permanent pucker?…or is it me?🤔>> <<@JP-vb4ky says : ok good, they got Trump. Now please get Clinton, Bush, Obama, Biden...>> <<@jjnelson3232 says : Dump can give everything to billionaires in the oil companIES because he knows the working and middle class RepubliKKKans only require HATE AND PROPAGANDA and they GOOD!!!!>> <<@jjnelson3232 says : Mr. Garcia is speaking the truth. You don't want to hear it because all the evil benefit hateful idiots like you!!!!>> <<@jjnelson3232 says : Democrats do not think the election is over Cenk, Dems are not stupid or Delusional. We know the CULT we are dealing with!!!!!>> <<@여우비김민 says : Donald Trump is a criminal>> <<@SheRozieDragon says : I don't want to hear one trump supporter complaining about the economy or inflation. If they can send money to support him then I don't think they can complain about that anymore.>> <<@pedrouzquiano2548 says : IF THEY CAN DO THIS TO ME...THEY CAN DO IT TO ANYONE... THAT'S THE POINT OF THE JUSTICE SYSTEM ⚖️ 👏 TRUMP>> <<@erickline8786 says : Spawn of Satan complaining about a Saint! He got caught and found guilty?>> <<@pedrouzquiano2548 says : The Trump nightmare is among all of us. VOTE IN NOVEMBER TO HOPEFULLY END THIS NIGHTMARE>> <<@paulnagle4275 says : we live in a Banana Republic,this is no longer America the country i fought for,this is a dem shit hole.>> <<@alexnharry says : Before simply claiming the 12 jurors are wrong, ask yourself? R u a judge? Go to school and become a qualified judge first... #### Why choosing a convicted and corrupted criminal and sex maniac clown for US President candidate? Is there majority of US people can't see anything shameful and disgrace in what the US sex maniac and clown criminal President candidate had done? @$"# Has the past records of the US clown criminal President candidate brought any glory, great, honour, etc to US? Can this choice bring glory, great, honour, etc to US again? @!@€)(#$@#$@>> <<@justaguy-69 says : so biden and putin are the same now, they both try to use the power of the govt to stop political rivals the voters and people want in office, we knew that already so nothing has changed really, the people still will vote for who they want. even if biden kills his opponent the people will vote for who they love.>> <<@justaguy-69 says : so biden and putin are the same now, they both try to use the power of the govt to stop political rivals the voters and people want in office, we knew that already so nothing has changed really, the people still will vote for who they want. even if biden kills his opponent the people will vote for who they love.>> <<@joeblogs3950 says : Every body is wrong except the crim on trial, that's always a criminals defence.>>