<<@SargonofAkkad says : Order Islander #1 here: https://shop.lotuseaters.com/>> <<@chris_bianchi13 says : In Roman times, it was proposed that all slaves be required to wear a white band around their arm. This would easily identify them as slaves. However, a wise elder refused to allow the proposal to reach Caesar's ear. "You fools" the elder admonished "If they see how many of them there are, they'll unite and revolt!">> <<@Chorizotacosbaby says : Caesarism is degenerate. All classicists know this. You want absolutely no freedom then support the Emperor.>> <<@stvarnonevjerovatno3700 says : American Sargon - it simply sounds better.>> <<@russellthompson6204 says : * January 6th anti American, freedom hating traitors. Fixed it for you.>> <<@lisarand9701 says : No matter the political system it's always corruption in high places.>> <<@MrCobaltScar says : Trump Caesar, are you fuckin serious, you have actually gone off the deep end in the last 5 years. What a sad loss to the army of reason.>> <<@mpetersen6 says : We have multiple Little Ceasers running federal and state beuracrcacies.>> <<@Dazza_Doo says : I got my copy a month ago, Thank you from down under>> <<@amcclenny6 says : When evaluating democracy and capitalism, in America, you must first realize that neither one currently functions as it did at the outset...as they were intended to function.>> <<@thENDweDIE says : I'll say this for the young master... One of his favorite Podcasters, is Theo Von..!! Not Too Shabby..!!>> <<@The13thRonin says : Sargon: *Warning about Caesar.* Me: *Desiring a Caesar.* We are not the same.>> <<@Martial-Mat says : "Donald Trump is obviously not a ruthless, Machiavellian sociopath which is evidenced in the fact that his children obviously love him." 🤣🤣🤣 What kind of pathetic argument is that? His wife clearly detests him, he assaulted and raped his previous wife then buried her in the weed patch at his shitty golf course. Eric is clearly desperate for affection, Tiffany and Jr are social climbers with their eyes on the big prize, Ivanka is staying the hell away, Mary is actively trying to bring about his destruction, and Barron is too young and indoctrinated to know better. But even if NONE of that was true, what does their relation ship to him have to do with him being a sociopath? Most of them are sociopaths too!>> <<@brianhollenbeck8633 says : Greetings 😊👑🌏🌎🌍💚@undwallace>> <<@VisionofTomo says : Who ever this ceasar figure will turn out to be they will have to be one of the most intelligent people to have ever walked this earth with the sheer complexity of the world today>> <<@gehstur7150 says : Donald Trump is gonna bomb Iran and all the newspapers, and by extension everyone, will blame white Americans for it.>> <<@EndofanAge says : "I am the chosen one." ~DJT>> <<@69-Bot says : Too many people don’t know what democracy is.>> <<@charliedontsurf334 says : 1:11 is proof that the Left is the Borg. Resistance is futile.>> <<@shinnok5337 says : Democracies almost always leads to socialism. A constitutional republic backed by Christian morals is the only way to true freedom of the people.>> <<@Viktory57 says : Yes, Napoleon was caused by the Jacobins. I am Carl Benjamin and I like the way aristocratic boots taste.>> <<@saa82vik says : Octavian rather than Caesar but yes.>> <<@wastelanddv8062 says : You should be looking at the parallels between Julius Caesar and Octavian and Donald and Baron>> <<@centuriometello565 says : The Roman Republic was like the spoon in The Matrix, "There is no spoon" It was only a "Republic" in name. It was always an Empire in everything else.>> <<@JonathanMorgan-zs8mm says : Perhaps in a perfect version of this scenario, a “Washington” could rise, a benevolent wise man who reforms the republic, but that is a highly unlikely dream>> <<@weatherman667 says : Let's see how things go this winter, first.>> <<@WhiteIkiryo-yt2it says : I'll take a constitutional libertarian monarchy over democracy at this point.>> <<@David-ni5hj says : He looks like the American Paul Atreides, which is much worse lmao>> <<@coltonwhite2518 says : Ahhh yeeeeah Terran Federation baby LET'S FUCKIN GOOOOOOOOOOOO>> <<@nerdcorner2680 says : Intelligence agencies throw a wrench in this cycle. If this figure were to appear today, and word begins to spread in support, but suddenly many people online say they hate him/fake videos are posted of him/fake pictures/fired from work place if you support this figure/all posative comments banned then it becomes extremely difficult for one to gain enough popularity to make change. I believe we would have had one 10 times over if this weren’t the case. Also Trump is not the best example of one, he talks the talk but at the end of the day is just a classical liberal, not a revolutionary and even that the powers that be are afraid of>> <<@cezarstefanseghjucan says : People fought and died against dictatorship and more and more people want a dictatorship? This is what failed democracy looks like, people sleeping and never asking anything of their own elected and are now shocked that things aren’t the way they dreamt at night. What a bunch of idiots!>> <<@ThoomLord says : Democracy is cringe and gay, give us an American monarchy please. I've become more disenfranchised from democracy over the past few years and Hans Herman Hoppe opened my eyes as to why it sucks so bad (along with all government) and why Monarchy is the least evil. He actually advocates anarcho-capitalism, but I don't consider that possible.>> <<@hrhhrhrh says : Well, this video aged concerningly well.>> <<@PoliticalprisonUK says : The next Ceaser will be the Anti Christ.>> <<@julianstone1192 says : Democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what to eat for dinner>> <<@brycethomas8864 says : Long live President Trump!!!! May the Trump’s reign 1,000 years!!!!>> <<@thENDweDIE says : One thing I learned as a child, is that it is the dudy of a king to serve the people... Not the other way round. I learned that from Superman ffs..!!>> <<@thENDweDIE says : My gawd... Seeing this if I was him... FORGETABOUTIT..!!>> <<@dazwol9104 says : The problem is not democracy. The problem is that our systems are not keeping up with changing times..one of the things that killed Roman Republic was the empire got to big and the original system was not suited to running such a large territory. In our case our systems are struggling with technology and interconnectedness. They were built at a time when It was assumed local government would always be more important than a national one. We live in a world now where you go to the supermarket and half the food you by comes from halfway across the country.. we have to many layers and branches of government all competing with each other for resources. Unfortunately it's very hard for democratic systems to fix themselves. To many people with a vested interest in keeping the status quo>> <<@XONXRaptor says : yeah its called lobbying>> <<@scorpionjaxxer339 says : Military Dictatorship. Think about how easy it would be to coup a couple as a military… especially if the leader is a charismatic figure who captures the national identity>> <<@Thecurseofsanity says : 4:35 Lmfao do right wingers really not recognize that Trump is the most self-serving malignant narcissist obvious-villain of all time yet?>> <<@PowerofRock24 says : Radical leftists shouldn't be allowed to vote. More specifically, people must pass a competence and mental health test before voting. Why the hell should the clinically insane be allowed to vote on the future of the country? They have demonstrated they are unstable time and again. Why are crackheads allowed to vote? It doesn't make sense to me.>> <<@matthewthomson6466 says : Caesar was not born from nepotism. Those who actually expect anything of the Trumps in future are going to be maddeningly disappointed.>> <<@bcparkerjr says : America needs a Pol Pot. Just make sure if you wear eye glasses, hide them.>> <<@ElSWVisitor says : I like Barron but this just made me think of the omen 😂>> <<@SpurdoMaltese says : Holy shit, Sargon actually putting out good content again>> <<@serpentinious7745 says : *Idea for a Contributor- Based Suffrage System* (critiques welcome, but please finish reading 1st as I do acknowledge various flaws myself) Replacement for universal suffrage. Right to vote restricted to citizens with full time employment and those receiving retirement benefits. Even full time employment only counts if they are not also receiving welfare. Allowances made for partial unemployment during the year (such as due to injury) but a limit would need to be put on how long unemployment can last before voting rights are suspended. You cannot vote while you or anyone in your household is drawing from welfare, even if employed. My recommendation for this would be that the business have a valid license and the household's combined earnings for the year must exceed their welfare draw. Ex felons who have maintained full time employment for a minimum period may have voting rights reinstated. Voting rights may be extended to a single documented spouse regardless of if said spouse is employed (to avoid discouraging 2 parent single earner households, which are proven better for children). Voting eligibility to be reevaluated annually from tax filings by automation to prevent human tampering. Automation must be kept up to date and evaluated by a bipartisan 3rd party annually. It's rulings should be final and cannot be overruled on individual basis. If problems are suspected then the algorithm must be corrected and rerun for ALL citizens to prevent election tampering. ◇Objective◇ This system is intended to stop politicians taking advantage of people keeping them dependant on welfare to secure votes. They can't just pretend to help people while feeding them propaganda because no matter what they make the downtrodden believe only those that have successfully gotten on their feet get to vote. This encourages politicians to find methods that actually work in order to expand their voter base. It takes much of the power out of virtue signaling and demographic warfare by ensuring that results matter more than words. The hope for such a system is not to keep people from the polls but rather to get as many people on their feet and in the voting booths as possible by exploiting the best interests of politicians. ◇Why Not Test Voters?◇ Issue tests are subject to the biases of the test makers. It's far too easy for "doesn't agree with me" to be misconstrued as "doesn't understand the issue". Plus most people don't have the time to dive deep into every issue, which is why we have specialists represent our interests in the first place. As for IQ tests, intelligence is not an indicator of understanding or sound judgement. Experience is often far more valuable when deciding a course of action. This is why I've selected employment as the most objective & transparent measure to ensure that potential voters both have experience with how society works and a vested interest in keeping things working by having something they've invested in to lose. ◇Positives◇ ▪︎Eliminates incentives for politicians to invite hordes of unemployable migrants to their districts since the unemployed can't be used to secure votes anymore. Migrants would still be welcome, but only to the point that they don't become a burden. If politicians want to take in more people than can be employed they'll have to do it out of the goodness of their heart, not as tools to secure more power. ▪︎Forces politicians to look for solutions that work instead of just things that make them sound good. ▪︎Welfare should gradually get brought back under control since only people not receiving it have voting power. This should get around the issue predicted by Alexander Tytler that "a democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury" which we are seeing in action under the current system. Human empathy should keep benefits from decreasing too fast or too much. ▪︎Allowing ex felons a path back to suffrage encourages politicians to find rehabilitation programs that work because doing so expands their voter base. ◇Negatives◇ ▪︎Would lead to an increase in tax fraud and fake business fronts, especially by politicians. Needs a way to stop politicians from "hiring" large numbers of people for their votes. Ensuring that they can't be drawing from welfare at the same time should help a little by making it much more expensive to the politician, but more measures would still be needed. ▪︎Disincentivises startup businesses since they can take years to turn a profit and thus owners don't pay income tax until they're able to start claiming a paycheck. Disincentive could be countered by offering a temporary reprive for filing a new business license. ▪︎Will require legislation to determine when personal start up businesses count as employment. Too loose and voter fraud will run rampant, too strict and it'll discourage new businesses from opening. I recommend that any business with a valid business license be counted as legitimate. ▪︎Relies on a complex system working properly for people to renew their voting rights. ▪︎Could lead to an imbalance if the politicians in power don't try to expand their voter base and new politicians can't convince voting citizens to support policies to get others on their feet. The risk of this should be fairly low since non-voters would still draw welfare making them a drain on the working class. ▪︎Difficulty in defining households. One or more people could contribute to the house with welfare without being declared a part of the household. To limit this welfare needs to be capped so that no one person can draw more than should be necessary to support their declared household.>> <<@SSBMagy says : Missed you man>> <<@latchmere100 says : Democracy for the rich and only the rich.>>