<<@FRADAVE02 says : Welcome to late-stage capitalism!😬>> <<@begoode2385 says : What is success? Money, power, influence? What about being a good healthy human?>> <<@yesun3987 says : Thanks for covering this! I feel like I’ve been screaming in an empty forest about this issue. Since 2019 people over 70 went from holding 11% to 30% of all wealth in America. I wonder if that number is getting artificially pulled upward by the top .001% or is it evenly distributed? It’s a very complicated problem for sure.>> <<@foresight87 says : They sentenced me to 20 years of boredom For trying to change the system from within I'm coming now, I'm coming to reward them First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin - Leonard Cohen>> <<@MAYK1NG says : Asa GenX’er, I don’t understand the shock at leaving school to ‘work like a dog for ten to twenty years. I did it for ten years and then, if you have a child, forget it. You just cannot work (you wont want to) 24-7. I did find balance by being a contractor and leaving North America for a cheap, beach life for 3 months every year. That may sound lux but it did mean that I worked in Film where the minimum day is 12 hours (That is MINIMUM) and I maybe watched a few episodes of Law and Order in the evenings. I couldn’t see any other way.>> <<@turd-ferguson-the-third says : Is Whoopie trans?>> <<@ginkgobilobatree says : Capitalism is not the truth, period. Scott Galloway is setting us all up to remove Social Security - "We can't afford it." He is stoking the fires for generational warfare, and it will make it even WORSE for millenials and gen z. The "young" are not to blame, neither are "boomers", CORPORATIONS under late-stage capitalism are what's making it bad for everyone. No more pensions, no more SS, no more participation in profits made by wage-earners and meanwhile, corporate presidents and corporations are robbing us. They control the government, not the voters.>> <<@BB-ed4om says : 7:00 he’s absolutely wrong. Many people I know in my age group find every possible way to not go to work and beg to work from home and threaten to quit over it. It’s especially common among young women.>> <<@concernedcitizen6676 says : If you ask me, the real new American Dream is making USD anyway you can and spending it OUTSIDE of the country where there is better quality food, better social atmosphere, better WLB, socialized healthcare, better schools, and more family friendly society to raise your kids in. Being an expat is an instant life upgrade if you can keep making USD. Why stay in a country where you're instantly priced out of a middle class existence?>> <<@amythompson6431 says : Rough? Working for 20 years? Well, yeah, what else can anyone expect? How lazy are these people?>> <<@thekingsdaughter7888 says : This has been going on for generations. The difference now? Government takes more taxes, business are using inflation to gouge, and workers are accepting less in wages just to survive.>> <<@genreartwithjb5095 says : lol sounds like Galloway has never been to Europe>> <<@ThisIsGamefreak10124 says : Smug elite asshats looking down from their ivory tower.>> <<@FlaviusMaximus1967 says : 2:53 To be among the top 10 - 1% of earners does require sacrifice. To be among the top 10 to 1% of anything requires an incredible amount of work (and a little bit of luck too!)>> <<@andresarias5303 says : Everyone on this show acts like they never went throught 2008 or any of the many economic down turns>> <<@mr.o6240 says : "Have it all?" Most people just want a place to live, enough to eat, clothes and a car and a lot of people can't afford these.>> <<@ifigeniagakoudi6465 says : It's so stupid and politically dangerous to express what is happening as a generational war and not as a class war,currently contacted by the RICH against the POOR. There have always been rich and poor ppl in every generation. Not all old ppl are well off and not all young ppl are struggling. It's Capitalism is killing us, not older ppl.>> <<@1011skarn says : Work Life balance desires are WAAAAAAY before covid. Younger GenX and Millennials have had to struggle with 2 parent incomes, daycare costs, working full time, driving long hours to and from work, AND finding a way to pick up your kids. Sit the ever loving eff down with the notion that COVID somehow caused that.>> <<@utilid4lifefigureitout602 says : Dont think about balance... obsurd, especially coming from the man touring the nation claiming to be concerned about mens mental health. 99.9 % of Americans should be disgusted with what the rich are allowed to do and get away with that wasnt possible 40 years ago. The brainwashing of americans is what has succeeded. In 1980 the united states had reasonable social safety net programs(that needed much improvement but existed) which were destroyed by Reagan and Clinton. In 1980, the average CEO made 22x the typical employee, that figure is a cartoonish 350x+. In 1980 a majority of men without a college education could get a job to support his household, including a stay at home mom & 2 kids 2 reasonable vehicles and a mortgage. The financialization(another word for turning scams into "legitimate" avenues of making money) of the economy allowed big business far too much control over labor in general and pricing(eliminating or just ignoring anti-trust legislation & regulations, which were one of the reasons the United States had the largest middle class ever). Now giant corporations can create inflation whenever they want, especially when political winds shift in a direction that might have the slightest impact on their power, influence, and profits. The gifting of giant tax cuts, creating ridiculous tax loopholes & the ability to use tax havens sold the country to the rich and clawing it back, if possible, will be no small miracle. There were tax cuts created under Reagan which could be used 2 or 3 or more times for the same thing. Massive tax cuts for real estate tycoons and developers(probably, aside from fossil fuel companies, the stupidest industry to give massive tax cuts to, especially cuts with no expiration). This was all before Citizens United which, thanks to Trump appointing 3 Supreme Court Justices is going to be near impossible to get rid of for atleast 15 years, even then we'll be lucky if it happens. The culture of Americans was poisoned with information operations cooked up in massive cauldrons known as think tanks. Pre Reagan Americans near universally believed that wealth beyond a certain point was immoral, unethical, and antithetical to any serious adherence to or faith in the major religions in the United States. Much of religious America was captured by the information campaigns & the right-wing had perfect distribution mechanisms for them. They gined up fear, hatred, and ignorance and turned it on those weak enough to fall for it. They talked generations of religious people into exchanging religious principles that saw the kraven rich for what they were... for less money in their pocket, less financial & social security, and a cartoon version of what their religion was previously and is supposed to be about.>> <<@JMack42 says : Yes! It's the corporations who are so greedy and uncaring about people who work for them; and, housing? private equity people are buying them and not only not renting them but jacking up the prices so no one can buy one. wtf. that's what's happening.>> <<@cynicalmushroom says : it's not called "transferring" it's called stealing.>> <<@vampr20ranger says : Lol no you can't. Not anymore. You can work your life away and still get nowhere in America now. I looked at rn jobs . The hourly rate started at 15 to 18 like they went to school for years like.. it's better to leave I feel now>> <<@SamSung-nf6tr says : U need to watch Galloway & Pierce Morgan. Morgan represents how the decision makers of the country think.>> <<@hopefulskeptic42 says : 9:15 I believe that the answer to the question of where things are headed is...exactly where the 1% wants it to go. Neo Feudalism.>> <<@wileyhenry3990 says : You clearly don't watch the View. Your call is the opposite of what they have said. They have different points of view from each other. That's the point of the show.>> <<@laurietongish7941 says : Americans have been riding the wave that was built in the 1950's with high corporate taxes that did not stop their growth and an infrastructure Bill done by the Eisenhower administration that built this modern country and our middle class. Biden is trying to duplicate this by rebuilding our infrastructure with good paying middle class jobs. Jobs in the micro chip sector will pay well. Jobs rebuilding the railways and highways will pay well. Jobs expanding our internet needs will pay well. Building modern cranes for our ports will pay well. Infrastructure and a strong middle class has made this country what it is and Biden wants to get back to it. So lets do it.>> <<@johnbrooke6867 says : If millenials are so lazy then why is everything still running with unemployment at supposedly healthy levels? Millenials need to buck the system. I'm a GenXer who hopes that my generation will do better but i fear i will dead before i recover from the economic murder that i was born into.>> <<@gregbrubaker6970 says : Gen Xer here. Every time Galloway goes onto a mainstream network television show and talks about structural problems with economy, one host or another derails him into a conversation about the work ethic of younger Americans. Galloway always takes the bait and talks about how young people need to put their big boy pants on and grind a little harder. Has Galloway ever researched work diligence of young people vs. people born prior to 1963? The conversations always turn to conventional wisdom or anecdotes about lazy, entitled young people. There has got to be a way to measure work hours, diligence at a job etc. statistically. I wish Galloway would do this research. Finally, Galloway talks about millennials being job hoppers- isn't job hopping a plan people like Robert Reich, the Clintons, and other neo-libs talked about as being a part of the modern economy? As my personal anecdote: I worked overseas in education from the mid-aughts to the beginning of Covid. I had very few colleagues my own age- the majority of my colleagues were either ten years older or 10 years younger than I am. In other words millennials or boomers. I found boomers to be far lazier and far more easily triggered or upset about a work situation than their younger cohorts. I met at least 15 millennials who were incredibly diligent teachers who told me they were overseas ducking their student loans.>> <<@tw8464 says : He's absolutely right. This country has been deliberately screwing over the young hardworking people for decades now.>> <<@sokar813 says : The point is probably right, if you want to end up in the top 1%. It shouldn't be needed though if you just want to live a normal average life.>> <<@chrisoffersen says : Don’t wait until your fifties to figure this out… or you’ll be waiting for 70 to feel successful. Figure this out in your teens.>> <<@libertyordeath555 says : From live to work to work to live.>> <<@jkp1219 says : Gen X /Xennial.... nah... "opting out" of this shitty capitalism, not "America" in general. Not everyone WANTS to be top 1% or top 10% etc... we deserve to LIVE and not have to struggle every single dY and go insane and make ourselves sick and miserable to LIVE.>> <<@loki1913 says : I am a Millennial. It has been made perfectly clear to me that my life has no value, i am essentially toilet paper for the wealthy. I am going to work full time the rest of my life to pay off debts that will always grow faster than i am able to pay them. I will never have children because i do not want to condemn someone who did not ask to be born to a lifetime of suffering, as was done to me.>> <<@elizabethm5422 says : I agree with Scott Galloway generally. But, not rough advice to say you have to work 20 years. It’s the advice my parents gave me long ago. I started working at 15. It’s 40 years later. That will never change. What has changed is that young people are in a terrible position economically and it’s about time the rest of us acknowledge it.>> <<@aaaaaaaaaa7699 says : U can have it all if you slave triple our rate in the old days and you die younger and from weird new sudden deaths and the dollar is toilet paper and governments from the federal to the state steal literally trillions “WE CANT ACCOUNT FOR IT” “A PLANE HIT THE RECORDS ROOM” Cut regulations AI IS A FORGONE CONCLUSION Billionaires building bunkers and upsetting the balance billionaires who understand the delicate balance building bunkers>> <<@StephenGangi says : It's the super-rich that are getting it all. Regular boomers like myself did NOT do this. We get the shaft now too. It started with Reagan --- trickle down, union busting, and deregulation of everything.>> <<@spurgeonharper7231 says : The system is rigged against us because the 1% in this country control our economic policies through are representatives in government that they have purchased!😕>> <<@spurgeonharper7231 says : Damm! Finally someone giving the game away with the truth bomb!💯>> <<@donalddelabar767 says : I disagree, transferring to the rich not the elderly>> <<@pariahmouse7794 says : Yeah,don't care about being wealthy. I just don't want to be forced to trade my very existence for some basic human rights. I should be able to earn a living wage plus wiggle room for LIFE AND LIVING- if i want golden toilets and a house full of servants, then i can work more. You shouldn't have to trade your LIFE TO LIVE...>> <<@kittenbrave1003 says : Who's transferring money from young to old?... I was broke when I was young. I worked hard, went back to college while being a divorced single mom, working full time. My corporation didn't take care of me. I don't hate young people...>> <<@Lilac-lane says : OMG! The kids today want to start as . instead of working up like my age group had to! Im 67. Please give me a break! I had to struggle to pay bills when I was young too! My kids are in their early 30' and both have house's twice as big and twice as expensive!!! They work like dogs too!>> <<@aleatharhea says : I worked longer and harder and smarter than anyone around me for 40 years, foregoing having children, and was still paid less than men doing the same job. I DON’T have it all after 4 decades of dedicating all my time to making other people money. I’m struggling every day, sole caretaker of my 81 year old mother who ALSO worked harder and smarter than everyone around her (two masters of science degrees and two science careers) and ended up with so little social security income that she has to live with me and I have to support her. Nobody is "transferring" money to her. Furthermore, I'm 62 and still working and nobody is "transferring" money to me from the higher paid young men siphoning salary away from older female programmers. Sexism in the workplace is real. Ageism in the workplace is real. This insane accusation that money is being “transferred” from the young to the old is just another divide and conquer technique. It’s being transferred from the poor and middle class to the already wealthy.>> <<@kimberlyconner1439 says : Even with college degrees, employers arent paying their employees an appropriate wage. We're surviving, not thriving, like GenX & Boomers.>> <<@DantheExpat-co8hf says : Remote work was imposed on us by "the economy"? No, it was imposed by Tyrannical Government.>> <<@amanda-10 says : Who the F do you think created this current tax code...... senior citizens. Stop deflecting blame. This problem was created by the same people who tell the rest of us to shut up and quit whining about how hard it is.>> <<@Aquamary11 says : Plenty of older people live on $1500/month before healthcare and housing and have NO savings. The upper 1-5% are making off with the majority of the cash in the USA.>> <<@reelreeler8778 says : The top 1% of Americans own 26% of the wealth in America...How much did they pay you to deflect wealth disparity attention away from them and blame it on older Americans?>> <<@alexaber9786 says : The weird part to me is this is all caused by Trump and no one sees it. Trump did $6 trillion of QE in 2020 which created $12 trillion of gains in the stock market and increased the asset prices of real estate by $12 trillion while only creating $2 trillion of new wealth in the main street economy. <--- this is the "inflation" everyone hates, yet half of America is like WE WANT TRUMP TOI FU.. US AGAIN!!!!>>