<<@Katsnacks says : I don’t flying FUCK ABOUT ANY FLAG>> <<@shadow83blk says : Flying the flag upside down is NOT in itself an indication of support for the Jan 6 insurrection, or anything else for that matter. As the US flag code states, "The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.". I am in no way defending the Alitos (I in fact do believe that they flew the flag upside down as a sign of their support for tRUMP and his minions) or anyone else, I am trying to clarify the false narrative.>> <<@allisoncastle says : Jesus christt. You are sooo obsessed with being “fair and reasonable”, aka being a centrist no matter what, that you forgot one of the most basic rules of the supreme court. Like, are you okay???>> <<@dbob3405 says : My biggest problem with the Alito situation is that lawyers or Judges cannot engage in conduct that even presents “an appearance of impropriety”. If you are going to display public messaging that supports the “Big Lie” and that the election was stolen, then it creates an obvious appearance of impropriety for the same justice to be involved as a judge or justice in cases flowing from the Big Lie”. Unfortunately, the only way to get a Supreme Court Justice off a case is self-recusal. Self monitoring and self-policing is definitely not working at the Supreme Court level or Thomas and Alito would not be allowed within 100 miles of any cases involving Trump or the election. Given the goodies Thomas has collected as a Justice and the absence of any transparency in that regard, potential litigates don’t even know if their adversary has been given luxury vacations or homes for the benefit of the one or more of the Justices that will decide their case. It is the reason the Supreme Court has lost most of its credibility; it is the way the right is breaking one more of the pillars of our democracy.>> <<@dalebolen6803 says : Dried up old hag. If you hate america so much why dont you leave? But no other country would want you because you have no value. You have nothing to offer humanity. You are pathetic>> <<@butthurtz5025 says : You have got to be jerking my chain. This supreme court justice wants to do this? What happened to the intelligence of the supreme court. I have to rely on a judge who gets into petty arguments with his neighbor? We have fallen after reality tv. Americans are on education retardation. We are our own embarrassment to the world. Education isn't a bad thing.>> <<@nativeamer2236 says : I disagree, A US SUPREME COURT SHOULD NOT BE FLYING A FLAG IN HIS YARD UPSIDE DOWN MA’AM, so no Don’t do you BOO>> <<@profoundclarity8497 says : Ana giving sinema vibes....I think where she lives and more success is pushing her a little centrist like success does for most people...>> <<@profoundclarity8497 says : Is ana losing it...her biggest pull away was they were acting like children...stop being petty...grow up...John comes in and says yes they are but that's not the biggest issue and Anna is surprised? She doesn't see the bigger problem of a supreme court judge claiming america is basically failing and expect him to do his job correctly....i think Anna should just join the view or fox and friends....what happened to her...>> <<@janicefarmer2387 says : It's always ok that they fly flags and post signs with profanity and vulgarity but the second anyone says a word about trumpty, the Republicans lose the minds.>> <<@secondone6833 says : Karen.>> <<@stephenb.3661 says : Hey Alito...freedom of speech!!!>> <<@stephenb.3661 says : Alito is a pathetic communist loving anti democracy woman who has great anger and disdain for anyone who doesn't agree with her right wing facist view points!!! She is a nasty evil and bitter woman who hated diversity. Her and her husband love Trump because Trump quotes Hitler, has white supremist tendencies!!! And this clown sits on the highest court in the nation!! Alito, if given the chance, will rewrite the constitution to eliminate our freedoms entirely!!!>> <<@jerryclasby9628 says : I'm hearing that he spit on his neighbor in this situation. Spitting on someone, especially a Supreme Court judge spitting on anyone is sufficient reason for impeachment because of such unethical conduct>> <<@tearuruoterangi7861 says : Shes not a neighbour,her house is 5 house's down the street..>> <<@paulruine says : Impeach the creep>> <<@mamatrain100 says : Lose our crap on you Anna? I've questioned your opinion, but rarely see the audience lose their crap.>> <<@barbaranewman1182 says : The flying of flag upside down should be illegal.>> <<@organizstylist7732 says : Just because a person is a Supreme Court Judge, it doesn’t mean his wife isn’t white trash. Not all white trash are poor people. Trump has proven that time and time again. Some of the best white trash are married to these crazy GOP people.>> <<@Grigsy says : This is why people need HOAs to regulate what you can do on your own property.>> <<@catherinekoch3735 says : The real wife's of the Supreme Court justices, what a great idea!!!>> <<@kevinbultitude6472 says : Troublemaker Traitor Corrupt!>> <<@kevinjohn-peters7002 says : So we’re to believe that as the wife of a supreme court judge that’s the best she could come up with???? Yeah right>> <<@victorm7274 says : We all know the right wingers have extraordinary thin skin. They’re nothing but soft snowflakes.>> <<@teriteaser8279 says : Martha-Ann and Sam have an emotional intelligence IQ of -5.>> <<@frankedwardmattis346 says : How do you get the poop into the balloon I could definitely use a couple of those.>> <<@yawnsoften says : It's like watching Kristin Sinema host a show.>> <<@Seawitch907 says : So they are above the law 🤬>> <<@jonellis6235 says : Their behavior is kind of white- trashy, especially for a Supreme Court justice. Blaming the wife is childish as is flying American flag upside down.>> <<@52ace1 says : It has nothing to with yard signs. It about their political stands. Obviously Mrs Alito couldn't stand that Trump lost>> <<@josephfnieto8481 says : Wow first off , why am I not surprised a hard core right winger who like being tough and believe in family values ; Alito's first reaction to this is to blame his wife instead of taking the heat . And I don't say "cant control your wife dude" , like Anna joked lol , but me and my wife communicate , we talk , we convey our feelings as a husband and wife should about subjects and we collude that something should or shouldn't be done obviously Sam Alito can't convince his wife to quit auditioning for the Jerry Springer show its not on anymore anyways .>> <<@paulmurray8731 says : Alitos are traitors.>> <<@NA_49erFan says : #scotusiscorrupt>> <<@winsomecousins8938 says : Alito.and his spouse are classless and graceless.>> <<@GaryTollett says : Suck it up u can fly whatever flag u want>> <<@Mikejamiew says : The Alito's are despicable human beings.>> <<@heningster says : Has anyone found photos of them in their robes yet?>> <<@jameswatson9338 says : Ana, can we please not equate the extremes of the American right-wing, who are very much approaching real Nazism at this point, with the far-left that wants to...what? Provide healthcare for all? Come on. Those groups are not the same.>> <<@PamelaTitterington says : 👍🏻🌹>> <<@dianesleeman5940 says : Sorry Ana (sp?) First Amendment rights to sully one's neighbourhood and personal space with obscenity is not OK,. You may or may not have children so perhaps neighbourhood political graffiti does not offend you. At very least it is not aesthetic and lowers property values... maybe not too high on your agenda. But there are other ways to resolve issues, Spray paint out the four letter words 😋. Don't Councils take a dim view in America of this sort of nonsense?>> <<@debo398 says : Sounds like Mrs. Alito needs to check herself. The woman sounds seriously disturbed.>> <<@zhang6449 says : We can’t have a political judge .>> <<@twill9278 says : The first amendmeñt notwithstanding, a supreme count justice displayed seditious symbols on his properties. That is not okay.>> <<@JanitBianic says : Sorry miss Your attempt at reporting is not "pretend-funny" too many loose cannons will believe any one.>> <<@letitiaphillips7282 says : My question is, are any of the republicans ADULTS?!!! Where are the grownups in this dumb a-- party?>> <<@Chronix- says : The same guy that said flag desecration should be illegal desecrated the flag. How ironic. Hypocrisy is a key part of being a fascist.>> <<@deanwillie7082 says : Traitors want to cry now. Nascar has been saying F Joe Biden FOR YEARS!! GTFOH>> <<@suzrau says : Alito is an Opus Dei nut and that's why we got Dobbs.>> <<@suzrau says : Mrs. Alito was, "spitting" mad...lol>> <<@steveeuphrates-river7342 says : The man of the neighbor's house is master Baden?>>