<<@sarahshahin2141 says : if it was verses of the koraan,, everyone will have a problem with it.. and i'd love to know your story of coming out of religion Ana, please.>> <<@richardbarton3591 says : 😊hypocrit sunday 😮>> <<@richardbarton3591 says : 😊man made church =$$$$$$$ control😮>> <<@richardbarton3591 says : 😢😊wat is true religion jesus of nazereth help the widows be uncorupted bye others not manipulation control yep😮>> <<@richardbarton3591 says : 😊there on there way with inki to enslave world😮>> <<@richardbarton3591 says : 😊when god leave who wllsavevyou>> <<@richardbarton3591 says : 😊without being saved the bible means nothing too them csuse they love sins>> <<@richardbarton3591 says : 😊gods showing peoples evil and what they are heathens>> <<@richardbarton3591 says : 😮sodoms and gemora>> <<@danielcota5716 says : Wants to stop indoctrination with indoctrination. Alright>> <<@360mortgage says : Hindu verses . Man in every school . Like the whole world is my family>> <<@360mortgage says : Thats why they should put Hindu Sanskrit verses on the plaque. As no verse begins with I am the lord & dont mnake my pictures. Make 10000 or my lords dont care . Tgey just give good msgs .>> <<@Idevaughan530 says : Louisiana is all about indoctrination>> <<@bananapanda9805 says : FYI: One of the founding fathers, Thomas Jefferson, one night decided to review the Bible, tearing out all the nonsense, and the day after, presented it to the Continental Congress, stating it should be the basis for the new government. This came to be known as the Jeffersonian Bible. Also, said Bible had most of the religious stuff in it was tossed out>> <<@shellylogan5594 says : They’re using religion as a means of control. This has been done throughout history, very successfully by the elites. Terrifying. Please discuss this in its historical context so citizens can understand it for what it is.>> <<@jimmywall7325 says : They keep saying "FORCED". Schools were FORCED to remove them... I see they are "allowed" to display the 10 Commandments again....>> <<@Pianopub says : Everyone knows this is a direct violation of the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution. What a gross waste of taxpayer money in Louisiana--particular for a state who's schools regularly rank in the bottom five in the US. Wouldn't paying teachers more or buying more book/computers be a batter use of taxpayer funds. But these are the idiots the Louisiana citizens voted in, so it's hard to feel sorry for them.>> <<@user-vk7ez5ow9f says : These are just Putin Republican Puppets promoting Putin’s agenda to divide and conquer. Christian jihadists who take the cross and twist it into a swastika>> <<@user-vk7ez5ow9f says : Tatatatatatata; the laws, rules, and Ten Commandments are for thee, but not for me, stop shoving religion down kids throats, instead provide free meals. The government took the model of the Iroquois model with four councils but conveniently left out the women’s council whose sons go to war>> <<@timothydavis2599 says : Read the Constitution.>> <<@HarryNicNicholas says : as long as the tenets of the satanic temple can be on display too: I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.>> <<@bradwinter25 says : The costitution does not say any thing about freedom from religion God will have his way with you>> <<@bradwinter25 says : This will be the final election if the democrats win.>> <<@bradwinter25 says : A bunch of young atheists on this station, you are dummies and why are you calling yourself young.>> <<@MoralsOfAnAlleycat24 says : Just hillbillies doing hillbilly sh*t>> <<@wjgonzalez1 says : The first 4 commandments are about appeasing an insecure narcissistic god.>> <<@elizabethangus4758 says : I think they also should hire elf on the shelf for homeroom.>> <<@je8784 says : Only if Republicans explain why they break most of them!>> <<@hansweichselbaum2534 says : The kindergarten kids will ask what adultery means. But if Donald J Trump committed adultery, why did my parents vote for him?>> <<@hansweichselbaum2534 says : Why not the Five Pillars of Islam?>> <<@leisa-millerharrison8226 says : You don’t know about religion if you think The Ten Commandments is a religion! The Ten Commandments means a lot to people from Jewish to Christian. Learn what Ten Commandments mean. Looks like you two are the idiots who have no education.>> <<@richstwart2079 says : Neither influential doctrines (trans or religious )should be forced upon children period. These are institutions of learning.>> <<@theloststoryteller9288 says : She was a perfect example of an uneducated citizen of Louisiana (42nd in reading comprehension) who should be supporting schools instead of wasting money on stupid posters of Christian commandments and the lawyers and multiple court cases this is going to create. Separation of Church and State is there for a reason!>> <<@frodotheewok says : This just furthers a brain drain from places like Louisiana and reinforces the existing beliefs, creating a vicious circle>> <<@jaredmarcelli2919 says : The US constitution specifically spells out a separation of power in the three branches of government not a separation of church and state. Reading comprehension still matters once your atheistic progressive/liberal democrat bleating subsides. Your favorite phrase was in a note written to a clergyman to let him know the government wouldn’t be telling them how to practice their religion. It’s a demonic stretch to interpret the first amendment as stating there’s a separation of church and state.>> <<@jaredmarcelli2919 says : Every state constitution mentions God, at least once, over 200 times in total and not once will you read the phrase ‘separation of church and state’ in these documents. Is every state constitution unconstitutional?>> <<@jaredmarcelli2919 says : The tragedy at Columbine HS could have been mitigated if Colorado had done this before that horrific incident.>> <<@anythingafter10 says : This bill is already doing great things by making liberals in the media read the Ten Commandments on air.>> <<@Owl-of-Minerva says : If we allow Wokeism in our schools....>> <<@ShredMentor says : I have no expectation that SCOTUS will do anything honorable here. The 1st amendment specifically says "CONGRESS shall make no law...", and technically does not apply to the Supreme Court or to states. The current corrupt SCOTUS full of theocrats will almost certainly seize upon this loophole in typical Christo-fascist fashion.>> <<@Strongs_G3528 says : Are not God’s 10 Commandments greater than the US Constitution?>> <<@RobertBee-fs8hv says : Trump is king of the jews and the jew killed jesus . Therefore Trump kills jesus>> <<@havenbastion says : Political games at taxpayer expense.>> <<@havenbastion says : Nothing could be less of a moral foundation than the Bible. Except perhaps the Qur'an.>> <<@CrackedWheat says : Maybe put up the rules for other religions to put beside the 10 commandments and decorate the classroom with pictures of Buddha and Krishna to go with Jesus. If no go then no religion in the classroom period>> <<@dougmarkham5113 says : They are making more money for more lawyers and, worse, costing us so much in taxpayer dollars. If this stands with this stacked court, we know what we're up against. The great irony is Donald can grab a snag on Sunday while he honor his mother and father.>> <<@jeri3794 says : We need a lesson on how to say the word totalitarian.>> <<@JCchadcel says : We must force Christianity on the heretics and non believers and convert them to the light by force or willingly this is the will of god>> <<@boneknightmare says : Jindal tried some of this. ACLU is doing the birdman handrub about to sue the pants off the state. Next Muslims will want their book displayed and then the Satanists and then the Pastafarians. We have bigger fish to fry. Louisiana is dead last in everything. Better figure it out.>> <<@johnnyzeee5215 says : Louisiana is a Christian - majority state, so the legislature is doing the will.of the people. And the.left and liberal media can't stand it.>>