<<@grantbrown3647 says : Its a genocide>> <<@erudite4u says : You can't deny the truth....no matter what the media says>> <<@Stevon987 says : Now. The Hate for people on the street, that have never met or have any voice with Netanyahu. Don’t even like him and wish he never had done this. Will be attacked by Haters of a different kind. Please don’t serve Satan. Do no violence.>> <<@Grancanariasoy says : y ahora ¿EEUU le va a dar armas NUCLEARES a UCRANIA? de verdad que quiere provocar a una nacion como RUSIA con los aliados mas potentes del planeta, norteamerica debe parar la escalada violenta armando a TODOS LOS LOCOS del planeta, basta ya de agitar el avispero>> <<@Grancanariasoy says : NETANYAHU = HITLER pero con la complicidad y financiación de los EEUU y la sumisión a este último de EUROPA, todo OCCIDENTE es complice de este GENOCIDIO financiado y protegido por EEUU>> <<@1ramen761 says : The number of people killed by guns in the USA in 2022 is 48,117 (Centers for Disease Control and `Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics) The number of people killed by guns in 2022 in Japan is 4 (Japanese Government Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications) The number of homeless in the USA in 2023 is 653,104 (The Department of Housing and Urban Development) The number of homeless in Japan in 2023 is 3,065 (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare) The USA was built only 248 years ago after killing 95% of native American families by white-skinned poor Europeans using guns and stealing big land from California to Florida without payment of even one dollar. The USA is the first time country to use atomic bombs over the heads of an uncountable number of Japanese babies and children in Hiroshima city and Nagasaki city. During the Second World War, Japan experienced indiscriminate bombing from Okinawa to Hokkaido. Tokyo was attacked by a total number of B29 4,900 and 130 times dropped an uncountable number of bombs over the heads of the civilians just before the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings. Hiroshima city population was 350,000 at that time. The number of instant deaths was 140,000 and the number of injured was 79,130. Total number of instant death and injured was 219,130. The heavy bomber B29 dropped the uranium atomic bomb 10,000 meters high and the uranium exploded 600 meters above the people. Nagasaki’s population was 240,000 at that time. The number of instant deaths was 73,884 and the number of injured was 74,909. Total number of instant death and injured was 148,793. The heavy bomber B29 dropped the plutonium atomic bomb 10,000 meters high and the plutonium exploded 500 meters above the people. Most people were civilians, children, babies, and women. Please do not drop the atomic bombs over the heads of lovely Palestinian babies and children like the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings using uranium and plutonium. Historically, the USA experienced the attack once on 9/11 in 2001 in New York until today. American people talk about it exaggeratedly on television and mass media many times. The US people historically do not care to kill civilians, even babies, and children using guns because the US itself consists of a gun society. Japan was built by the first emperor Jinmu 2,684 years ago. The USA was built 247 years ago after the slaughter of native American families. Today, it is true that Russia, China, North Korea, and other countries total 9 have 12,520 nuclear warheads and range on every city in the USA including New York, Washington, etc. Only after the shooter pushes his finger on the button of a nuclear warhead, every town in the USA will disappear instantly from this world. The USA developed the country using guns, machine guns, cannons, bombardment of land by warships, aerial bombing, and atomic bombs but these cannot be used at all today. Day after day, the USA has been destroying itself at high speed because the USA cannot use its power weapons against other countries’ people like before. After seeing the uncountable number of miserable homeless and drug addicts in every big city Los Angeles, New York San Francisco, Kensington, etc. on YouTube, everyone in the world has to admit the destruction sadly. I am Japanese and cannot speak English. Sorry, I am using Japanese English in writing. 乱筆、お許しください。米国の、皆様のご健康と、ご多幸をお祈り申し上げます>> <<@khborny5623 says : Poor américains 🇺🇸 Their money is going to hitmans :) Média is assh ole>> <<@shootingsportstransparency7461 says : Brave man, sadly the genocide committed by Israel on Palestinian civilians can be called Holocaust 1948-2024>> <<@Golfer-rn7lh says : The gaslighting no-longer has any credibility, everyone knows this is genocide and multiple war crimes are committed daily by Israel but the US administration doesn't care because their security has been compromised by mossad>> <<@jamesfry2199 says : judaism>> <<@agneswilder733 says : All this is the result of decades of complete impunity and permissiveness to the US military base known as Israel.>> <<@franziskani says : And yes, not enough money for drug rehab, for affordable housing (not yet maybe Kamala Harris changes that), for low cost quality higher education or universal healthcare. - In the U.S. that is. - In Israel they have well funded schools and universal healthcare, at least for all that have citizen rights. (which is the majority of the population).>> <<@franziskani says : 20 billion USD aid that was just sent to Israel. 20 billion are 20,000 millions for let's be generous and say 10 million people *. That is 2000 USD PER PERSON. Likely it is less than 10 million people * and the amount PER person is even higher. That is significant money ! Assuming that these 10 million are granted citizens rights by the zionist goverment. Also more than 500,000 Israelis have left after the October attack. (could be 600k - in that range). A LOT of Israelis have dual citizenship ! So the population has dropped significantly for such a small country. But 10 mio is easy to calculate with.>> <<@franziskani says : Never having PEACE with the Palestinians and a very real terror threat and need for a lot of police presence and surveillance makes for a politcal climate of circling-the-waggons, and certain political players and reactionaries benefit from it. If the population always has to expect terror attacks - certain political parties will benefit from that climate. For instance even moderate voters will be O.K. with more extreme measures. land theft happens an no one stops it. The extreme politicians will get more votes than the moderate ones. Netanyahu and players like him do not want peace for a variety of reasons. One of them: they would become less relevant in peaceful times. Other, more moderate parties would get more votes. The electorate would not accept certain policies (or corruption). In a political landscape that is fractured (a lot of small parties) more extreme people CAN get into parliament. Humans can be strongly motivated by scapegoating minorities or some group of others, I think there is a human instinct of we-against-the-others that can easily unify large groups of people. There are more positive and more constructive motivators / unifiers. BUT if you do not have good policies, no special charisma, and do not want to put in the work to convince voters - fostering resentment and scapegoating, or reminding the electorate of the enemies (Palestinians, in Israel they always refer to them as "Arabs") is the easiest and most reliable way to get elected. The Israeli government supported Hamas in the beginning (secretly - funding). WHY ? Because they did not want to have to deal with PLO. There is also the suspicion that Mossad poisoned PLO leader Arafat with plutonium. Arafat was politically savvy, and had become more moderate, more willing to look for a political solution. He was also SECULAR (if you want a partner for fake negotiations in bad that it is good if they are religious fundamentalists, they will be extreme. As opposed to a savvy secular partner that WANTS things to be settled.). The Israeli governmnt did not want to have Arafat (or people he would build up as his successors) as negotiation partners. It would have become too obvious even for their apologists that they did not want to have peace. Well that was very obvious for anyone willing to see after they sabotaged the treaty signed with help of Jimmy Carter. (or later the initiative by Bill Clinton). If Carter had had a second term a lot of bad things could have been prevented. But then (and till now) big media in the U.S. and in Europe still covered for them. The victim posturing based on the Nazi genocide still worked. People of Jewish descent were (and are) more educated than the average of the population. There are several historic reasons why a lot of them ended up in journalism (appreciation among Jews for education. Or because a lot of well paying prestigious white collar jobs were not available for them even in the 1950s. Noam Chomsky also said that the Ivy League universities rejected Jewish students. So many of them came to M.I.T.). There was some positive Jewish bias in mainstream media (sympathies because of the Nazi prosecution, or staff or the owners were of Jewish descent) and it also meant that they often had a blind spot when it came to Zionism and the crimes of the state of Israel. In Europe it was more the memory of the genocide (Jews were also prosectued in the countries that the Germans had occupied, so a lot of countries). Having sympathies for the not so distant suffering of people of Jewish descent translated into an uncritical view on the politics of Israel and on Zionism. In Israel the police, the spy agencies, the military can get away with a lot more - even if it is against Israeli law. The voters will reelect corrupt people (at least he keeps us safe). One reason why the U.S. likes to work with Mossad. Their agents can do things that CIA agents might not be willing to do, if only because there is a slight chance they could be prosecuted). In a country where the voters feel constantly under attack there will be a lot of military spending - which is especially rife with corruption. Because there are very few suppliers, costly projects, there is no competion. If a country builds streets, dams, they can get a lot of offers from all over the world. Not happeing for military equipment. Voters will accept a lot of surveillance (and far right politicians like to have those technologies, also to spy on political competitors, or to keep the population in check.).>> <<@franziskani says : Israel has a political system that allows for a LOT of small parties. As we know from other nations that is NOT good for moderation, it encourages aspiring politicians to have extreme positions (that is rewarded, being extreme and scapegoating helps them to get elected by pandering to the lowest instincts of the electorate). Many democracies have a 4 - 5 % hurdle so many actors that are extreme or that cynically will do anything to get elected just do not make it, they never get political power, or a platform to poison public discourse. In countries like Israel or Brazil even an extrme party that has only 1 % of the vote can be the junior coalition partner that determines which larger party or parties will form the government. They can get disproportionate influence. Having 7 - max 9 different parties (even though nowadays there is at least one far right wing / reactionary party in many developed nations) seems to be the most successful model for moderate democracies. It offers the best chances that political parties will moderate themselves, that presenting policies instead of scapegoating and stirring up resentment is a successful political strategy. In these nations all the parties know that they might need one or two of the other parties as coalition partners at some point. In the Netherlands they have many parties and often have coalition governments with more than 2 parties. That is hard to pull off, usually if there are more than 2 parties that form the government it is hard to find agreement and to get anything substantial done. Maybe the Dutch have a special political tradition that allows that to work (even though the far right is also very successful in NL). But overall having a lot of tiny parties is not very successful. A setting with max 7 - 9 parties (because of the 5 % hurdle) offers enough different positions for voters, there are many options for coalition governments. There is an incentive to get work done, instead of grandstanding. And if the large parties get complacent it IS possible for new parties to emerge, but it needs some resoncance with the electorate since they have to clear the 5 % hurdle. This is how the Greens, or Left parties became political players. And it also allowed the formation of far right parties or libertarian parties. (If they clear the hurdle and get into parliament, they also get state funding. And of course their representatives have an income and budgets for their offices). Until the 1980s in most democratic European nations there were 2 mainstream parties (center right and center left). But always with the chance that smaller parties could emerge and become relevant if they became complacent. So unlike the 2 party systems in the U.K. and the U.S. - if the voters are pissed off by all mainstream parties they CAN do something about it. Third party is a real option - and that keeps the established parties on their toes.>> <<@franziskani says : Ah, the "only democracy in the Middle East" is at it again .... Now they see their chance to complete the crushing of the Palestinian people. They could not be as obvious as the war lords in Sudan. After all they wanted the sympathies (and the financial aid) for their victim status (from their prosecution by the Nazis). The only thing that works against them: The pro Israel pro Zionism people cannot control U.S. media like they used to. There were diversity hirings even in big media - and those anchors are more sensitive to the issue (because they are minorities, or because they families immigrated from the Middle East, and Israel was critized in these communities). And the young generation get's their news from the internet (that flow of information cannot be controlled by the Israeli lobby). The young generation also does not cower from the threat of being called anti semitic. They cannot be guilt tripped or shamed into supporting the Zionists because the Jewish people were prosecuted by the Germans 80 years ago. As bad as it was, this is the past. That kind of emotional manipulation worked well for the Zionists post WW2, so they could slowly crush the Palestians and take more and more land and rights away from them. Well it does not work on the middle aged to young voters in the developed nations. Which Israel NEEDS - if only to do trade with them.>> <<@rujackswing618 says : Who Knows What Scurvy is...??? The Lack of Fruits & Vegetables can cause you to die... But Scurvy comes even when you have food... The damage to a Child's Mind can be permanent... Yes.. They May Prevent Polio. Right Now in Pal.. But what about Cholera & Malnutrition...??? You Can't put a band aid on it... Narcissistic Totalitarians Vicious Peace...>> <<@Siddartha-nw7pm says : and Ukraine War against Russia is just a Proxy War of Israel's Imperialism. Selensky is not loyal to Ukraine People. He is ONLY LOYAL to Israel, because he is Israel.>> <<@Siddartha-nw7pm says : Worse than War by Daniel Goldhagen. Yes, Israel is the new Hitler.>> <<@macfrernan5093 says : Thanks!>> <<@jenniejones9714 says : It was never about Hamas. It was never about October 7th. It was and still very much about genocide and occupation. Without dirty money, Israel is nothing more than rapist murderous thieves>> <<@FrancisBader-pe4vs says : There is definitely something wrong with our country when an international war criminal is welcomed and celebrated in our congress as a savior of mankind and a fighter for our freedom against barbarism, terrorism and evils. Karma shall remember this.>> <<@sagiteitana9747 says : Israel is doing a genocide??? So how come thousands of Israelis trucks loaded with food are coming to Gaza? When did the Arabs in Gaza did something useful to the Jewish people? Or to other people?>> <<@authenticLife228 says : Btw, Bashar Assad was fighting against israel and usa! He is jot a butcher, the terrorists that israel and US sent were committing war crimes! Even US troops still occupying east of Syria, sucking their Oil!!>> <<@Artofeightlimbs says : United States has as much to blame for this as 🇮🇱 . Good job United States has an American, It breaks my heart to say this, but this is absolutely disgusting. 🤮>> <<@ayeshaali864 says : CNN mainstream media lowest form of news journalist. Morally bankrupt Aipac edited news. sadly>> <<@Daniel-db3pp says : These evacuation notices are intended to make the miserable Palestinians' life hell. There is no military value in these notices. If the evacuation of millions of people was that easy why does Israel say there is no way that they can relocate half a million settlers from West Bank. And they don't have to be worried about being bombed, going hungry, or suffering from thirst. The world will hold the Israeli government and those who support Israel, whether externally or internally, responsible for this murderous campaign in Gaza. Netanyahu is not alone in this genocide.>> <<@johnmongani5223 says : Only The Young Jerks (TYJ) would think Israel is the only one doing a genocide. If they are doing a genocide its in response to the genocide Hamas started on October 7th. An eye for an eye.>> <<@stephenhosmer9444 says : The starving babies pictured herein remind us all of the death camps that were finally liberated by Russian and Allied troops near the end of WWII. Sadly, history repeats itself; Neo-Nazis in Israel replace Paleo Nazis in Berlin.>> <<@ahmedhussein8962 says : COLONELS CAN'T RIGHTS SELF DEFENCES!?...ITS SHAMEFULLY WORSES COLONELS ++++GENOCIDES +++MOVING LANDS!!!???..THATS WHATS USA STANDS SHAMELESS!!???...>> <<@ahmedhussein8962 says : USA WORSES THEN ISREALS GENOCIDES GAZA ITS WEAPONS USA 100000TONS WEAPONS SHIPMENTS!?...>> <<@sharonshaver8310 says : Your wrong. Turn your backs on Israel your turning on GODs chosen people.Israel is a small country surrounded by meny. Would you sit there and let them come and kill you?. My son was over there twice with army. He says ruthless hateful people. Those people care for no one. Using their own family to blow up. I help Israel when I can. GOD bless Israel.>> <<@jamesmartello2218 says : Young Turks keep begging for cash. They might be neutral but are beggars.>> <<@esgardohernandez5841 says : Israel is scum.>> <<@moonlily1 says : Nothing is good about Israel. Israel offers nothing to the world.>> <<@pedropinheiroaugusto3220 says : Israel is damned>> <<@but-germany1181 says : US politicians Senators etc. All are AIPAC's babysitters even the whole west.>> <<@waltmccarthy9837 says : An anti-Semite is someone Jews don’t like.>> <<@alfredmarton4136 says : Enjalin Schwachlan MD attorney ai M lol Israel update law>> <<@fokerfakerfuker says : Even Kim does not starve children>> <<@EmilyB-rf9pm says : I would agree with you, but have you considered that Israel doesn’t want humanitarian aid going into Gaza because Hamas would take it for themselves?>> <<@sueali4834 says : American politicians always have double standards>> <<@user-qq6rr2je4q says : Look at all the ZioNazis and their sycophant jackbootlickers in the comments>> <<@mustafasoylemem2490 says : I feel sad for palastinians.>> <<@OrlandoGarcia-q7x says : All true>> <<@amirtaymoori2087 says : Ezra is going to cause a member of Hamzeh do something unthinkable to Israel but what they’re doing to the Guzans collectively with complete impunity with the age of United States the entire thing is about nothing but land and money>> <<@amirtaymoori2087 says : Ezra is going to cause a member of Hamzeh do something unthinkable to Israel but what they’re doing to the Guzans collectively with complete impunity with the age of United States>> <<@amirtaymoori2087 says : Isreal never again is laughable when they being ones that bringing back that concept>> <<@amirtaymoori2087 says : What a gentleman>> <<@FreeSpeechThought says : And here we have another phule in denial. scumus is preventing distribution>>